Author Topic: Spyin' Kop: Liverpool v Sunderland Tues night 8pm.  (Read 25273 times)

Offline Hinesy

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Spyin' Kop: Liverpool v Sunderland Tues night 8pm.
« on: March 1, 2009, 12:02:18 am »
So adieu to Madrid and why aye to Middlesboro, here we are at the 'business end' of the league. As if anyone thinks we were just pissing about in October.

That was written pre match Saturday, and as the clock heads to the 1st March I'm totally fucked off with the whole thing. The frustration of persistent misses is only slightly tempered by the experience of rarely winning at the Riverside.

But now I think we are pissing about and I'm almost embarrassed to say sometimes some of the media are right, without an all firing Gerrard and Torres, we ain't that good.

Personally I didnt think it anyway but the bitter pill of false hope is one that we've tasted often.

Fuck it, now that's out my system we host the next in the NE teams, Sunderland, or as their fans somehow put it in one syllable, S'lun.

The team in red and white over there had Roy Runaway Keane as their manager but once again when the going got tough, the tough got going, and legged it. Bouncer was happy but that was all. Instead comes Ricky Sbragia, not an Eastenders gangster, but a manager who signed Diouf and Cisse and has slowly got the fans on his side. Still I hope we cuff em.


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As last time, a big shout to all at "a love supreme" : for their answers. Apart from Keith who thought we were all paranoid about the media and hated Martin Tyler's Monkey a Mr AndrewsadandfatGray. Well he has a point...
And I had a lovely pm off "freethewearsideone" telling me to fuck off. But it was nice of Roy Keane to write all the same.

I married into a family of makem supporters and I should thank Tadge and Kelly for their answers too, as well as all the others, here's a few of them.
 You can read the whole thead here:
and for anyone wanting to hear more of Monkeyspunk's songs, the rest of them are on page 2.

1.How's the season going so far - are you where you expected to be right now or did you expect Ricky to keep you higher up the table?

Tadge: The season is going fine so far, though it's the tightest its been for years. It feels good to be mid table but we can't feel comfortable given how few points separate the whole of the bottom half.

Kelly I'm more than happy about where we are - we got off to an uncertain start then we slumped big time.  Once Keane went, I really feared the worst but Ricky has done a great job and long may it continue.

Lord Slynn Sbragia has been better than I thought, we aren't playing too well but are picking up vital points. He is too negative at times though, especially away from home. We are slightly below where I hoped we might be after our summer spending but after all the turmoil with losing Keane I am quite happy with our position.

Jimmy Monty73 Very pleased with Ricky but hugely dissappointed with Roy. Ricky could be a Bob Paisley in the making. Roy however is a disgrace and i think he should go for a short walk with his dogs along a very long pier.

2.Are you happy with the manager who’s name scores 82 in scrabble? Were any of you uncertain about him stepping up once action man with realistic gripping hands had gone?

Kelly That's an amazing scrabble score!  I honestly feared the worst for us though knew he was highly rated as a coach.  However, he's worked under some good managers and obviously has a lot of experence - Keane had none.  I was very surprised that he got the job permanently but he's proving people wrong and deserves the position.

Jimmy Monty73 We were very uncertain. We wanted another big name who would keep us in the papers and keep everything nice and exciting. However i think that was all a bit pathetic looking back and it feels like we have the old Sunderland back with Ricky in charge and not being in the papers for some crap soundbite every week anymore.

Lord Slynn I was furious when Sbragia got appointed and in my mind the jury is still out on him. He has managed with common sense, mostly picking our best 11 and gets on well with all the players, both of which Keane wasn't doing towards the end. I'm still not convinced he is the man long term though-if he stays, this summer's transfer window is big for him-he has to deal well.

Gucci massiveSo far I'm delighted with how well Ricky is doing, I just hope he can keep it up. I was dissapointed with his appointment to be honest and I'm sure many other SAFC fans were. I was hoping we would get in a big name established manager.

