Author Topic: Paris  (Read 198821 times)

Offline Crosby Nick

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Re: Paris
« Reply #40 on: May 30, 2022, 09:50:16 am »
Well they're a pretty gullible lot.
Not sure there's too much for them to get on their high horses about though either.
Funny, yet predicable and sad thing about all this is that the last 12 months or so have seen some appalling scenes which are all brushed over when there's a chance to have a go at the Scousers.

We've seen a game called off due to thuggery aided and abetted by a high profile TV pundit.
We've seen mass bunking at a major final hosted in this country accompanied by terrible scenes outside.
We've seen a marked increase in pitch invasions.
We've seen invasions were staff and players from opposing teams have been targeted.

None of the above has involved us, but yet again when appalling organisation puts fans in danger, these mutants come out with their familiar bile and any attempt at context will be met by their usual snide retorts.

When the red Mancs used to get to big games, they'd also travel in big numbers, but maybe they've forgotten what it's like.

Yeah the Euros final last year really should have lost the moral high ground for all the little Englanders but obviously it hasn’t.

Offline davidsteventon

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Re: Paris
« Reply #41 on: May 30, 2022, 10:00:21 am »
First day back at work tomorrow.
I can laugh off the windups about losing. I’m ok with all that.
But dreading the lines I will hear…
What’s this about trouble were you caught up in it.
I heard it was Liverpool fans without tickets.

It’s tiresome to answer.

Offline jillc

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Re: Paris
« Reply #42 on: May 30, 2022, 10:03:28 am »
Simon Hughes has done an amazing piece on it in the Athletic if anyone can get on there. It’s been suggested that he makes it a free piece for all to read.
"He's trying to get right away from football. I believe he went to Everton"

Offline redmark

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Re: Paris
« Reply #43 on: May 30, 2022, 10:05:40 am »
As in the aftermath of Hillsborough, initial statements and assertions by authorities are filtered and driven by domestic political motives. In this case, partly the actions of the Parisian Mobile Gendarmerie, widely hated by all sides and routinely accused of heavy handed crowd control; and partly the French government's record on immigration, ethnic tensions (most acutely in Paris), crime and economic inequalities. All fairly familiar stuff. Macron's LREM government is vulnerable on the latter issues from both left and right.

The French authorities have realised that abundant video evidence has demolished their initial argument of 'late arrivals' and are hoping the 'ticketless fans causing initial problems' will, at least, allow them to justify the bottlenecks and deployment of the riot police overwhelmingly at our end of the ground. Many French journalists appear to be challenging aspects of the narrative, too. It is to be expected that this will get more political, from opposition parties with their own objectives and a governing party seeking to justify it's actions while downplaying the actions of locals, to avoid giving ammunition to opponents (most obviously, Le Pen). In the short term at least, they will probably be much less concerned with what UEFA and the British Government think.

There's probably a point at which it would suit both UEFA and the UK Government to 'accept' a conclusion which criticises the French authorities, but also 'ticketless fans' for creating the initial problems and bottlenecks. The club and journalists (UK and French) will need to be very firm on demanding to see the receipts; there should be electronic records of 'tens of thousands' of access attempts if that were the case - and clearly, if Andy Robertson's club allocation was tagged as 'fake', there may have been technical issues (or deliberate obstruction?) involved too. The authorities should also be pushed hard on justifying the ridiculous access configuration at that end of the ground.

Stop whining : : :
The focus now should not be on who the owners are, but limits on what owners can do without formal supporter agreement. At all clubs.

Offline davebot

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Re: Paris
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2022, 10:06:23 am »
So, the French government has today backed up the line blaming Liverpool fans with fake/no tickets despite earlier lies from UEFA and the authorities being quickly and easily discredited.

If they don't take accountability and learn, then this will happen again and eventually there will be loss of life.

Offline Fromola

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Re: Paris
« Reply #45 on: May 30, 2022, 10:08:29 am »
I've already had the usual "turned up without tickets shite" from Manc c*nts.

The City lot were two minutes away from having the same thing happen to them on Saturday.
Could have done with Grujic and even Chirivella to tide us over this season

Offline jillc

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Re: Paris
« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2022, 10:19:29 am »
Miguel Delaney has posted a Spanish piece on his Twitter. In it fans are claiming that locals got into their end without tickets. Like our fans they are saying they were attacked on the way out like ours. This is so important. The French authorities will not be able to avoid responsibly if both clubs are complaining. One of the football journalists caught up in the spraying was Jason Burt of the Telegraph he is fuming. Another encouraging aspect are different journalists having a go at non-Liverpool fans claiming it was our fault. They all seem really keen to hammer the lies being put about.
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Offline UntouchableLuis

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Re: Paris
« Reply #47 on: May 30, 2022, 10:20:27 am »
The fan park entrance was incredibly dangerous. My mate and I got there around 2:30 French time and the police shut off the entrance for around 15 minutes whilst they cleaned up some bottles and litter In front of the railings. There were hundreds maybe thousands all squashed together trying to get in and then the police tried to force everyone back. Genuinely worried there would be a big crush. Ultimately at that point if anyone had started pushing or shoving it would have been very bad.

