Author Topic: Negativity needs to stop....  (Read 31887 times)

Offline Roy of the rovers

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #40 on: June 25, 2011, 07:08:27 am »
But seriously - is there really that much  negativity - just blowhards being dickheeads.

Silly season, that's all

Offline MNAA

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #41 on: June 25, 2011, 07:08:48 am »
Nice OP Terry. Spot on.

The whinging, the moaning, the bickering, etc ... they do make you realise that the world that we lived in has changed so much. People just want to have it all and want it all, now! Being grateful and being contented are lost virtues.

I loved Liverpool too much to give up on it ... Otherwise I would have gone to support Accrington Stanley
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #42 on: June 25, 2011, 07:15:14 am »
It's always nice when someone can't read and jumps on in to utterly prove our point.

Kudos to you.

I'm going having meself a giggle in the Downing thread

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #43 on: June 25, 2011, 07:22:27 am »
Well said Terry. Whether this is going to result in a road to Damascus moment in the questionable posters is another matter.

Offline Roy of the rovers

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #44 on: June 25, 2011, 07:33:03 am »
It's about facing reality.  We're out of Europe so we get second choice players and miss out on top tier ones.   We'll have to pay more as well to entice these players to come.   There's no such thing of players choosing us because we're the boyhood club.  Look at the number of boyhood clubs Robbie Keane have supported.   

Case in point is our new 20 million pound signing.  Over the top transfer fees for a player who is not established, while missing out on Phil Jones and Ashley Young.  Who's going to sign for you when they can play in the Champs League and making a load of dosh as well.  It's not the fault of the manager, Commo or the owners.  It's just the situation we are in, but to quote our previous boss, we are all in the same boat and hopefully rowing in the right direction.  Things will not change over night, after such a tumultuous time under Gillett, fat texan, Hodges and Purslow.  We have to back the players, the club and Kenny, and hopefully things will be back to "normal" i.e. winning things in a season (or two).

I'm sure is this meant to be positive, but it's repeating a load of other things that are false. Henderson wasn't £20m. Phil Jones isn't established either. Loads of quality players are going to sign with us if that's what we want.

It's all good. We won't be Real or City or Chelsea (ie. blowing huge sums on players aged 26 with no resale value), but most of us don't want to be either. We will have some of the world's top young talent, and build a side capable of winning titles.

It's all good

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #45 on: June 25, 2011, 07:40:48 am »
Totally agree. All the Championship Manager whoopers should chill out and watch Kenny build a TEAM!

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #46 on: June 25, 2011, 07:41:59 am »
Isn't it summer in England at the moment? Get out and enjoy yourselves. I'm here in Australia struck down with pneumonia

Have you seen the weather? I'd rather be in Australia with pneumonia ..

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #47 on: June 25, 2011, 07:43:53 am »
Avoid transfer threads at all costs. The amount of utter tosh written is astonishin'.

Offline john_mac

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #48 on: June 25, 2011, 07:46:02 am »
just total gobshites, bin them.

most of them think the Kemlyn's in Moscow and Haydock island is in the South pacific.

Clueless internet pricks who have about as much football sense as John McCrirrick has fashion sense, experiences of following the reds on a par with Prince Harry's experiences of signing on.Fuck them.
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #49 on: June 25, 2011, 07:50:46 am »
I find your ilk to be equally as annoying as the "WHY THE FUCK AREN'T WE SIGNING NEYMAR" lot .... possibly more so .... both sides are equally devoid of substance.

Blah, blah, blah, look at me, I'm the only free thinker on this board

Maybe you should find somewhere else to spend your oh-so-superior time

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #50 on: June 25, 2011, 08:06:10 am »
Well, I’ve never been into the transfer forum. The in-match threads were enough for me…..

What’s needed is a sense of balance. You’re right, Terry, about the sense of relief that everyone should be feeling. For the past three years it has been absolutely certain that someone would go bust – either the club or Gillett and Hicks. It lumbered larger and larger every season. We’ve just got the biggest Get Out Of Jail card since OJ Simpson and for that we should be eternally thankful.

