Author Topic: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse  (Read 86221 times)

Offline Brian Blessed

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #160 on: August 30, 2012, 01:49:57 pm »
Interesting phrase in that article

"kids looking for father figures might be drawn to priests to fill a hole."
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

Offline Corkboy

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #161 on: August 30, 2012, 01:57:22 pm »
"Suppose you have a man having a nervous breakdown, and a youngster comes after him."

Fucking predators, those youngsters.

Offline Brian Blessed

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #162 on: August 30, 2012, 02:07:46 pm »
"Suppose you have a man having a nervous breakdown, and a youngster comes after him."

Fucking predators, those youngsters.
How is a middle-aged man supposed to fight off a 14 year old?
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #163 on: August 30, 2012, 02:10:29 pm »
How is a middle-aged man supposed to fight off a 14 year old?

Especially a 14 year old intent on getting raped?

Offline Brian Blessed

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Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

Offline Corkboy

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #165 on: November 13, 2012, 04:22:29 pm »
Expert: 'Priests believe child abuse forgivable'

SOME priests think pedophilia does not "break celibacy" and that sins can be confessed away, one of the nation's top child protection experts says.

Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs, who has just published a seminal text on child protection, says sexual abuse by a priest is “the most damaging of all" for children and that the Catholic Church is guilty of forgiving priests instead of punishing them.

Her comments come after Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced a sweeping federal royal commission into institutional child sex abuse, which was sparked by revelations of abuse within the Catholic Church.

Asked whether Catholic celibacy was a possible contributor to child sex abuse, Prof Briggs told celibacy was not the problem “for men who are sexually attracted to children" anyway.

“There has been an acceptance over the years that having sex with a boy is not breaking celibacy," she said.

“What priests told me was that the biggest crime was to have sex with a woman."

Prof Briggs, from the University of South Australia, started out as a policewoman and has now been working in the area of child abuse and child protection for 50 years.

She says confession, which plays an important role in the Catholic Church but is also practised in other Christian religions, made churches attractive to pedophiles.

“Churches are psychologically attractive to sex offenders because they can ask for forgiveness one day and offend again on another day," she said.

“There was one priest in Victoria who admitted when caught that he had confessed 200 times and nobody had reported him, because priests are not allowed to report anyone who confesses in a confessional."

Priests are not subject to mandatory reporting laws so they don't have to report child abusers who confess to them. Generally, a priest who receives such a confession is meant to convince the abuser to report themselves to authorities.

Across Australia people such as doctors, nurses and teachers, who work with children, have to report child abuse but no Australian state or territory has included priests in their mandatory reporting requirements.

Only South Australia specifically mentions ministers of religion, but they have an exemption for the confessional. The Northern Territory’s is the only state which extends its requirements to "any adult".

Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, says historically people in the Church did not realise that pedophilia was “an addiction".

“It wasn't just the Catholic Church that hoped (an abusive priest) would amend their conduct and give them a home somewhere else," he told The Weekend Australian.

“Back in those days, they were entitled to think of pedophilia as simply a sin that you would repent of. They didn't realise that in the worst cases it was an addiction, a raging addiction.''

Father Frank Brennan, a Jesuit priest and Professor of Law at the Australian Catholic University, told the ABC last night that in the past children were “sacrificed" for the interests of the church or particular clerics, and that “more work" was needed to understand why there was a disproportionately high number of child abusers among the Catholic clergy.

UniSA Associate Professor Dale Bagshaw, an adjunct professor in the School of Psychology, Social Work and Social Policy, says ultimately it's power that's the problem, and that pedophiles join the church because of its structure.

“It's power and trust, manipulation, grooming and abuse," she said.

“Friends in the Catholic Church tell me that a lot of pedophiles actually join the church to be in a position to abuse children … it gives them a powerful position.

“It's the patriarchal nature of the system. They don't have women priests, I think they really think they're a cut above, that they're beyond the state." asked the office of Archbishop Philip Wilson, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, for a response. We were referred to what Adelaide's Father Philip Marshall told the ABC this morning:

"If somebody comes to confession and they're saying 'look I've done a terrible thing,  I'm deeply sorry'… the priest is going to say 'good, if that's so you have to act ... you have to go to the police, you have to follow the processes'."


