Author Topic: HS2 TO LIVERPOOL  (Read 2429 times)

Offline Rome-77

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« on: July 29, 2014, 06:10:48 pm »


There are many reasons why Liverpool City Region should get High Speed Rail.

One major one is that it will help rebalance the UK economy and make us a key part of a network which will bring benefits to every region it serves.

But bringing this once in a lifetime opportunity to reality means that the people who live and work in the Liverpool City Region need to get behind it, and support the High Speed Rail - Linking Liverpool campaign.

There is much talk about the northern cities and towns working together to punch their weight economically. It’s important our City Region has the rail connections to ensure it can add its strength to the 'northern powerhous

sign the petition in support

Offline Roady

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« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2014, 08:33:21 pm »
whilst i wouldnt want to be the only city that doesnt benefit from it.i just dont see the point in it if im being honest.Doesnt save in the grand scheme of things a vast amount of time,for the cost involved its insane.
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Offline Rome-77

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« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 07:29:10 pm »
Prime Minister says there is 'strong case to be made' for Liverpool's inclusion in High Speed rail network

David Cameron today said there was a “strong case to be made” for the high speed rail network to be brought to Liverpool – and vowed to look carefully at the arguments made for its inclusion.

The ECHO raised the issue with the Prime Minister after the launch of a campaign to bring an £8.9bn boost and 14,000 new jobs to the region.

Fears have been raised that if, as is currently set to be the case, Liverpool misses out on the proposed High Speed 2 (HS2) network, those benefits will be lost to other cities, with investors turning to the likes of Manchester or Leeds which are on the route.

City leaders and transport bosses are among those driving forward the ECHO-backed High Speed Rail-Linking Liverpool campaign, which is calling on the government to look again at the case for an HS2 link in the city.

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« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2014, 05:40:58 am »
why not. I'd rather have it than not have it.

Offline cliffm

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« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2014, 07:00:17 pm »
..and we want to be in HS3 whilst we're at it!

Liverpool looks set to miss out on the second phase of the multi-billion-pound HS2 project.

Chancellor George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford was today set to announce the high-speed rail scheme, dubbed HS3, would link Manchester and Leeds by 2032/3.

If it goes ahead the project would first see London and Birmingham connected under the £50bn HS2 development.

Mr Osborne was set to use a keynote speech to say he wanted travelling through towns and cities in the northern belt to be as easy as moving around a major global metropolis as part of a plan to help them “take on the world”.

But those efforts would not include Liverpool, in a move set to add to fears the city would miss out on the full economic benefits of HS2 and HS3.

Mayor Joe Anderson has previously said it would be "economic madness" for Liverpool to miss out.

And concerns about links between northern cities were raised in a report by HS2 Ltd’s chairman Sir David Higgins earlier this year.

Mr Osborne was set say HS2 as currently planned would “change the economic geography of our country” and mean London and Manchester were an hour apart, but will add: “we must do much more to connect our northern cities”.

In a speech in Manchester Mr Osborne was set to say: “We need an ambitious plan to make the cities and towns here in this northern belt radically more connected from east to west - to create the equivalent of travelling around a single global city.

“As well as fixing the roads, that means considering a new high speed rail link.

“Today I want us to start thinking about whether to build a new high-speed rail connection east-west from Manchester to Leeds.”

The proposed line would be based on the existing rail route between the cities.

Mr Osborne was set to say London’s dominance was “not healthy” for the economy and a northern counterbalance was needed.

He was to add: “The cities of the North are individually strong, but collectively not strong enough,” he will say.

“The whole is less than the sum of its parts. So the powerhouse of London dominates more and more.

“And that’s not healthy for our economy. It’s not good for our country."

He will say that in a “modern, knowledge-based, economy, city size matters like never before”.

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls said: “Nobody will believe the Tories can deliver the jobs, growth and investment we need for the north of England.

“Regional growth divides have widened markedly since 2010. The Tories scrapped Labour’s successful regional development agencies, failed to implement Lord Heseltine’s growth report and are planning to cut infrastructure investment next year.”

He added: “On high-speed rail, we said months ago that we need value for money for the taxpayer and to improve the existing plans to maximise the benefits for the whole country and strengthen the links between northern cities. Ministers need finally to start listening.”

Liverpool Echo 23/06/14

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« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2014, 07:51:09 pm »
As a professional engineer HS2 is a brilliant idea.

As a tax payer and some times train user it's a complete waste of money.  If they've got that much money available improve the current train system and benefit the majority.

Offline cliffm

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« Reply #6 on: August 4, 2014, 02:05:41 pm »
As a professional engineer HS2 is a brilliant idea.

As a tax payer and some times train user it's a complete waste of money.  If they've got that much money available improve the current train system and benefit the majority.

Simple yet logical argument.

Offline Roady

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« Reply #7 on: August 5, 2014, 12:20:36 pm »
As a professional engineer HS2 is a brilliant idea.

As a tax payer and some times train user it's a complete waste of money.  If they've got that much money available improve the current train system and benefit the majority.

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Offline Welshred

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« Reply #8 on: August 5, 2014, 05:25:30 pm »
Should this not go in here?

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« Reply #9 on: August 5, 2014, 08:21:23 pm »
As a professional engineer HS2 is a brilliant idea.

As a tax payer and some times train user it's a complete waste of money.  If they've got that much money available improve the current train system and benefit the majority.

HS2 will create capacity as well as speed on the line, which in turn will create much needed capacity to get more freight off the roads and onto rail.
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Offline cliffm

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« Reply #10 on: August 6, 2014, 03:39:17 pm »
HS2 will create capacity as well as speed on the line, which in turn will create much needed capacity to get more freight off the roads and onto rail.

A brilliant reason why we need it with Liverpool2 opening next year!