On the other hand, at the start of every season we’d always have a bunch of wide-eyed optimists scampering around like excited puppies, yapping that this was the year of Number… (well, a number somewhere between 18 and 20…). Once we’d shown that we had a glass jaw then the mood turned to despair. Often from the same people. They became bi-polar.

So we should rejoice that we’re at least off life-support. The one thing that makes me negative is what the new game has made the club become. It is now primarily a revenue generating machine. This is excused because we have to do it to compete. To make sure we’re “on the inside, looking out”, as Xerxes puts it. The thing is that we’re competing to stuff ever greater wadges of cash into the pockets of players and agents. And if we don’t match their ambitions they’ll jump ship.

The race for money ultimately hits the average fan. Prices will rise so long as demand exceeds supply. The club will continue to tout its own tickets through travel companies and hospitality packages. The “neutral” actions, such as increasing the number of sponsors will also have an effect down the line if we ever reach a major final again. Remember the trouble Rick got into over the Athens “Numbers Game”? By the time the sponsors and other hangers-on had got their cut there were precious few tickets left. And Rick has since been pilloried for not having enough sponsors…

We’re now trying to cajole people to become our fans and make our brand their lifestyle choice. These floating voters then make a reasoned choice on who to support. We get access to their money. They get the right to be delirious when we win and vitriolic when what was inside didn’t match the packaging. That’s where a lot of the negativity comes from.

Whilst the new owners are infinitely better than the last lot we shouldn’t forget that they still think they can make a profit from a breakeven institution. Their prime motivation is money, or power, or showing they’re smarter than anyone else – but not love for the club.

Win or lose, I’m optimistic about the football. But not about the game.

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #51 on: June 25, 2011, 08:08:04 am »
I find your ilk to be equally as annoying as the "WHY THE FUCK AREN'T WE SIGNING NEYMAR" lot and the div kids on the Henderson thread (incidentally if anyone wants to know who it was who slagged Lucas off for years, now no one will admit to it, they're all on there, bookmark it for when it turns out he's actually rather good) possibly more so as you insist on pretending to be some sort of minority (when you're not, as the inevitable flood of Pavlovian "spot on's" will demonstrate) holding back the tide of stupidity and because of that your 'outspoken views' are somehow edgy. The whole thing is tiresome, akin to a chess opening devised by a pair of monkeys; "I'm not sure Downing is good enough" is followed by "if his name was Stewberto Downinga you'd want him" and "oh because he's no good on FM?" - both sides are equally devoid of substance.

The transfer forum however, is reminiscent of the end of Requiem For a Dream, you're expecting it to stop but it just keeps grinding along in all its inexplicable horror.

Was wondering if anyone was going to say it...
Some of you lot seem to get off on just slagging other members off half of the time. It's established that the transfer forum is daft in its very nature. And, at the core, your criticisms and observations are quite fair. But the level of sneering and hatred towards other members and fans is bizarre.

Maybe you should find somewhere else to spend your oh-so-superior time


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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #52 on: June 25, 2011, 08:19:42 am »
Just head over to the transfer forum Terry and look in the downing and adam threads to see exactly what is wrong with our fans these days. It's pathetic.

I totally agree with you by the way mate, i simply cannot wait for the new season and i'm really excited to see what sort of squad we've got and what we can do with it.

But this transfer window is the first to truly get me fucked off with our own supporters. Not even the Barry saga a few years ago compares to the amount of bile and shite that's been posted in there. I go in to try and see any news most days and it's basically impossible to find in amongst the literally hundreds of pages of people fucking whinging. About anything they can.

It's like people have forgotten last summer and the first half of last season, forgotten what the very real threat of administration and liquidation was like and how we coped with what was happening. We fought for this club, but by fuck we didn't fight so that everyone could just settle back into their trenches and just call each other know nothing c*nts and slag all of our potential transfers to the ground for literally anything the can. Fee, wages, height, age, weight, shoe size, haircut. Anything means that such and such a player is shite and not worth 3p let alone what the rags say.