“There has been an acceptance over the years that having sex with a boy is not breaking celibacy," she said.

That's right. Their most pressing concern after raping a child (not "having sex with" - raping) was whether they had broken their vow of celibacy.

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #166 on: November 13, 2012, 08:33:47 pm »
Fukin nut jobs, the lot of them.  Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and all that.


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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #167 on: November 14, 2012, 01:39:13 pm »
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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #168 on: November 14, 2012, 02:17:56 pm »

“What priests told me was that the biggest crime was to have sex with a woman."

this is the problem in a nutshell.
for years these priests have been tought to believe sex with a woman was a sin and wrong.
they never matured sexually and still have the sexual maturity of a child.
therefore, they see children as sexual 'equals' and any sexual encounters with them are deemed less sinful than sex with an adult woman.

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #169 on: January 9, 2013, 04:20:37 pm »
Catholic Church in Germany drops sex abuse inquiry

The Roman Catholic Church in Germany has terminated an independent inquiry it commissioned into sexual abuse by clergy, citing a breakdown in trust.

It said that bishops' trust in Prof Christian Pfeiffer, head of the Lower Saxony Criminological Research Institute, had been "destroyed".

Prof Pfeiffer accused the Church of obstructing his team's work by seeking to control the investigation.

The Church said a new inquiry would be commissioned with a different partner.

Bishops approached the institute in 2011 after a wave of revelations about sexual abuse broke and tens of thousands of Catholics deserted the Church.

Hundreds of people had come forward to say they were abused as minors between the 1950s and 1980s, amid suspicion the crimes were concealed.

Pope Benedict XVI, the German-born head of the Catholic Church, met victims when he visited Germany in 2011, and abuse survivors have been offered financial compensation.

Prof Pfeiffer went public about his concerns, telling German media that Church officials had hampered his team's research efforts by continually intervening.

Speaking to the German national broadcaster ZDF, he accused the Church of seeking to censor the research and trying to dictate the make-up of his team.

"We were meant to submit everything for approval," the professor said.

His team consisted of retired prosecutors and judges and was allowed access to personnel records on Church employees going back more than a decade, the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle reports.

The German Bishops' Conference announced that it had ended its co-operation with Prof Pfeiffer's institute.

"The relationship of mutual trust between the bishops and the head of the institute has been destroyed," the Bishop of Trier, Stephan Ackermann, said.

"Trust is vital for such an extensive project dealing with such a sensitive issue."

About 34% of Germans are officially Roman Catholic, according to recent figures.


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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #170 on: January 10, 2013, 09:51:28 pm »
And these were the sanctuaries where the desperate and the vulnerable went for protection. As if the crimes themselves weren't bad enough, the sheer delusional nature of the response is (if possible) even worse - how can religions which are constructed in this fashion look themselves in the mirror and turn to the public, professing 'trust us as your moral guardians'? People went to these loonies for words of wisdom, what a laugh that is.

Unbelievable. Thanks corkboy for all the effort.
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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #171 on: January 11, 2013, 08:44:17 am »
Looks like there will be an inquiry in Australia, just hope they dont get given the run around by the institutions responsible, including churches. Orphanages and Homes.

The Australian

Six commissioners to run inquiry into 'hideous' child sexual abuse

    by: Rick Morton
    From: The Australian
    January 11, 2013 3:45PM

    'We want your voices to be hea...
    Royal commission to work with ...
    Abuse commission

'We want your voices to be heard'

Julia Gillard says the royal commission outlined today will be an opportunity for victims of child sexual abuse to be heard.

Royal commission to work with police

The federal government will appoint six royal commissioners to investigate cases of child sexual abuse.

Attorney-General Nicola Roxon, Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Minister for Families Jenny Macklin announce the terms of reference for the child sexual abuse royal commission. Picture: Renee Nowytarger Source: The Australian

JULIA Gillard says six "very eminent" Australians conducting the royal commission into child sexual abuse will ensure victims will no longer be ignored.

Julia Gillard today announced the terms of reference for the inquiry, to be led by senior NSW judge Peter McClellan, and which will be expected to provide an interim report by the end of June 2014. It is scheduled to wind up in December 2015.

