One big main forum is probably part of the problem.
One goal of RAWK moderators is to keep the signal-to-noise ratio down and encourage good writing and thoughtful commentary. On the other hand, most posters want to rave on about their current LFC obssession, whatever that may be (Bring Back Rafa, Carroll is Shite, We Suck Syphilitic Goats, etc...)
You're not going to get these people to stop. May I suggest you don't try. Give them their own sandbox and make sure they stay there. Another soccer board has three fora devoted to one of the main subjects of the site. In descending order of moderation and ascending order of damnfoolishness they are: Rumors, General, News & Analysis.
Rumors is devoted to exactly whatever heavy-breathing, badly-spelled twitter-fueled insanity is currently echoing around the intertubes about LFC. Moderators can shove topics there as needed, we can all read it when we need a laugh, or not, or even occasionally rave on when we need to. General is for about where RAWK's natural level is - lots of discussion, a fair amount of chest-thumping, but everyone has their say. News & Analysis has stricter guidelines and is heavily moderated. Off-topic threads and posts are dumped readily whenever necessary.
The whole point here is that if you want to have an intelligent conversation about something, you can find it in the News and Analysis forum; the only threads are going to be deemed to qualify as intelligent discussion and posts regarded as too off-topic or idiotic will get binned. If you want to just chat about LFC, go to General.
If you want to talk about twitter, about Sky, about this thing whosis said about whatever in some crap newspaper... rave on. Rumors is where you belong, and have fun.