Author Topic: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...  (Read 15064 times)

Offline Alan_X

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Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« on: April 26, 2016, 12:36:26 pm »
We Climbed the Hill In Our Own Way...

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Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
Give a man a mask and he will tell the truth, Give a man a user name and he will act like a total twat.
Its all about winning shiny things.


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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2016, 12:42:52 pm »
They picked on the wrong city
@ Veinticinco de Mayo The way you talk to other users on this forum is something you should be ashamed of as someone who is suppose to be representing the site.
Martin Kenneth Wild - Part of a family

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2016, 12:45:15 pm »
Nobody fights 27 years for a lie, and nobody can keep the truth buried when it's passionately and steadfastly fought for.

Offline MichaelA

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2016, 01:40:53 pm »
You say the hill's too steep to climb... chiding

Not for our city. Not for our club. Absolutely fearless.

In bits again.

Offline Pheeny

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2016, 02:04:10 pm »
You say the hill's too steep to climb... chiding

Not for our city. Not for our club. Absolutely fearless.

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2016, 03:16:39 pm »
October 29, 2003 - The day I signed up to RAWK.

Until that day I didn't know there was a Justice Campaign, I'd not heard about it, nothing at all.

I wasn't aware of SYP being responsible for unlawfully killing 96 people and injuring a lot of people as well, telling blatant, unforgivable lies about it and putting the blame on the very people they killed and injured.

I wasn't aware of The Sun, the Owner and the Editor and their horrific and disgusting lies printed, which must have been terrible beyone words for the families/loved ones/friends/Liverpool supporters/decent people everywhere to see.

Shortly after arriving here at RAWK and seeing a few threads about Hillsborough, and The Sun I soon made it my business to do some research.  I wanted to know what happened, really happened.  It was the truth I was interested in, the real truth that is, not The Sun's version of the truth.

I have to say here and now, and I'm not in any way, shape or form trying to suck up to anybody here because I'm not, what i think, is what I type out . . . . . I'm just saying, the Moderators here on RAWK have been magnificent.  Relentless in their quest for justice for the 96 souls and their families.

Thank you.


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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2016, 03:28:27 pm »
Thank you, proud of each one of you out there.

We climbed the hill in our own way.
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"

Offline Pheeny

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2016, 04:18:16 pm »
See this on Facebook...

"Emile Coleman added 2 new photos.
1 hr · Liverpool, United Kingdom ·
I did not want to write anything today but after speaking to Sheila Coleman I thought I should. I have seen numerous posts today congratulating her and also have received lots of calls and texts too - thanks you to all on her behalf.

What a lot of people don't know is that my mother became involved with the fight for justice on the same day I started senior school. We both left the house together and got the bus on opposite sides of the road. Neither of us knew that what happened in Sheffield would shape both our lives in different ways.

She attended the first ever attempt at an inquest in Sheffield and I remember her being away through the week over that period. even when she was here her life was never her own, constant phone calls when she did arrive home (more than likely listened to and hacked). Mysterious break-ins where only paperwork was taken as were broke into five times within a short period of time.

People always have assumed that my mother lost somebody at Hillsborough as her passion and fight was so strong. My mother did not need to loose anyone to see the injustice and inequalities that was heaped on the families and in many ways even more so the fans. People conveniently forget that the fans were treated appallingly for so many years, even still today where a class sytem now exists in the fight for justice.

I remember her dessamating Andy Burnham live on Channel 4 news on the anniversary years who whilst Jon Snow smiled in approval. Labour ironically were never really a friend to the fight - Jack Straw in particular.

It's a bittersweet day today as the loss that the families suffered can never be removed or replaced.

The loss that the fans suffered can only begin to be repaired, too many have succumbed over the post disaster years and are not here today. Those that are here are still paying a heavy price.

My mother never stopped, never took no for an answer, carried on when people derided her. In the years when supported wained and nearly petered out she did not stop. Even recently when she was accused of using Hillsborough "to make a name for herself". My favourite was a quote by Kevin Samson - "The woman who would not give up" - thats very apt!

