Author Topic: The I'm a fat bastard and trying to lose weight thread aka JoeyC's skiving zone  (Read 487673 times)

Offline Jimmy Conway

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Not been out on my bike much recently so weight had slightly crept up.
Been careful what Ive eaten past few weeks and hit the turbo in the garage. 66kg after my morning poo today, which is my "fighting weight".

Offline Schmidt

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well done

Thanks. Literally within 3 hours of posting that I hurt my back in the gym and had to take a couple of weeks off, that's what I get for stating my intentions to lose more weight I guess! I've been back in the routine for little while since and I'm back below where I was that day fortunately so only a few weeks lost.

Seems a bit dead in here lately, is everyone off the wagon?

Offline paulrazor

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Looks that way. I'm training for a marathon so in the running thread. Hoping to get some weight off this month
yer ma should have called you Paolo Zico Gerry Socrates HELLRAZOR

Offline plura

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Came back from a 2week holiday in Vietnam and lived like a king and I allowed myself anything I wanted, and in reality that was like most holidays a bit too much of the good stuff. Been similar here at home, just before I went away I had brewed my own beer again = I have/had 50 bottles of some great beer. So that has left me in the typical April state, where I need to up my workout again.
My very solid plan is to get back to 2/3 times a week weightlifting + a few HIITs here and there and start walking to work again. Isn't this just the biggest merry go round?! :D

Offline El Denzel Pepito

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Have been on medication which has made me put on 14kg / 2 stone in the last 4 months, had no idea that was one of the side effects. I've been lifting (but nowhere near as much as I should) during this time, but the 14kg is probably mostly pure fat. I've gone up 2-3 sizes since taking the meds, flab absolutely everywhere. My metabolism has slowed right down.

I've been eating extremely clean for the past week, but the flabby stomach, chest and now prominent love handles is properly making me feel like giving up after having weight issues in the recent past. Some may see this as 'cheating', but I have a consultation for a fat freezing procedure tomorrow. The technology used is Lipoglaze and it's completely non-invasive. 20-40% reduction of fat in the area treated over the space of 2/3 months (doesn't affect visceral fat). Fat cells are sensitive to extreme cold temperatures, and Lipoglaze sucks in the area you want to target, freezes it to minus 5, I believe. A protective layer is put on the skin before. 20-40% of the fat cells in the area die and are flushed out via the liver in your urine. I'll be getting both upper & lower abdomen, flanks/lower back & chest looked at tomorrow. It takes an hour per area (or two if there's more stubborn fat) and you can have multiple treatments on the same area, three months apart. Has anyone done this procedure or other similar ones (CoolSculpting, 3D Lipo)?

If I do end up getting it done, I'll really be stepping up with my diet in those two months it takes effect and hopefully it gives me a kickstart to get back in shape. It's not the final step, but a step in the good direction.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 04:02:04 pm by El Denzel Pepito »

Offline paddysour

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How does it kill fat cells and not other cells? It would worry me, doesn't sound healthy!

Offline El Denzel Pepito

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How does it kill fat cells and not other cells? It would worry me, doesn't sound healthy!

When the applicator head is first attached, it warms up the targeted area, which separates the blood from the fat. Also, other tissues aren't affected by the massive drop in temperature, whereas fat cells are highly susceptible to it. It's clinically tested and cryotherapy is a proven way to reduce fat. -3 degrees is enough to kill fat cells. -15 degrees is the point at which muscle cells and other cells may start to get affected. The procedure's done at -8 degrees to ensure all fat cells indeed do die, but the other cells are not in danger of being affected.

The adipocyte (fat) cells that are targeted by Cryogenic Lipolysis are typically rich with saturated fatty acids. These types of cells are particularly sensitive to cold, which is why this cooling technology is so effective. Other cells, such as skin tissue, blood vessels, nervous system and so on, are not so sensitive to freezing and so remain completely unaffected by this treatment. As a result, it’s perfectly safe to use and is extremely effective.

An anti-freeze membrane is applied to protect the surface of the skin.

The PureCryo treatment head is then applied to the area, configured for the treatment and switched on.

The PureCryo treatment head selectively cools the adipose layer, causing the lipids within the cells to form ice crystals. These ice crystals permeate the cell membrane allowing ions to pass freely across the membrane, causing an ionic imbalance, thereby resulting in cellular death.

The PDT light soothes and conditions the surface of the skin during the treatment.

Only the fat cells are frozen, as their contents are more susceptible to cooling than the surrounding tissues. Therefore, there is no damage or risk to the surrounding structures.