Tadge: Is that on a triple word score? Yours wouldn't be far behind I wouldn't have thought! I'm fine with Ricky. People forget that Keane had no experience too. Ricky has been around and worked with some good managers. He's clearly learned something along the way. Its his second stint at the club, I think he has the capability as well as our interest at heart rather than just his own. Just glad the media pundits were wrong about us getting Sam 'the hutt' allardyce. As for action man, he'd have to have been the sailor one with that beard! Probably had painted on pants as well.

Connolly_31 He's doing a very decent job and doing it quietly which may also help us as I think the Roy Keane limelight was a hindrance at times. And Rafael Benítez scores more than Ricky Sbragia in scrabble - Thats a fact 

Professional Mackem Certainly everyone had some doubts esp as we were expecting Jol or Swen. But stability RS has brought is priceless.

seggaman What Scrabble rules do you follow? You can't have 'Ricky Sbragia' man. Yes, none of us were sure about him but so far he's done well - see above.

3.Who do you think has been your most important player(s) this season so far – you’ve signed Cisse, Ferdinand, Jones – any of them?

Tadge: There have been a few key men this season so far. Malbranque has brought some class. Fulop has been fairly dependable. But I'll surprise myself by singling out Ferdinand. He's gelled well with Collins.

Kelly Obviously Cisse and Jones as they're scoring us goals but yeah, Ferdinand has been immense, a real rock in defence ....... what a great rhyme!

Doctor Mick We signed Jones last season  . Ferdinand probably the most important, he has developed a good partnership with Collins and has helped steady a very weak defence.

Lord Slynn Cisse-finally gives us some real pace and a genuine goal threat up front (you Scousers may scoff at that, I don't know how you rated him).

Jones-did really well to get back so quickly from injury-bizarre season for him in many ways, his allround contribution is less than last season but he's scoring lots more goals. Definitely had his head turned by Spurs but he's pledged his future to us and that's good news.

Ferdinand-thought he was an overrated big time charlie at West Ham, he's been the exact opposite, mature, grounded, quality defender.

Hudson88 out of our signings in the summer, 3 have stood out for different reasons. malbranque is a touch of class in midfield, cisse has scored some vital goals for us and carried our forward line at the start of the season when jones was out. but by far our best signing is that of anton ferdinand. the lad really is brilliant, rarely puts a foot wrong and has struck up a fantastic partnership with danny collins. special mentions go to danny collins, dean whitehead, kieran richardson and kenwyne jones as well

4.And your Lucas Leiva? I meant worst player(s)?

Tadge: Diouf was a big inconsistent disappointment. Wasn't too sad when he waved bye.

Kelly Would hate for injuries to defence and McShane to come back - the lad obviously tries but he's just too unpredictable.  Murphy doesn't do too much when he's on and probably needs moving on.  Wasn't sad to see the back of Chimbonda and Diouf.

Doctor Mick Whitehead, Collins and Gordon will probably spring up again and again but they aren't. Out of the players who get a fairly regular game I'd go with Nos (who probably won't feature much now).

Jimmy Monty Don't know who Lucas Leiva is, no doubt another crap player bought by Parry. It is funny that every decent player was signed by Benítez and every crap player was signed by Parry. Some would think it was just spin and wishful thinking from the fans, not me ofcourse. As for our worst player - Prica takes some beating. His name sounds like Paprika but believe me we would all rather have the signed a bag of crisps than that clown.

Lord Slynn Paul McShane-dismayed when we recalled him from Hull, he is woeful-how the hell did you let him score against you?

Diouf-troublemaker, could maybe be tolerated if he was any good but he was absolute shite, ineffective, disinterested, celebrated with the Bolton players when they had just beaten us 4-1.

Hudson88 paul mcshane. end of question

pedro_1879 Diouf was awful. No end product and only one remotely decent performance against Bolton in the cup - when he was eyeing a move! Of those still at the club I'd say Anthony Stokes is bad, very bad.

