Author Topic: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread aka JoeyC's skiving zone  (Read 486684 times)

Offline Kopite B205

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #40 on: April 9, 2011, 08:52:49 pm »
Struggling myself. Shockingly enough, I weigh just 9 stone, and the way my body's shaped, everyone thinks I'm a skinny fucker. When the top comes off though, it's a different story.

Last year, around this time, promised myself that I'll start the gym, eat healthier and exercise daily so that I'll be good for the beach and just feel better about myself.

Hasn't really happened though and I'm promising myself the same once again now.

Problem is, my ribs stick out, but my stomach is quite flabby/lose. Doesn't fully stick out, but I need to tone it up, A LOT.

I'm making sure I don't eat in the middle of meals, and at least do 100 sit ups, bench presses and push ups every morning. I hope it helps, as I don't want to be going to the beach and be embarrassed to get my top off.

To be honest mate, I think sit ups are a complete waste of time. 6 packs are made in the kitchen - not in the gym. If you want that washboard look you will need to burn the flab around your midrift. The best way to do this is diet and cardio.

On the flip side, if you want to gain muscle you need to eat big and implement a dedicated weight training program. When I say eat big; you need to eat big "clean" meals consisting of high amounts of carbs and proteins and eat 5-7 times a day to ensure you are in a constant anabolic state.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #41 on: April 9, 2011, 08:59:18 pm »
Do what i did :D get your heart ripped out and shat on by a total fucking bitch,

This works. I lost about a stone and a half in a little over 1 week. I've never been fat, and I've always been fairly athletic with about 10 percent body fat on average, but I could literally feel the shoulder blades on my back protruding, which was scary at the time. It's a bit mental how your state of mind affects your body like that.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #42 on: April 9, 2011, 09:08:53 pm »
To be honest mate, I think sit ups are a complete waste of time. 6 packs are made in the kitchen - not in the gym. If you want that washboard look you will need to burn the flab around your midrift. The best way to do this is diet and cardio.

On the flip side, if you want to gain muscle you need to eat big and implement a dedicated weight training program. When I say eat big; you need to eat big "clean" meals consisting of high amounts of carbs and proteins and eat 5-7 times a day to ensure you are in a constant anabolic state.

You sound like you have a skinny-fat body type. This should give you some help on that

Thanks for the help guys.

I'm going to keep an eye on the foods that I'm eating, it's certainly not been to healthy recently.

I have developed some man boobs, but I think it's mainly to do with my posture. My shoulder blades stick out a lot, and there's a certain curvature to my lower back which gets my stomach out a lot more.

The two areas that I really do need to target are: my chest and sides/lovehandles.

I used to do about 400 sit ups every couple of days, and my stomach used to get really tight (although my lower ribs stuck out even more, then). If I manage to harden my chest and get rid of my lovehandles, the fat should start turn into muscle quite quickly on my stomach, in theory anyways.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #43 on: April 9, 2011, 09:11:51 pm »
To be honest mate, I think sit ups are a complete waste of time. 6 packs are made in the kitchen - not in the gym. If you want that washboard look you will need to burn the flab around your midrift. The best way to do this is diet and cardio.

You're right about the fact that you can do all the sit ups in the world, but you won't get the results showing unless you've a low body fat ratio (normaly about 10-14%) for your abs to show. I disagree with them being a waste of time, though. Sit-ups tighten your midrift and you can still ad tone and definition to the area because it's still muscle and it can be developed. It's also not a bad aerobic exercise to mix in with cardio exercise. To the OP of the thread, if you're looking to loose weight, do interval running trainng for about half an hour a day, and mix in some push-up and sit-up exercises to keep your heart rate up during rests and the weight will fly off. Your THR (target heart rate) is the key to burning the fat.

Oh, and another tip is to drink lots of water. Try to drink at least 4 litres per day. This will help you both feel full so that you eat less, and it will also start to detox your body by flushing out the toxins in your system that your body has built up and will aid with the weight loss.
« Last Edit: April 9, 2011, 09:15:51 pm by Macphisto80 »

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #44 on: April 9, 2011, 09:14:14 pm »
It's as hard or even worse in some cases being underweight.
It's my mates 19th today and he was having a bbq at his then going out later... I feel like shit, I don't actually worry about what I look like until I'm just about to go out, and then I'm there trying every shirt I've got, every pair of jeans. I even put tracksuit trousers underneath my jeans so I don't look as skinny. I eat loads, just can't put any weight on, recently I've started lifting weights and eating protein shakes every day but it'll take ages to get to how I want to look.
Going out and seeing everyone in shorts and t shirts makes me feel angry as fuck.

