I hope I'm not taking this back to square one, but having digested the posts from Rhi and KiNki, I've got something to add on the issue of 'venting'
I'm not at all convinced that venting should be encouraged. To me, it's akin to allowing a toddler to smear their faeces on the wall because to prevent it would "stifle their creativity". Once given room to gestate it risks contaminating the rest of the board. If we're all trying to improve the writing on this part of the site, I'd say that we shouldn't tolerate this behaviour/type of post. It doesn't contribute anything to anybody else's understanding of what went on; it just seems selfish with nothing at all for your fellow Reds.
Have a "Vent your spleen here" in The Boozer if need be, I know it's mostly harmless and inconsequential and as such it doesn't really belong on the LFC forum.
I have to take my hat off here, that was exactly what I wanted to say but couldn't put it in my own words.
I'm aware that this is a societal thing rather than a RAWK specific thing, but I don't understand for the life of me where this idea of a "right" to an opinion irrespective of it's crassness or stupidity came from. I, as a very young lad, stood on the Kop and listened and learned; I listened to blokes who had watched the 2nd Division days and I got more than a football education there - politics and music allsorts. But the most important thing I learned about was what it was to "Support" Liverpool Football Club. I'm sure there will be people who are rolling their eyes now, but you what, I don't care how cliched you think that might sound, you need to listen.
I started to come onto RAWK to continue my on-going education about the club I love; I don't mind wether that poster is 18 or 88, or indeed what club they support. I am prepared to listen and learn if they make their informed opinions in a reasonable way. For lots of people, for lots of reasons, going to Anfield or wherever isn't possible, so places like RAWK is where I look to to see the learning and experience passed on. If you understand where the Club comes from, then you understand why some can be so vocal and pro-active in defending what is understood as being the right way of doing things. The "Liverpool Way". These men and women aren't 'superfans' - God I hate that phrase - but are doing what LFC Supporters have done for decades, passing down the experience and the knowledge. Sometimes the opinions can be forceful, but then there are times you have to make yourself heard amidst the chatter and shite.
It doesn't mean that every single auld arse has the wisdom of Solomon, but there are a few who are nearly as old. I knew a couple of miserable old gits, Brothers, who had season tickets for the Kemlyn Rd and never missed a game in donkeys years; never sang, never really got worked up and moaned like mad at how rubbish the new players were compared to the old lads. They made their case by moving glasses and matches around the pub table; but you what, they never felt the need to stand on the bar and shout at the top of the voice, "Emlyn Hughes isn't a patch on Big Ron!" like some do these days. They had their opinions and they weren't always popular, but they were made with an understanding based on years of experience. This isn't disrespecting young supporters, RAWK is full of young supporters who are a credit to the club and the heritage they inherit. Some are less so, indeed some aren't even supporters or fans and I can only imagine how hard it must be to Moderate on here some times.
I don't have a problem with somebody posting opinions I don't agree with and putting forward different scenarios if they can back it up with rational and reasoned arguement. I don't often post, and do post short one-liners from time to time, but I very often go away from here to some of the lads in the other offices in work and have a natter about it. But, if all you have to offer is "(Insert name).....is shite!" then I don't think you should be allowed to post that on the main board to be honest. I don't care if you don't agree with a decision made by the Manager, he is Kenny Dalglish you are not equipped to question him. I am interested to read an informed piece about alternative formations or attacking options or whatever.... but if you presume to know more than Mr Dalglish from behind the anonimity of your computer then you should be binned for your arrogance.
There are some superb scribes, posters and writers on here, and maybe there could be a few more RAWK blogs and opinions threads on the main forum boards, closed to posters and put up as educational threads with selected people invited to contribute based on the quality of posts in other threads. I love learning about this game of ours and still think RAWK is a superb place to do that, but we are changing and I would hate this site to go down the route of other sites.
Ever looked at the likes of the Eurosport Yahoo threads? They are disgusting, full of racist, homophobic anti everything hatred (with a real anti-scouse bile) and seemingly unmoderated. RAWK is moderated far more and I know which I would rather read.