Don't understand how cordoned off the fan park was in general. If you were near the stage the only way you could get out was to turn around and walk ages back through mass crowds. There was no way you could simply turn left or right to any other exit.

The match alone we avoided any real danger by getting in virtually 2 hours 45 before kick off but even then we both had our bags taken off us despite the fact they met the Uefa criteria. Loads had their phone chargers taken and told to store them yet they said you could bring them.

It just felt like it was pot luck whether your ticket would even be accepted and pot luck whether you wouldn't get roughed up by the police or local people or both.

Walking out the stadium trying to get back to the Metro was one of the most worrying moments of my life. Felt like utter chaos - no one around to direct - Metros jammed to the point you could just about get on and off.

Offline Crosby Nick

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Re: Paris
« Reply #48 on: May 30, 2022, 10:21:39 am »
Miguel Delaney has posted a Spanish piece on his Twitter. In it fans are claiming that locals got into their end without tickets. Like our fans they are saying they were attacked on the way out like ours. This is so important. The French authorities will not be able to avoid responsibly if both clubs are complaining. One of the football journalists caught up in the spraying was Jason Burt of the Telegraph he is fuming. Another encouraging aspect are different journalists having a go at non-Liverpool fans claiming it was our fault. They all seem really keen to hammer the lies being put about.

Apparently because they’re all fearing for their careers if they came out and criticised Liverpool fans and what actually happened if you believe the flat earthers on Twitter. Which no one sane does I know. But just shows that some people can never be made to actually read and be open to having their minds changed.

Offline redmark

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Re: Paris
« Reply #49 on: May 30, 2022, 10:23:17 am »
Apparently because they’re all fearing for their careers if they came out and criticised Liverpool fans and what actually happened if you believe the flat earthers on Twitter. Which no one sane does I know. But just shows that some people can never be made to actually read and be open to having their minds changed.
I'd never blocked anyone on twitter. You see some deranged and nasty stuff, but I always sort of wanted to see what was out there, as it seeped into my bubble. Blocked loads yesterday.
Stop whining : : :
The focus now should not be on who the owners are, but limits on what owners can do without formal supporter agreement. At all clubs.

Offline jillc

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Re: Paris
« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2022, 10:28:20 am »
Apparently because they’re all fearing for their careers if they came out and criticised Liverpool fans and what actually happened if you believe the flat earthers on Twitter. Which no one sane does I know. But just shows that some people can never be made to actually read and be open to having their minds changed.

Kelly Cates was coming out with some great posts yesterday. Basically don’t waste time on people who have no interest in being informed. Those people will forever be blinkered. But there are those you can reach. In the Simon Hughes article in the comments a few United fans have admitted they had similar problems in the past.
"He's trying to get right away from football. I believe he went to Everton"

Offline LincsRedbob

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Re: Paris
« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2022, 10:29:05 am »
Got home at midnight last night car ferry etc so a long trip. I didn't have a match ticket so first thing back at work was "well it's the supporters like you that's caused it going without a ticket"

I'm to tired to reply
Fought them all the way. Proud to be amongst some great supporters.

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Offline Robinred

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Re: Paris
« Reply #52 on: May 30, 2022, 10:31:35 am »
Apparently because they’re all fearing for their careers if they came out and criticised Liverpool fans and what actually happened if you believe the flat earthers on Twitter. Which no one sane does I know. But just shows that some people can never be made to actually read and be open to having their minds changed.

Quite. There are, as we know too well, people who believe what they want to believe - witness those public figures who still, on occasions, cite Hillsborough when complaining about fans misbehaviour.

I sincerely hope our government, headed up, it should be remembered, by a man who has said prejudicial things about Liverpool, gets on board and supports efforts to show the French sports minister and UEFA up for what they are.
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Offline jc68

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Re: Paris
« Reply #53 on: May 30, 2022, 10:35:02 am »
What happened on Saturday was incredibly upsetting. I was not there as I did not get a ticket in the ballot but otherwise would have been  - I was in Madrid where the organisation was much better but not perfect.

It is very fortunate that there were not fatalities  - this was a serious near miss event.

As happened as Hillsborough, the lies and cover up are already starting with Liverpool fans undeservedly in the firing line again and we all need to be ready to counter this.

Hopefully the difference this time is the mobile phone footage and unanimous reports from journalists.