I actually used to think I was incapable of gaining weight myself. I thought I was one of them dudes with the insane metabolisms who just can't gain mass, but I'm not sure I believe that now, I'm sure anyone can put of weight if they do it right.

I think most people believe they're eating a lot when they're really not. I used to think I was stuffing myself every day, but I wasn't really. I was stuck on 8 and a half stone for years, always telling people FFS I can't put on weight no matter what I do.

But then I started lifting some weights and eating literally constantly. Over 6 big meals a day and healthy snacks in between, and a 2 hour workout every 3 days. Which then caused me to go up from 8.5 stone to 11 stone in just over a year.

I still think I have a fast metabolism. After that I lost a stone in a few months, only eating a little bit less. But I managed to gain the weight with enough fuel haha

I reckon if you REALLY push it that much you will gain the weight faster

BTW swerve having that many protein shakes, it's better to have good meals.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2011, 01:15:05 am »
I used to be a lot bigger than i am now, but at the moment i'm slowly starting to put the pounds back on. Need a change in my life because all my motivations is gone. I have a go at myself every day, but i never seem to listen, which is fucking annoying as I've gone mad enought to literally have a pop at myself but not mad enough to actually listen.

Need to sort my fat arse out and get back on exercising, even lightly, once a day before i turn back into the hideous fat oaf that i was before.
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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #46 on: April 10, 2011, 10:12:36 am »
is cartons of ribena and mango juice just as bad as coke/irn bru ?

been at work for 3 hrs and ive resisted temptation so far and ive drunk 6 cartons of ribena/mango juice

Offline Kopite B205

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2011, 10:31:25 am »
is cartons of ribena and mango juice just as bad as coke/irn bru ?

been at work for 3 hrs and ive resisted temptation so far and ive drunk 6 cartons of ribena/mango juice

LOL, it must be seriously thirsty work. I know a 250ml glass of Ribena contains almost 30% of your daily sugar intake - however it does have great benefits - mainly because it's rich in vitamin C. The same really with the mango juice, and that is full of natural sugars too.

Just try and give the diet coke or diet irn bru ago, you really will get used to the taste and I think it quenches your thirst better. Diet cans contains no sugar and as little as 3-4 calories - that is a massive difference.
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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2011, 10:46:36 am »
is cartons of ribena and mango juice just as bad as coke/irn bru ?

been at work for 3 hrs and ive resisted temptation so far and ive drunk 6 cartons of ribena/mango juice

Just drink WATER!

Offline Gerrard_8_

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2011, 10:47:51 am »
Diet cans contains no sugar and as little as 3-4 calories - that is a massive difference.

They contain aspartame though which is just as bad for you as all the sugar, it just won't make you fat.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2011, 11:21:02 am »
LOL, it must be seriously thirsty work. I know a 250ml glass of Ribena contains almost 30% of your daily sugar intake - however it does have great benefits - mainly because it's rich in vitamin C. The same really with the mango juice, and that is full of natural sugars too.

Just try and give the diet coke or diet irn bru ago, you really will get used to the taste and I think it quenches your thirst better. Diet cans contains no sugar and as little as 3-4 calories - that is a massive difference.

ive tried diet cans and it doesnt pass ma lips hate the taste see if someone could create cans of water I'd be fine bottles dont get as cold

ribena has 34% of my daily amount sugers and mango juice has 43%

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2011, 11:35:46 am »
Take up a sport, for example try playing football (5-asides) twice a week and maybe even join your local tennis club. Once you lay off the drink and play sport, it will come off. Just make sure that you eat well and drink loads of water.
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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #52 on: April 10, 2011, 07:10:35 pm »
Only time I ever dieted was about this time 2 years ago when I was injured and started to get a bit of a belly.

Didn't think I'd be able to do it but just sorted diet out and was back to normal within a few weeks. Didn't even need to exercise.

If you smoke then it can help cause instead of going for a snack, just head out for a smoke instead. Really does work.