I don't want this to sound like todays verdict was down to my mother - it wasn't - it was a collective effort of thousands of people in the end. People who are not here today, Anne Williams and Jon Glover in particular. But she was always there and never wanted or received anything in return.

The only thing I want to say is thank you as to me and to many other people you have shown that you don't have to listen to no and that you can change anything when you try.

People use the word hero far too easily, but take a look in the dictionary and in its definition you will see my mothers face staring straight back at you. For me she is nothing short of heroic for her selfless actions.

Well done Sheila Coleman"

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2016, 04:31:38 pm »
Always been a fighting city, which doesn't swallow establishment bullsh*t or kow tow to anybody Liverpool.
This is (and of course a lot of people from outside the City have helped hugely) probably Liverpool's finest hour collectively as a city.
So proud, though I agree very much it's bittersweet and today is too late and has taken far too long for a lot of friends and families of the 96.

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2016, 06:16:21 pm »
Proud of you all.  I was in tears that day in 89 as a 10 year old.  I was in tears today as a 37 year old.  You never gave up.  They picked the wrong city, the wrong club and the wrong fans.  I agree: fearless.
We aren't walking through the storm now - we are the storm.

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2016, 06:24:32 pm »
I know Sheila, she is a fantastic lovely women and deserves recognition...I bear hug awaits her, if she wants it or not!!

Offline Pheeny

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2016, 07:01:08 pm »
I know Sheila, she is a fantastic lovely women and deserves recognition...I bear hug awaits her, if she wants it or not!!
She is indeed a lovely lady.

Offline Pheeny

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2016, 07:01:39 pm »
Hillsborough Justice Campaign

Press Release

26th April 2016

The Hillsborough Justice Campaign welcomes the jury’s verdict of unlawful killing. The right conclusion has finally been reached. The jury has listened and decided that the weight of evidence against South Yorkshire Police and in particular David Duckenfield , given the admissions he made in evidence, leads to this verdict.

This verdict of unlawful killing will now be considered by the DPP in respect of criminal prosecutions. There is so much more that could be said on this point, however given that there is already an ongoing criminal investigation we would not wish to prejudice any future proceedings. We would however hope that matters are dealt with swiftly.

We are also pleased that the Jury has exonerated Liverpool supporters from being in any way to blame for the disaster. We put on record our disgust that the police once again used the coroner's court as a vehicle for reiterating lies in respect of fans behaviour. They did it at the original inquests and even though the HIP report in 2012 illustrated a web of conspiracy, coverup and lies on the part of SYP, nevertheless they attempted at these new inquests to once more influence the jury to the detriment of supporters. Shame on them. We also wish to record our anger at the coroner for choosing to put fans behaviour to the jury to consider as a contributory factor in causing the deaths of the 96.

The effects of these lies on good, honest supporters should not be underestimated. To the present day many fans remain traumatised. Others have committed suicide or attempted suicide. Too many have carried an unnecessary burden due to the lies perpetrated by those in power. Enough is enough. We applaud those fans who acted as rescuers on the day and we say to all those who continue to suffer; live your life with your heads held high. You told the truth.

These inquests have also highlighted the roles of Sheffield Wednesday Football club, Sheffield City Council and the Emergency services. We have always maintained that the Hillsborough ground was not fit for purpose. Evidence has proved us right. Safety arrangements instead of being paramount were slack and shoddy illustrating a systemic problem with both the local authority and the club. Fans were treated appallingly with little consideration being given to their well being.

Likewise the ambulance service responded in an inadequate manner to the emerging disaster in 1989. They failed to establish a proper emergency response and subsequently sought to cover up their failings. We are disgusted that so many years on and, in spite of previously apologising for their mistakes, they nevertheless used these new inquests to once again try to assert that victims had died early. By so doing they attempted yet again to absolve themselves from responsibility.