Connolly_31 Our Lucas is a difficult one at the moment as they're playing very well as a team, but Andy Reid has his moments of madness, but is by no means the worst, I would have said get at Phil Bardsley but I don't think he'll play after Ben Haim's performance against Arsenal, but if Daryl Murphy comes on he is a very weak link

Gucci massive Daryl Murphy. Championship player who is out of his depth at this level.

5. The disco king, Quinn has recently said he’d keep down the season ticket price to improve the atmosphere, has it worked and do you any of you old arses notice a big difference between the SoL and Roker Park?

Tadge: You'll have to wait till next season for that answer as we'll not know till then. We have our quiet moments but the lads in crazy corner generally keep it bubbling. From time to time though you can still catch the full on roker roar. We'll never be like the whispering mancs whatever happens.

Kelly Hopefully we'll see a difference next season if people do take up the offer - I think there's been a lot of interest in the ticket offeres so we'll see what happens.  A lot of people still say that the old Roker Roar rules over the atmos at the SoL but the day we beat the Mags 2-1 in October was the best I've expereinced so more of that please!

Doctor Mick We'll not know until next season when the new prices come in, it is flat as a fart at the minute tho. RP and the SOL are a whole world apart, both very different beasts but nostalgia means RP will always come out on top in any comparison.

Lord Slynn There is a difference between Roker years ago and the SOL now, but in all honesty for its final years, the atmosphere at Roker was pretty average for most games. The SOL has been like a morgue this season and we've even had idiots booing some of our players. Whether Quinn's commendable plan works remains to be seen but if it just attracts instant gratification Sky generation fans it is unlikely to help the atmosphere too much.

pedro_1879 A great gesture by Quinny and the SoL can be amazing. When in full flow it's one of the best stadiums anywhere in the world. Roker Park was a truly special place and the mere sight of it brings back fond memories, my eyes actually get rather full when people start talking about it. If you ever leave Anfield you'll get to learn the feeling.

Connolly_31 My first season supporting Sunderland was 2 years before Roker Park came down, main difference is the atmosphere, the Stadium of Light is a gorgeous stadium but knowhere near as loud as Roker Park in full voice. Keeping the ticket prices down is very admirable and it's only in concession areas so the youth will be able to see the game, hopefully without disrupting the already tame atmosphere

Hudson88 next season should tell us. hopefully it will bring in a new generation of fans though, as well as maybe bring back a couple of thousand who struggled to afford it recently. but with the current financial situation, nobody could really be blamed for giving up games for a lack of money (providing they ain't sitting in a bar in the city centre watching it on some foreign channel!!)

seggaman Who you calling an old arse. Wanna stepoutside? (Calm down, calm down)

6. And any get well soon messages you’d like to pass onto Joe Kinnear?

Professional Mackem  Fuck that, not even the saint Goodey gets sympathy from me.
Doctor Mick Get back to work as soon as you can please.

Tadge: Are you joking ere? Well it's not a nice thing to happen to anyone, even the dirty mags manager. we're missing his entertaining ways already, but as anyone up here knows there's still a circus in the toon!

Kelly No!  I don't wish badly on the guy but he really is a joke.  I miss his comments though and bet Insomnia et al do too!

mart Hurry up and get fixed up and take them fuckers down mate.

7.What sort of line-up do you expect Sbragia will set up against us?

Tadge: I'd love him to play 4 4 2 as it sends out a message. And we can have a go as we showed arse-snail. But I think he'll go 4 1 4 1 and play counter attacking but aim for a point.

Doctor MickHopefully two up top, especially if you don't have Torres. We'll probably start with 2 defensive midfielders regardless. Will be interesting to see if Ben Haim keeps his place.

Kelly If Cisse's fit, 4-4-2 and I'd expect Djib to go all out to score (obviously).  If not then I wouldn't be surprised to see the same set up we put out against Arsenal.

Lord Slynn Almost certainly 451, the only real talking point will be whether he starts Cisse or Jones as the 1-I think he'll go Jones.