Offline Azi

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2011, 08:32:45 pm »
right so av been cutting down ma drinking

yesterday i had 4litres of coke today im down to 330 mil and even then the glass wasnt fully empty so really only drank 300mil today  replaced  all the coke with ribena mango juice AND WATER  :D
now going to go and slap the punchbag for 20 mins

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2011, 09:22:42 pm »
since xmas ive stopped drinking during the week, cut out snacking in-between meals, and taken one sandwich out of my lunch. frigging hungry the first week, but soon got use to it. lost one stone two pounds.
eat, drink what i like at the weekends. small steps it takes time.
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Offline Degs

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2011, 09:37:35 pm »
Right I've probably missed the boat here but this is the best advice you will get in this thread, and it's tough love so be warned


Bollocks to any of these "I only eat yoghurt and nothing else all day" flash-diets.  Here's a general rule of thumb, if you go for the drastic all off at once diets you will eventually put the pounds back on. It's really, really, easy eat sensibly.  Don't have chips every single fucking night of the week, I have a decent dinner and a nice tea with some fruit here or there.  If you can't eat like a normal person and have a pudding every single night then guess what that's why you're overweight and unless you are willing to change what goes through your mouth then you WILL NOT lose weight because that's why you're fat to begin with, you eat too much.

Secondly, if you still live with your ma or you're with a bird then take over the cooking, or at least your own cooking.  Use the bbc site, I'm guessing you eat a shitload of ready meals and take aways.  Fuck that shit.  Cut out anything you haven't made for yourself, use lean meats (chicken and mince) and you will eat better tasting meals than any of the "Tesco Special" shit you've been paying Ł5 a night for.  Just follow instructions and Ł3 can get you 2 portions of a lovely meal better than any of that TV dinner shite.

Cut out Coke and any soft drinks, look at the bottle, 1 Lucozade has about 60% f your daily sugar and it does fuck all for you.  Drink water.

In short: stop eating shit like crisps chocolate in between meals.  Cook for yourself and that doesn't mean heating up ready meals.  Stop drinking soft drinks.
You're not on a diet, you're changing you're whole eating lifestyle, if you don't you'll put it back on when you go back to eating shite.


Join a gym.

Bollocks to anybody who says you don't need to, that running in the street is alright.  Join the fucking gym and tell EVERYONE, that way you'll have the pressure to get your arse there. 
Go on the treadmill, every single day, people will say it's too much you'll get bored - fuck them treadmill is boss and the pounds will fly off, get a decent music player and you're set.  Do other stuff in the gym if you want, it's fun but get your arse on that treadmill.

It's really simple, eat less and exercise more.

Remember ANYBODY can lose weight and the only person that can do it is YOU, believe in yourself when others choose not to.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 09:39:10 pm by Degs »

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2011, 09:47:01 pm »
That's a pretty inspirational and useful post that mate cheers, going to follow your advice.

Offline El Denzel Pepito

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2011, 09:50:05 pm »
Right I've probably missed the boat here but this is the best advice you will get in this thread, and it's tough love so be warned


Bollocks to any of these "I only eat yoghurt and nothing else all day" flash-diets.  Here's a general rule of thumb, if you go for the drastic all off at once diets you will eventually put the pounds back on. It's really, really, easy eat sensibly.  Don't have chips every single fucking night of the week, I have a decent dinner and a nice tea with some fruit here or there.  If you can't eat like a normal person and have a pudding every single night then guess what that's why you're overweight and unless you are willing to change what goes through your mouth then you WILL NOT lose weight because that's why you're fat to begin with, you eat too much.

Secondly, if you still live with your ma or you're with a bird then take over the cooking, or at least your own cooking.  Use the bbc site, I'm guessing you eat a shitload of ready meals and take aways.  Fuck that shit.  Cut out anything you haven't made for yourself, use lean meats (chicken and mince) and you will eat better tasting meals than any of the "Tesco Special" shit you've been paying Ł5 a night for.  Just follow instructions and Ł3 can get you 2 portions of a lovely meal better than any of that TV dinner shite.

Cut out Coke and any soft drinks, look at the bottle, 1 Lucozade has about 60% f your daily sugar and it does fuck all for you.  Drink water.

In short: stop eating shit like crisps chocolate in between meals.  Cook for yourself and that doesn't mean heating up ready meals.  Stop drinking soft drinks.
You're not on a diet, you're changing you're whole eating lifestyle, if you don't you'll put it back on when you go back to eating shite.


Join a gym.

