Author Topic: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead  (Read 59860 times)

Offline Vulmea

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #960 on: March 28, 2012, 12:59:28 am »
We didn't deserve to beat them though.We paint pretty pictures but there's no potency to our play. Quality football involves being potent, sticking it in the net, delivering. Otherwise its just pretty pictures. We're too slow in our build up. Two swoops down field by Aresnal and they beat us. Powerful, dynamic, modern football.
Aresnal have got their act together and are flying now and fair play to them.

UEFA will refer to Spurs - in the draw for next seasons Champions League if they keep hold of fourth.

Is it not possilble for a person to believe 15 months into an enterprise that a change should be made?

Must all managers in all walks of life stay beyond 15 months?

What was the 'realistic' view of fans on Arsenal in January?

The importance of confidennce is continually and massively underrated in the search for tactics, formations, meaninful stats. The game is largely played between the ears not on grass.

You also watched a different game to me - you've represented it based entirely on the result. Kelly's miss on the far post was the best chance of the game. Our penalty was the second best, the rebound the third best, Downing squaring to their keeper the best move of the match until that daft pass, Kuyt hitting the post the 4th best, Suarez's dribble worth the entrance money - Arsenals first wasn't a swoop down field it was a cross, from a tired player, from  40 yards away  3 Liverppol players should have cut out -  not dynamic, potent modern football. Even Arsene Wenger the most myopic man in the sport said they were lucky, their keeper said they were being torn to shreds and could not live with us. Yes finishing is a key part of the game, confidence and  a strong mentality is too but to say we didn't deserve to win to try and prove a point is perverse.

We've missed 8 out of 12 pens thats almost entirely down to confidence nowt to do with modern football - we have the worst conversion rate in the league not because by some freak anomaly in the way these things are counted and we somehow create the worse chances but because what started out as bad luck has become a crisis of confidence.We've hit the woodwork 23 times and have the worst conversion rate do you think in someway these could be related or is that too simplistic?

We are trying to bed in players and systems while we are struggling for confidence, do you think that makes it easier? Do you expect some poor performances? Prepared to give the team some slack? Listened to TAW the other day, they weren't,  they just accused the team of not being prepared properly.

If Spurs keep 4th they were challening for the title earlier this month.....if then they'll be in a qualifier - powerful, dynamic modern football eh and you were talking bout their fans so dont change the subject

an enterprise ?? what is this some type of board game? what have all walks of life got to do with  anything?

if a Dr made as many mistakes as a football manager he'd be struck off - because one is not an exact science, one is not entirely within ones own gift to control is it?

the head man at Shell told me a story once about a young kid trying to make his way at the company - he made a ricket and sited an oil rig in the wrong place - cost the company millions, absolute millions and there was massive pressure to sack the lad but the managing director of this multi billion pound company took a different view - he didn't see the lad as reckless or careless he saw his potential and knew that the lad would not make that mistake again - he knew because it had just cost him millions to learn that lesson-  he kept his job and from the wink and smile it was clear not only did he keep his job but he became the head man at Shell.......

but we are talking specifics here aren't we? LFC in particular, lets stick with the case in point eh?

Is it too early to say get rid of this particular manager yes it fucking is. If nothing else  Kenny is the right man for the job whether he is the right manager is a different matter but being the right man means he gets the time he needs to find out. I can't relate to anybody who does not agree with that, they are not imho a Liverpool supporter because they have no understanding of the club, its core values or what it should stand for and that applies whether they are a 21 year old Sky generation nouveau fan or an 81 year old season ticket holder - its not an age thing, its an integrity thing. 
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest — but the myth — persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.

