Author Topic: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)  (Read 67829 times)

Offline Romeo Sensini

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1600 on: July 8, 2015, 01:50:15 am »
;D :thumbup - she didn't even need a staple, that's how hard she is........makes this lad think...........

To be fair...

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

Tough as nails.

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1601 on: July 8, 2015, 02:38:15 am »
To be fair...

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

Tough as nails.

Fuck me, that's a lot of blood right there

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1602 on: July 8, 2015, 06:55:28 am »
That's why I said sport in general. We weren't even allowed to play football at school in breaktime (in the 1970s) as 'it might damage our wombs'. How football could be more dangerous than hockey, for example, I never understood.
Of course the FA have always been a bunch of tossers who've wanted to keep women out of the game at all levels, but the derogatory remarks about women who play sport seems worse than it's ever been, but perhaps that's down to social media.
I think there is this weird double-demand on women in general these days. You can't just be a good athlete, you also have to be a good women - sexy, pretty, best if you also have kids. Its like that in the workplace too - top managers are being told to wear makeup and heels, and so on. You can't just be good at what you do, you also for some reason have to prove that you're not a man.
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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1603 on: July 8, 2015, 09:27:43 am »
I think there is this weird double-demand on women in general these days. You can't just be a good athlete, you also have to be a good women - sexy, pretty, best if you also have kids. Its like that in the workplace too - top managers are being told to wear makeup and heels, and so on. You can't just be good at what you do, you also for some reason have to prove that you're not a man.
That's a really interesting take on it and not one that had occurred to me as a decent way to explain it. Do you have any examples you could send me regarding this view? I could do with compiling some properly-sourced commentary on how and why this is apparently the case - I mean for professional reasons. Cheers for writing that. It seems to make a lot of sense and I'd like to examine further.

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1604 on: July 8, 2015, 09:45:00 am »
Cheers Rhi - great stuff and I look forward to delving into it deeper. For the record, and I mean this sincerely, I've always been far more inclined to be attracted to women who, to me, look beautiful without make up. I don't really know why that is other than having some vague notion about "natural" beauty over "artificial". Does that make sense?

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1605 on: July 8, 2015, 09:46:01 am »
I can give you another recent football example. This was written by FIFA themselves to preview a World Cup semifinal. Needless to say it was jumped on immediately by the media. But unlike the FA with their tweet and article - FIFA never removed or changed theirs. It can still be found here:

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1606 on: July 8, 2015, 09:47:21 am »
Happy ending. Really? Dear god there's no hope for those says fairytale finish in the headline, why not have that in the url too? They just love digging holes for for the article itself, I'll read it in detail when I've calmed down a bit ;)

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1607 on: July 8, 2015, 09:52:22 am »
Just wow. See, if you take out the fleeting references to looks, the article reads reasonably well and is clearly intended to be positive. But it's ruined for me by the references to outward physical appearance. Then you read the comments, this one in particular:

"This is one classy lady on and off the field.... a true professional athlete who is not only beautiful with good looks but very talented as well..."

Now maybe I am being overly-sensitive here. The hidden message *appears* to say, "Doesn't matter how good a player you are, if you're a fucking munter then fucking forget it love, stick to [insert derogatorily-selected activity here]!"

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1608 on: July 8, 2015, 10:04:04 am »
Take a good friend of mine for example.......

Exceptionally intelligent, compassionate, funny and loyal. Professionally talented and gifted with an impressive CV and career path. I've never once seen her in make up. Or it's very subtle in application.

She also happens to be stunningly beautiful. Seriously, for real, she is gorgeous, there are no two ways about it........

Now, is she subjectively-speaking more beautiful than other women IN SPITE of not being caked in make up or BECAUSE of this?

In truth it shouldn't matter either way - but to too many people it does.

When assessing someone like my friend in the professional context, her choice of clothing or make-up shouldn't make a difference. Sadly, to too many people, it will. Too many people seem incapable of differentiating their personal subjective view from their professional one.

I would suggest that the problem lies in the minds of the observers rather than in the minds of the women themselves, unless the women give in to pandering to the expectations of them, in which case do they not then become part of the problem??

It takes a brave woman to face down the prejudices and expectations of them. I hope more and more do it. The cosmetics industry has a lot to answer for - but so do the male-dominated board rooms in pretty much all business sectors.