Bollocks to anybody who says you don't need to, that running in the street is alright.  Join the fucking gym and tell EVERYONE, that way you'll have the pressure to get your arse there. 
Go on the treadmill, every single day, people will say it's too much you'll get bored - fuck them treadmill is boss and the pounds will fly off, get a decent music player and you're set.  Do other stuff in the gym if you want, it's fun but get your arse on that treadmill.

It's really simple, eat less and exercise more.

Remember ANYBODY can lose weight and the only person that can do it is YOU, believe in yourself when others choose not to.

Are you fat?

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #58 on: April 10, 2011, 09:53:32 pm »
Are you fat?
No, small size in every shop.

Just seen enough mates go "I'm going to lose weight" then drink 4 litres of Coke a day at work and wonder why it's not working.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #59 on: April 10, 2011, 10:04:32 pm »
No, small size in every shop.

Just seen enough mates go "I'm going to lose weight" then drink 4 litres of Coke a day at work and wonder why it's not working.

Aha, just checking.

Cheers for the advice, though. But, think it all does come down to will power and determination. Which a lot of people (including me, at times) lack.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2011, 10:09:53 pm »
I've started to lose some weight in the last few weeks, I'm not going to call it a diet because its not - I've permanently changed my eating habits, cutting out the fattier foods and snacks.

I did this about 18 months ago and shifted 3 stone in 3 months but have let it creep back on so I'm going at it again.  My method to shifting 3 stone in 3 months was as follows...

1. 1600 - 1800 calories a day and keep to it.  The average bloke needs 2500 per day without any excercise so sticking to under 1800 you WILL lose weight.
2. Don't eat after 8pm
3. Always eat breakfast because it starts your metabolism.
4. If you feel hungry but it isn't time to eat then drink a very large glass of water or even two, it'll bloat you up and keep the hunger at bay.
5. Drink lots of water anyway, at least a couple of litres a day.
6. If you don't want to drink water all of the time then throw in some cans of diet coke or diet pepsi.  They contain no calories.

You don't have to join a gym - I shifted 3 stone in 3 months without doing any excercise and working in a desk job.  Frequent exercise will help of course but it is not an absolute must to lose weight.

Get the MyFitnessPal app onto your phone - you can quickly input the calories of what you've just eaten to keep track of what you've got left for the day.

Some foods are really low calorie, you just have to shop around and look at the labels.  Tesco do a Minced Beef Hotpot microwave meal thats only 200 calories, Mini Milks are only 15 calories!  1600 - 1800 is easily done.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2011, 10:10:51 pm »
Aha, just checking.

Cheers for the advice, though. But, think it all does come down to will power and determination. Which a lot of people (including me, at times) lack.
There are simple changes like cutting out soft drinks that will make a small difference, a few pounds, but if you really want to get trim you need to eat less and exercise, blah blah blah heard that, CONSISTENTLY. Eating a salad one day and 6 big macs the rest of the week while playing FIFA 11 won't do anything.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2011, 10:11:06 pm »
The straightforward figures are 500 cals/day = a pound. That's to say that if you're currently not gaining or losing weight, then a change of 500 calories per day in your diet/exercise will gain/lose a pound a week. I changed my balance by just over 1000 calories (700 off diet, 300 more exercise) and I've lost a stone in 6 weeks. Simples.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 10:14:39 pm by DJBrenton »
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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2011, 10:13:44 pm »
There are simple changes like cutting out soft drinks that will make a small difference, a few pounds, but if you really want to get trim you need to eat less and exercise, blah blah blah heard that, CONSISTENTLY. Eating a salad one day and 6 big macs the rest of the week while playing FIFA 11 won't do anything.

Yep, will try and keep to eating less and healthier now. Probably my worst habit.

I've started to lose some weight in the last few weeks, I'm not going to call it a diet because its not - I've permanently changed my eating habits, cutting out the fattier foods and snacks.

I did this about 18 months ago and shifted 3 stone in 3 months but have let it creep back on so I'm going at it again.  My method to shifting 3 stone in 3 months was as follows...

1. 1600 - 1800 calories a day and keep to it.  The average bloke needs 2500 per day without any excercise so sticking to under 1800 you WILL lose weight.
2. Don't eat after 8pm
3. Always eat breakfast because it starts your metabolism.
4. If you feel hungry but it isn't time to eat then drink a very large glass of water or even two, it'll bloat you up and keep the hunger at bay.
5. Drink lots of water anyway, at least a couple of litres a day.
6. If you don't want to drink water all of the time then throw in some cans of diet coke or diet pepsi.  They contain no calories.

