Author Topic: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?  (Read 24358 times)

Offline El Ninos Black Eye

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Now I don't mean your full on 40 on 100 hooligan fights, can't be arsed with none of that. I mean them more comedy moments that you know you should maybe really keep your mouth shut but your love for Liverpool means you can't. These normally happen when your in some foreign bar or a rival city, there's only you and a couple of mates, you've had a few to many and your in a bar full of rival fans who are giving it loads and who havn't even registered your there. Until you can't stomach it anymore and belt out "Liverrrpooool, Liverrpoooool". Then you get that American Werewolf in London moment, when everything stop's for what seems an age, and everyone stops and stares at you. This is where you think "fuck what have I done". Now it either goes one way or the other. You stand your ground out sing them and have some banter, or it goes wrong and you have to get out of there quick, with the odd dig coming your way as you try to get out, then it leads to a "Benny Hill" style chase through streets. Or there is the other stories where you told the Mrs your off for pint, only to turn up 3 days later after following the Reds around Europe. Think I'd sooner be chased by the angry mob than deal with the Mrs though.
My show of love happened in Rome of all places, probably not the best place to show your undying love for the Reds. It was just before we played them in the Champions League in 01/02 season, the match ended 0-0. I was in the Navy at the time and we had got to the Port of Civitavecchia on the Friday before the game, also had a ticket for the game so I was well happy. We had the weekend off so 3 of us jumped the train to Rome, got a hotel and went out on it. Now after a few bars I'm pretty pissed, and where in this bar which is bouncing and where having a laugh with these 8 Italian lads. They seemed alright and weren't arsed we where English. If it was Sunday/Monday the mood probably would have been different as that's when most Reds would be turning up.
The next thing this Kylie song comes on, I noticed a couple of the Italians are singing the chorus giving it "Lalalalala laRoma". So in my drunken state, I'm thinking "I"ll have some of this". So the next time the chorus comes, I put my arm around on of the lads and join in, but give it "Lalalalala laLiverpool". Well the laugh goes from his face straight away, and here's my American Werewolf moment. Everything fucking stops. I can't see any of my mates anywhere, they weren't Liverpool fans anyway but I still thought shit I need them here now. Then the lad nudges four of his mates and the fuckers are all around. Now I'm thinking I'm fucked. what do I do here? Fuck it best thing to do is keep singing. Next thing the lads other 3 mates have got the arms around me jumping up and down joining in with. They where only fucking Lazio fans, and clearly seen it as an opportunity to wind up the Roma oppo's. They calmed the Roma lot down, who they seen the funny side of it and the banter carried on through the night. Fucking dodge a bullet that night. But when it comes to Liverpool FC sometimes you just can't help yourself.
« Last Edit: June 4, 2011, 10:10:29 pm by El Ninos Black Eye »
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #1 on: June 3, 2011, 10:19:19 pm »
The Man Utd vs Gala 3-3 match and I am sitting in a room of only Man Utd fans ....when they made it 3-3 it was the funniest thing ever ....tears running down my face and I just fall victim to hysterical laughter...

I only just got out alive I can tell you.
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #2 on: June 3, 2011, 10:22:19 pm »
Gettin chased through stoke city centre by 20 fellas cause i was a 'scouse c*nt'
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #3 on: June 3, 2011, 10:22:51 pm »
Celebrating Collymore's winner v the Geordies in a Weatherspoons in Newcastle city centre didn't go down too well.

Choosing Athens over My missus' birthday celebrations wasn't too clever either.
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #4 on: June 3, 2011, 10:39:10 pm »
Last week when UTD scored the missus had just walked into the living room. I blamed the goal on her and went mad. She spent the second half upstairs sending me text messages calling me a tit.

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #5 on: June 3, 2011, 10:40:19 pm »
In an Irish bar in Hamburg ~ 2003? we are playing Chelsea at the Bridge and I think Smizcer scored and I turned into Michael Fuckin' Flatley and danced my tits off in front of 30 + Cheslea fans on a stag party weekend.
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #6 on: June 3, 2011, 10:40:25 pm »
Visiting friends at manc uni for the game when it was 0-0 until mr oshea banged in the winner..

Anyways I was in a pub full of mancs and I was clearly the only liverpool fan in there..I kept my cover well until scholes threw a punch at (alonso i think?)

Anyway I just fuckin lose it and start shouting every swear word under the sun at the tv (as if scholes could hear me!)