As well as the appointment of six royal commissioners, the inquiry will include a special unit to investigate cases of sexual assault and organisational cover-up to ensure the inquiry does not get bogged down by thousands of individual claims.

Ms Gillard said the nation needed the royal commission because child sexual abuse in institutions was a “hideous, shocking and vile crime” and victims needed to be heard.

“It is clear from what is already in the public domain that too many children were the subject of child sexual abuse in institutions,” the Prime Minister said.

“And that too many adults who could have assisted them turned a blind eye so that they didn't get the help that they needed.”

Ms Gillard said the royal commission would focus only on child sex abuse in institutional contexts.

“It will not deal with child sexual abuse in the family, it will also not deal with abuse of children which is not associated with child sexual abuse.”

As well as the Justice McClellan, who is chief judge at common law of the NSW Supreme Court, the royal commissioners are former Queensland police commissioner Bob Atkinson, Family Court judge Jennifer Coate, Productivity Commission commissioner Robert Fitzgerald, academic Professor Helen Milroy and former Australian Democrats senator Andrew Murray.

“(Mr Atkinson) brings over 40 years of policing experience to the royal commission, including 12 years as Police Commissioner,” Ms Gillard said.

“Justice Jennifer Coate served for 20 years as a magistrate and county court judge in Victoria, including for five years as the President of the Children's Court.

“(Mr Fitzgerald) has experience in commerce, law, public policy and community services, including as Community and Disability Services Commissioner and Deputy Ombudsman in New South Wales.”

Ms Gillard said Ms Milroy would provide extensive experience in child and adolescent health, including the mental health impacts of child sexual assault.

“Andrew Murray brings tremendous experience as a legislator and member of landmark Senate inquiries into children's experiences in institutional care,” she added.

Ms Gillard said the way in which evidence was collected and when and where hearings would be held would be determined by the commissioners.

She expected there would be arrangements for the collection of evidence from people who had lived in Australia as children but had since moved overseas.

“I would anticipate they would put in place mechanisms so people can tell their story no matter where they are,” Ms Gillard said.

Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said the government planned to introduce legislation into parliament when it resumed in February to allow for the six commissioners to hear evidence separately.

Under existing laws, all commissioners would have to be present to hear evidence.

“We expect very large numbers of people who want to give evidence, to present evidence to the commission and obviously we don't expect all evidence to be presented to every one of the six commissioners,” Ms Roxon said.

“We have spoken to the opposition about this change and we do hope to have the enthusiastic support of the parliament.”

Ms Gillard said the inquiry would send a clear message to child sexual abuse survivors.

“For too many, the trauma of that abuse has been compounded by the sense that they had, that their nation doesn't understand or doesn't care about what they've suffered.

“To those survivors of child sex abuse, today we are able to say we want your voice to be heard, even if you've felt for all of your life that no one's listened to you, that no one has taken you seriously, that no one has really cared.”

Ms Roxon conceded the commission would “require significant resources”.

“We will need significant resources to establish this commission as a whole, you can clearly see by the appointment of six commissioners it will be a far-reaching inquiry,” she said.

“The way the resources are divided between legal assistance and support, for research teams for the commissioner will be a matter for the commission.”

Community Services Minister Jenny Macklin said funding would be made available to organisations that abuse survivors “know and trust” but would not elaborate on how much or whether any of it would be new funding.

“We are working through funding arrangements right now, we realise there will be increased demands on organisations who have been advocates and supporters of child sexual abuse survivors.”

Ms Gillard said other procedural issues, notably whether the royal commission will compel Catholic priests to break the “inviolable seal of confession” or whether previously signed confidentiality agreements will be a concern, will be a “matter for the commission itself”.

Child protection advocacy group Bravehearts said it was thrilled about the terms of reference for the royal commission.

“We couldn't be happier, we're absolutely ecstatic,” said Bravehearts director Hetty Johnston, as she welcomed the inclusion of the group's submission in the terms of reference.

“It's absolutely everything we hoped it would be, we're absolutely thrilled with the outcome.”

Senior Catholic figures say they are “ready and willing” to assist with the royal commission.

