Author Topic: Shanklyboy's and Fat Scousers ( Leo who's still alive ) auld arse thread  (Read 4042498 times)

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40120 on: July 8, 2015, 01:24:05 pm »
Leo, Richard Thompson on the "folk show" on Radio 2 tonight.
bitter,not me.a granddad,but I'm not even 40

Offline JohnnoWhite

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40121 on: July 8, 2015, 09:22:49 pm »
Condolences geoff

As for the rest of you old bast.. Erm er senior respectable people hope your all ok..

Aye - you took your bloody time calling in to pay your salutations didn't yer? Shape yerself OK? ::) ::)
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

Offline Fat Scouser

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40122 on: July 8, 2015, 09:31:50 pm »
Leo, Richard Thompson on the "folk show" on Radio 2 tonight.
I must have missed it. Birth of the Who show next, then Soul Show. Could have done with cheering up an all. Thomo's lyrics to cut yer wrists, always make me laugh. But best keep me grid shut... another tooth just feel out. That's 4 this year. Fucking hepC. Seeing Liver Doctors week tomorrow, hope I've got a few teeth left for them to save.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40123 on: July 8, 2015, 11:43:03 pm »
I must have missed it. Birth of the Who show next, then Soul Show. Could have done with cheering up an all. Thomo's lyrics to cut yer wrists, always make me laugh. But best keep me grid shut... another tooth just feel out. That's 4 this year. Fucking hepC. Seeing Liver Doctors week tomorrow, hope I've got a few teeth left for them to save.
Must be horrible for you mate losing teeth and getting that fog in your head, I know it's not the same thing but I had an op last year and the wife reckoned they gave me far too much anaesthetic, I was in a daze for a few weeks, it wasn't pleasant, I couldn't concentrate and although on the surface I was all there I kept walking into rooms and kept thinking why the fuck am I in here, my memory was effected . Hope it clears up mate and things start to go well for you health wise and get on top of the Hepatitis.
Still Dreaming of a Harry Quinn

Offline Fat Scouser

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40124 on: July 9, 2015, 12:48:46 am »
Thanks Albie. I shouldn't say nothing really. It's not that big of a deal. I was always thick and the modelling contract slipped past me along time ago. 

I was feeling a bit sorry for meself the other night though. I was dying for a bevvy, proper gagging to go out. So I went into the forum I've found for people that got infected. A lad told me, he was 13 when his liver was shot. He's 33 now, lucky to have had 20 pints in 20 years. So, that was that in perspective and the end of my moan up. Fucker. I never even got to whinge.

Anyway, I see the Liver Doctors next week. Now they know what's going on, they'll be able to start straightening me out.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

Offline JohnnoWhite

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40125 on: July 9, 2015, 04:44:27 am »
Head up high Leo - head up high brother. You'll make it mate no doubts on that. If anyone can, you can.
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

Offline only6times

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40126 on: July 9, 2015, 07:05:24 am »
I must have missed it. Birth of the Who show next, then Soul Show. Could have done with cheering up an all. Thomo's lyrics to cut yer wrists, always make me laugh. But best keep me grid shut... another tooth just feel out. That's 4 this year. Fucking hepC. Seeing Liver Doctors week tomorrow, hope I've got a few teeth left for them to save.
iplayer has it.
« Last Edit: July 9, 2015, 08:20:03 am by only5times »
bitter,not me.a granddad,but I'm not even 40

Offline Fat Scouser

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40127 on: July 9, 2015, 10:51:12 am »
Yer darn tootin Johno, they'll have to shoot me, an probably will the way I'm carrying on. Nice one 5 times, I'll watch that tonight. Well, I've completely gave up on the telly. I watch the odd thing, footy, film, bit of music, but it's nothing but a propaganda machine.

Remember Ken Loach, Alan Bleasdale, never again, eh. I only found out recently, Shelter, the housing charity, came out of Kathy Come Home. And it's not just the times, it's corruption coming from the very top.

More and more I look into things, the more I realise, we're being ran by a Mafia. Working class idiots start with all the tinfoil hat, Conspiracy Theory shite when they see that. But it's right. Just look at the BBC, Minister of Culture making them offers they can't refuse, Drug Dealing/Banking Criminal put in charge of it by Don Dave. Posh stuck up Eton twits... yeah, but a ruthless Mafia is hid behind that Buffunory. Bastards, they won't stop until they've stripped us of everything and that box in the corner has got the silly bastards doffing their caps and thanking them for it.