All of a sudden about 30/40 heads turn my direction and I think to myself "oh shit." I nearly fuckin filled my pants..

Next..O'shea makes it 1-0 with a few minutes to go and the abuse I was getting was awful but I couldent of expected much else really..People laughing in my face and pushing me from pillar to post.

I lasted until the final whistle but when I started to make my way out I did so very quickly! I think had I stayed around any longer my face would have been rearranged!

Lucky boy  :)


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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #7 on: June 3, 2011, 10:41:23 pm »
In an Irish bar in Hamburg ~ 2003? we are playing Chelsea at the Bridge and I think Smizcer scored and I turned into Michael Fuckin' Flatley and danced my tits off in front of 30 + Cheslea fans on a stag party weekend.
:wellin I've got a very funny image in my head mate hahahahahaha nice one!

Offline BRdispatch05

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #8 on: June 3, 2011, 10:48:27 pm »
In my town the simple fact that you follow the premier league almost guarantees some sort of instant friendship, so no one would think twice if I was overly excited for my team (besides my buddy who's a Newcastle supporter, I wouldn't celebrate too much around him, get's pissed off easy and is twice as big)

So mine would have to be watching it at work. I usually watch at work since that's when the games are (and my job is slow), and my boss allows us to go online freely for the most part, but I'm not sure how he would feel knowing I watch every match in full.

 But one day, was watching us play MU near the 90 minute mark. My boss started walking back, but we were attacking with everything and I couldn't take my eyes off, and decided to leave it up. All he said "is that soccer? who's winning the game?" trouble ever really, besides conflicting programs with roommates
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Offline Ziggy09

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #9 on: June 3, 2011, 11:03:37 pm »
First time I met my in-laws-to-be --- was the same day we lost 4-1 at Anfield to Chelsea in October 2005......was hard trying to look a  respectable sort while staying calm and polite with them when inside I was just screaming - nearly let slip a few choice words a few times!!!

Funny thing is my wifes dad noticed that even at 4-1 in the 90th I still hadnt given up!! (Istanbul belief I called it!!). Anyway, told my missus that it shows I never give up so I must be OK!!
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #10 on: June 3, 2011, 11:04:53 pm »
Jan Molby came over to Cork in January,to a friends bar for a Q&A session.The Q&A session turned into an almighty drinking session ending up with Jan in a city centre night club sinking Morgan spice till around 5 in the morning.That was fine,only i was due to fly out saturday morning at 8am for Kennys first game back at the toilet,on the sunday.So anyway after falling down the stairs of the nightclub and somehow making me way home (not without trying to stick me house key in the neighbours door thinking it was mine!) i plonken on the front room floor and passed out.I promised to meet the two lads at the airport at 6.45 but i eventually woke at 8.55 am.The kids had been using me as a trampoline whilst i was asleep and i woke just thinking it was another usual night after the drink.Then ten seconds passed and que the "oh fuck,whats the time? shit wheres me phone shit me flight?

I flicked on SSN and the yellow ticker saying Kenny had been appointed.I went mental with excitment and got caught up in the moment,i started dancin around the room with the younguns oblivious to why i was like that.Let me remind you i was as pissed the govan tramop still and then amid all the hysteria i clocked i had to check me phone.

It read 8.59am 32 missed calls and 8 messages.I missed the flight.Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt what am i to do?

The one with the thousand faces comes down the stairs and hearing of my predicament i seen the smug look on her face.She was well pleased i missed the flight.I`d been hearing all week how i`m wasting money "going over there again" especially since it was the week after Xmas.I tried to explain the whole situation,this was the FA cup,its Yernited away,its now the Kings first game.Bless her really she`s a goodun but she dosen`t understand footy or LFC at all.

Straight on the net i went and cheapest flight i could muster was 270 euro.Going out at 11 that night.Let me explain that i`m just a normal working man and the week after Xmas with three young kids under 8 you can imagine the cash flow is at a minimum.So i took what was left in my pocket from the night before and jumped (stupidly) into the car.I didn`t know where i was go but i did know i had to turn that wrinkled up 50 euro note in my pocket into 270.I had sterling cash on me but i needed that for when i got over so i headed for the bookies singing "were on the march with Kennys army" all the way down ion the car.Walked into the bookies and the first dog race i seen i threw 62 euro down on trap 4.Trap four never fails,well it did this time.