The six royal commissioners have yet to determine a list of witnesses but the chief executive of the Catholic church's newly-formed Truth, Justice and Healing Council, Francis Sullivan, says the church is committed to “fully cooperate and engage” with the commission.

NSW Attorney-General Greg Smith said Justice McClellan was an “excellent choice” to head the inquiry.

“His extensive experience appearing in and running complex inquiries, his ability for hard work and his compassion make him an ideal candidate,” Mr Smith said.

“I am confident he will give all parties a full and fair hearing and guide the commission well.”

Additional reporting: AAP
JFT 96

Offline BarryCrocker

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #172 on: January 11, 2013, 10:06:22 pm »
Looks like there will be an inquiry in Australia, just hope they dont get given the run around by the institutions responsible, including churches. Orphanages and Homes.

Yep, like thats NOT going to happen with Cardinal Pell as the head of the Catholic church.
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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #173 on: February 24, 2013, 09:26:03 am »
Bishop in being a massive hypocrite shocker....

Three priests and a former priest in Scotland have reported the most senior Catholic clergyman in Britain, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, to the Vatican over allegations of inappropriate behaviour stretching back 30 years.

The four, from the diocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, have complained to nuncio Antonio Mennini, the Vatican's ambassador to Britain, and demanded O'Brien's immediate resignation. A spokesman for the cardinal said that the claims were contested.

O'Brien, who is due to retire next month, has been an outspoken opponent of gay rights, condemning homosexuality as immoral, opposing gay adoption, and most recently arguing that same-sex marriages would be "harmful to the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of those involved". Last year he was named "bigot of the year" by the gay rights charity Stonewall.

One of the complainants, it is understood, alleges that the cardinal developed an inappropriate relationship with him, resulting in a need for long-term psychological counselling.

The four submitted statements containing their claims to the nuncio's office the week before Pope Benedict's resignation on 11 February. They fear that, if O'Brien travels to the forthcoming papal conclave to elect a new pope, the church will not fully address their complaints.

"It tends to cover up and protect the system at all costs," said one of the complainants. "The church is beautiful, but it has a dark side and that has to do with accountability. If the system is to be improved, maybe it needs to be dismantled a bit."

The revelation of the priests' complaints will be met with consternation in the Vatican. Allegations of sexual abuse by members of the church have dogged the papacy of Benedict XVI, who is to step down as pope at the end of this month. Following the announcement, rumours have swirled in Rome that Benedict's shock move may be connected to further scandals to come.

The four priests asked a senior figure in the diocese to act as their representative to the nuncio's office. Through this representative, the nuncio replied, in emails seen by the Observer, that he appreciated their courage.

It is understood that the first allegation against the cardinal dates back to 1980. The complainant, who is now married, was then a 20-year-old seminarian at St Andrew's College, Drygrange, where O'Brien was his "spiritual director". The Observer understands that the statement claims O'Brien made an inappropriate approach after night prayers.

The seminarian says he was too frightened to report the incident, but says his personality changed afterwards, and his teachers regularly noted that he seemed depressed. He was ordained, but he told the nuncio in his statement that he resigned when O'Brien was promoted to bishop. "I knew then he would always have power over me. It was assumed I left the priesthood to get married. I did not. I left to preserve my integrity."

In a second statement, "Priest A" describes being happily settled in a parish when he claims he was visited by O'Brien and inappropriate contact between the two took place.

In a third statement, "Priest B" claims that he was starting his ministry in the 1980s when he was invited to spend a week "getting to know" O'Brien at the archbishop's residence. His statement alleges that he found himself dealing with what he describes as unwanted behaviour by the cardinal after a late-night drinking session.

"Priest C" was a young priest the cardinal was counselling over personal problems. Priest C's statement claims that O'Brien used night prayers as an excuse for inappropriate contact.

The cardinal maintained contact with Priest C over a period of time, and the statement to the nuncio's office alleges that he engineered at least one other intimate situation. O'Brien is, says Priest C, very charismatic, and being sought out by the superior who was supposed to be guiding him was both troubling and flattering.

Those involved believe the cardinal abused his position. "You have to understand," explains the ex-priest, "the relationship between a bishop and a priest. At your ordination, you take a vow to be obedient to him.