Connolly_31 Even with Djibril Cissé back I expect us to line up as we did against Arsenal with a 4-5-1 formation, with Whitehead and Richardson breaking to support Jones, fortunately with Cissé being fit we have the option to partner him with Jones or use him as a sub for that bit extra pace if needed. Team will more than likely be: Fúlop, Ben Haim, Collins, Ferdinand, McCartney, Malbranque, Whitehead, Richardson, Tainio, Reid, Jones

realnutsport1-1-8... well thats what arsehole wenger thought we did 

8.Do you have any new songs for us or about you since the last outing for Niall Quinn’s Disco Pants?

Tadge: Well we could nick some more of yours! We've a few non Keane ones again now. Don't be too surprised to hear Super kenwyne Jones, super kenwyne Jones, Caribbean king, hear the sun'land sing, super kenwyne Jones as he nods one into your onion bag.

Professional Mackem We have stolen your torres song for cisse. Its class.

Kelly The Super Kenwynne Jones song which has already been suggested but expect your Torres song to get a run against our Cisse song
He's got designer facial hair, Cisse, Cisse
He loves his flashy underwear, Cisse, Cisse
He scores a goal with half a chance
We'll never send him back to France
Djibril Cisse, Sunderland's Number 9
Na na na, etc.

monkeyspunk His mane is like a highland cows...McShane, McShane
He went to Hull, he's back again...McShane, McShane
He'll kick the turf, miss-hit the ball,
He drives us up the fucking wall,
Paul McShane his number is unknown...

he cannot pass from A to B, Bardsley, Bardsley
he's got a touch like a donkey, Bardsley, Bardsley
he kicks the ball straight out of play
Chimbonda's better in every way
Phillip Bardsley, always tries his best!

His right foots only there for show, Murphy, Murphy
He never knows which way to go, Murphy, Murphy
He makes a run, he does a twist
Whatever he does he still looks pissed
Daryl Murphy, absolutely shite!

Nyron's got a massive cock, Nyron, Nyron
He tucks it in his football sock, Nyron, Nyron
He shagged a girl and now she's dead
He swings his cock around his head
Nyron Nosworthy, Sunlun's number 5

(Hinesy: this was just a wee selection from a massive list, very funny)

murryout Harry Redknapp is a charlie uniform november tango, a charlie uniform november tango, a charlie uniform november tango
A dirty, sneaky fucking charlie uniform november tango, a charlie uniform november tango, a charlie uniform november tango
Harry Redknapp you're a charlie uniform november tango
Jamie lad, your dads a charlie uniform november tango,
Harry Redknapp, you're a fucking charlie uniform november tango

9.Where do you expect yourselves and Liverpool to finish come the end of the season?

Kelly SAFC - 11th, LFC - 2nd.  I just can't see Man U slipping up now, sorry.

Tadge: I'd say us 11th, you 2nd though I'd love it if you took the title.

10.Which Liverpool player(s) do you fear the most?

Kelly Torres, Stevie G, Carragher and Reina.

mart Lucas. Ugly twat.

Connolly_31 Torres if fit, but definitely Alonso, if we let him run the game he will take the piss out of Deano and Kieran, that's why I think we will go 5 in the middle to stop him and Gerrard

max wartburg Gerrard cutting across the edge of our box and diving, cheating us, the ref, football, the respect campaign etc etc..... But hey ho, it appears to be written into the laws of the game nowadays that he is allowed to do it (along with the odd two footed challenge) and get away with it. I just wonder if he has to give the ref advanced notice.

WHEN he does it we should be allowed a free kick of his bollocks.

11. I notice on your forum many of you hate Carragher… Now he’s our hero, just as we hate Gary Neville, so who’s your local boy forever?

Kelly Now - I think we only have Grant Leadbitter.  Yesteryear - Lord Gary Rowell - hat trick hero against the mags.

mart Leadbitter is the only local lad in the team atm.... he's shite.

Doctor Mick We haven't had one for years, only possibility is Leadbitter but he isn't good enough to be classed as a hero. Danny Collins must be close to being a naturalised Mackem soon tho.