Sorry, bit early for the soapbox, I know but I can't see fuck all to joke about at the moment.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40128 on: July 9, 2015, 12:08:51 pm »
Posted in another thread but hought it fits in here, apologies for the length but it makes you think Welfare for business should it be cut?

In 2013, just days before laying out his autumn statement, George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford told the BBC: “The cost of welfare is one of the things that makes the public finances unsustainable. We need an affordable state.” The government had to cut the bloated welfare state because it was sucking up too much money.

Yet in the financial year ending March 2013, the Guardian can reveal, Britons handed £93bn in welfare to corporations. That is enough to wipe out at a stroke this year’s budget deficit – and it was given to companies in direct aid, subsidies and tax breaks.

The £93bn handshake: businesses pocket huge subsidies and tax breaks The term “corporate welfare” may sound unfamiliar to some. In the Westminster thesaurus, welfare appears alongside benefits and social security as a term for public spending targeted at individuals and households. But corporations rely on public funds, too.When Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic took £28m from the Welsh government in 2011 to set up a call centre in Swansea, that was a form of welfare. The German, French and Dutch companies that now run our train services are subsidised by the British public to the tune of hundreds of millions. The £45bn taken by firms in corporate tax benefits is a form of welfare. So is the ultra-low cost insurance scheme the government runs for exporters such as BAE Systems.None of these are labelled corporate welfare, but that’s precisely what they are: direct public spending aimed at protecting and supporting businesses.

In many cases, the basic facts about this spending are almost impossible to find. Some of the information making up the calculations published by the Guardian – fundamental stuff such as which arm of the British state gave how much cash to which firm – is so hard to collate that even experts are forced to admit defeat. Discussions about corporate welfare take place at the twilight checkpoint between economics and democracy. Researchers and civil servants know a lot about the individuals who claim hundreds in, say, employment support allowance: every last cough, spit and missed appointment at the jobcentre. Yet of the big companies that rake off millions in direct grants, taxpayers often hear very little. The result is that the public do not know where billions of their own taxes are going.

Yet were they to be widely known, the facts about corporate welfare would electrify our debates about public spending and the role of the state.

On Wednesday, Osborne will set about chopping into our social security budget. Among the measures he is believed to be considering is taxing disability benefits. That will raise about £900m, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies. That is about the same sum as the state gives every year to managers who buy shares in, say, their dotcom startup and see them soar in value, without having to pay much tax on the gain, thanks to a scheme called Enterprise Management Incentives.

Revealing how far taxpayers fund the private sector is not the same thing as saying the private sector should not receive any public subsidy at all. All rich countries do it, although there is evidence from the OECD thinktank and others that when it comes to corporate tax benefits or public-sector outsourcing, Britain is more indulgent to businesses than many other nations. But many might back public funding for green technology startups, say, or struggling social enterprises in deprived areas. The fundamental point, surely, is to allow public debate over where public funds go.

Full disclosure of the size of the corporate welfare state might also have improved economic debate over the past half-decade. When Cameron and Osborne launched their austerity programme in 2010, they argued that the public sector was “crowding out” the private sector. To enable the economy to grow, government needed to retreat and allow businesses to fill the void. That powerful argument was disproved over the next few years, as Britain stuttered and stumbled through the weakest economic recovery in its modern history. But it would have been undermined from the start had ministers been confronted with £93bn of proof that the relationship between public and private sector is far more complicated.

This research on corporate welfare takes you to the heart of one of the biggest arguments in British capitalism. For decades, the UK has operated on the basis that it is in an international dogfight to attract investment. It was summed up byMichael Heseltine in his 2013 report on industrial policy: “Unless we make it worthwhile for footloose capital to come here, it won’t.”

This orthodoxy has been swallowed by all the main political parties. It has led to the slashing of corporation tax rates, so that Britain has a lower corporation tax rate than the US, Japan or Germany. It has encouraged devolved administrations in Holyrood and Cardiff to disburse millions to big companies, without demanding much in return. The result has been fiscally disastrous. As this research shows, of the 44 companies that received more than £1m in government grants between 2005 and 2011, 13 paid no corporation tax at all; a further 17 did not pay any corporation tax either the year before or the year that they received public money.