Some people just can't cope with the idea of trying to compete at the top again. Getting a good quality squad takes money, and to get the managers top targets takes a shite load of cash, especially with no europe this year to temp the overseas boys. But apparantly if we spend over 5 quid and a couple of curly wurly's we're "The laughing stock again" and "utter fucking mugs" etc, etc.

Second half to last season people started saying they'd trust in Kenny and the new owners and judge after a period of time. Seems that's been thrown out of the pram because we haven't signed the people that all the manager program playing gimps think they should.

Shut the fuck up and start supporting again. And don't try and come the "it's a discussion forum, so why can't we have an opinion" bullshit. There's fuck all opinions these days, people just spouting bollocks as fact, when nothing is further from the truth. You want to have a discussion on Downing, Adam, whoever then fine, discuss it. But what's going on in that forum isn't a fucking discussion, it's a bunch of under 5's bickering in the playground over who shit in the sandbox.

Grow up, and like Terry says, ditch the fucking negativity. We're at the very start of a new era, try and embrace it instead of being miserable fucks all your life.

Perfect post summarising my thoughts as well.

I don't post much (prefer the old adage about staying silent and be thought a fool, rather than speaking and confirming it) but read a great deal. I've visited the site less and less in the off season because instead of news, there is soul-sucking negativity. (Damn, and there I am being negative.  :-[ )

I can't wait till we're up and running. It's going to be a great, wonderful and thrilling season and hopefully we will chase away the blues with some stunning victories and silverware.
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #53 on: June 25, 2011, 08:21:51 am »
Terry De Niro

There has always been a certain standard at Liverpool, its not gonna be lowered because of 2 idiots. We've always competed to sign the best players and that's how things should stay. And Stewart Downing is not top market especially not for 15 million pounds plus / minus. We need a winger who can get past players. Someone like Mata. Buying Downing is a total waste of Money, coz he can't offer us something that we don't have already.
That is your opinion and you are entitled to it but if he is who KK and DC want then he is what we will get.....
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Came to this thread a bit late, but from what I've read, the real relationship trouble is not between you and your girl, but between you and a small box of Tampax. You obviously need something more substantial in your life like a huge Costco sized box of jam rags, seeing as you're such a massive fucking quim

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #54 on: June 25, 2011, 08:44:39 am »
Just head over to the transfer forum Terry and look in the downing and adam threads to see exactly what is wrong with our fans these days. It's pathetic.

I totally agree with you by the way mate, i simply cannot wait for the new season and i'm really excited to see what sort of squad we've got and what we can do with it.

But this transfer window is the first to truly get me fucked off with our own supporters. Not even the Barry saga a few years ago compares to the amount of bile and shite that's been posted in there. I go in to try and see any news most days and it's basically impossible to find in amongst the literally hundreds of pages of people fucking whinging. About anything they can.

It's like people have forgotten last summer and the first half of last season, forgotten what the very real threat of administration and liquidation was like and how we coped with what was happening. We fought for this club, but by fuck we didn't fight so that everyone could just settle back into their trenches and just call each other know nothing c*nts and slag all of our potential transfers to the ground for literally anything the can. Fee, wages, height, age, weight, shoe size, haircut. Anything means that such and such a player is shite and not worth 3p let alone what the rags say.

Some people just can't cope with the idea of trying to compete at the top again. Getting a good quality squad takes money, and to get the managers top targets takes a shite load of cash, especially with no europe this year to temp the overseas boys. But apparantly if we spend over 5 quid and a couple of curly wurly's we're "The laughing stock again" and "utter fucking mugs" etc, etc.

Second half to last season people started saying they'd trust in Kenny and the new owners and judge after a period of time. Seems that's been thrown out of the pram because we haven't signed the people that all the manager program playing gimps think they should.