Full of soup stiull i went and did something i never thought i`d ever do.I went and bummed a loan off one of me buddies,he was broke.So i bummed his ol` fella,who`s a top bloke for three hundred.He`s a top man and i told him i`d have it back wednesday and i did,knowing full welll it would cripple me financially for weeks.Maybe i shouldn`1t have done it but i couldn`t not be there.

I went home to tell herself and her reaction was well,not nice.After an hour of getting it with both barrells "were supposed to be saving for our wedding" i still didn`t give in.I booked the flight anyway,knowing full well that everything she said was right and correct and i actually felt guilty doing it but this was what i can only explain it as a drud addiction.LFC`S my drug and i am hooked.

Sufficed to say it didn`t go down well.

Not on the scale of tales told in the past where fellas lost their marrages etc but there you go.
That right peg hits it and you see the future arc of the ball and time goes al gluey like a Dali painting, and for a second there's a 20yr old StevenGerrard and your young self cheering him on through the prism. His big smile fades in an the net is shivering and J.Hart's trying not to look grateful for the privilege of being that close to greatness

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #11 on: June 3, 2011, 11:07:28 pm »
Been battered, locked up, stranded all over England and Europe without a carrot, been bin bagged and near divorced on fuck only knows how many times... come to think of it, them bastards owe me, big time.
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #12 on: June 3, 2011, 11:09:13 pm »
great stories

Offline Shanks1965

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #13 on: June 3, 2011, 11:15:31 pm »
I used to work in Manchester and we had a peice of software where I used to work. It was a system that every member of staff used which contained information about customers. On the bottom of the screen there was a scrolling ticker tape message 'thingy' which was used to communicate important new information.

A few years back when United got beat at home 3-2 (I think it was?) by Madrid I went on line after the game and programmed this messge to display a running commentary of the match highlights in real time.

The next day when it started there was uproar but the best thing was no one could turn it off. So for the full ninety minutes a load of mancs had to watch these messages coming up giving the goals and goal scorers until the game was over.

There was a bit of a witch hunt to find out who had done it and the IT manager was told to find out. He did... but he was a mate who hated them as much as I did so he reported back that who ever had done it couldnt be traced.

« Last Edit: June 3, 2011, 11:21:19 pm by Shanks1965 »
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #14 on: June 3, 2011, 11:27:18 pm »
got disconnected from british gas due to spending bill money on a few away tickets....

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #15 on: June 3, 2011, 11:28:47 pm »
Been battered, locked up, stranded all over England and Europe without a carrot, been bin bagged and near divorced on fuck only knows how many times... come to think of it, them bastards owe me, big time.

 ;D sue the bastards.

Love the stories here.


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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #16 on: June 3, 2011, 11:35:14 pm »
Naah, walk in the park.
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #17 on: June 3, 2011, 11:41:40 pm »
I gotta have the winner!  sitting in the shed-end when cheyroux scored the winner.  i was going out with a chelsea supporter at the time who tried to grab me and make me sit down as the goal went in.  some chance he had of telling me to be quiet!!!  ......the guy sittin next door to me screamin at the stewards to have that "effin scouser" chucked out... and him movin three seats down when the 2nd half started!!!

or else.. the time we came out of the ground in rome in '84 when the italian "police" left us to the mercy of the roma fans, runnin across that square dodgin the cobs of concrete rainin down... getting back to our coaches (which had somehow been moved whilst we'd been in the ground!!) and finding people injured, leavin with people missin and lying on the floor of the centre aisle of the coach as the italians threw bricks at the windows.  my boyfriend tellin me that was the last time i went to such a game... him going to Heysel the next year and me havin to stay at home!!! :-[

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #18 on: June 3, 2011, 11:54:10 pm »
My brainwashed two and a half year old shouting at the top of his voice "look daddy, dirty blueshite" at a dad and a lad wearing Everton shirts
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #19 on: June 4, 2011, 12:03:37 am »
CL final this year. In a pub with my mates and about 120 odd Mancs. Celebrated like hell when Barca scored, ended up babbling German when the game was done as if I'd come there by accident.

Nearly got fired for refusing to take the order of a c*nt who came into the restaurant wearing one of these
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #20 on: June 4, 2011, 12:08:51 am »
CL final this year. In a pub with my mates and about 120 odd Mancs. Celebrated like hell when Barca scored, ended up babbling German when the game was done as if I'd come there by accident.