Anyway, had the consultation today. Left feeling very very pleased with what I was hearing. He measured my body fat in the areas I was getting treated, and for me that was a fucking massive shock. Way, way higher than I thought I was and now I'm fully committed to changing my lifestyle. He's also designing a nutritional plan for me, that I can stick to with ease. He's confident I'll look like a completely different person in 2 months time, to what I do now (body-composition wise, ofc). Total cost of the procedure (chest, abdomen, flanks) worked out to be £695 - all done in 5 hours in one evening, next week. For some people, it may not be worth it, but the pros far outweigh (excuse the pun) the cons.

Offline paddysour

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Would you mind posting before and after pics? You could edit out your head if you're worried about anonymity

Offline El Denzel Pepito

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Would you mind posting before and after pics? You could edit out your head if you're worried about anonymity

Happy to message it to people who are interested, once I receive them from the clinic :)

Personally, I would've thought the consultant would've wanted to use four different treatments to the abdomen, along with an additional round of treatments to all areas after 3 months, but he thinks I'll get great results with just 1 treatment to each area once. I'm getting increasingly sceptical of it being as effective as I want it to be, with just the 1 treatment, but I guess that's something to think about further down the line. If it does get me anywhere near my target, I wouldn't be against doing another round of treatments, just to kill 20-40% of the remaining fat cells.

Offline El Denzel Pepito

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Just had the procedure done. It was uncomfortable (but not enough to grimace) for the first 2-3 minutes whilst it was heating up and separating the blood and other tissues from the fat, but once the fat was sucked inside and it started to freeze, I couldn't really feel much. The flanks were the most comfortable to treat, the chest was fairly comfortable but the upper (which I chose to do to increase the lean appearance) & lower abdomen were the most uncomfortable. Still not painful, but I wasn't exactly able to sleep whilst it was happening, which I could've with the others. Got a fair few bruises and redness, which is to be expected. Also quite numb to touch.

The consultant also drafted up a nutrition plan for me. 4 meals a day - eat every 3 hours. Also put together a workout plan, with 10-20 minutes of fasted cardio on the rowing machine when I wake up and weights in the evening. Allowed 1 cheat meal a week. Alcohol - in moderation - once a week. In his words, "If I was in your body, after having done this procedure and following the exact diet and fitness plan, I would have a six pack in 2 months time" I'm quite sceptical of that, but I'm going to follow every single detail of the plan to ensure I maximise my results.

Besides being a Manc, he was sound throughout and I'd probably recommend the procedure based on the ease of it, so far. Hope the results follow soon. I'm going back in six weeks for my post-treatment measurements and I'll be happy to message people my before/after then!

Offline paddysour

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Interested to hear them, hope you get the results you want

Offline Schmidt

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What happens to the areas of your body that didn't get treated? Does the fat eventually redistribute itself or do you have to work it off to get your proportions looking right again?

Offline El Denzel Pepito

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What happens to the areas of your body that didn't get treated? Does the fat eventually redistribute itself or do you have to work it off to get your proportions looking right again?

Fat in the thighs, calves etc. will all remain as they are, so you may end up looking bottom heavy, in that case. Unless, like me, there's not too much fat in the legs and they would purely remain looking muscular/as they are now.

I did ask about the fat distribution in the torso and he told me that the fat would redistribute itself, as the process of eliminating fat cells as slowly as this does, is quite natural and isn't a shock for the body/fat cells in other areas. Done a quick paint job to show you where I got treated (picture isn't me).

The areas in red (chest, upper abdomen, lower abdomen & flanks) are where I got treated and where the applicator head was suctioned on. The areas in blue, surrounding that, is the 'reach' of the applicator, which basically means it sucks in the fat cells from those areas too. When I had the two applicators on the abdomen, I was quite worried about the distance between the upper and lower applicator, thinking fat cells in the middle and around them wouldn't be treated. After the procedure was done, he took the applicator heads off, and whilst the treated areas were still frozen, he pulled on the areas which were in between the two and there was no fat under to pinch up, it had all been sucked in by the applicator head and treated. So there would be no need to work anything off, as the procedure is most likely to show even fat loss in the whole area, rather than liposuction which can cause unsightly areas of fat to be left. Since I, in essence, got my whole torso treated, the fat loss should be extremely even and proportionate in my case.

3 days after treatment, and besides the bruising (which isn't painful at all), very slight numbness and a bit of a sore chest, there isn't anything spectacular. 3 days is how long it takes for the process of removing fat cells to begin after treatment, so starting today I should start getting very small incremental changes. 2-3 weeks in, I should start seeing visible changes and 6 weeks in I should be close to the final results. Although the treated fat cells are flushed out for 4-6 months after procedure, so the end result could be even better.

