Author Topic: Angry fans left high and dry by late European fixture change  (Read 3086 times)

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Angry fans left high and dry by late European fixture change
« on: August 2, 2004, 12:00:52 pm »
Many furious Reds have found themselves out of pocket today with the news that the first leg of the 3rd qualifying round Champions League qualifier against AK Graz has been switched to August 10th for the benefit of Austrian TV.

Well "news" is a bit of a misnomer in this case. There has been no announcement by LFC. A couple of fans have found out almost by accident this morning when ringing up regarding tickets. The only information LFC have provided so far was the confirmation of the dates last Friday.

LFC's 30th July confirmation of fixture dates

Liverpool have confirmed the dates for their third round Champions League qualifier with Austrian champions GAK. The first leg will take place in Graz, Austria, on Wednesday August 11, 2004. The kick off time for this first leg is still to be confirmed. The return leg will be played at Anfield on Tuesday August 24, 2004, kick off 8.10pm.

Fans have had problems in the past with fixture date changes due to TV/UEFA demands. As a result the club has been at pains to point out that no flights or hotels should be booked until the dates for European ties have been confirmed by LFC.

The dates were confirmed by the club on 30th July. Fans have since paid for flights, trains, hotels, car hire, booked holiday from work.

For anyone at the club in doubt of the definition of confirmed here's some help:

con·firm  (kn-fûrm)
tr.v. con·firmed, con·firm·ing, con·firms
1) To support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify.
2) To make valid or binding by a formal or legal act; ratify.

It's reassuring to know though that AK Graz are on the ball though, and have confirmed the date:

GAK website

CL-Quali: Dienstag, 10. 8. 2004, Beginn 20,45 Uhr

Once again it seems Liverpool fans are the last to know. Will the fans who have already booked be refunded the cost of changing flights for this lack of (some might even say mis) information (that is of course if they can find flights and hotels to change to)? Past experience suggests not.

However the club could make a first step towards improving the poor image they have with fans. LFC could come forward and offer free home and away tickets for the Graz games to all those fans who can prove they booked travel for the wrong dates before the change of date became known today. The club would then be helping out in a small way those fans who find themselves out of pocket.

It'd cost the club approximately £40 a head. At an estimate of 500 already booked independently would be a total cost of £20,000. As a club we spend over a million a week in wages. Surely such a positive gesture, and the publicity it'd generate, would be worth that small drop in the ocean of our overall revenue?

If instead fans get another lecture about not booking until dates are confirmed and taking their own risks by booking independently then the last slither of trust travelling Reds have with the club could be severed. These are the fans who stand in biblical downpours in Bucharest, travel to the back end of the earth to get to Vladikavkaz, get out to Porto at a week's notice. They epitomise much of the spirit that Shankly brought to the club. They shouldn't be treated shoddily like this. The club can and should be doing better.

We await the club's response with baited breath.

© RAWK 2004
« Last Edit: August 2, 2004, 12:03:41 pm by Rushian »
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Re: Angry fans left high and dry by late European fixture change
« Reply #1 on: August 2, 2004, 12:07:29 pm »
absolute fuckin shambles !

they stitched us up last year with fli9ghts to Hamburg, that cost an extra 75 to sort out
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Re: Angry fans left high and dry by late European fixture change
« Reply #2 on: August 2, 2004, 12:35:15 pm »
Disgraceful, shambolic and not totally surprising is it?.... just a little earlier in the season than usual.
They can not hide behind their usual discalimer this time, that fans should wait for confirmation of dates and venues on that equally shambolic official website. Fight your corner on this one lads, enough is enough.
You may be interested in a lettter I sent to Rick Parry last season when they switched the Lublijana ties. Scroll further down to read his bog standard response.
The club I love usually piss me off at least once in the course of a season, congratulations then on doing so with July only just gone.

Dear  Rick Parry.