Such a state of affairs reflects a severe imbalance of power between the public and private sectors. As Philip Baker QC, a European tax expert and Treasury adviser on the Google tax, remarked last month: “I don’t think in the last 20 years or so one can say that governments have driven corporation tax policy. It’s the large companies that have driven the direction of corporate tax policy.”

The result is a stratum of businesses that is not beholden to the same social settlement as previous generations. Modern big business has got so used to tax breaks, handouts and easy ways of making cash (such as squeezing staff pay and conditions) that it no longer researches or innovates.

Meanwhile, politicians and officials tout for investment, no matter how fly-by-night. But even the savviest operators get caught out. AstraZeneca was assisted by a local MP to get a £5m government grant to develop its research and development centre at Alderley Park, Cheshire. Five months later, in 2013, it announced it was closing the plant and shedding 2,100 jobs. Absent from the public record is what it told its local MP. He was, of course, the chancellor, George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford.
« Last Edit: July 9, 2015, 12:22:11 pm by The 92A »
Still Dreaming of a Harry Quinn

Offline Fat Scouser

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40129 on: July 9, 2015, 01:20:40 pm »
Albie mate, I read the first few paragraphs and I'll read the rest later. But you could have just put Gideon's a lying bastard.

He's just been collared tax dodging again, so what chance him going after anyone. They're a Mafia, a posh stuck up Mafia, but more dangerous than any scruffs from Sicilly or Moscow.

Billions go unclaimed in welfare every year. The amount lost to fiddling is nothing. The most of it goes to the ill, disabled and old. And I could go on, but you know all that anyway. Fact is, they are determined to take us back to surfdom. Demented bastards, they actually think they're on some sort of divine mission. Look at Dunked in Shit, punching the air, yelling fantastic, like he'd just scored the winner at Wembley... mad bastards, every coked up, kid rapping pervert of them. And that's not me tinfoil hat talking, it's truth. It's there for all to see, if they look beyond that propaganda box in the corner of the room.

"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

Offline Dr. Beaker

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40130 on: July 9, 2015, 04:40:12 pm »
Like someone pointed out somewhere (I don't know where, me heads perpetually spinning), where's the comparison with the welfare to business figures - tens of billions (I thought it was about £35 Billion, someone else was saying £95 Billion, not sure about that). Journalists eh, cushy little number that, basically just copy-typists.

Rile-Me costed L. Nee-Naw "The Child" Torrence the first jack the hat-trick since Eon Rush vs Accursed Toffos, many moons passed. Nee-Naw he could have done a concreted his palace in the pantyhose off the LibPole Gods...was not was for the invented intervention of Rile-Me whistler.

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40131 on: July 9, 2015, 06:51:42 pm »
Like someone pointed out somewhere (I don't know where, me heads perpetually spinning), where's the comparison with the welfare to business figures - tens of billions (I thought it was about £35 Billion, someone else was saying £95 Billion, not sure about that). Journalists eh, cushy little number that, basically just copy-typists.
That's probably where the 95billion figure comes from
Still Dreaming of a Harry Quinn

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40132 on: July 9, 2015, 08:42:21 pm »
Honestly I wish that I was 35/40 years younger as I would be in the front line of what I believe is the final battle against these would-be masters of the working class of our land. I talk of Great Britain here. We are conjoined in this battle Jocks, Taffs and the 50+ million English in this battle to break away from impending serfdom. I believe also that we the people have more in common with our Greek brethren than with these parasitic Tory bastards that have us on the rack right now.

Have always believed that the island of Ireland has the right to self-determination and that has nothing to do with England. In a peculiar way, although the English conquered the Welsh, and some elements of the Irish and ultimately in a roundabout way the Scots - although with James the 1 of England (6th of Scotland) ascending in 1603 a little easier and with less bloodshed. We have to ally ourselves with those with whom we have the most in common. Whilst I can only say kalimera, kalispera and kalinikta in Greek as well of course as oxi and ne!! I KNOW instinctively they are far more my people than fucking Osborne, Camoron , Johnson or ANY single one of the Tory bastards. Maybe Buddhists are right and we come back as something else next time around. I want to be a massive carbuncle on Osborne's arse. One of them that's immune to antibiotics and that gives him excruciating pain day and night and one that actively thrives and grows on Germolene.
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40133 on: July 9, 2015, 09:51:27 pm »
Fuckinell mad that

Trip to Aus in morning, had a problem checking in on-line so had to call them. At the end of the call 'enjoy your trip, all your visa's in order'. I didn't know you needed one, shit myself, middle of the night in Aus job and can't take without one.