Gucci massiveI don't hate Carragher to be honest. He's got an annoying voice though. Much prefer him to John Terry. We don't have a local boy forever. I suppose Leadbitter is a local lad come good but the jury is still out on him.

pedro_1879 We don't hate him we just get annoyed by his dye in the wool 100% scouse commitment. We are lacking local heroes at the minute. Lord Cisse has earned himself a special place in my book.

12. Chopra: Did he miss on purpose against the barcodes?

Kelly I don't think so but think he made a terrible decision which he will say would have won us the game had he squared the ball well cos Jones would have def put the ball in the net which then would have spared him the stick from his mag family and friends.  He'll forever be a Judas to our fans now which is a shame cos he did ok for us.

Professional Mackem Big debate on here about that. The jury is still out. I say the fucker bottled it and probabley did it on purpose. The fucking scummer.

murryout Aye the fucking scummy, geordie twatfaced jizzcock.

mart No, bottled it.

pedro_1879 Only he knows for certain but the bloke saw his top flight career disappear on national TV. I don't think anyone in the Premier League will want someone who's arse dropped out like that so some justice has been served.

Jimmy Monty73Yes he is filthy scum. Here is a song we sing about him (Tune of O'Shea song):

He's one on one, he's in on goal, Chopra, Chopra
He looks up and sees Kenwyne Jones, Chopra, Chopra
Refused to shoot, misplaced the pass
I'd slit his throat with broken glass
Dirty Chopra, Maggie Judas C.unt

Doctor Mick I'm beyond the point of caring, it should have been dead in the water weeks ago but some people still can't get past it.

13.And to finish, what's the score? Care to risk a guess?

Tadge: We'll grind out a point and get a goal. I'm going 1 – 1

KellyI'll be ecstatic with 1-1! (Even more so with a win but I've been to Anfield and know it's gonna be tough!)

Professional Mackem 0-0 just like that game a few years ago when macho kept you boys out single handedly. Not sure if you're going to be that dominant though.

mart Liverpool 0-2 Sunderland

Gucci massive 1-0 Liverpool.

And my favourite answer:

Keith.safcJust dont say anything bad about liverpool or a thread will be straight up on RAWK calling for a full mackem boycott.

« Last Edit: March 1, 2009, 02:09:59 pm by hinesy »


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Thanks Hinsey
Not sure if I want this game to come round quick or slow. Dreading watching us!

Offline Sat1

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Its not about do we care.

The question should be, if we finish 5th, will this help us concentrate on the leauge next yr?

Offline TSC

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No.  It's all on the Champions Lge now in terms of generating interest.  Even our poor form wouldn't be enough to see us fall below 4th at this stage, so league's fairly mundane from this point forward.

Offline deadlybuzz

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10.Which Liverpool player(s) do you fear the most?

mart Lucas. Ugly twat.

Well mart should thank his lucky stars that he got a haircut.
Ahh, pressing refresh and waiting for news... just like the bad old days.

Liverpool porn, this.

anyone who's negative can fuck off

Offline watyeonaboot

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Wow Hinesy a despairing post from a true kopite if ever I saw one. :(

As for anyone slagging off Rafa fuck off and support Chelsea you horrible c*nts

Offline Swieve

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Right. Fuck this.  I thought tonight would be worse, but fuck it.  I cannot be annoyed with it anymore.  We were never going to win the title this year, and I certainly didn't dream we would at the start of the season.  I can forget about it to certain extent.  This season has been very successful to date.  Imho we need to do the following

Pray for a win on tuesday, a comprehensive one would be lovely but I'm not fussy

Then take the following seven days to regroup and get Gerrard and Torres fit

Finish off the job against Madrid

Defeat the mancs

Push on and finish the season in style.  Lets not waste the great start we have had

Offline watyeonaboot

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Right. Fuck this.  I thought tonight would be worse, but fuck it.  I cannot be annoyed with it anymore.  We were never going to win the title this year, and I certainly didn't dream we would at the start of the season.  I can forget about it to certain extent.  This season has been very successful to date.  Imho we need to do the following

Pray for a win on tuesday, a comprehensive one would be lovely but I'm not fussy

Then take the following seven days to regroup and get Gerrard and Torres fit

Finish off the job against Madrid

Defeat the mancs

Push on and finish the season in style.  Lets not waste the great start we have had

Would you take finishing seven points behind the Mancs having beat them in their own backyard? I would.

