My missus is properly into her wildlife programmes and the like and had never been to Chester Zoo. So took her there and she loved it. She's actually planning our wedding do to be there so, yeah. Easily spend the whole day there. As we go in from Manchester but I know Chester really well, we spend the evening in Chester before heading home. If zoos are your thing, £22 for a day wandering round Chester Zoo isn't too bad at all. Even if you take their tram/railway thing, you'll end up doing a fair bit of walking to see everything though. We try to avoid school holidays (incredibly busy), and we've been to some of the night events there and really enjoyed them. The keeper talks about the animals are worth a listen so if they sound interesting you can use them to plan around a bit. Watching the lions leap vertically up a wall of that size to get dinner is pretty impressive, and getting the bass effect of a roar beating on your chest from a few feet away is an incredible feeling.