Applied on-line, didn't expect anything till morning as the middle of the night there, a couple of hours of flapping later, confirmation has come through. Heart starting to slow down a bit now, just fucken nuts!
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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40134 on: July 9, 2015, 10:27:02 pm »
Fuckinell mad that

Trip to Aus in morning, had a problem checking in on-line so had to call them. At the end of the call 'enjoy your trip, all your visa's in order'. I didn't know you needed one, shit myself, middle of the night in Aus job and can't take without one.

Applied on-line, didn't expect anything till morning as the middle of the night there, a couple of hours of flapping later, confirmation has come through. Heart starting to slow down a bit now, just fucken nuts!
Have a good one John
Still Dreaming of a Harry Quinn

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40135 on: July 9, 2015, 10:50:19 pm »
Fuckinell mad that

Trip to Aus in morning, had a problem checking in on-line so had to call them. At the end of the call 'enjoy your trip, all your visa's in order'. I didn't know you needed one, shit myself, middle of the night in Aus job and can't take without one.

Applied on-line, didn't expect anything till morning as the middle of the night there, a couple of hours of flapping later, confirmation has come through. Heart starting to slow down a bit now, just fucken nuts!
I actually came on here to say I'd read that on Facebook  lol

Offline Fat Scouser

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40136 on: July 10, 2015, 12:44:57 am »
HA! John yer Flapper. Gave me a laugh that, but gllad you sorted it, lad. Long way to go just to turn round. I can't remember, I think the travel agent just sorted it for me. I went through that STA Travel.  Anyway, have a good time, make sure you go to Kings Cross in Sydney. It's a giggle. And go to Coogie Bay, it's sound. We had a flat there, used to bevvy in the Coogie Bay hotel and the Legion, laugh, the pair of them.

But watch out, the bookies are in the alehouse. I don't mean some aul fella taken bets, the proper bookies is in the pubs. TAB's they're called. Dangerous when you've had a few.

Johno mate, you're entirely right, it's got fuck all to do with nation, colour or anything else. Class is all that counts. And these bastards have none. They look down their noses at us Plebs, but think fuck all of robbing from the weakest, the old, the young, disabled, anyone, we're all fair game. It's Class War. They declared it on us. And sadly, they're winning.

Our best hope, they push the great unwashed too far. And they're so mental, they think they're fireproof. Look at Osborne so brazen he turns up to work cocained up. Remember the world was agog when Clinton admitted he never inhaled. But this crackhead pervert is now openly touted as the next PM by the State Propaganda BBC machine.

Tories always gave just enough to stop the rabble lighting the torches and reaching for the pitchforks. But with a bit of luck, these mad bastards will push us over the edge. Sadly, they seem to have invisble calmer heads behind the scenes, guiding them and reigning them in. But a new poll tax would probably be enough to do it, and they might just slip up and go for one.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40137 on: July 10, 2015, 02:27:02 am »
Ta Leo

I think that the travel agents doing it was the problem. My hates been twice before and didn't know you needed one coz that's what happened. Coogie Bay deffo on the plan, with a million others. Can only see it being a mad one, can't wait
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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40138 on: July 10, 2015, 09:58:47 am »
Ta Leo

I think that the travel agents doing it was the problem. My hates been twice before and didn't know you needed one coz that's what happened. Coogie Bay deffo on the plan, with a million others. Can only see it being a mad one, can't wait

If you're in Sydney on Saturday night I'll be in The Fortune of War (in the Rocks close to Circular Quay) ale house around seven. I normally hang around the front bar by the door listening to the live music.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 05:10:05 am by BSBW »
G'Day Lid - Official Scouse rep of the OCB Down Under.

Offline Fat Scouser

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40139 on: July 10, 2015, 10:35:50 am »
Ta Leo

I think that the travel agents doing it was the problem. My hates been twice before and didn't know you needed one coz that's what happened. Coogie Bay deffo on the plan, with a million others. Can only see it being a mad one, can't wait
You'll love it lad. I had a ball. Only problem, too hot. But I went in January, so you'll be alright.