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Offline Vulmea

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #961 on: March 28, 2012, 01:15:55 am »
but this is a football forum, if you can't express your opinion on footballing matters here, one of the main points of the site is completely void. People will come on here and in extremely rare events, their opinion will be changed, for the most part you just have to agree to disagree and move on. I can't see a small group of individuals proclaiming sack kenny changing the views of the rest of the forum enough to incite any problems whatsoever.
I can appreciate that the way some people express their opinion is counter productive, I've never agree with the abuse players and management get through twitter, but they're the minority. Personally, I think expressing your opinion on a forum is probably the best and least damaging place for it.

one thing I've learned in dealing with people always ignore the words before the word 'but' because only after that do people say what they actually mean :)

expressing views I really dont have a problem with honestly I dont but....only joking

I think we dont really understand the connection between social media, forums and the real world. I believe there is a bigger connection than we realise. I'm not saying some knob on a forum will get Kenny sacked but I'm convinced that the forums and phone ins helped do for both Rafa and Roy - they allow the malcontents to fester, to raise its profile and the media can build it into a fervour - their selective editing of anti Rafa and pro Roy sentiment was marked - even the questions they ask ' Is time running out for Kenny?' sets the agenda, empowers those with doubts to voice them, and thats how popular opinion is controlled.

As I said I dont have a problem with responsible opinion but their is no responsibility for the opinion you express on here except that which you place upon yourself.

The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest — but the myth — persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.

John F. Kennedy/Shanklyboy.

Offline Darren G

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #962 on: March 28, 2012, 01:23:37 am »
Bullshit. Look at the gate receipts for a single game involving 44,100 people for a starter @ 44 quid a pop.

 No, actually it's not bullshit.  Those figures are for prize money for performance/tv money.  I did not mention gate reciepts, which would be at least equal to or possibly higher from the Champions League.  The figures are easily verifiable which you'd know if you actually spent two minutes with google checking these things before you make 'statements of  fact' which are completely erroneous and trotted out to suit your argument, with little regard for the reality.  There is an (aprox) £550 million difference in the prize pool for the teams that pass the group stage of the UCL and the Europa.  Taking everything into account the earnings potential is far greater in the UCL.  That's not just my opinion, it's fact.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 05:55:12 am by Darren G »

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #963 on: March 28, 2012, 01:24:29 am »
Disagree with the last bit, they didn't get lucky, they took their chances, other than that, you're spot on.


the arsenal performance was a typical away performance at a dangerous home team. try and keep it tight and take your chances when they come.

Executed perfectly after we failed* to take advantage of our period of dominance.

*failed. ie. not bad luck. we failed to translate our advantage into more goals. if it was happening in a handful of games this season it might be bad luck. however, our players, our tactics and our preparation appear to have been largely dogshit all season. so not bad luck.

And the talk that we would be 3rd in the league if we had won that game is a large portion of codswallop. even if we'd managed to best arsenal, given we haven't been on a run of form all season, it is more likely exactly the same consistency problems would have raised their ugly head in the next fixture (after all, winning the LC was meant to give us the 'winning attitude' wasn't it? that never happened, so why would beating arsenal  be any different?).
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 01:26:21 am by drpepe »

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #964 on: March 28, 2012, 05:28:34 am »
Cowtownred, I am gone for only a few hours but I return to find you – hitherto a poster that I do not recall ever exchanging posts with – assailing me in more than one thread with numerous accusations and a position very much like geoffstrong, though to your credit you are considerably more coherent than he is. I am going to collectively call you and geoffstrong and everyone else of your ilk “the superfan” for reasons of convenience as I can’t be bothered to waste any more time to reply point by point to all of you, since it is all rather tiresome to have to make essentially the same replies over and over again and to pick through the same half-baked arguments and fallacies that pass for the superfan’s position, and in the end it is to a degree quite pointless too because the superfan does not really want to listen and does not really want to understand anyone else’s position. 

You all seem determined to drown out all intelligent discussion of on pitch difficulties on this forum in the name of “supporting the manager”, so if that is what everybody here wants, then the forum deserves to endure the kind of `discussion’ that it wants, so I won’t stand in the way.

Therefore  I am going to make this last reply to cowtownred and geoffstrong, and then I am going to move on from this to more interesting and fruitful things.