Nearly got fired for refusing to take the order of a c*nt who came into the restaurant wearing one of these

Are they really selling these pathetic shirts?????
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #21 on: June 4, 2011, 12:10:27 am »
Going to Uni in the states so had to watch some Europa matches during class.  Literally jumped out of my seat after Gerrard's first goal v. Napoli

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #22 on: June 4, 2011, 12:35:22 am »
Are they really selling these pathetic shirts?????

They try to shut them down but the guy keeps putting them on other sites. It's an unofficial shirt, but sick none the less.

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #23 on: June 4, 2011, 12:53:36 am »
Went on a 5 day bender after Istanbul. Forgot to tell work I wouldn't be in for a few days. Was told after day 4 not to bother even making any excuses and not to come back.

Spent 100 quid less on her at Christmas there than I normally would have. Bought tickets and travel to the Fulham game. Got over at 6am. Found out at 10am the match was off. Got home the next day to tell her, 'sweetpea, the match got cancelled, so I'm going to the Derby in a few weeks'

When the mancs and mike riley beat us 4 0, with most of the other reds gone and most of the horrible c*nts still there, stood in the bar with a scarf high above my head abusing any twat that would listen.
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Offline GhanselLFC

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #24 on: June 4, 2011, 12:58:44 am »
I live on the west coast of the US. Last year, my dad and I went go to the Stadium Pub (local sports bar/restaurant place) to watch the second leg of the quarter finals between the Mancs and Bayern because our cable wasnt working at home. So my dad and I arrived early to get a good spot. The pub was mostly empty apart from 3 united fans already there and I thought "nice, im gonna have a good meal, and see bayern hold off united.. its gonna be a great day". Unfortunately within the next few minutes all the tables had slowly started to be taken over by tons of united fans. (I was wearing my liverpool jersey, but i had a jacket on covering the back and they were all siting behind me so they couldnt see the front ) If you dont know already like 90% of american soccer fans are manchester united fans, the rest are glory hunting chelsea fans and then there is the occasional true footballing fans that support liverpool, like myself.

By the time of kickoff the pub was pretty packed with tons of united fans. And if anyone watched the game united start extremely strongly and were up 3-0 pretty early on and seemed to have the tie wrapped up. And its at this point some bleary eyed eastern european guy with a bayern jersey walks in already super drunk (mind you its only 11:30am or so on the west coast) and looks at the score and says "fucking shit" and just sets about continuing to drink himself into a stupor in the corner watching on a smaller tv. Its at this point, i start watching the lyon v bordeaux game instead, but then olic somehow scored before halftime recapturing my attention. Halftime was awful had to hear some pitiful singing of glory glory man united, but was soon over. Once rafael got sent off, and rooney got subbed of you could feel tension building up. And then in that moment where ribery played in the corner time seemed to slow down as Robben hit that beautiful volley to make it 3-2. And out of the corner that drunk bayern fan sitting in the corner who hadnt said anything since walking in, suddenly stands up and lets out this inhuman roar of "YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!", the faces on those united fans faces was absolutely priceless.

dont know exactly if it fits the topic but its an interesting story i thought worth sharing.

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #25 on: June 4, 2011, 01:01:42 am »
Going to Uni in the states so had to watch some Europa matches during class.  Literally jumped out of my seat after Gerrard's first goal v. Napoli

Lol I live on the west coast and ive done the same. I went nuts in class after benayoun's goal v atheltico madrid last season, only to be heartbroken a few minutes laster

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #26 on: June 4, 2011, 01:09:55 am »
The League Cup Final in 2005 at Cardiff - me and a couple of mates were off the train and into the nearest pub - it was really quiet for a Final and so tried to start a chant of 'L-I-V-E-R-P-doubleO-L-FC' to get things going... only to realise we'd walked straight into a designated Chelsea fan pub (hadn't seen the blue flyers on the door explaining the split pubs around the ground).

Needless to say no-one joined in and if it weren't for the 2 big bouncers who escorted us out (top lads about it to be fair) it could have got a 'bit nawty'.
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #27 on: June 4, 2011, 01:19:11 am »
In 2005 my old boss, who I really didn't get along with, sent me an email informing me I was to be attending a personal meeting with him that afternoon.  I sent one back asking if the meeting was regarding my end of year appraisal. He replied saying no but still wouldn't tell me what it was about and kept me guessing all day.