Here's a giggle before you go...

Just came across it and give me a chuckle. And I'd say have a laugh out there, but I know you will
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

Offline Fat Scouser

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40140 on: July 10, 2015, 05:52:23 pm »
John, I just remembered some gaff in Coogee. I hate anyone telling me anything when I'm going somewhere. I like discovering things, but you might miss this yard, and it's sound.

It's only a scran house, but I used to really like it in there. It's just like a doorway, you'll have to look out for it. It's just up from the big alehouse... in the doorway and up the dancers, they only do about 3 meals. But the staple scran in there is Steak, Corn on the Cob, Mashed Spuds and gravy for 5 bucks. Well, it was 5 bucks then. But it'll still be cheap as. That's their schtick like, but it's a cracking gaff. I used to have a Steak and jug of Lager, just to line me stomach like before really going on one.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

Offline Dr. Beaker

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40141 on: July 10, 2015, 10:27:19 pm »

As for the rest of you old bast.. Erm er senior respectable people hope your all ok..

Ah young Glasshoppel.

Nice to see so many new faces on here repeating all the old stories, instead of all the old faces on here repeating all the old stories............I'm sure I've said that before.

I'm looking forward to the first time a newy repeats one of his previous stories. I hope I'm around to see it. In fact I think I'm going to dig out a new story from a newy and repeat it meself. It's going to be like Back to the Future starring Billy Dean.

I'm going for a lie down.

Rile-Me costed L. Nee-Naw "The Child" Torrence the first jack the hat-trick since Eon Rush vs Accursed Toffos, many moons passed. Nee-Naw he could have done a concreted his palace in the pantyhose off the LibPole Gods...was not was for the invented intervention of Rile-Me whistler.

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40142 on: July 10, 2015, 11:04:57 pm »
Yup, I think you need one! ;)
Suddenly I turned around and she was standin' there
With silver bracelets on her wrists and flowers in her hair
She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns
"Come in", She said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm."

I might be in!

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40144 on: July 12, 2015, 10:30:49 am »
Morning all , it's pissing down here😒
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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40145 on: July 13, 2015, 09:14:25 am »
Morning all , it's pissing down here😒

Morning, the pissing has departed here and made it`s way south.

Light showers now  ;)
The best way to scare a Tory is to read and get rich” - Idles.

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40146 on: July 13, 2015, 09:22:52 am »
Panorama b.b.c 1 tonight  8.30 about the N.H.S reforms. Filmed over 6 months here in Liverpool.
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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40147 on: July 13, 2015, 11:47:52 am »
So John (Mac) is posting a few photos on Facebook,everyone in a pub ;)

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40148 on: July 13, 2015, 11:49:14 am »
Has anyone heard anything from Shaun (Cowtown) ?

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40149 on: July 13, 2015, 12:05:06 pm »
John, I just remembered some gaff in Coogee. I hate anyone telling me anything when I'm going somewhere. I like discovering things, but you might miss this yard, and it's sound.

It's only a scran house, but I used to really like it in there. It's just like a doorway, you'll have to look out for it. It's just up from the big alehouse... in the doorway and up the dancers, they only do about 3 meals. But the staple scran in there is Steak, Corn on the Cob, Mashed Spuds and gravy for 5 bucks. Well, it was 5 bucks then. But it'll still be cheap as. That's their schtick like, but it's a cracking gaff. I used to have a Steak and jug of Lager, just to line me stomach like before really going on one.

I lived in Coogee for about 6 months a while back. Great little spot. Was really good value back in the day but exchange rates have changed for the worse in recent years I think. Went back about 4 years ago and was really shocked how expensive eating and drinking out had got there.

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40150 on: July 14, 2015, 07:47:42 pm »
Has anyone heard anything from Shaun (Cowtown) ?
He's having a bit of a Siesta, but will be back

I lived in Coogee for about 6 months a while back. Great little spot. Was really good value back in the day but exchange rates have changed for the worse in recent years I think. Went back about 4 years ago and was really shocked how expensive eating and drinking out had got there.
That's shite to hear, but funny enough, I was down there with a lad from Salisbury. Mate of mine, good lad, I haven't seen him in a while. But, start the Twighlight Zone music, I was in me sisters a few hours ago and her fella had bumped into him just yesterday. So he's about but I'll have to swerve him. That lad can swallie the grog.