The comments from the French Sports Minister this am are a disgrace.
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Offline TeddyTime33

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Re: Paris
« Reply #54 on: May 30, 2022, 10:35:04 am »
Got home at midnight last night car ferry etc so a long trip. I didn't have a match ticket so first thing back at work was "well it's the supporters like you that's caused it going without a ticket"

I'm to tired to reply
if I hear any of this tripe I will become very angry with people very quickly and I don't care of the consequences

Offline cissesbeard

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Re: Paris
« Reply #55 on: May 30, 2022, 10:38:13 am »
like others have said - its massive for us that so many journalists were there at the same time as the fans and all reporting that the fans didn't cause any problems.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #56 on: May 30, 2022, 10:38:20 am »
A post with covering the events of Saturday night - from people in the media, journalists & fans in and around the ground - with videos, images and their accounts of what happened...

Needless to say, they don't tally with French Govt (and UEFA) claims made over the weekend - and re-iterated by the French Govt this morning... (Page 9 of the CL Final Post-Match thread):-

Fans not able to gain access to the Stade De France for the 2022 Champions League Final (and kick off delayed by 40 minutes due to UEFA's poor & inept organisation):-

'Liverpool fans are still making their way into the Stade de France after severe congestion and bottle-necks caused chaos on approach to the stadium (video via
@SamWallaceTel)' -

'The PA announcer has just told a complete lie that the match is delayed due to late arrival of fans. This chaos has been building up since 7pm. Thousands of Liverpool fans have spent 90 mins negotiating inappropriate checkpoints. This is on UEFA and Stade de France' -

UEFA's massive lie and deception as to why the kick off for the 2022 Champions League Final had been delayed...

^ UEFA message on the big screen in the ground - and broadcast on TV around the world - with the incorrect and disproved claim of 'due to the late arrival of fans' the game has been delayed... shifting the blame onto fans - instead of admitting their own organisational failures and police actions before kick off that had caused the delay.

'They can absolutely fuck off with this [UEFA stating 'due to the late arrival of fans the game has been delayed' up on the big screens in the ground]. I've been between the train station and this ground since about 1815, held four times without explanation or seemingly reason and gates have been closed.':-

'A uefa official outside the ground trying to placate people has just told me the public address notice that claimed the game was delayed because fans were arriving late was only put out because they did not want to cause distress inside the ground.':-

Seems police vehicles are parked blocking some parts of the entrances to the ground, not enough stewards checking tickets, or turnstiles / gates open.

'BT sports just mentioned fans, children and families outside getting tear gassed by police - absolutely disgusting!':-

'View at 20:32. Stewards say UEFA to blame. No stadium manager on site':-

'It’s important to tell what happened on the ground last night as I see that there are already several versions of ‘The Truth’ flying around. I was on the ground from 6.45pm (2.15 hrs before kick off) when problems began. So here’s a 🧵explaining my experiences….':- (twitter thread on the night, with video)

'Damning footage':- (with video)

'These aren't Liverpool fans forcing entry...':- (with video)

'A completely unreasonable situation':-

'Ten minutes to kick off, loads of empty seats. Fucking chaos outside':- (7.50pm)

'Closed gate for no reason. No explanation from stewards. Can’t get in at any other gates. European cup final, with tickets costing up to £550.':-

'“Due to fans arriving late, kick off delayed..” Fuck off! Gates closed, stewards asking for money to get in, it’s fucking chaos outside you c*nts':-

'Fucking joke. Gate closed, fans shut out.':-

'Thousands of Liverpool fans struggle to make it into the Stade de France for the Champions League final.':-

'I took this video at 6:56pm. I can see why UEFA have changed from their originally story, repeatedly announced in the stadium, that fans turned up late. You can also see the bottleneck was caused by the organisers who decided to funnel 1000s of people into narrow checkpoints.':- (with video)

'[Florian Plettenburg] Update Paris: Massive chaos in front of the stadium. The brother of Joel Matip, Marvin, had to flee with his family while they tried to get access in the stadium. His wife is pregnant. Tear gas! They had to take refuge in a restaurant.':-

'Marvin Matip told me: „The organisation around and in the stadium is unworthy of a CL final! Using tear gas in areas with children and uninvolved fans is dangerous!“':-

'Nightmarish queues for Liverpool fans outside Stade de France about 15 mins before #UCLfinal kickoff.':-

'Kick-off has been further delayed by 15 minutes to 8.30pm.':-

'Finding it impossible to get in the ground. This appears to be very dangerous. Absolute carnage.'

'I’m not sure it’s possible to have a more poorly organised event if you tried. Absolutely shambolic and dangerous'

'hey’ve just announced another 15 minute delay “because of the late arrival of fans”. Utter bullshit.' (at 8.15pm):-

'A uefa official outside the ground trying to placate people has just told me the public address notice that claimed the game was delayed because fans were arriving late was only put out because they did not want to cause distress inside the ground.':-

'UEFA staff had to intervene to prevent security personnel going after media to stop filming as tear gas was being deployed':-

'Fresh rounds of tear gas deployed by riot police from within side the stadium security perimeter to people outside even as the #UCLfinal is being played':-

'UEFA statement on the issues surrounding UEFA Champions League final kick-off delay':-

In the lead-up to the game, the turnstiles at the Liverpool end became blocked by thousands fans who had purchased fake tickets which did not work in the turnstiles.