Firstly, a reply to the scurrilous accusations against me:-

1.    geoffstrong said he is ignoring me because I am “obnoxious” and cowtownred says that I make “snidey” insults against superfans. The hypocrisy and complete lack of self-awareness and total self-deception that is contained in this accusation against me is breathtaking. Any objective scrolling through all the exchanges between me and geoffstrong and other superfans would disclose that it always starts with me making a comment on an issue pertaining to deployment of personnel or style of play and pointing out the errors that were made by the management. The superfans would then swoop in with numerous accusations and name-calling (I have been called self-important, not acting as a fan, negative, and much more - cowtownred even called me a "f*king balloon"...) and they would then accuse me of various improper motives against Dalglish and allegedly wanting to get him sacked. I would be mocked in various ways, satirized, my true position distorted beyond recognition, etc. Ad hominem attacks would be the order of the day. In other words, it always starts with me trying to focus on the issues and ends with others becoming personal and making personal ttacks against me. After that, I would then reply pointing out the fallacies and the errors made by the superfans and why they have misconstrued me, and I would frequently return at them with the same kind of scorn that they had subjected me to without any provocation. So if there is anyone obnoxious or making snidey insults, then I have been the one sinned against a great many times, and by the very people who now accuse me of being snidey! And if I have insulted geoffstrong, he has certainly richly deserved every one of those insults!

And by the way cowtownred, I call you and your ilk “superfans” as a term of convenience because you set yourself out as being a better fan than those of us who discuss issues. It is not an insult in itself – which is more than I can say for you lot because your kind first of all label us as disloyal and not worthy to be fans and the Sky generation etc FIRST.

But the issue of who is the one who first made it personal and made personal insults and attacks is always forgotten by you lot, because you and geoffstrong like to act as the victim when you are in fact the aggressors.

2.   cowtownred, you actually descended to the depths of even accusing me of being one of the people who did the dirt on Benitez. You said “Mr subroc or his ilk helped roll the wrecking ball to Rafa. They're not going to be satisfied until it happens to Kenny Dalglish.” This is totally untrue and a vile slander against me. You don’t even bother to check your facts before you launch slanderous and untrue allegations against me. If you had even bothered to use the search function, you would have found me defending Benitez many times. I opposed his removal and I considered it catastrophic to the club at a time when many on this forum actually thought that it was necessary to “unite” the club and to heal the divisions between the supporters. 
And I am sure that you will not apologise for your untrue statement and allegation against me even after I have refuted it because that is the sort of people you superfans are – I still do not have a single retraction let alone apology for all the untrue things that geoffstrong said against me despite being completely refuted and shown to be incorrect.

Lastly, here is the problem with the superfans:-
1.   Extreme Polarisation
To the superfans, it is black and white – either you support the manager without a hint of any criticism, or you are calling for the manager’s head and you are a gloryhound. There can be nothing in between, and if you purport to be in between, you are a fifth columnist secretly calling for the manager’s head and having an agenda to remove him! There is a complete inability and an unwillingness to understand that there is a middle ground and another position not covered in this simplistic view of the world – where  the fan can rationally and discuss problems with the team and even point out that the manager has made mistakes without wanting Dalglish to be sacked at all.

The superfan fails to understand that consistency with his own extreme position will result in a completely inane forum that is devoid of most intelligent and interesting posts as well as doing nothing to reduce the level of concern that most fans feel towards the kind of play that the team is displaying. In fact without any venue to discuss it with other fans in a calm manner, the stress goes underground and manifests itself in increased frustration with the team and the manager regardless of how supporting your conscious mind will want to be.

2.   Hypocrisy & Double Standards
But the fact of the matter is that the superfans themselves do not follow their own mantra to support the manager at all times. It is apparently acceptable to criticize Roy Hodgson for his errors, but not Dalglish. The rule to support the manager at all times apparently excludes Hodgson. Why? `Because he is a tosser’ would probably be the reply. But if you set a rule, the same rule applies to all managers regardless of what you think of the manager. Otherwise you create double standards - one rule for Dalglish and other managers you like, and another rule for Hodgson and everybody else you do not like?

And it is apparently wrong to cast insults against superfans but it is perfectly allright for the superfans to start the mud slinging first.

3.   No Attempt to even Understand
Both geoffstrong and you do not really read the posts that you purport to reply to. Half the time, I don’t think geoffstrong really understands the nuances of the posts he thinks he is replying to. You understand better than him, but you have the same refusal to actually comprehend what it is that your opponent is saying before responding to him. The post that you made to RedCrown where you completely misunderstood his very clear post displays this clearly.