Suppose I should let yers know, my bevvyin days are well and truly over. And I won't be back in here either, if people start all the sympathy malarkey. Just had the full diagnosis... Advanced Micronodular Chirossis. Which in aul arse terms, means it's bollocksed. But, it's still working a bit and the doctors will now decide what treatment I'll get. And if they can stop the HepC, my Liver won't get any worse and could even heal it's self a bit.

So reasons to be cheerful. And I'm a big lad and all that, but I'd give a kidney to be in Coogee downing a few cold tinnies.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40151 on: July 15, 2015, 12:08:57 pm »
Hard lines, but not unfixable, Fats.

I'd suggest a diet of milk and herb.

Along with heavy doses of fucken good music.

I'll start yer off with someone not many peeple know about.

Magic Sam,

<a href=";list=RDvdyvPg0c6bI&amp;index=31" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">;list=RDvdyvPg0c6bI&amp;index=31</a>

Maybe a little Mud
<a href=";index=28&amp;list=RDvdyvPg0c6bI" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">;index=28&amp;list=RDvdyvPg0c6bI</a>
Kill the humourless

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40153 on: July 17, 2015, 10:02:43 pm »
Hope you are all well, been busy helping sort out arrangements etc and the last few days at the Interactive Whiteboard face for this academic year .

anyway Auld Arses Dont Worry Be Happy.
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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40154 on: July 18, 2015, 09:14:44 am »

Suppose I should let yers know, my bevvyin days are well and truly over. And I won't be back in here either, if people start all the sympathy malarkey. Just had the full diagnosis... Advanced Micronodular Chirossis. Which in aul arse terms, means it's bollocksed. But, it's still working a bit and the doctors will now decide what treatment I'll get. And if they can stop the HepC, my Liver won't get any worse and could even heal it's self a bit.

So reasons to be cheerful.

Make it work for you Leo lad. If anyone can come out the other end of that particular shite tunnel, it's gotta be you mate.
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40155 on: July 18, 2015, 09:17:49 am »
Hope you are all well, been busy helping sort out arrangements etc and the last few days at the Interactive Whiteboard face for this academic year .

anyway Auld Arses Dont Worry Be Happy.

You have an interactive whiteboard that works, Geoff?   :mooncat
...If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40156 on: July 18, 2015, 09:20:25 am »

Suppose I should let yers know, my bevvyin days are well and truly over. And I won't be back in here either, if people start all the sympathy malarkey. Just had the full diagnosis... Advanced Micronodular Chirossis. Which in aul arse terms, means it's bollocksed. But, it's still working a bit and the doctors will now decide what treatment I'll get. And if they can stop the HepC, my Liver won't get any worse and could even heal it's self a bit.

So reasons to be cheerful. And I'm a big lad and all that, but I'd give a kidney to be in Coogee downing a few cold tinnies.

At least you know your enemy now, mucker so you can look it in the eye and spit in it. Go 'ed, Leo, lad.
...If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same

Offline Mutton Geoff

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40157 on: July 18, 2015, 02:02:13 pm »
You have an interactive whiteboard that works, Geoff?   :mooncat

yeah it does one day i will work out how to use it ;)

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40158 on: July 18, 2015, 03:46:18 pm »
Now then.

I've just stumbled across a lovely little place  in the Pyrenees.  It's tax free.

Wow. What a coincidence. 
He who sees himself in all beings and all beings in himself loses all fear.

- The Upanishads.

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You are held . You are loved . You are seen  - Some wise fella .

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Re: Shanklyboy's auld arse thread - Over 1000 Pages of Wisdom For Young Uns!
« Reply #40159 on: July 18, 2015, 04:00:01 pm »
It just looked like a ski resort with a constant traffic jam passing through it the last time I was there - nice scenery, like - but that's it.

Rile-Me costed L. Nee-Naw "The Child" Torrence the first jack the hat-trick since Eon Rush vs Accursed Toffos, many moons passed. Nee-Naw he could have done a concreted his palace in the pantyhose off the LibPole Gods...was not was for the invented intervention of Rile-Me whistler.