Here's a before/after of someone on RealSelf, who got treated in the lower abdomen. Notice the fat redistributing across his torso, from the upper abdomen to lower, makes a very even result.

Interested to hear them, hope you get the results you want

Thanks mate.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 05:39:20 pm by El Denzel Pepito »

Offline Andy @ Allerton!

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I've had a fitbit for about a month and the competition with workmates has really helped me lose weight.

Since last month I've lost 3.3kg, so it really seems to be working well and I'm really increasing my walking (I'm averaging about 15 - 25,000 steps a day)
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline Pheeny

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I'm really increasing my walking (I'm averaging about 15 - 25,000 steps a day)
between pubs? ;)

Offline Andy @ Allerton!

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Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline Pheeny

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Yeah :D
Mind you you did look a bit thinner on the photo I saw on Facebook yesterday.

Offline Andy @ Allerton!

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Mind you you did look a bit thinner on the photo I saw on Facebook yesterday.

I can get into pubs without them having to take the doors off now! ;)
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline Pheeny

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I can get into pubs without them having to take the doors off now! ;)
But only when Hally isn't with you...

Offline Andy @ Allerton!

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But only when Hally isn't with you...

Yeah, we still have to bring the mobile crane when he comes along ;)
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline AndyInVA

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Ive started having having two fried eggs for breakfast every day (fried in just the spray on stuff)

seems tomake a big difference as I dont get hungry until lunch time later

no bread or anything else at all, just eggs and pepper

Offline AndyInVA

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I've had a fitbit for about a month and the competition with workmates has really helped me lose weight.

Since last month I've lost 3.3kg, so it really seems to be working well and I'm really increasing my walking (I'm averaging about 15 - 25,000 steps a day)

some of your friends may be cheating

Offline Andy @ Allerton!

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Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline Crosby Nick

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Right, I've had enough of being about a stone overweight now. I always have token efforts at 'being good' but never anything substantial.

What's the best way to lose half a stone or so and keep it off...step up the exercise or cut down the calories? Or both?

Offline Narwin Dunez

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Calories, healthy eating.

Exercise is a bonus on top. Do both.

Offline Crosby Nick

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Calories, healthy eating.

Exercise is a bonus on top. Do both.

Yeah, knew that wad the answer really. Self motivation is the key. Started well today anyway and had a three mile run. Will see how long it lasts!

Offline sms1986

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Using myfitnesspal or another food diary site to log your calories will help a lot as well.

Offline Crosby Nick

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Using myfitnesspal or another food diary site to log your calories will help a lot as well.

I did that a few years back and did find it useful,  will have to load it again. What do you do when making home made smoothies,  portions etc? Never knew how accurate (or honest!) I was being.

Offline sms1986

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I did that a few years back and did find it useful,  will have to load it again. What do you do when making home made smoothies,  portions etc? Never knew how accurate (or honest!) I was being.

I think there's a way of creating your own meals to put into the diary but I never use it, I just put in the raw ingredients.

Offline paddysour

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I did that a few years back and did find it useful,  will have to load it again. What do you do when making home made smoothies,  portions etc? Never knew how accurate (or honest!) I was being.

Buy a food scale and weigh everything. The number 1 best thing you can buy for weight loss.

It all comes down to simple maths. It's so accurate you can tell exactly how long it will take to shift that stone you want.

Offline El Denzel Pepito

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Two weeks post-treatment and not much of a change yet, as expected. There are moments where I'd look at a certain part and feel like it's smaller in size, but that might just be me trying to look for it. If I suck in my gut now though, it's completely flat with no bulges (except abs poking through), which wasn't the case prior to the procedure. Hopefully that sucking in is what the final results will resemble in some shape or form. Chest-wise, I'm really hoping the fat at the bottom starts to disappear slowly, as my upper chest is naturally quite muscular with little fat.

Haven't been great with my diet, if I'm honest. One or two cheat meals too many. However, I've somehow managed to lose half a stone in the last two weeks, despite not eating the best. I'm putting it down to me being committed to drinking 3-4 litres of water a day, which you'd assume would show an increase in water weight, but it seems to have helped my body with water retention, leading to me being less bloated as well. Also been working out more and really starting to feel a difference in strength in my chest and arms - although I'm not lifting anywhere near as much weight as I used to. Had DOMs for a couple of days as my body got used to getting back into lifting. Hoping the visible results come very soon. Have an important event coming up at the end of this month, and I'm determined to shift the weight before then.