We have always known why the disaster happened. We had the witnesses who had seen first hand, the devastation of that fateful day. Yet it has taken over twenty seven years for the dead to receive a proper verdict. The intervening years have been tortuous for families and survivors. They have seen senior police officer after senior police officer retire early and on full pensions. . We have had to endure being policed by not one, but two former senior officers of South Yorkshire Police as Chief constables of Merseyside. Such was the contempt for Hillsborough families, survivors and the people of Liverpool and Merseyside.

We call for the immediate removal of the current chief constable of South Yorkshire Police. We also call for all senior officers involved on the day to lose their pension rights with immediate affect.

The HJC notes that at a time when so many people in this country are living in abject poverty, these proceedings have occurred at an enormous cost to the public purse. We wish this was not the case. Indeed it would not have been the case had David Duckenfield told the truth on the day of the Disaster and if subsequently the findings of Lord Justice Taylor had been accepted by South Yorkshire Police. The truth in this instance has come at a huge financial cost.

We would like to thank the jury members not only for reaching the correct verdict but also for their enduring commitment to these lengthy inquests. We note that they did not hear evidence from the 2012 HIP report that police deliberately lied, that statements were altered and fans were wrongly blamed. All credit therefore to the jury in reaching a verdict of unlawful killing.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge ourselves, the Hillsborough Justice Campaign, for we are the people and we are many.. Bereaved families, survivors, supporters of the campaign for justice. We never gave up. We persisted over many years, in the face of great adversity. First we were ignored, then we were bullied. However we never went away. Eventually we were feared – because we wouldn't go away. We forced the establishment to listen to us by our campaigning, whilst simultaneously offering support and help to families and survivors. We know what we did, the role we have played. We lost good people along the way. We will not forget them nor will we forget those who continue to suffer the trauma of 1989. We will continue to support those affected by the disaster in whatever way we can.

Justice for All.

Offline Wabaloolah

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2016, 07:29:43 pm »
Made up that the victims have finally been exonerated of any blame for what happened on that day, pleased that there now is Justice for the 96, sad that Anne Williams didn't live to see this day along with others like John Glover.

I hope that the families will get some form of closure and as Trevor Hicks says can now finally begin to grieve.

I will never forget where I was on that day, it is one of the things that stay with you.

To all the 96, to all the families, to all the campaigners, I salute you

To the police, the original coroner and to the government who covered up this tragedy, shame on you!
However if something serious happens to them I will eat my own cock.

If anyone is going to put a few fingers deep into my arse it's going to be me.

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2016, 09:53:53 pm »
To the relatives and friends of the 96, to everyone who has battled for so long, I salute you. Nobody could imagine it would take so long. It shouldn't have been this way. Nobody thought the fight for justice could or would go on for so long. But they didn't know who they were up against. I'm extremely impressed and when saying that, I get that I can only understand a fraction of all the things everyone has had to endure over the years. But one thing is certain, this fight will be remembered for many, many years.
Now we can only hope that there will be like the statement said - justice for all.

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2016, 10:19:39 pm »
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
And I'll climb
That hill in my own way.
Just wait a while for the right day.
And as I rise above the tree lines and the clouds
I look down, hearing the sound of the things you've said today.

"I want to build a team that's invincible, so that they have to send a team from bloody Mars to beat us."

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2016, 11:53:43 am »
Every day is the right day.

In terms of campaigning in unconventional ways, I would like to give a big shout to Maggie May who gave us so much courage to learn how to fight the system and so much encouragement to keep taking it to the next level.

I also want to give a massive shout out to KiNki for being just fucking awesome and tenacious and a stalwart comrade in battle.

There are so many people continuing to work on joining dots that many didn't even realise existed (and they continue to come up too!) - you're all heroes. You never gave up.

Every army needs its drummers, its torch carriers, its flag-bearers if you like.

When it comes to a battle like this one, EVERY day is the right day..............