"This created a build-up of fans trying to get in. As a result, the kick off was delayed by 35 minutes to allow as many fans as possible with genuine tickets to gain access.

As numbers outside the stadium continued to build up after kick off, the police dispersed them with tear gas and forced them away from the stadium.

UEFA is sympathetic to those affected by these events and will further review these matters urgently together with the French police and authorities, and with the French Football Federation."

^ which is utter bullshit going on fan and journalist accounts at the ground at the time - and journalists saying they were firing tear gas at fans outside during the match  :butt

It is also contradictory to Si Hughes earlier tweet:- 'A uefa official outside the ground trying to placate people has just told me the public address notice that claimed the game was delayed because fans were arriving late was only put out because they did not want to cause distress inside the ground.':-

'No idea what the French riot police were expecting at the final whistle but all calm.':-

'UEFA's shameless attempts to control Liverpool narrative show they'll never learn after Champions League disgrace':-

'Liverpool FC statement on UCL final entry issues':-

'From my WhatsApp group with fans who have disposable cameras…  “Been gassed in the fanzone as well, for no reason 10 seconds after the end of the game...”':-

[Merseyside Police] 'MERPOL was deployed to this evenings match. Can only describe it as the worst European match I've ever worked or experienced. I thought the behaviour of the fans at the turnstiles was exemplary in shocking circumstances. You were not late 100%':-


'The #ChampionsLeague final between #RealMadrid and #Liverpool in #Paris ended in violence. A chaotic organization prevented fans with tickets to enter the stadium. The French police used excessive force against fans. #France’s actions have been condemned by the international media':-

'The crime here. Wearing a football shirt. Police sending anyone coming out the Metro with a football shirt on back down or made to cover up.':-

'Liverpool fans have tickets and didn't get in. Pepper spraying fans outside stadium in Paris':- (with video)

'Latest from #Paris French police closed the gates coming out of the stadium. This led to fans having no choice but going straight to Saint-Denis where locals were waiting to attack them with bottles & other objects.':-

'Violent police charge in a bar near the Liverpool fan zone in Nation, the situation escalates. People on the terrace are beaten with truncheons. #Liverpool #LIVRMA #LiverpoolVsRealMadrid':- (with video)

'Pepper sprayed':- (with video)

'Massive use of tear gas on the Place de la Nation by the police. Many English supporters are still there.:- (with video)

'Liverpool fans attacked by riot police watching Champions League final in Paris fan zone':-

'Absolutely #Disgusting scenes in #Paris this evening with #Frenchpolice tear gassing @LFC fans.':- (with video)

'The two fan zones were calmly evacuated and closed by the police. 👉No incident to report in these places' (French Police twitter account):-

[prefpolice] 'Official statement from the police : "Incidents on the sidelines of the Champions League final"':-


'Incidents on the sidelines of the Champions League final

Paris, 28 May 2022

Prior to the match between Liverpool and Real Madrid, a number of fans without tickets for the match or with false tickets disrupted access to the Stade de France at the outer security perimeter. These fans exerted strong pressure to enter the stadium and delayed the access of ticketed spectators.

Taking advantage of this action, a number of people managed to get through the gates protecting the stadium.

The rapid intervention of the police enabled a return to calm and the evacuation of the troublemakers from the forecourt of the Stade de France.

The dispersal of the spectators is proceeding without difficulty.

No major incidents were reported in the two fan zones

^ again, utter bullshit given the evidence at hand of people and journalists at the game - and at the fan park. And also the mass presence of riot police at full-time inside the ground.

'CL final disgrace' - statement from the Spirit Of Shankly:- or

The media...

'Liverpool v Real Madrid: Riot police clash with football fans in Madrid' (in direct contrast to French Police claims there 'no incidents'):-

'UEFA's shameless attempts to control Liverpool narrative show they'll never learn after Champions League disgrace':-

'Champions League final: Liverpool's Andy Robertson calls organisation 'shambles'':-

'Liverpool v Real Madrid: Champions League final kick off delayed by 'security reasons'':-

'Liverpool ‘hugely disappointed’ by treatment of fans outside Paris final':-

'[SkySports Video] Sky Sports News chief reporter explains issues outside the Stade de France' - a 4 minute video:- or

'The real story of the UEFA Champions League final carnage Liverpool fans faced in Paris':-

'It’s important to tell what happened on the ground last night as I see that there are already several versions of ‘The Truth’ flying around. I was on the ground from 6.45pm (2.15 hrs before kick off) when problems began. So here’s a 🧵explaining my experiences….':- (a comprehensive twitter thread - from Chief Football Writer, The Mail on Sunday)

'I was tear-gassed by disgraceful French riot police' (Telegraph's Chief Football writer):-

'Champions League final chaos after Liverpool fans tear-gassed by Paris police':-