"He's more than your boss, more than the CEO of your company. He has immense power over you. He can move you, freeze you out, bring you into the fold … he controls every aspect of your life. You can't just kick him in the balls."

All four have been reluctant to raise their concerns. They are, though, concerned that the church will ignore their complaints, and want the conclave electing the new pope to be "clean". According to canon law, no cardinal who is eligible to vote can be prevented from doing so.

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #174 on: February 24, 2013, 11:33:08 am »
You couldn't make this up.

Constantly they try to hush it up to minimize the damage, every time they do it, they make it worse.
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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #175 on: February 24, 2013, 11:44:50 am »
You couldn't make this up.

Constantly they try to hush it up to minimize the damage, every time they do it, they make it worse.

Some retired cardinal on the Andrew Marr show this morning was asked what should happen - he said, well he's close to retirement, the Vatican has his resignation letter since he has turned 75 (and therefore retires automatically) so basically that would be the end of it.


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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #176 on: February 24, 2013, 12:23:41 pm »
I can't put into reasonable words just how much I despise the Catholic church.

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #177 on: February 24, 2013, 02:18:48 pm »
Some retired cardinal on the Andrew Marr show this morning was asked what should happen - he said, well he's close to retirement, the Vatican has his resignation letter since he has turned 75 (and therefore retires automatically) so basically that would be the end of it.

I think we all know what would happen if the church were left to deal with it. The police need to grow some bollocks and deal with this fucker as they would if it was you or I. Screw the papal vote, screw his retirement coming up. Lock the twat up and see what he has to say for himself.

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #178 on: February 24, 2013, 02:21:40 pm »
Ah yes, the man who said that same-sex marriage would be a "grotesque subversion of a universally accepted human right". Obviously. I can't put into reasonable words just how much I despise the Catholic church.

Stonewall's Man Of The Year wasn't he Rhi?

And do you know what, yer feckin heathen? It doesn't matter how badly you think of them, because they forgive you. They're good like that.

Proud Of His Humility

Feb 16 2013 @ 5:41pm

Cardinal Mahony, who is as deeply implicated in the cover-up of child rape under his authority as Boston’s Cardinal Law, writes the following on his own blog:

    "In the past several days, I have experienced many examples of being humiliated. In recent days, I have been confronted in various places by very unhappy people. I could understand the depth of their anger and outrage–at me, at the Church, at about injustices that swirl around us.

    Thanks to God’s special grace, I simply stood there, asking God to bless and forgive them."

Macca resplendent!
A colossus bestriding the
moral high ground as ever.

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #179 on: February 24, 2013, 02:26:53 pm »
Did anyone hear that wind whistling past the window today? I understand you might be thinking it was the Azores High causing it. It wasn't. It was the Catholic Church's collective sigh of relief that at least this fella was sexually abusing men and not more altar boys.

Macca resplendent!
A colossus bestriding the
moral high ground as ever.

Offline TepidT2O

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #180 on: February 24, 2013, 03:38:54 pm »
"innappropriate behaviour after some late night drinking"

I think it's safe to assume they werent stealing road cones.
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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #181 on: February 25, 2013, 04:18:20 am »
Lends a whole new meaning to "How's your father".

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #182 on: February 25, 2013, 11:23:10 pm »
1900s Soviet Union was a fucked up place, but they had one thing right in banning religion.  Train wreck after train wreck.  Christians, Jews, Muslims - doesn't matter.  I'll never get it.

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #183 on: February 26, 2013, 01:44:25 am »
1900s Soviet Union was a fucked up place, but they had one thing right in banning religion.  Train wreck after train wreck.  Christians, Jews, Muslims - doesn't matter.  I'll never get it.

Oh ye of little faith - their game is the same as it ever was: Concentrations of money, power and pussy.

(Though in the churches' case, their particular 'pussy' angle is considered deviant and often illegal by the majority of society)

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #184 on: February 26, 2013, 04:14:59 am »
"innappropriate behaviour after some late night drinking"

I think it's safe to assume they werent stealing road cones.
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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #185 on: February 26, 2013, 07:19:36 am »
Oh ye of little faith - their game is the same as it ever was: Concentrations of money, power and pussy.