4.   Demonisation of Opponents
Because of all of the above, the superfan cannot help but get personal with whoever who is discussing the problems critically. He will attribute the most fantastic and vile motives to the other poster and feel free to drag his online name through the mud without any evidence or in defiance of the evidence.

5.   Emotionalism
In the end, the superfan’s reason for not allowing such comment is because it supposedly creates an atmosphere of negativity which facilitates the manager’s removal. But the answer to mistaken ideas of the manager’s unsuitability is not to ban discussion – it is to expose error with truth. If the issue is not caused by the manager’s mistake, then disprove it with objective, calmly and well-reasoned arguments citing the facts.

But the superfan cannot do this because for him, it is antithetical to the whole point of being a fan.  Geoffstrong illustrated this attitude when he criticized my “robotic” “Aristotlean” logic and argumentation, and repeatedly cites the emotional, passionate spirit of the fan as the antidote or the “correct” attitude of the fan. Redcrown pointed out that this kind of attitude is worse than religious fundamentalism – I would differ concerning that as religious fundamentalism is often very reflective and intellectual in my own experience. However, I think perhaps the quality he was trying to describe is an anti-intellectualism that is unproductive and self-defeating. And that is certainly the problem here because unless we adopt a more engineer’s or doctor’s  mentality to analyse and diagnose the problem, and then to figure out the solution or medicine for the ailment, and to encourage the patient to take the medication, then how will the fans be able to even comprehend the problem? And unless we discuss it with other fans, how will we realise if we are wrong or learn a better approach?

Anyway, like I said, this forum will get the kind of discussion it deserves and it wants as far as the majority is concerned. If you want to follow the way of the superfan, then be consistent with it, but don’t be surprised if it creates far more problems than you thought.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 06:31:47 am by subroc »

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #965 on: March 28, 2012, 07:22:36 am »
cowtownred even called me a "f*king balloon"...

I hope to god Rafa gets another job soon or you'll end up getting told far less amusing things than that :)
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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #966 on: March 28, 2012, 08:11:31 am »

That's the most pompous post Ive read in here
Regards 'Superfan'
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #967 on: March 28, 2012, 08:20:13 am »
Hotel booked. Going to get ticket tomorrow. Buzzing already.

Those whinging about Cups better not be fucking going and taking tickets of real fans.
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #968 on: March 28, 2012, 08:20:57 am »
That's the most pompous post Ive read in here
Regards 'Superfan'

hes done better!
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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #969 on: March 28, 2012, 08:23:30 am »
Cowtownred, I am gone for only a few hours but I return to find you – hitherto a poster that I do not recall ever exchanging posts with – assailing me in more than one thread with numerous accusations and a position very much like geoffstrong, though to your credit you are considerably more coherent than he is. I am going to collectively call you and geoffstrong and everyone else of your ilk “the superfan” for reasons of convenience as I can’t be bothered to waste any more time to reply point by point to all of you, since it is all rather tiresome to have to make essentially the same replies over and over again and to pick through the same half-baked arguments and fallacies that pass for the superfan’s position, and in the end it is to a degree quite pointless too because the superfan does not really want to listen and does not really want to understand anyone else’s position. 

You all seem determined to drown out all intelligent discussion of on pitch difficulties on this forum in the name of “supporting the manager”, so if that is what everybody here wants, then the forum deserves to endure the kind of `discussion’ that it wants, so I won’t stand in the way.

Therefore  I am going to make this last reply to cowtownred and geoffstrong, and then I am going to move on from this to more interesting and fruitful things.