You don't have to join a gym - I shifted 3 stone in 3 months without doing any excercise and working in a desk job.  Frequent exercise will help of course but it is not an absolute must to lose weight.

Get the MyFitnessPal app onto your phone - you can quickly input the calories of what you've just eaten to keep track of what you've got left for the day.

Some foods are really low calorie, you just have to shop around and look at the labels.  Tesco do a Minced Beef Hotpot microwave meal thats only 200 calories, Mini Milks are only 15 calories!  1600 - 1800 is easily done.

Downloading that app now. Ta for that.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2011, 10:16:45 pm »
I've been lucky to have a great metabolism and be able to get away with treats over the years and remain solid. You have to work out and work hard though.

Have a day every couple of weeks where you're allowed to cheat and have a couple of lagers and some junk food. There'll be a stage when you won't even be bothered of you don't eat junk anymore.
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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2011, 10:28:04 pm »
Yep, will try and keep to eating less and healthier now. Probably my worst habit.

Downloading that app now. Ta for that.
If you're 9 stone you don't need to change your eating unless you're 5 feet tall.
Carry on and just go the gym.
Can't hurt to eat right though, you're more suited t a fitness/bodybuilding thread.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #66 on: April 10, 2011, 10:30:39 pm »
If you're 9 stone you don't need to change your eating unless you're 5 feet tall.
Carry on and just go the gym.
Can't hurt to eat right though, you're more suited t a fitness/bodybuilding thread.

I'm 6'0 and 9 stone, yep.

This probably isn't the right thread for me, you're right, but I do need to change my eating habits, do eat a lot of junk food weekly.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2011, 11:26:46 pm »
There's some good info in here. Gonna splurge some general tips off the top of my brainmathingeymajig, here goes:

If you're overweight and are going to start running make sure you've got good shoes, possibly something with arch support and stability control - it's common for heavy/tall people to severely over pronate in their stride and this can cause all sorts of lower leg problems. (especially anyone 16+ stone) If you're unsure find a nearby running shop, if they're decent they'll have a treadmill in the shop with a video camera to analyse your running gait right there and will find a shoe to suit.

And you don't have to just stick to cardio. Lifting weights is a good way to to lose weight and sometimes an easier start to getting back in the gym for those who don't have much fitness, rather than jumping straight on the treadmill or pounding the tarmac. So long as you are eating a calorie controlled diet you won't see any size gains but you'll tone up as well as raise your metabolism and in turn burn even more energy. Weight training makes you more efficient at fat burning essentially and will improve your weight loss from cardio. Don't be discouraged at the start when a small increase in lean muscle mass masks the increased fat loss, stick with it.

Of course you can lose pounds with a change in diet alone but it won't be as quick as if in combination with exercise (obviously). But be careful not to be too extreme with the calorie control as your body will lower it's metabolism in response (survival mechanism) and your relative weight loss will slow. 1800 calories or thereabouts for a guy is a good target.

I'm 6ft and 105kg with 12-14% (approx) body fat when rowing and training regularly so I'm a pretty decent build but when I don't exercise I pile on the fat. I badly dislocated my knee a few years ago and got up to 140kg sitting around eating lots but not burning it. I'm back just above 110kg now but have to maintain about 4 hours of pretty vigorous exercise a week due to my largely sedentary job and working at home.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 11:31:25 pm by Uhoh AureliOs »

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #68 on: April 10, 2011, 11:36:04 pm »
There's a great diet called "Eat less shit, do more shit".

Seems to work.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #69 on: April 10, 2011, 11:37:05 pm »
6ft, 16 1/2 stone, 12-14% body're a fucking monster!

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #70 on: April 10, 2011, 11:38:06 pm »
I'm 6ft and 105kg with 12-14% (approx) body fat when rowing and training regularly so I'm a pretty decent build but when I don't exercise I pile on the fat. I badly dislocated my knee a few years ago and got up to 140kg sitting around eating lots but not burning it. I'm back just above 110kg now but have to maintain about 4 hours of pretty vigorous exercise a week due to my largely sedentary job and working at home.

Teach me xxxxxxxx

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #71 on: April 11, 2011, 12:06:14 am »
They contain aspartame though which is just as bad for you as all the sugar, it just won't make you fat.

As bad for you as sugar?

In what way is aspartame bad for you?