FIFA can make a start by consciously choosing NOT to refer to a woman's looks when writing articles. Imagine the furore if they wrote an article like this:

"Jamie is a talented goalie with the reflexes of a cat. It's shame she's fuck-ugly cos she's missing out on so much sponsorship opportunity. If only she applied a bit of lippie and blusher, with some striking eyeshadow, a strong and thick foundation to fill those pock marks in, oh yes, and a fucking decent shave once in a while (she'd fit right into those ads that those boys get, you know, Messi etc with Gillette - cha-CHING!), she might find herself more adored by we media types. She's letting the side down, in more ways than one, perhaps she got hit in the face by too many shots? What a great shot-stopper she is - but love, really, tart yerself up a bit, get to a salon and treat yerself, eh?"

*edited by request to prevent disappointment from stalkers who would totally get the wrong end of the stick and just frankly embarrass themselves ;)*
« Last Edit: July 8, 2015, 02:27:31 pm by 24/7 »

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1609 on: July 8, 2015, 11:04:00 am »
FIFA can make a start by consciously choosing NOT to refer to a woman's looks when writing articles.

Is it every article? I actually went looking for this expecting to find double standards. But, this old article about Beckham mentions him being good looking or handsome at least 4 times:

I can;t one of them saying Luke Chadwick is ugly as fuck though  :)

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1610 on: July 8, 2015, 11:09:05 am »
Is it every article?
Poor Chadwick ;) And no, I didn't mean to imply it's every article - however, any article that diverts into looks territory is also diverting into irrelevant territory regardless of gender, in my opinion that is. Stick to what they do, rather than how they look when they do it. That's what I would advocate.

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1611 on: July 8, 2015, 11:30:54 am »
NYC to Host Friday Parade for 2015 Women's World Cup Champs

NYC to Host Parade for 2015 Women's World Cup Champs USA on Friday, July 10 at 11 a.m. ET

CHICAGO (July 7, 2015) - The City of New York will host a ticker tape parade for the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup Champion U.S. Women's National Team on Friday, July 10 at 11 a.m. ET. All fans are invited to celebrate along the parade route which will be the Canyon of Heroes, along Broadway from the Battery to City Hall.

A special program will be held at City Hall following the parade, and fans can visit for a chance to attend.

The parade will honor the USA following its historic run at the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup that culminated with a 5-2 victory against Japan on July 5 to give the country its third title, and become the only nation to achieve that feat.

I want to hold my hands up and apologise to Rafa.
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Offline redbyrdz

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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1612 on: July 8, 2015, 12:54:58 pm »
Now maybe I am being overly-sensitive here. The hidden message *appears* to say, "Doesn't matter how good a player you are, if you're a fucking munter then fucking forget it love, stick to [insert derogatorily-selected activity here]!"

on my phone so have to keep it brief, but yes, that is spot on. The difference is that as a woman, you have to be woman first, and everything else comes after that. For men, its the other way round.

As an example, theres a thread on here about fifa's goal of the season, where a female player had an entry. I wonder how much mod-effort it took to keep the 'nevermind the goal, but wouldya'-type comments out?

I remember at least on article on the bbc a while ago, going on about how it was now ok for female athletes 'to be sexy too' (they even made it out to be 'the new feminism'),   which is a load of toss, because its always ok to be sexy too (see the Backham example above), the difference is that girls have to be sexy first, and then they're allowed to be athletes. Look at how much grief the Williams sisters get for being too muscular for general taste - 'she looks like a man, urgh', despite all their achievements.
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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1613 on: July 8, 2015, 06:37:46 pm »
It is really that bad. In a professional level, whether you work in an office, in a school or if you are an athlete, 99% of the people around you expect you to look pretty above all. More than once I've been frowned upon because I don't use make up, or wear high heels (I'm 6'0 so it's redundant for me to use them, even if I find a pair that fits me, even more where I live now, where most women are shortarses). When I played sports I was automatically branded as the tomboy of the team, because I always gave 100% and cared little about looking girly.

In my personal opinion, I think in this day an age people should be respected by what they are and what they do, beyond the looks.
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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1614 on: July 8, 2015, 07:54:04 pm »

In my personal opinion, I think in this day an age people should be respected by what they are and what they do, beyond the looks.

Stereotyping happens all the time. Male, female, short, tall, fat, skinny, slow, glasses, "different", etc.

Bullying or worse.

It would be nice to eradicate it but that won't happen. At least educate people about it.
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Re: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup - Canada / 6 June – 5 July (*)
« Reply #1615 on: July 10, 2015, 03:15:24 pm »
Anyone going to the parade today in NYC? Wish I could make it but I have too much to do :(