(Though in the churches' case, their particular 'pussy' angle is considered deviant and often illegal by the majority of society)

is there any need to be so crude?
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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #186 on: February 26, 2013, 07:53:42 am »
is there any need to be so crude?

I apologize - you're totally right and my words are offensive.

I would make the point that we are discussing the systematic, historical and pervasive (global) criminal conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by protecting child rapists from the judiciaries which would make such acts punishable by custodial sentences - in almost every country on this planet. (tell me if raping a child is not a felonious crime anywhere, in fact)

That this conspiracy was and is, orchestrated and coordinated by the outgoing pope and the agents of the Vatican - while I apologize for offending you and anyone else, the scale and damage wrought by this corruption goes far beyond any harm i might do with some vulgar key-strokes.

Power structures are a 'male' thing, almost exclusively. All men have varying focus and strength of desire for sex and it is a notable facet of every established power structure (most likely, through history) that the 'elite few' in control of any particular group, maintain the availability of commodified sex - be it through money or influence/abuse of power. Just as how they control money or secrets or whatever gives them reach.

Bankers have their whores and politicians/footballers their mistresses/call girls. But lets not be distracted by vulgar terminology: Women, and in some circles (the church being one), children are exploited for sex. It is a fact of life as unpalatable as it may be.

The scandals of the UK care homes, the Portuguese care homes, Marc Dutroux, the catholic church, Savile, etc.. Children are raped because men get off on it - it also makes them pliable, and easy to manipulate by others. It is an open secret that intelligence services utilize sex, and the fear of exposure as a tool of control - leverage over their actions. Honey traps, as you were.

Maybe it is shocking to think that pedophilic men can be entrapped and manipulated that way, but I would wonder if (as is the case with all those UK politicians whose names are rattling away in the tabloids) that this was one way their behavior was tolerated. And it was - people knew and did nothing - whatever their rationale or ideas be about the greater good or whatever.

And while I might speculate that this was an ulterior motive in letting some of these priests do as they did, it is clear that people who knew better, let it happen and their silence abetted the cover up.

So I am sorry for using such a derogatory term as 'pussy' to describe a general, sexualized objectification,

When what I really meant was sociopathic child raping bastards.

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"In recent days certain allegations which have been made against me have become public. Initially, their anonymous and non-specific nature led me to contest them."

I assumed like most people in my position I could get away with anything.

"However, I wish to take this opportunity to admit that there have been times that my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal."

However, looks like that isn't the case, so I'm going to have to own up to being a massive hypocrite and abuser of power.

"I will now spend the rest of my life in retirement. I will play no further part in the public life of the Catholic Church in Scotland."

But I will still of course get away without answering for my actions and live a comfortable life in retirement.


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Scots Were Just As Bad As The Irish Apparently

Scottish priests 'out of control sexually', says former abuse adviser

Roman Catholic priests in Scotland were “out of control sexually” under the leadership of the disgraced Cardinal Keith O’Brien, the Church's former adviser on child abuse claims.

Alan Draper has accused the Church leadership, of being “unwilling” to expose supposedly celibate priests who were leading “double lives” in the 1980s and 1990s.

Mr Draper, a lecturer in ethics from Dundee University, was brought in to advise Scottish bishops on abuse allegations but was removed after a disagreement.

He has disclosed that bishops were aware of 20 separate cases in the Church between 1985 and 1995 but he alleges that they were “reluctant” to take matters further and rejected his call for independent experts to be brought in.

He is now calling for files relating to Catholic Church in Scotland to be handed over to judge led inquiry.

His comments came just days after the former head Church in Scotland, Cardinal Keith O’Brien – once a fierce critic of homosexuality – left in disgrace after admitting making sexual advances to young male priests.

The scandal has overshadowed the run-up to the Conclave to elect a new pope next week amid claims of a Vatican "cover-up".

Victims’ campaigners have called for the Cardinal’s handling of all allegations of abuse under his authority to be re-examined in light of his admissions.

Last week one former victim of abuse was reported as claiming that his complaints had been laughed off.

And last night lawyers disclosed that a handful of fresh allegations have come to light in the days since the allegations about Cardinal O’Brien were first aired in the media.