Firstly, a reply to the scurrilous accusations against me:-

1.    geoffstrong said he is ignoring me because I am “obnoxious” and cowtownred says that I make “snidey” insults against superfans. The hypocrisy and complete lack of self-awareness and total self-deception that is contained in this accusation against me is breathtaking. Any objective scrolling through all the exchanges between me and geoffstrong and other superfans would disclose that it always starts with me making a comment on an issue pertaining to deployment of personnel or style of play and pointing out the errors that were made by the management. The superfans would then swoop in with numerous accusations and name-calling (I have been called self-important, not acting as a fan, negative, and much more - cowtownred even called me a "f*king balloon"...) and they would then accuse me of various improper motives against Dalglish and allegedly wanting to get him sacked. I would be mocked in various ways, satirized, my true position distorted beyond recognition, etc. Ad hominem attacks would be the order of the day. In other words, it always starts with me trying to focus on the issues and ends with others becoming personal and making personal ttacks against me. After that, I would then reply pointing out the fallacies and the errors made by the superfans and why they have misconstrued me, and I would frequently return at them with the same kind of scorn that they had subjected me to without any provocation. So if there is anyone obnoxious or making snidey insults, then I have been the one sinned against a great many times, and by the very people who now accuse me of being snidey! And if I have insulted geoffstrong, he has certainly richly deserved every one of those insults!

And by the way cowtownred, I call you and your ilk “superfans” as a term of convenience because you set yourself out as being a better fan than those of us who discuss issues. It is not an insult in itself – which is more than I can say for you lot because your kind first of all label us as disloyal and not worthy to be fans and the Sky generation etc FIRST.

But the issue of who is the one who first made it personal and made personal insults and attacks is always forgotten by you lot, because you and geoffstrong like to act as the victim when you are in fact the aggressors.

2.   cowtownred, you actually descended to the depths of even accusing me of being one of the people who did the dirt on Benitez. You said “Mr subroc or his ilk helped roll the wrecking ball to Rafa. They're not going to be satisfied until it happens to Kenny Dalglish.” This is totally untrue and a vile slander against me. You don’t even bother to check your facts before you launch slanderous and untrue allegations against me. If you had even bothered to use the search function, you would have found me defending Benitez many times. I opposed his removal and I considered it catastrophic to the club at a time when many on this forum actually thought that it was necessary to “unite” the club and to heal the divisions between the supporters. 
And I am sure that you will not apologise for your untrue statement and allegation against me even after I have refuted it because that is the sort of people you superfans are – I still do not have a single retraction let alone apology for all the untrue things that geoffstrong said against me despite being completely refuted and shown to be incorrect.

Lastly, here is the problem with the superfans:-
1.   Extreme Polarisation
To the superfans, it is black and white – either you support the manager without a hint of any criticism, or you are calling for the manager’s head and you are a gloryhound. There can be nothing in between, and if you purport to be in between, you are a fifth columnist secretly calling for the manager’s head and having an agenda to remove him! There is a complete inability and an unwillingness to understand that there is a middle ground and another position not covered in this simplistic view of the world – where  the fan can rationally and discuss problems with the team and even point out that the manager has made mistakes without wanting Dalglish to be sacked at all.

The superfan fails to understand that consistency with his own extreme position will result in a completely inane forum that is devoid of most intelligent and interesting posts as well as doing nothing to reduce the level of concern that most fans feel towards the kind of play that the team is displaying. In fact without any venue to discuss it with other fans in a calm manner, the stress goes underground and manifests itself in increased frustration with the team and the manager regardless of how supporting your conscious mind will want to be.

2.   Hypocrisy & Double Standards
But the fact of the matter is that the superfans themselves do not follow their own mantra to support the manager at all times. It is apparently acceptable to criticize Roy Hodgson for his errors, but not Dalglish. The rule to support the manager at all times apparently excludes Hodgson. Why? `Because he is a tosser’ would probably be the reply. But if you set a rule, the same rule applies to all managers regardless of what you think of the manager. Otherwise you create double standards - one rule for Dalglish and other managers you like, and another rule for Hodgson and everybody else you do not like?

And it is apparently wrong to cast insults against superfans but it is perfectly allright for the superfans to start the mud slinging first.

3.   No Attempt to even Understand
Both geoffstrong and you do not really read the posts that you purport to reply to. Half the time, I don’t think geoffstrong really understands the nuances of the posts he thinks he is replying to. You understand better than him, but you have the same refusal to actually comprehend what it is that your opponent is saying before responding to him. The post that you made to RedCrown where you completely misunderstood his very clear post displays this clearly.