Hello to you. I hope you do not mind me making contact with you via Email. Ordinarily I would not trouble you, but unfortunately in this instance I feel compelled to put finger to keyboard and raise the following points re: our forthcoming fixture in Slovenia. I am sure that I am not alone in the fact that as soon as the draw was made in Monaco, I finalised my travel plans within 30 minutes. And what an adventure lay in store. Fly to Klagenfurt in Austria, stay there overnight, catch the train over the Alps into Slovenia on match day, stay overnight, explore as much of the Slovenian capital as possible on the Thursday, back up to Austria and then home, in bed for 4am, up for at 7am for work. Tired maybe, but certainly happy, with another European expedition under the belt, support given to the lads, reputation of Liverpool FC upheld and promoted to the full. Liverpool FC have never played in Slovenia before, as you stated on the official website Mr Parry. A tremendous opportunity to make new friends in pastures new. Quite right too. But here's the part of the adventure where it all became a little unstuck. What could possibly go wrong?? Well, you could always switch the ties.
I am aware that the official website advises against making concrete bookings before match dates are confirmed and this sentiment has been echoed by your staff on the phone. LFC also strongly advise against booking flights until match tickets have come through, but Mr Parry we do not live in a world where you can book cheap affordable flights 4-5 days before away matches, nor do we all have  jobs where we can say with the minimum of notice, "I'll not be in for 3 days next week".
A cynic may think that  the corporate arm of LFC steer people towards booking LFC endorsed travel packages, which in my eyes are both restrictive and extortionately priced. £463 PLUS match ticket?! Mr Parry, I don't know how you can put your name to such a travel option. LFC make me feel like a naughty boy, pure and simple, an inconvenience almost and I'm just about at my wits end with it.
I am aware that Olimpija requested the switch and I know that LFC agreed to said switch and indeed that UEFA subsequently ratified it. What I am left unsure about however is why?? And why did it take as long as it did to be confirmed?  No explanation has been forthcoming, let alone an apology, and I am left somewhat lost in the middle as it were. Not for the first time I feel let down, taken for granted, and left out of pocket by the team I love. My understanding is that LFC agreed to the switch to accommodate the Slovenians wishes. My only hope is that one day my team will also feel duty bound to accommodate me, although I won't be holding my breath. 
I have watched Liverpool all over Europe Mr Parry, and no doubt I will continue to do so. In this instance however, I shall not be changing my travel arrangements out of loyalty to my travelling companion. He is unable to change his holiday due to work commitments and so we have elected to travel to Slovenia in October as planned.
I'm doing it out of loyalty to him, as I think loyalty is an important virtue. I'll raise you a toast from a watering hole in Lublijana as we watch the game from Anfield there. I'm sure we will make some friends in the process, we normally do on European trips.

The heart stays red Mr Parry, but sometimes it hurts.

Best wishes for the season ahead,

Sean O'Neill.

And here follows the somewhat predictable response:

Dear Mr O’Neill

Thank you for your e-mail of 15th September 2003.

When the UEFA Cup draw is made it is always on the basis that, although the teams drawn will not change, the dates the fixtures are played are subject to confirmation.  This was announced at the draw in Monaco and was reflected on the Club website on Friday afternoon.

Olympija Ljubljana put a request into UEFA to switch the fixtures and we raised no objection to this.  The final decision, however, was UEFA’s and we did not receive confirmation of the dates from UEFA until Tuesday morning. 

The reason you couldn’t get confirmation of the dates was simply because we hadn’t had confirmation from UEFA.  You may recall the same happening last year when we drew Vitesse Arnhem.

Yours sincerely

Rick Parry
Chief Executive

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Re: Angry fans left high and dry by late European fixture change
« Reply #3 on: August 2, 2004, 02:08:50 pm »
Rushian I admire your ability to get pissed off without ranting. It's fairly obvious what I would say; similar to you but with several swear words no doubt! :)

Anyway onto the point, that is a fukin disgrace. Im just glad I decided not to go, was thinkin about it. Thankfully opted for a group stage game IF we get through. I wont say nemore as I will go off on a foul mouthed rant if I do. But the fact that it was CONFIRMED on the 30th means LFC should have the decency to offer refunds.

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Re: Angry fans left high and dry by late European fixture change
« Reply #4 on: August 2, 2004, 04:46:03 pm »
My heart goes out to all the lads on this one, and had I not returned today from the USA Tour I would be in a similar position myself.

Breaks my heart to say this, but you can bang the drum all you like but I doubt very much you will get anything from this mob...

Last seasons SARS crisis left about 8 of us well out of pocket when the club pulled out of the Shanghai leg...the simple truth is they don't care, never have and never will

Parry is too busy running round in a tracksuit pretending to be a player than dealing with the fans...

Good luck boys, don't let the bastards get you down


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Re: Angry fans left high and dry by late European fixture change
« Reply #5 on: August 2, 2004, 09:12:15 pm »
If I can Quote Mr Shankly 'The only thing that surprises me is that your surprised'
  The hierarchy at Anfield have been shitting on us regularly for the past thirty years and we still come back for more.