I think you are just spouting an urban myth to be honest.  There is no sound evidence to suggest aspartame is anything other than safe. 

Tuck in, it's fine!
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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #72 on: April 11, 2011, 12:14:41 am »
I've been pussyfooting around sorting my diet and lifestyle out for a long time now. I left school 3 years ago at a nice 11st, which isn't bad for 5'10. However, I have consistently put on a stone every winter since and now near 14'5st. I basically eat shite, don't bother with fruit and veg and eat far too many crisps and chocolates. I've always had this diet however I think playing football kept my weight under control. I'm really at the point now where i want to sort myself out before I end up a fat bastard forever. It's now or never really. I just need advice on any specific meal plans? Or the exact types of food the I need to start eating. It's pretty obvious what I need to cut out, but the working of late hours doesn't help. As soon as I get home from work I never feel in the mood for a run.
Quote from: Youll Never Walk Alone on September  2, 2007, 12:38:14 PM
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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #73 on: April 11, 2011, 12:23:57 am »
6ft, 16 1/2 stone, 12-14% body're a fucking monster!

I've lost quite a bit of muscle mass and replaced it with a good layer of insulation. I'd love to see my abs again one day. But funny thing was I was 3rd smallest on our 8, now those other guys were big.

Teach me xxxxxxxx

It's all genetics. :lmao

Na it's all down to the rowing. You know how they used to beat drums and whip the slaves whilst they row.. well they still do that but now they call it circuit training and instead of whips they have whistles and stopwatches!

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #74 on: April 11, 2011, 12:32:13 am »
It's all genetics. :lmao

Na it's all down to the rowing. You know how they used to beat drums and whip the slaves whilst they row.. well they still do that but now they call it circuit training and instead of whips they have whistles and stopwatches!

Haha! By the rowing do you mean the actual sport or in the gym? I've got a rowing machine at home, a proper professional one, so might start up on that!

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #75 on: April 11, 2011, 01:14:35 am »
Haha! By the rowing do you mean the actual sport or in the gym? I've got a rowing machine at home, a proper professional one, so might start up on that!

The sport (which I listed above includes circuit training and free weights work) but there's little difference to the actual thing and the machines in technique. If you're looking to flatten your stomach your rowing machine will help you lose a bit of body fat and tone your abs at the same time. But as you've said your only 9st maybe you should try something like aerobics, pilates or yoga. If you don't want to join a class you can always get free workouts on youtube or dvds that you can do at home and they're more likely to change your body shape.

Manly pilates FOR MEN!

<a href=";amp;hl=en_GB" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">;amp;hl=en_GB</a>

Kickboxing crazy woman

<a href=";amp;hl=en_GB" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">;amp;hl=en_GB</a>

(these are insane by the way)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 01:17:11 am by Uhoh AureliOs »

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #76 on: April 11, 2011, 01:26:47 am »
I jibbed the ale for 4 weeks and lost about 9lb. Had a couple of binges on the ale the last week though, gutted. Anyway, monday tomoz and I know i can cut it out again so will do.

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #77 on: April 11, 2011, 02:00:19 am »
right am ive currently become addicted to jacobs cream crackers with nothing on them. are they healthy? the good thing with these is if i eat 3/4 i dont drink coke instead today ive been drinking water instead

Offline El Denzel Pepito

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #78 on: April 11, 2011, 02:17:49 am »
The sport (which I listed above includes circuit training and free weights work) but there's little difference to the actual thing and the machines in technique. If you're looking to flatten your stomach your rowing machine will help you lose a bit of body fat and tone your abs at the same time. But as you've said your only 9st maybe you should try something like aerobics, pilates or yoga. If you don't want to join a class you can always get free workouts on youtube or dvds that you can do at home and they're more likely to change your body shape.

Manly pilates FOR MEN!

Kickboxing crazy woman

(these are insane by the way)

Haha, fuck me them videos!

Anyways, thanks for the advice mate. I'll be starting off on the rowing machine soon and hopefully get into some yoga.

Offline timiano

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Re: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2011, 03:48:43 am »
right am ive currently become addicted to jacobs cream crackers with nothing on them. are they healthy? the good thing with these is if i eat 3/4 i dont drink coke instead today ive been drinking water instead

4 Jacobs cream crackers is about the equivalent of 330ml of Coke in calories. Nutritionally it's better for you though, but it won't lose you any weight.

Bread sticks are a better alternative, at about 20 calories per stick.