Offline MichaelA

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2016, 12:01:45 pm »

Every army needs its drummers, its torch carriers, its flag-bearers if you like.

Tart ;)

Offline Alan_X

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2016, 12:06:08 pm »
I second your praise of Nikki. It was a huge privilege to help get HFD out to a targeted audience and it was a testament to what this site is all about when it's at its best. I was reading through the HFD booklet thread last night and found this:

Interview with Johnathan Norcroft from The Sunday Times this evening.

Went okay I think. He was taking the "How Hillsborough Has Changed Football" and "What's improved?" angle.

I made the point that attitudes in terms of crowd safety might have changed (because let's face it, the authorities know damned well what happened, and more importantly who was to blame, and there's no way they'd let if happen again with tens of thousands of mobile phones recording exactly what happens and the footage can be on youtube within the hour!) - but attitudes towards football supporters have only changed (in England) in terms of us no longer necessarily being viewed as hooligans as such, but more like mobile cash machines, whose purpose seems merely to justify the existence of the Premier League.......but I digress.......

He'll let me have a copy of any quotations attributable to me before printing.

I made a lot of the angle that we wanted simply to represent what really happened, no opinion in the text, no judgements, let the reader know and understand. I repeated the mantra "Read, Learn, Educate!"

He was highly complimentary on the Press Pack design by the way - huge thanks to you all for that (and to Mike of course) - and he was highly complimentary on how the details have been condensed down into easily-read yet professional-looking passages. Nice one, Nikki I told him that's exactly what you set out to do from the start - to present the facts. Oh and of course I talked you up and made sure he knew that you were the instigator of this, the brains behind it, "the media studies graduate from Greater Manchester, now in Stockport, holding down a job and raising a child, an ordinary but decent person who became so sick of the lies that she felt she had to use her skills to respond."

He asked what we would like to see as an outcome. I said I'd like to see a day when ordinary people, with no connection to Hillsborough, will forward the truth and will outnumber increasingly the amount of knobheads who spout the lies - that the truth will overtake the lie - that they would speak out against the naysayers, the apologists, the cruel taunts and indecent accusations...........that a British Government would strap on a pair of bollocks and open up the 3.15pm to 4pm window so that the utter failure of the authorities to respond as they should have can be exposed, so that their despicable behaviour, the creation of the insidious lie, be made public, as people were still dying on the terraces and the public as the lie published by The S*n.

That day was last Tuesday.
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
Give a man a mask and he will tell the truth, Give a man a user name and he will act like a total twat.
Its all about winning shiny things.

Offline MichaelA

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2016, 12:12:47 pm »

That day was last Tuesday.

"I'd like to see a day when ... the truth will overtake the lie"

Perfect, Jim. Perfect.

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2016, 04:56:32 pm »
Yes thanks so much to Niki (and Jim, Alan and everyone else that contributed), HFD is a very important piece of work, makes me proud to be a RAWKite.

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #21 on: May 1, 2016, 09:06:14 pm »
I'm still in awe of those of you with the stamina that I couldn't muster.

I know it took a toll on you all and am proud of you all.
Its a dogs life for me

Offline MichaelA

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2016, 01:32:00 pm »
One of our fearless campaigners has his book published this week:

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2016, 11:19:06 pm »
Hillsborough relatives, survivors and campaigners to speak at book launch

Warrants a thread of its own?
« Last Edit: May 24, 2016, 11:22:27 pm by Bobby Davro! »

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Re: Fearless - to all the Campaigners everywhere...
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2016, 01:26:59 pm »
They really did pick on the wrong people. people who had the courage and determination to fight for justice, people who had the brains and tenacity to expose the truth.
The contribution this site played was incredible, I was in awe at some of the researchers in here when I joined. in awe at the courage of this site for fighting so hard while prying eyes watched on.
We climbed that hill alright, we shouted the truth for everyone to hear when we got their.
You can tell his dad was a toolmaker. That’s an impressive cabinet he’s put together..