As for anyone slagging off Rafa fuck off and support Chelsea you horrible c*nts

Offline LFCfan4Life

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Well mart should thank his lucky stars that he got a haircut.

tell you what it isnt a bad haircut - i looked twice when he came on just to see who the hell was coming on instead of him
Two bulls, one old and one young, standing at the top of a field watching a herd of cows. The young one says, "hey let's run down and fuck one of them", and the older one says, "patience, let's walk down and fuck them all".

* * * * *

Offline walshys_mullet

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nope. for the first time - i might decide to go and play five a side rather than watch us. Do something worthwhile and enjoyable.
"If you're in the penalty area and don't know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we'll discuss the options later."

The Great 'Should have been Sir' Bob Paisley

Offline Zeb

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Great answers to those questions. Chin up hinesy - you never know who we might bump into in the CL, and wouldn't that be a lovely way to spoil their season? ;)
"And the voices of the standing Kop still whispering in the wind will salute the wee Scots redman and he will still walk on.
And your money will have bought you nothing."

Offline watyeonaboot

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nope. for the first time - i might decide to go and play five a side rather than watch us. Do something worthwhile and enjoyable.

I want to be sitting next to you when we're playing Man U at home and it's 1-1 on aggregate in the second leg with five minutes left.

As for anyone slagging off Rafa fuck off and support Chelsea you horrible c*nts

Offline watyeonaboot

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Great answers to those questions. Chin up hinesy - you never know who we might bump into in the CL, and wouldn't that be a lovely way to spoil their season? ;)

Agreed. We should do an off topic footie thread for best spyin kop fans - Sunderland's answers last year were boss as well - "nee one gives a fuck about the mutants" - shame we didn't either today.

As for anyone slagging off Rafa fuck off and support Chelsea you horrible c*nts

Offline walshys_mullet

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I want to be sitting next to you when we're playing Man U at home and it's 1-1 on aggregate in the second leg with five minutes left.

dont worry we wont be. :)
"If you're in the penalty area and don't know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we'll discuss the options later."

The Great 'Should have been Sir' Bob Paisley

Offline Dr Cornwallis

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Great answers to those questions. Chin up hinesy - you never know who we might bump into in the CL, and wouldn't that be a lovely way to spoil their season? ;)

Awwww you've given me something to get my hopes up again....    :(

Offline watyeonaboot

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dont worry we wont be. :)

I've written to Tomkins already telling him you should replace him ;)

As for anyone slagging off Rafa fuck off and support Chelsea you horrible c*nts

Offline walshys_mullet

  • Aka walshys_mullet. Thinks manager is a coward. Only posts in match threads every other week due to rotation. We suspect this is John Aldridge or Andy Gray posting under a pseudonym.
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I've written to Tomkins already telling him you should replace him ;)

nah im more of an anti tomkins. i'd be getting constantly attacked. and i cant write either. :)
"If you're in the penalty area and don't know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we'll discuss the options later."

The Great 'Should have been Sir' Bob Paisley

Offline Kop4

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Wow Hinesy a despairing post from a true kopite if ever I saw one. :(

True.  But then why should we care about the league this season anymore?  Rafa doesn't.
A travesty of a sham of a mockery.

Offline TSC

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I've written to Tomkins already telling him you should replace him ;)

Actually a mix between the two is whats needed.  Tompkins is the eternal optimist and Walshey isn't.

Offline watyeonaboot

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and i cant write either. :)

Welcome to RAWK!

As for anyone slagging off Rafa fuck off and support Chelsea you horrible c*nts

Offline deadlybuzz

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tell you what it isnt a bad haircut - i looked twice when he came on just to see who the hell was coming on instead of him

It was the moment in a doom filled second half that brightened the day when he came on.
Ahh, pressing refresh and waiting for news... just like the bad old days.