4.   Demonisation of Opponents
Because of all of the above, the superfan cannot help but get personal with whoever who is discussing the problems critically. He will attribute the most fantastic and vile motives to the other poster and feel free to drag his online name through the mud without any evidence or in defiance of the evidence.

5.   Emotionalism
In the end, the superfan’s reason for not allowing such comment is because it supposedly creates an atmosphere of negativity which facilitates the manager’s removal. But the answer to mistaken ideas of the manager’s unsuitability is not to ban discussion – it is to expose error with truth. If the issue is not caused by the manager’s mistake, then disprove it with objective, calmly and well-reasoned arguments citing the facts.

But the superfan cannot do this because for him, it is antithetical to the whole point of being a fan.  Geoffstrong illustrated this attitude when he criticized my “robotic” “Aristotlean” logic and argumentation, and repeatedly cites the emotional, passionate spirit of the fan as the antidote or the “correct” attitude of the fan. Redcrown pointed out that this kind of attitude is worse than religious fundamentalism – I would differ concerning that as religious fundamentalism is often very reflective and intellectual in my own experience. However, I think perhaps the quality he was trying to describe is an anti-intellectualism that is unproductive and self-defeating. And that is certainly the problem here because unless we adopt a more engineer’s or doctor’s  mentality to analyse and diagnose the problem, and then to figure out the solution or medicine for the ailment, and to encourage the patient to take the medication, then how will the fans be able to even comprehend the problem? And unless we discuss it with other fans, how will we realise if we are wrong or learn a better approach?

Anyway, like I said, this forum will get the kind of discussion it deserves and it wants as far as the majority is concerned. If you want to follow the way of the superfan, then be consistent with it, but don’t be surprised if it creates far more problems than you thought.

I'm going to insult you but it's a label of convienience not an insult in itself, behave subroc. By your definition this forum was set up by superfans and their has always been a high level of debate. Cowtownred is one of the best posters on the site and has contributed into making it what it is.
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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #970 on: March 28, 2012, 08:24:50 am »
That's the most pompous post I've read in here
Regards 'Superfan'

Some truth in it though. I didn't get the chance to respond to a post the other day because the thread was locked. There were comments along the lines of SKY-Generation. I had skysports for like 18-24 months about 5 years ago before I decided it was shite and not worth shelling out for.

I was weaned on radio commentary then going the game during the really shite years. Away games I caught on Magic 1548, home games going and MOTD h/l or occasionally if my mate invited me round to watch on his SKY subscription. Later that was replaced with the pub and now it's going the game or streams (just managed to start going again 'regularly end of this season because of money and finance issues from last season and a bit before onwards).

It's an easy comment to make when in reality no-one really knows each other properly.

The other thing is that I've not read one person saying that Dalglish should be sacked. There are posts about improvement and our deficiencies and there's a valid point being raised about how patient we can afford to be when in other circumstances we haven't been.

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #971 on: March 28, 2012, 08:33:28 am »
Some though are saying his position is under threat.

If we were at the same point in 12 months, I'd definitely agree. I don't agree with booting KENNY DALGLISH out after one full season. Definitely not.

Some of the mudslinging in here from both sides is fucking poisonous.
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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #972 on: March 28, 2012, 08:37:50 am »
Some though are saying his position is under threat.

If we were at the same point in 12 months, I'd definitely agree. I don't agree with booting KENNY DALGLISH out after one full season. Definitely not.

Some of the mudslinging in here from both sides is fucking poisonous.

The facts are that Kenny Dalglish has a contract with the club. I think it's a reasonable contract to allow him time to do what he needs to do so he can establish himself.

Whatever happens, he should be given that time in his contract and we'll see where we are. I'm positive that if he feels he can't drive us on then he'll move aside. He's said that all along. He's got no ego when it comes to LFC. He wants the best for the club and the best for the fans.
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

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Re: Moses said 'Come Forth', we won the Cup instead
« Reply #973 on: March 28, 2012, 08:40:42 am »
Those individuals who have resorted to personalised slanging matches should consider carefully before engaging in a 'debate' with one another again, because it's trashed this thread. It's easily the most tedious aspect of modding this forum; serial offenders take note. :wave