Shut the fuck up and start supporting again. And don't try and come the "it's a discussion forum, so why can't we have an opinion" bullshit. There's fuck all opinions these days, people just spouting bollocks as fact, when nothing is further from the truth. You want to have a discussion on Downing, Adam, whoever then fine, discuss it. But what's going on in that forum isn't a fucking discussion, it's a bunch of under 5's bickering in the playground over who shit in the sandbox.

Grow up, and like Terry says, ditch the fucking negativity. We're at the very start of a new era, try and embrace it instead of being miserable fucks all your life.

Hear, hear!

Couldn't agree more with what you and Terry have said.

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #55 on: June 25, 2011, 08:49:26 am »
Agreed with the OP. From where we were last year to where we are now, no one should be complaining. Regardless of who people want us to sign or don't sign, we should allow the management to get on with it and support them.
We have to change from doubter to believer. Now.

Offline pewithree3

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #56 on: June 25, 2011, 09:01:54 am »
What means a lot to me is seeing Gerrard`s interview the other week when it showed
how much he was looking forward to the new season, same as me.
2011/12 season is going to be a very good one for us, not saying we shall win the
league etc but we will put down a marker and make most teams shit themselves about
playing us.

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #57 on: June 25, 2011, 09:05:13 am »

Shut the fuck up and start supporting again. And don't try and come the "it's a discussion forum, so why can't we have an opinion" bullshit. There's fuck all opinions these days, people just spouting bollocks as fact, when nothing is further from the truth. You want to have a discussion on Downing, Adam, whoever then fine, discuss it. But what's going on in that forum isn't a fucking discussion, it's a bunch of under 5's bickering in the playground over who shit in the sandbox.

Grow up, and like Terry says, ditch the fucking negativity. We're at the very start of a new era, try and embrace it instead of being miserable fucks all your life.

Fucking spot on
As much as I actually like twitter for it's good aspects, this is the sort of shit it breeds.  Instead of having a reasoned conversation, everyone just says what can fit in 140 fucking characters and it's much easier to have a moan than anything else. And if something is not immediately obvious you can't think about it for a moment because it's too much fucking hard work and can't be done in 140 characters.
The amount of times I've read idiots on this board talking about the Henderson fee WITHOUT EVEN GETTING THE FUCKING FEE right is preposterous.  I mean has everyone on here turned into bittered from redmen or something??
I have a suggestion. Get yourself an epic swindle by Brian Reade, go read it outside in a fucking park or something, and get a sense of perspective for what we were facing 8 months ago.
Then decide if you want to come on here and spout your shite "opinion" on whether we should pay 5p for player x, how shite he was in some bollocks international tournament or that he doesn't fit well into your fucking FIFA 11 team

Rant over
It's Gerrrraaaaaaarddddddddd......You beautyyyyy!

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2011, 09:06:55 am »
Needed saying, well in Terry. Only thing is, the more we improve and the better the situation gets the more restless people will get. They'll want more and more and more, and they'll want it all yesterday.
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #59 on: June 25, 2011, 09:13:36 am »
Fuck me, if the vampires were still in charge, would we be taking about any possible transfer targets?

Correct. Those pair of bastards were bleeding the club to death. Rather than debate whether Adam or Downing or Henderson are worth the do$h be glad FSG are actually spending it.

I want to see a competitive team on the pitch - hopefully playing the brand of football we saw at the end of last season - and in an ideal world I want a new stadium too ( don't want much do I but I don't think I'm alone ).

Let's get the money that's there spent and look forward to some new faces in a confident and motivated squad and enjoy the new season.
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #60 on: June 25, 2011, 09:18:36 am »
Am I right or am I talking bollocks?
You're talking a positive way!

Even in Shankly's day we argued about who was good and who was not, who should come, and who should go, it's what football fans do. It's part of the reason why we are fans, rather than spectators.
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #61 on: June 25, 2011, 09:29:03 am »
just total gobshites, bin them.

most of them think the Kemlyn's in Moscow and Haydock island is in the South pacific.