Liverpool porn, this.

anyone who's negative can fuck off

Offline USC19Babel

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True.  But then why should we care about the league this season anymore?  Rafa doesn't.

Didn't look like any of our players did today.

Offline Kop4

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Didn't look like any of our players did today.

They don't pick the team and tactics though. :(
A travesty of a sham of a mockery.

Offline Zeb

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Awwww you've given me something to get my hopes up again....    :(

:D I'm Rawk's ray of sunshine for today. Fuck it bring on the Mackems and let's stuff them :)
"And the voices of the standing Kop still whispering in the wind will salute the wee Scots redman and he will still walk on.
And your money will have bought you nothing."

Offline Terry de Niro

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    • Terry O'Shea @184tosh
Enjoyed that. Good work Michael, cheers mate..

Offline Lustig

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Fuck it....i got wasted was just too much, hell the fucking mancs are gonna equal our completely sick....

Offline KTS

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If we didn't care you wouldn't be asking if we did.
Has no opinion as it is normally wrong.

Offline BigDonga

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thanks hinesy, i liked all the torres' song rip offs made me laugh
Rafa tried to buy everyone.  :)
In fact, Rafa spotted Messi as a dollop of sperm but couldn't get the money from H+G.

Offline i6uuaq

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  • Hmm... what's this personal text thing, then?
the torres song rip-offs were great! they seem to enjoy laughing at their own players... something that probably won't be tolerated around here... :D

mind you, i don't know why they want keane to take a short walk on a long pier... so he won't reach the end?
"I've not seen it and I'm not being Arsene Wenger," Dalglish said. "If there's something untoward then I am sure the governing body will act appropriately."

Offline Xabi Keene

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I certainly do care about this match. Its just that it doesn't matter any more. We'll need an impossible 33/33 points available to even compete with United at the top.

Time to focus on the CL, that is still a very attainable piece of silverware.

Offline Franck Le Poof

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Was a very good Spyin' Kop. Cheers Hinesy, sound bunch them.
Whenever I meet a French girl I kiss her on both cheeks. Then I stand up and say hello

Offline Walshy7

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'You two scousers are always yappin, im gonna teach you some serious rappin, i come from Jamaica my name is john barnes, and when i do my thing the crowd go bananas'

Offline i_wun_bite

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  • We all Live in a Red and White Kop

Offline Crackerjack Sam

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I do. Despite recent results we have to finish on a high. I still want 2nd place. Don't want to go through that qualification system again.
The title is Man United's to lose.
We've given up but Chelsea haven't.
PSN ID - hajme1   
Sticking to RAWK I am.  Real forum, real mods, real fans, fair and unbiased opinions etc..etc.. 8)

Offline Withnail

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Get down to the bookies and stick everything you own on 1-1.

Offline jooneyisdagod

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Some great answers there and although the songs were quite harsh, they were very funny as well.  Cheers to the lads that did this one.  :D
Quote from: Dion Fanning

The chants for Kenny Dalglish that were heard again on Wednesday do not necessarily mean that the fans see him as the saviour. This is not Newcastle, longing for the return of Kevin Keegan. Simply, Dalglish represents everything Hodgson is not and, in fairness, everything Hodgson could or would not hope to be.

Offline M-Lynn

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7 nil to us. Lucas gets four, the last one a pen where he wrestles the ball off Gerrard, tells him to fuck off then blasts the ball past their keeper with an audacious back heel.

Oh ok, 1-1 then....

Offline lainey

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I do

disappointed yesterday in everyone  but opportunity (again) to get our season back on track, go for 2nd minimum. 

Make us dream


Offline nocturnalvin

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i was half-hearted about reading it, but i thought its one of the most interesting Spyin Kops ever.

Offline Hinesy

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to be fair I think the answers make a Spyin' Kop, of course some interesting questions help, but the majority answered honestly and fairly and I think its a great set of answers nocturnalvin