Offline El Denzel Pepito

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18 days post-procedure and still not really a visible change that I can tell. I still look overweight and won't be going around topless for a while yet!

I did measure my upper & lower abdomen and chest, and to my surprise I've lost approx 0.5 to an inch from those areas. Without massively looking after my diet or doing as much cardio as I should. I did also get my flanks done however, so any inch loss in the lower abdomen is probably exaggerated somewhat. Pretty sure I've measured it exactly the way the consultant did. Within the next 30 days, I should see the process dramatically increase. Most people start to see & feel results from the the third week in, although some may start as early as a week and others as late as 8-10 weeks. I was told I'd approximately lose 4-6 inches on the lower abdomen, 2 on the upper abdomen (less fat there) and 1-3 on the chest, however inch loss on the chest isn't the end goal - it's more total fat loss in that area, so losing only inch of fat may not sound worth it, but it uncovers the chest muscle to a certain extent, which is my ultimate goal - a shapely chest.

Sorry about making this a progress thread!

If anyone wants information on the procedure, however, here's a link to the UK-approved version of Cyrolipolysis that I had:
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 04:47:38 am by El Denzel Pepito »

Offline Fiasco

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Right, I've had enough of being about a stone overweight now. I always have token efforts at 'being good' but never anything substantial.

What's the best way to lose half a stone or so and keep it off...step up the exercise or cut down the calories? Or both?

Smoke some crack. It'll fucking fall off you.

So I've heard anyway :D

Offline Andy @ Allerton!

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I'm twice as fit now as when I was at Christmas. I weigh about 6 kg less too. But that extra weight isn't going I think - the blubber is turning to muscle.
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline S

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Any thoughts on skipping rope? Is it effective?

Offline Peabee

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Any thoughts on skipping rope? Is it effective?

I used a rope a lot last year. It is supposed to be quite effective in terms of calories burned.  But it takes practice and patience; I started off with 30s then 1 min intervals with equal rest.  I still use it occasionally (running is my thing now for fitness) now I'm in good shape, with 3 min intervals and 1 min rest.  The reason why I do that is to get as much exercise done without getting too tired.  e.g. I did 8 x 3 mins with 1 min rest, so that's a 32 min workout (counting recoveries as part of the workout); I couldn't do the same intensity for 24 or 32 mins straight.
We aren't walking through the storm now - we are the storm.

Offline AndyInVA

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Any thoughts on skipping rope? Is it effective?

tough on the knees

Offline bradders1011

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Been doing tons of drinking recently what with being at the football and the cricket and that, and working on a project team with a generous attitude towards the bakery in the local Sainsburys has piled it back on me.

In 2014 I went from 20st7 down to 17 by just counting calories and cutting out the ale and stayed between there 17 and 17st7 since then, last month or so I've gone up to 18 and clothes are beginning to get tight.

I'm going the Euros too. :-\

Could be a tricky few months this.

If I were a linesman, I would execute defenders who applauded my offsides.

Offline paddysour

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18 days post-procedure and still not really a visible change that I can tell. I still look overweight and won't be going around topless for a while yet!

I did measure my upper & lower abdomen and chest, and to my surprise I've lost approx 0.5 to an inch from those areas. Without massively looking after my diet or doing as much cardio as I should. I did also get my flanks done however, so any inch loss in the lower abdomen is probably exaggerated somewhat. Pretty sure I've measured it exactly the way the consultant did. Within the next 30 days, I should see the process dramatically increase. Most people start to see & feel results from the the third week in, although some may start as early as a week and others as late as 8-10 weeks. I was told I'd approximately lose 4-6 inches on the lower abdomen, 2 on the upper abdomen (less fat there) and 1-3 on the chest, however inch loss on the chest isn't the end goal - it's more total fat loss in that area, so losing only inch of fat may not sound worth it, but it uncovers the chest muscle to a certain extent, which is my ultimate goal - a shapely chest.

Sorry about making this a progress thread!

If anyone wants information on the procedure, however, here's a link to the UK-approved version of Cyrolipolysis that I had:

How are you getting on now mate?

Offline S

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Does anyone have a pull-up bar? And if so, has it been helpful in burning calories and whatnot?

Context - I'm not exactly overweight. I see that term "skinny fat" thrown around a lot and it probably best describes me. I've got myself down to a weight I'm happy with, but am having huge difficulty shedding the last few pounds.

tough on the knees
Yeah, I read around some more and saw this issue everywhere. As someone who has had knee problems in the past it's far from ideal.