So in the meeting he slaps these pieces of paper down on the table which happen to be an extensive log of 288 calls I'd made in a single day from my work's phone to Liverpool's ticket office.

I hadn't qualified for a ticket for the Carling Cup Final against Chelsea but this one particular day there'd been some left on the late availability line so I'd repeatedly hammered the redial button from getting in to work at 10:00am until I finally got through at around 4:30pm that afternoon and eventually got my ticket.

Needless to say he wasn't best pleased and told me that for my sins I'd be getting an official warning. Luckily he'd totally cocked up all the procedures and I was able to go down the union who took him to the cleaners and I got off scott free!

So result all round. Except for the result itself. But come the 25th of May I wasn't even arsed about that either!  ;)
« Last Edit: June 4, 2011, 01:27:47 am by Vladi Legend »
Ya we have been talking in the half time, we need to do something, we need to change things and maybe if we score then it will be different and we scored and it was different.  - Rafael Benitez Ataturk Stadium Istanbul 26 May 2005

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #28 on: June 4, 2011, 02:39:11 am »
haha out of many instances.....

1. When Xabi scored against Newcastle from beyond the half line. Everyone was deep in sleep (midnight here in India and it was a late night kick off). So when the ball went in I screamed at the top of my lungs and woke the whole floor up, including our neighbours on both sides, and they coming out to see what the holy buckets happened. Dad gave me good that day, BUT, only on the condition that he had to wait till the game ended  ;D

2. When the own goal went in against Alaves in extra time, and we WON, I almost choked my little brother to death, in super duper excitement, who was right beside me. I was banned from watching football for some time after that. (Thankfully, the season ended right after that, almost)  :butt

3. Please don't do this- When Stevie scored that equalizer 2-2 at OT under Roy's reign (latest), I almost jumped myself over the balcony (third floor) in excitement and confusion. If it weren't for them grills, I wouldn't be typing this :|


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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #29 on: June 4, 2011, 03:41:11 am »
Watching in a cafe full of Manc the FA cup third (or was it fourth) round, the one played at Anfield and Crouch scored. Some guys next to me thought I supported Manc, too, Soon they realized I was not, and one of them could not take it and tried to abuse me. Needless to say, I answered back knowing that it was still a public place. Sneaked out as soon as the game ended, though, while not forgetting to scream as loudly as possible at the entrance :P
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #30 on: June 4, 2011, 03:57:37 am »
Almost got fired for being on RAWK all the time!
“It was the first game of the qualifying for us and well we can take a lot from it ,like I was talking to one of the guys from TNS about my internet connection at home and he said the reason I sometimes can't get on is because I am running the wrong browser with Windows 95 and he suggested I update to Windows XP” - 23 Carra Gold

Offline tofuMonzter

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #31 on: June 4, 2011, 04:54:58 am »
It's really nothing compared to everyone else's.
A few months back, I was in the mall going up an escalator. I see a dude in a chelsea jersey heading down, and we exchange glances. I happened to wear my liverpool jersey as well. Anyway, I didn't think much of the encounter until my friend points out the guy had torres' name printed the jersey.
Even though it was busy I shouted out to him, "Has torres scored for chelsea yet!?" inside I felt this  :lmao but in reality it came out as  ;D
The guy turned around all  >:( with some lame come-back.
People gave us looks but that was all.
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #32 on: June 4, 2011, 05:18:47 am »
the best one i had was watching us play chelsea at the bridge this season and i was so drunk to deal with all the shitty plastic chelsea fans i was in the skyrack in leeds
and the only scouser in the room with probably around 20-40 chelsea fans and when meirles scored i started screaming "fuck off chelsea fc you aint got no history" and i got barred by the manager who seemed to take it personally and spent the rest of the match tyring to hide from angry looking chelsea fans and big leeds united fans but it was totally worth it!!!

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #33 on: June 4, 2011, 05:32:27 am »
being from the other side of the world...drinking while watching at an alehouse the night before thus spending the hangover
not a good habit to get into
« Last Edit: June 4, 2011, 05:38:25 am by thechulloran »
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #34 on: June 4, 2011, 06:17:57 am »
Liverpool Inter. Home Leg. Arsenal fan in our hostel keeps blabbering away all day whenever he comes across me.