'Police say 68 fans were arrested and 174 people 'hurt' after families were PEPPER-SPRAYED amid Champions League Final chaos: Fury as UEFA blames 'ticketless' supporters for carnage - as video shows Liverpool fans being attacked by riot cops':- (apologies for linking to the Mail)

'‘Liverpool fans were coughing and retching from the gas’: How Stade de France chaos unfolded':-

'On my way out of Paris, so here’s a chronological thread on my experience covering the #UCLfinal for @dw_sports.':- (a comprehensive twitter thread; with videos of what occurred)

'Worst ever experience at a UEFA final. Arrived 2 hours before kick off, turnstiles wouldn’t let fans with tickets in - massive crush. My daughter was pinned against a turnstile in tears. Stewards ignored it - it was fans that lifted her up to safety. Then tear gassed leaving.' (former LFC)

'Last night was disgusting. My son attacked, my wife mugged. @UEFAcom very accountable as well as ground stewards and French police. Hope everyone is getting out of this shitshow safely.':-

'Thiago Alcantara’s wife Julia Vigas details ‘many scary moments’ during Champions League final in Paris':-

'If this happened at the theatre it would be a very different debate. The way football fans are routinely treated for the money they outlay is a outrage. Another form of government that will try to worm their way out of taking responsibility. Disgraceful.':-

'Worst thing about whole shameful experience, is that despite so much clear video evidence - including from journalists threatened by police - UEFA, police and French govt still felt emboldened to mount an immediate cover-up, blaming the fans whose lives were put at risk.':-

'I got bundled into a hut by a security guard, told to remove accreditation, and then forced to delete video footage of the crowd issues otherwise I wouldn't be allowed back in':-

'Post-match last night was the scariest I’ve ever experienced. Organised gangs set about mugging departing fans. We ran a gauntlet of thuggery on our way to the Metro. Not a police officer in sight. Witnessed so many ambush attacks on unsuspecting attendees. Reprehensible @UEFA':-

'Don't let @UEFA blame fans for the horrible organisation of the event. There was literally one way in and out of the stadium for 75k fans. There were a bunch of stairs like this, when I asked a cop why they are locked he said "the guy who was supposed to open them didnt turn up"':-

'Must-see video evidence here: frightening number of Liverpool supporters waiting patiently but turnstile gates closed with no explanation. Then French police and government said fans with ‘forged tickets’ caused this, and Uefa actually parroted & announced that on the night.':- (with video)

'I came across this issue repeatedly as I tried to access the stadium last night. Locals trying to force their way in leading to security closing the gates and keeping out legitimate fans with tickets. Police either didn't know how to deal with it or didn't want to #LFC #UCLfinal':- (BBC) (with video)

'Relieved to be out of that. Police checks just beyond narrow underpasses made tighter by presence of vans unnecessarily. Crowd very patient but was becoming tense. I was there two hours and twenty minutes before kick off, like a huge number of people. Only getting in now.':- (with images)

'I’ve just endured one of the worst experiences in my life. Horrendous security and organisation putting lives at risk @UEFAcom. Shambolic and I pray no fans have been injured because of the disgraceful lack of organisation & expertise.':- (Ian Byrne, MP)

'What caused last night's chaos? Sky Sports News' chief reporter Kaveh Solhekol describes what he saw before the Champions League final.':- (a 5 minute video - highlighting UEFA's lies)

'French fans being allowed in without tickets while our fans with tickets got gassed. Scandalous.':- (with video)

'Heartbreak and disgust: Liverpool come up short, but UEFA should be ashamed by Champions League final chaos':-

'What has happened from the view of people attending the match is now pretty well established. Now all the spotlight should be turned on UEFA, the French Police and the French Government. They are the story. Their behaviour and lies is the story.':-

'Liverpool’s Andy Robertson challenges official accounts of Paris final chaos':-

'Andy Robertson accuses UCL final organisers of making it up as they went along':-

'French minister mocked after blaming ‘ticketless British supporters’ for Stade de France chaos':-

'French ministry accused of ‘prejudice against Liverpool fans’ following Champions League final police tactics':-

'Liverpool fans liken ‘terrifying’ treatment in Paris to Hillsborough':-

Witnesses say they feared for their lives as French police fired teargas into the crowds ahead of Champions League final

'French police accused of brutality at chaotic Champions League final - BBC News' - a 4 minute video from the BBC (29th May):-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

'Update from Billy Hogan on issues at UCL final' (Hogan is the CEO of LFC):-

'And on television he [Jake Humphrey on BT Sport] parrotted the UEFA line without scrutiny. Any sign of any reflection around that from the host of the High Performance Podcast?':-

'UEFA and the French police lied twice on Saturday night. Liverpool and their fans aren’t accepting it. Supporters were treated like animals in replica shirts at the Stade de France. A total failure of authority.':- &

'Robbed, attacked and threatened by armed police: The Liverpool fans engulfed in a Champions League final 'nightmare'':-

'After their departure, the #REDS #Liverpool supporters clean up. After their departure, #REDS #Liverpool fans are "cleaning house." #ChampionsLeagueFinal Paris - May 28, 2022':- (with video)

Real Madid fans / end...