Now Mr Draper has openly accused the Church of being reluctant to risk exposing priests who were living secret lives – as, it has since emerged, cardinal O’Brien was.

He told the BBC: "I was very concerned about their unwillingness to actually expose individual priests who were leaving double lives.

"They were very reluctant to do that, and I felt that was totally inappropriate. It's not what your sexuality is, it's how you're managing your sexuality.

“Certainly there's strong evidence to say some of the priests were out of control sexually, whether they be homosexual or heterosexual.

“The file should be made open to an independent group, preferably chaired by a judge.”

Last night the Catholic Church in Scotland dismissed his remarks saying the number of cases reported in Scotland each year was “small” and “have only very rarely involved a member of the clergy”.

It added that Mr Draper had been replaced “when others with greater competence were engaged” and insisted that all cases had been reported to police.

The BBC carried an interview with one man who alleges he was abused by a priest from the age of nine who said: “There are many people out there who have been abused.”

Speaking just two weeks ago Cardinal O’Brien, who became Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, laughed as he emphasised how child protection guidelines were once much more lax than today.

Speaking about whether the US Cardinal Roger Mahony, who is accused of covering up abuse allegations, should take part in the Conclave to elect the next Pope, he said: “If he is being judged on what he did in 1980 well of course the rules were a wee bit different then – in all aspects of society as to what we did with allegations of child sexual abuse 20 or 30 years ago.

“The whole world has changed almost in that length of time and certainly our attitude to child sexual abuse has changed.”

Macca resplendent!
A colossus bestriding the
moral high ground as ever.

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Re: Vatican letter told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse
« Reply #190 on: March 10, 2013, 11:31:01 am »
As you can see by this example, the Vatican is maintaining a business as usual policy in other countries where parents still actually allow their kids to be abused.

This case highlights it, some politicians in Poland estimate the victims of sexual abuse in Poland to be in the 100s of thousands.
The Church enjoys unrivalled power in Poland.

In this article, the photographs are not secret, they were taken from the school's website :(

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Catholic Archbishop Robert J Carlson, folks.

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During the deposition taken last month, attorney Jeff Anderson asked Carlson whether he knew it was a crime for an adult to engage in sex with a child.

“I'm not sure whether I knew it was a crime or not,” Carlson replied. “I understand today it's a crime.”

Anderson went on to ask Carlson whether he knew in 1984, when he was an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, that it was crime for a priest to engage in sex with a child.

“I'm not sure if I did or didn't,” Carlson said.


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If he admits he did then he is criminally liable.
If he admits he didn't, then he is criminally incompetent.

What's the point of being in the church if you are unwilling to take responsibility for your actions in this way?
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If he admits he did then he is criminally liable.
If he admits he didn't, then he is criminally incompetent.

What's the point of being in the church if you are unwilling to take responsibility for your actions in this way?

If you look at the source, you'll see the guy was pretty fucking sure about same sex marriage being wrong. He's a lying sack of cowardly shit.

Offline TepidT2O

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If you look at the source, you'll see the guy was pretty fucking sure about same sex marriage being wrong. He's a lying sack of cowardly shit.
Exactly my point..!
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What's the point of being in the church if you are unwilling to take responsibility for your actions in this way?
To control, manipulate and take advantage of people. Its a pretty sweet deal if you happen to be a sociopath.

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What's the point of being in the church if you are unwilling to take responsibility for your actions in this way?

I would say being in the church is exactly where you should be if you are unwilling to take responsibility for your actions. The church provides a loophole so you can be forgiven for anything as long as you submit yourself to god.
“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
― Steven Weinberg

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Payments for child molesters and rapists

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<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
― Steven Weinberg

Offline TepidT2O

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I would say being in the church is exactly where you should be if you are unwilling to take responsibility for your actions. The church provides a loophole so you can be forgiven for anything as long as you submit yourself to god.
They haven't even done that...

I could understand more if he'd said "I knew it was wrong and I didn't act as I should" but no, he didn't do the Christian thing.

Utter scum
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Didn't the Protestant Church spit from the Catholic Church because of the payment of money for the forgiveness of sins?

Funny how the same Catholic Church is now not paying up for the forgiveness of its own sins.
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