" I preedict (was half Chinese, so said predict in a funny way) 4-0 Inter" " I preedict Gerrard breaking his leg" " I preedict bla bla"

Game begins in the later that night, 1-0, I just look back at him across the TV room, where he's sitting behind there watching the game, we bunch of Reds was in the front, and give him the finger ;D. Mutters something and asks me to f*ck off. 2-0. Gerrard scores we go mental. Run back to where he's sitting, and tell him in a maniacal yell, arms spread like a mad-man, right in his face, almost nose to nose " LET ME PREEEEEEDICTTTHHHHH, YOU F*CKING NOODLE".

Jumps out of his chair grabs my collar, fellow Reds and some other guys all grab him and hold him while he tries to get at me. Ended when his room-mates dragged him away. ;D Wouldnt ever talk to me ever after that incident ;D

Me, I got told of by our hostel warden the next day. But f*ck it ;D

By the way, some great stories here!
« Last Edit: June 4, 2011, 06:20:17 am by kapil08 »
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #35 on: June 4, 2011, 07:20:06 am »
The complete opposite for me, actually...

I was driving down Route 2 here in Massachusetts, going a good 15mph over the speed limit, and a state cop pulled me over. I got a bit nervous, as I've never gotten a single ticket in all of my 28 years (well, 25 at that point). But I happened to be wearing an LFC track jacket (just a plain red jacket with a white Liverbird on the left chest) that my friend had just given me. When the cop gets to my window, after he does the usual "do you know how fast you were driving" bit, he says "Hey, are you a Liverpool fan?" I told him yes, and we wound up talking for a full ten minutes. Turns out his sister married a Londoner (and rabid Arsenal supporter), and this new brother-in-law had slowly convinced him of the merits of "soccer."  So now he's got his kids wearing Arse shirts to school, and he pays out the ass for satellite TV just to watch their matches. We had a long conversation about how promotion and relegation make european football so much more interesting than American sports, and how we both have plenty of friends who mock us for watching "a pussy sport," and the US national team, etc. etc.

He wound up shaking my hand and letting me go without even a verbal warning!

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #36 on: June 4, 2011, 08:03:24 am »
Watching in a cafe full of Manc the FA cup third (or was it fourth) round, the one played at Anfield and Crouch scored. Some guys next to me thought I supported Manc, too, Soon they realized I was not, and one of them could not take it and tried to abuse me. Needless to say, I answered back knowing that it was still a public place. Sneaked out as soon as the game ended, though, while not forgetting to scream as loudly as possible at the entrance :P
3rd time lucky 5th round ;) haha great story :P

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #37 on: June 4, 2011, 08:26:04 am »
Been battered, locked up, stranded all over England and Europe without a carrot, been bin bagged and near divorced on fuck only knows how many times... come to think of it, them bastards owe me, big time.
They owe us all FS, for the shit they've got us into. But every now and again they do something that pays us back 10 times over. Think we must be due that re-payment anytime soon.
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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #38 on: June 4, 2011, 09:05:05 am »
Like a daft bat, I took a girlfriend to Istanbul for a weeks holiday before the match. She said that she was a Liverpool fan and seemed to be reasonably knowledgeable. Lovely weather whilst we were at poolside and on the night of the match, we both dressed as though it was going to be a hot humid night. If you remember, it wasn't, it was bloody freezing on the open terrace behind the goal and I must admit that might teeth were chattering. 

We hooked up with some others but then it started at around us losing 2 0.  'You're not going to stay to the end are you?!'  She asked, no, it was a statement.  And so on and so about earache, it was doing my head in.  Eventually, I came up with a plan, sort of....

I took out some money and gave to her telling her to jump a taxi back to the hotel. Fair enough, I thought but she looked horrified and said 'You're going to let me walk on my own outside this ground to find a taxi?!'.  Erm, no comment....(girls, please, I am normally a gentleman was CL Final!  And Rafa needed all of us!!).

My bacon was saved by the people we were chatting to deciding they'd go back to town as well, so she went with them, and I was left on my own with 40,000 other LFC fans and the rest is history.

Well, apart from the fact that the girlfriend hardly spoke to me when I got back and I haven't seen her again since.

But I was there!! And I have my no contest!  :)

From the Country of Liverpool

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Re: How has your love for Liverpool nearly/got you into trouble?
« Reply #39 on: June 4, 2011, 09:16:16 am »
I live in aus and after walking out of the liverpool suporters pub after belting the mancs i was walking down the street singing "oh manchester is full of shit" by myself and got chased through the city for about ten minutes by three mancs filthy with the result