'And after the final in Paris, hell came: "They were armies of robbers hunting the fans"':-

Real Madrid fans stating ticketless locals thieves were in their end, robbing people, and after the game more pickpockets, threats, muggings, robbing and extortion etc

A Spanish Real Madrid fan's comprehensive twitter thread account of what happened to him and other Real fans (with video):- (right click on the text and then select 'translate to English')

'26 minutes before the original scheduled KO time. It’s taken outside a Madrid gate and there’s clearly thousands of people there, loads of them wearing Madrid tops, yet you have people saying there were only problems at our end, and we caused them.':- (with video)

'TV show @elchiringuitotv gained infamy for OTT reporting but this is top coverage of the chaos outside the Stade de France ahead of kick-off. Damning footage for authorities. This is proper journalism. Unlike reading scripted notes and statements as fact.':- (with 5 minute video)

'Main European supporters federation criticises French government for using "cheap, old prejudices" against Liverpool fans to deflect from failings around the CL final'


'Also hard to say how they quantified the fake tickets, since the authorities around the stadium literally stopped checking for them. At Madrid in 2019, there were four ticket checks, including the turnstiles'


'- hundreds of Madrid fans also missed kick-off

- issues of fake tickets and touts were actually lesser than recent pre-pandemic finals, but the difference was the total failure to handle this':-

On Monday 30th May...

From the French Govt...

'Champions League final: Fake tickets triggered Paris final chaos - France':-

'Liverpool fans caused initial problems in Paris, says French sports minister':-

'French interior minister says 70% of tickets coming into Stade de France were fake. That would mean 175,000 fake tickets on top of 75,000 attendance. Given that, while held at a checkpoint for an hour, I saw zero evidence of any fake tickets, this sounds like TOTAL bullshit':- &

'Everything that happened on Saturday can be explained by the first checkpoint. Hideously located. Appallingly regulated. Gave up on a bad idea. Ticket checks impossible. Authorities now stumbling like drunks in the dark trying to get their stories straight':- &

'French sports minister argues up to 40,000 fans turned up to UCL Final with no ticket or a fake one. Merseyside police (also on the ground in Paris) heavily dispute this. The number quoted is not specific to Liverpool fans, but all supporters. And here's why it's exaggerated...':- (a comprehensive twitter thread, debunking French Police and French Govt claims)

'One big challenge today after the disgraceful policing in Paris is whether Uefa will have the backbone to apologise for its toxic instant blaming of Liverpool supporters.':-

'UEFA and French police should be apologising, not lying about Liverpool fans':-

'Posting some clips from the BBC this morning for those interested. - "Fans arrived early and they were treated like animals. This was an immense failure of safety management and crowd control. The French state completely failed in its duty of care to anyone who enters [th]is country."':-

'"First of all they tried to blame Liverpool supporters, and now they're trying to blame fake tickets." Kaveh Solhekol [SSN Chief Reporter and was at the ground on the day] questions the French Minister's response to the chaos at the Champions League final.':- (a 9 minute video)

'Champions League final chaos live updates as pressure mounts on UEFA and French government':-

« Last Edit: June 1, 2022, 10:30:55 am by oojason »
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Re: Paris
« Reply #57 on: May 30, 2022, 10:46:20 am »
Hearing horrible stories from some of my friends over there

They all got back safe, but some minus passports, wallets and watches

Not good :(
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #58 on: May 30, 2022, 10:52:53 am »
Just been chatting with a music promoter who has the upcoming Ed Sheeran show in there and they had a crisis meet with SDF this morning
Things he found out where the French Football Federations and UEFA took the organisation off the SDF to what SDF believe save money on the event
He told me the stewards were in the main volunteers which blows my mind. Why would you put up with that for no pay
+6 ticket exchange

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Re: Paris
« Reply #59 on: May 30, 2022, 10:53:48 am »
Pre match, I was very lucky and had no problems entering the stadium (through Gate C) but I'm still badly shaken after what I experienced while navigating the streets of Saint-Denis after the match. It was a warzone. Organised criminal gangs were attacking and mugging people everywhere. Fights were breaking out all over the place and no one was safe from these animals. I hope no one was too seriously harmed  :'(
Would be even more fun if you could stand up to a hook to the jaw for being a snidey bastard. But then that's reality! No one needs to 'swim or drown' in a coward's paradise.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #60 on: May 30, 2022, 10:54:27 am »
Practically every single journalist has praised the patience of our supporters. UEFA and the French authorities could have had blood on their hands.

Instead, they have caused deep psychological trauma to thousands. Seeing kids and elderly being pepper sprayed and tear gassed, that was the absolute final fucking straw.

Something massive needs to be done. Because of the planning of this debacle and also because of the outright lies that are being spread now.