Clueless internet pricks who have about as much football sense as John McCrirrick has fashion sense, experiences of following the reds on a par with Prince Harry's experiences of signing on.Fuck them.


It's summer.  The sensible folk are on holiday or sitting outside boozers in the sunshine chatting about how much they are looking forward to next season.  Wondering how you are ever going to get that St cost of your credit card but looking forward to a full season under Kenny. Enjoying the fact that we are buying players rather than selling them...

In the summer months the footy thread on here are populated by the sort of tits who get to clubs at 10pm and queue up to get into gigs.
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #62 on: June 25, 2011, 09:32:21 am »

In the summer months the footy thread on here are populated by the sort of tits who get to clubs at 10pm and queue up to get into gigs.

How else do you get into a gig? You must be one of those who turn up late and push down the front when the first song comes on?

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #63 on: June 25, 2011, 09:47:37 am »
spot on terry , unfortunately we just like everyone else has the sky generation as football fans , i dont even bother with the transfer forum now , complete waste of fucking time , this time last year was the lowest point ever as a football club , so many stories of raffa , the cancers, torres leaving, chinese , new owners , the pizza man from syria, i could go on , ............and now the future looks better than it has for a while , and people are moaning about potentially signing players that they have decided are no good , fuck em i say , i support liverpool football club , the clue is in the 2nd word !! ::)

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #64 on: June 25, 2011, 09:52:10 am »
terry,its in the human nature to never be contented.pros of it will be that us fans will always want the best.cons would be if we do get the best,it will never be enough to satisfy,so the vicious cycle continues.

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #65 on: June 25, 2011, 09:52:17 am »
How else do you get into a gig?

that's what guestlists are for
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #66 on: June 25, 2011, 09:53:34 am »
I've just finished reading Epic Swindle, all you fans moaning need to read and digest it, see where we were and now where we are.

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #67 on: June 25, 2011, 09:53:41 am »
terry,its in the human nature to never be contented.pros of it will be that us fans will always want the best.cons would be if we do get the best,it will never be enough to satisfy,so the vicious cycle continues.

remember feeling quite content one Thursday morning in Turkey
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #68 on: June 25, 2011, 09:54:01 am »
I was wondering where all the cool kids were hanging out.
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #69 on: June 25, 2011, 09:59:45 am »
To be perfectly honest, I think football forums should close down when the season ends..and open again a week before the new season starts.

They have life in them, they have humour, they're arrogant, they're cocky and they're proud. And that's what I want my team to be.

Offline john_mac

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #70 on: June 25, 2011, 10:02:34 am »
To be perfectly honest, I think football forums should close down when the season ends..and open again a week before the new season starts.

why open them again?
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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #71 on: June 25, 2011, 10:02:59 am »
Most of the fools in the transfer forum have probably got their ideas about who we should get from their ultimate teams on fifa 11, like the game, they aren't based in reality.

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #72 on: June 25, 2011, 10:03:02 am »
You're talking a positive way!

Even in Shankly's day we argued about who was good and who was not, who should come, and who should go, it's what football fans do. It's part of the reason why we are fans, rather than spectators.

The difference nowadays though is its easier to just make a statement without backing it up on the Internet because you can just post one sentence and leave it out there, whereas back in the days before t'internet you had discussions at the pub and it kind of forced you into saying more than one sentence and you had to back your statements up. As Red_Isle_Chap says, its not a discussion on here, its just one liner shite being spread out in the world wide web with fuck all substance or opinion added to it. It offers absolutely nothing to any discussion whatsoever, and only antagonises people into replying.

By making statements like "this is a shit signing" or "waste of money" etc without giving it some reason is, in my opinion, the primary weapon in the arsenal of the WUM.

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #73 on: June 25, 2011, 10:05:12 am »
..Right here right now.

