It blows the idea that these 'protests' were by decent, concerned, law-abiding citizens right out of the water.
Now I'm sure there were good people in their number who behaved like civilised human beings, but the 'protests' were organized by politically motivated racists and the bigots who were agitating for violence and chaos. If we look at those arrested, how many have been decent people who have 'had enough'? Well, I'm not seeing any. They've pretty much all been thieves, burglars, spouse beaters, petty criminals, street hooligans and suchlike.
The narrative that it was just ordinary, decent Britons who have had enough has been shown up for the lie it is. Basically, the whole sorry mess was the hijacking of a tragedy by political agitators who manipulated and mobilised the stupid and the criminally minded to undermine the stability of our country.
What we saw was mindless criminality, under the guise of 'taking our country back'. Presumably one looted mobile phone, one vape and one Greggs pasty at a time.