It worries me the club were flagging these safety issues in advance of the game and yet it still all happened.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #61 on: May 30, 2022, 10:57:07 am »
Kelly Cates was coming out with some great posts yesterday. Basically don’t waste time on people who have no interest in being informed. Those people will forever be blinkered. But there are those you can reach. In the Simon Hughes article in the comments a few United fans have admitted they had similar problems in the past.

That's very good advice.

The reports in the Spanish press are interesting because many of their supporters corroborate exactly what Liverpool supporters are saying. A proportion of their fans seems to have had a traumatic evening as well - both before and after the match.

If this becomes Liverpool versus UEFA and the French police/home department then Liverpool will struggle to win the argument, regardless of the facts landing on our side. However if it becomes a coalition of Liverpool, Real Madrid, French, Spanish and British press and (hopefully) dissenting French police officers then the truth will stick. It will especially stick because of social media.  I have yet to see any mobile phone footage that backs up the absurd claims of the French police. And, of course, plenty that flatly contradicts their account - an account that is changing all the time, it seems, as they try and trim it to meet the latest revelation.

One word of caution. It looks like that part of the story of what happened on Saturday night is the story of the St Denis suburb and the relationship between local youths and the Paris police. It's clear from the footage alone that hundreds of locals broke into the ground and it also seems that many of them were organised enough to make life hell for visiting football fans after the game  This is a big political question in France and a lot of right-wing politicians will want to jump on what happened and use Liverpool to fight their own ideological battle. We shouldn't let them. By all means seek out information from people who were there and know exactly what happened. But stay clear of characters like Eric Zemmour.
"If you want the world to love you don't discuss Middle Eastern politics" Saul Bellow.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #62 on: May 30, 2022, 11:00:31 am »
Hearing horrible stories from some of my friends over there

They all got back safe, but some minus passports, wallets and watches

Not good :(

We parked in a car park and several cars next to ours had their windows smashed in and belongings taken. Quite a few people said they got robbed the night before and on the day of the match.

The area surrounding the stadium was rough as fuck so we just had to keep our heads down and hands firmly in pockets when leaving the match.

Just felt a real sense of relief when we got into the car and drove away. Not what we'd have expected at all and it's certainly put me off ever going back if we play there again.

Offline Charlie Adams fried egg

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Re: Paris
« Reply #63 on: May 30, 2022, 11:01:39 am »
These tossers in the French Govt would do well to remember that this was our 3rd final in 5 years.

Kyiv - no issues
Madrid - despite playing another English team - no issues.
Paris. Some of the worst experiences of fans' lives.

Perhaps it's them not us.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #64 on: May 30, 2022, 11:04:07 am »
The fact is - Paris has repeatedly proven its unsuitable to host games like this. So why does it keep getting the gig from UEFA? Absolutely zero chance this happens if the game is in Germany for example. The answer is clearly Qatar and the rampant corruption across multiple organisations.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #65 on: May 30, 2022, 11:07:15 am »
The fact is - Paris has repeatedly proven its unsuitable to host games like this. So why does it keep getting the gig from UEFA? Absolutely zero chance this happens if the game is in Germany for example. The answer is clearly Qatar and the rampant corruption across multiple organisations.
rugby world cup and Olympics there next 2 years, you couldn't pay me to go to either now

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Re: Paris
« Reply #66 on: May 30, 2022, 11:07:58 am »
Hope if we draw a French or especially PSG next year we as fans boycott or don't take an allocation

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Re: Paris
« Reply #67 on: May 30, 2022, 11:08:50 am »

This just up on The Guardian website in case anyone wants to share their experience.
Sabu retch at putrid "fan", born to screech, doom'd to lose.
Says it all

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Re: Paris
« Reply #68 on: May 30, 2022, 11:20:17 am »
There are plenty of Madrid supporter's with similar stories.

Offline wah00ey

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Re: Paris
« Reply #69 on: May 30, 2022, 11:21:01 am »
Been hearing the line "But the REAL fans got in the ground without any problems so it must be Liverpool fans fault."

« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 11:24:46 am by wah00ey »
Look up "Odious" in the dictionary and Martin Samuel is the given definition.  Call me Klopphooey please.

Offline Kennys from heaven

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Re: Paris
« Reply #70 on: May 30, 2022, 11:21:19 am »
From what I have read and some news footage I’ve seen, it appears disaster was averted because of how our fans behaved. 20,000 people corralled into a bottleneck for 2-3 hours and pepper sprayed and tear gassed, and everyone got out safe. The Liverpool supporters obviously looked after one another and despite the treatment and provocation didn’t react. UEFA need holding to account for this, a bottleneck of 20,000 people heading for 2 turnstiles is criminal. Complete disregard and neglect for the fans who attended.
Mate - I was at block “A” and I can tell you you are exactly right.

I have never been so proud of how we dealt with it under that provocation. Saw it happening on gate B and Z as well. All those who were there were absolutely amazing. We stopped it from descending into oblivion - and that’s what it would have been as well.