I'm sick of it. The amount of shit that we've been through with the previous owners and all the crap that followed afterwards.
Now we are in a situation with Kenny in charge and no debt and still some people are still not happy?
This time last year we didn't have a pot to piss in and now certain people are questioning paying out for this or that player?
Fuck me, if the vampires were still in charge, would we be taking about any possible transfer targets?

Am I right or am I talking bollocks?

I can't wait for the new season...

Everyone can't wait for the new season. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you're the only one.

Some people are complaining about transfers?

Seriously? Where have you been? People have been moaning about transfers since I was born. But largely people are moaning and griping about football. That's a big step. It's all football related. It's all about how we will turn out. It's all about how we will do on the pitch.

That's a massive step forward given the shite we've had to put up with.

And again there is loads of hypocrisy floating about. Someone complaining about someone complaining about a player slagging off the likes of Kuyt or Lucas or Ngog or whoever the latest fashionable target is. Fans complain. They discuss. They debate. They moan.

But they all get behind the team when they cross that line. There has been several years of shite and angst and annoyance to get out of everyones systems. A lot of bleating yet to come from pretty much everyone. I'm just glad it's about the footy.
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline AndrewLFC_1971

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #74 on: June 25, 2011, 10:05:39 am »
Pass master, your argument is shit !

Offline Andy @ Allerton!

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #75 on: June 25, 2011, 10:08:43 am »
Just head over to the transfer forum Terry and look in the downing and adam threads to see exactly what is wrong with our fans these days. It's pathetic.

Come off it. Either you've just joined RAWK a few weeks ago, or you're on a windup. The Transfer forum and discussion about transfers has always been mental. At best.

Have people take some kind of pill to forget or something? Just ask the mods what their jobs are like trying to moderate transfers.
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline Andy @ Allerton!

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #76 on: June 25, 2011, 10:10:04 am »
I find your ilk to be equally as annoying as the "WHY THE FUCK AREN'T WE SIGNING NEYMAR" lot and the div kids on the Henderson thread (incidentally if anyone wants to know who it was who slagged Lucas off for years, now no one will admit to it, they're all on there, bookmark it for when it turns out he's actually rather good) possibly more so as you insist on pretending to be some sort of minority (when you're not, as the inevitable flood of Pavlovian "spot on's" will demonstrate) holding back the tide of stupidity and because of that your 'outspoken views' are somehow edgy. The whole thing is tiresome, akin to a chess opening devised by a pair of monkeys; "I'm not sure Downing is good enough" is followed by "if his name was Stewberto Downinga you'd want him" and "oh because he's no good on FM?" - both sides are equally devoid of substance.

The transfer forum however, is reminiscent of the end of Requiem For a Dream, you're expecting it to stop but it just keeps grinding along in all its inexplicable horror.

Good post. There are a fair number of "FUCKING HELL GET BEHIND THE LAD HE PLAYS FOR LIVERPOOL" beauties that have almost made a career of slagging off what they see as 'Lesser players' at the club.
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline Pistolero

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #77 on: June 25, 2011, 10:11:44 am »
why open them again?

there is that..
They have life in them, they have humour, they're arrogant, they're cocky and they're proud. And that's what I want my team to be.

Offline Red Emperor

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #78 on: June 25, 2011, 10:13:18 am »
Your last 3 posts andy have been spot on especially the part about moaning about transfers and such and supporting the team when they cross the white line 

Offline john_mac

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Re: Negativity needs to stop....
« Reply #79 on: June 25, 2011, 10:19:18 am »
Your last 3 posts andy have been spot on especially the part about moaning about transfers and such and supporting the team when they cross the white line 

bollox ithink. i can rarely remember the shite on here about Henderson about anyone, never mind a young player starting out.

the analysis of england u21 performances, absolute shite

if he had arrived from another league, at the same age, with the same experience, at the same price, same gobshites would be wanking themselves silly.

its not the same as when we used to sign a player, give him a chance and then discuss his merits in the pub. 
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