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General Football and Sport / Re: Boxing thread
« Last post by danuttah on Today at 01:35:07 am »
Its midnight in China is it? Urmmm... you sure about that?
General Football and Sport / Re: Boxing thread
« Last post by Barneylfc∗ on Today at 01:32:42 am »
10-0 is pretty fucking funny
General Football and Sport / Re: Boxing thread
« Last post by danuttah on Today at 01:31:51 am »
He needs to call it quits now, I don't think he's stupid, he and ihis family are sorted for a long time - call time.
General Football and Sport / Re: Boxing thread
« Last post by Wabaloolah on Today at 01:31:28 am »
Paul Dempsey you grovelling little shit
General Football and Sport / Re: Boxing thread
« Last post by TipTopKop on Today at 01:30:15 am »
He was sent to next week with that. Wow.
General Football and Sport / Re: Boxing thread
« Last post by Samie on Today at 01:30:09 am »
Edwardo loses 10-0 to Fwank.  ;D
Liverpool FC Forum / Re: Caoimhín Kelleher
« Last post by duvva 💅 on Today at 01:29:52 am »
This is rubbish. He's a mid table PL player at best and I don't see him getting much better than he is now. Raya is far, far better than Kelleher and if we had him in goal in the first leg against Atalanta we'd not have been going into the second leg 3-0 down.

Kelleher is good but he's not a great goalkeeper and would struggle to start for any of the top 4 teams and especially teams who want to win league titles and European cups.
This is rubbish Raya is in no way significantly better than Kelleher. In my view Kelleher is the better keeper of the two. The only keeper significantly better is Alisson.
General Football and Sport / Re: Boxing thread
« Last post by Lee-87 on Today at 01:29:33 am »
He has one hail Mary and that's gone. You got in to the sport for your little girl with Spina bifida, she's now gone to college and had a great life, don't let her grow up without a dad, call it quits fella.
General Football and Sport / Re: Everton - The 777 Unflushables
« Last post by only6times on Today at 01:29:26 am »
Why would anyone engage with Moshiri now when they can pick up the distressed asset later down the line for far, far less money?

Would it essentially be get involved now in the hope of maintaining their PL status before Moshiri and the current ownership do more damage?
On grand old scream, they have blocked the Usmanov thread. A real shame because it gave insight how billionaires worked( according to a plasterer from Aigburth and a painter from Prenton, "These billionaires don't mess around, the red shite are bricking it"
General Football and Sport / Re: Boxing thread
« Last post by BER on Today at 01:29:19 am »
Some career considering his lack of even basic fundamentals.
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