If you're lying, I'll chop your head off.
In the spirit of happier and more innocent times I thought this might worth a bump.Makes me giggle whenever I hear it mentioned.
“You could say it’s not about being local, but about being vocal.
Kristian is a idiot. A bad idiot. Also a virgin.
I smiled when i saw that it had been bumped I thought he had come back
fuck u moyes you fucking bugeyed c*nt
He wasn't perfect, he made mistakes. But he was genuine. He had the best interests of the club at heart, and gave us a plethora of successful teams that we should have been thankful for.
who the fuck is baldrick?
someones fucking changed my username to baldrick
BrillliantWho the fuck is Baldrick
What's so funny?
Have you actually read the first page?
Frankly if your team is mentioned in a Liverpool song, you should be chuffed
bump !are you thinking what im thinking?manizziKemlynite*Offline OfflinePosts: 16We all Live in a Red and White KopView Profile Offline Re: Liverpool Audio/Video Thread« Reply #6370 on: November 3, 2008, 10:15:29 AM » Reply with quoteQuote from: Strawberry Fields on November 3, 2008, 08:40:35 AM http://www.mediafire.com/?yxj1lznxy3xThanks alot for the link old mucker.a relative maybe?
Yea mate just put your sky box on top of the fridge, put an egg in the microwave then wave your satalite dish around on the roof worked for me lad.
Its ok, we have Sarge now.