What’s worse is that if we’d won, I’m absolutely certain things would have tipped. Ashamed as I am to say this, I’m actually glad we didn’t in many ways. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but seeing how things were so poised on a knife edge, they would have suppressed us in a way I can’t begin to imagine.

That should have been the pinnacle. The crowning evening. Special. Incidentally it wasn’t just around the actual stadium, but with the public transport strikes thrown in, the city was in utter chaos all day.

Appalling, barbaric and nauseating. I’ve never been so glad to be home again.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 11:43:50 am by Kennys from heaven »
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Re: Paris
« Reply #71 on: May 30, 2022, 11:24:07 am »
I just got back, what is being reported is maybe 20% of what went on.

The crushing side of things... it is a miracle that nobody died, an absolute miracle. I got caught up in the crush at Gate Y, luckily a security guard for the media area pretty much dragged me through a gap in the fence. From there I was on the safety of the LFC TV studio/gantry - let me just say EVERYONE in that are was superb. Hillsborough survivors were in there with me (they were in fits of tears), 6 year old kids, old people, and they calmed everyone down and looked after everyone including sprays to remove tear gas, water etc.

The policing aspect of Saturday - credit where credit's due - is being reported fairly accurately by our media, for once. They have avoided a massive disaster on a huge scale, purely by luck. I saw countless people, myself included, climbing over a wall maybe 6ft tall to get out of the crunch, if that wall was 3/4 feet higher there is no way that masses of people don't die. I have a video stood on the LFC TV studio, behind the metal fence, and a cop walks up and pepper sprays a journalist in the face who was doing nothing other than watching the events going on. He was on his own (not sure if its relevant, but he was black), and they calmly walked up to him (he was wearing his press credentials) and sprayed him full in the face. When we were asking them why the gates were closed? Why are they tear gassing kids? They all just laughed.

One question that remains unanswered is if they were so worried about the amount of people in there with fake tickets/climbed the fence, then why let us all in? If there was 'thousands' inside the stadium that shouldn't have been, then why let the rest of us in? It is all a load of bullshit.

However, what is being massively underreported is the 'locals'. There was 100's of 'Locals', let's be honest though. African gangs. They were more organised than the police. What I saw from my position makes it very hard to avoid the thought that this was somehow pre-planned with the police. I saw people slashed with knives 6 feet in front of cops, they laughed. I saw people mugged 6 feet in front of cops, they laughed. I saw one guy knocked unconscious (the sound of his head hitting the concrete will stay with me forever), they laughed. Every now and then they would 'charge' at the 'Locals', charge is barely a word I would use, slowly walk towards them is more accurate. They would then disperse, the cops would then leave the area, and the 'locals' would return. I saw around 5 people knocked unconscious, 2 slashed and countless robbed, literally nothing was done. Nothing.

All of this was happening whilst we could hear the opening ceremony taking place inside.

Around 10pm the police then formed a cordon outside from Gate Y down to the corner of the stadium and people were getting in easier. Then the 'locals' returned. LFC TV said they would escort me and a few others to the Gate to get get in. At that point there was no police outside the stadium and 100s of 'Locals'. The media area was only protected by a thin metal fence so at that point it felt safer to be in the stadium.

We were frogmarched by security to the gate and pretty much dragged in by the stewards, I am covered in grazes from being dragged through a group of 'Locals' at the gate. A 6 year old girl and her dad was with me and I have never in my life seen fear in someones eyes like that kid. It was genuinely terrifying.

Once inside I didn't care about the game, I didn't sing, I didn't shout, I wanted to be out of there, a lot felt like that and the atmosphere was flat at best, it 100% contributed. Approaching full time we got a huge group of riot please stand in front of us. Real Madrid end, not one. Literally, not one.

After the game, it was just as bad. ALL sent down one dark underpass where police vans were parked forcing everyone down a maybe 10ft wide space towards the metro. Once past that space, all hell broke loose. 'Locals' were ready. Without exaggerating I maybe saw 10 people slashed and robbed, 20 people smashed in the face, saw one elderly woman screaming because her husband who looked about 80 was pinned down and was having his watch ripped off. If anyone tried to intervene you were met with a blade(s). All of this while the police were watching.

In one incident, I saw 4 'Locals' attack a Red with a knife, took his bag, took his watch and bottled him 3 feet away from police, when a fellow fan punched one of the 'locals' doing it, he got arrested.

What felt like maybe a 15 minute walk of dodging attacks, we got to the Metro station where the police were laughing and saying 'Bye, Bye... Nice to meet you'. I am 38 and have never witnessed distain for human life as much as Saturday. They literally didn't care about any of us.

Earlier in the day, we arrived at the fan park maybe 1pm and stayed until it finished (5pm?), I have never seen that amount of people in one place before, lots of people were drunk, some way to drunk yet there was literally zero issues. No scuffles, no fights, no nothing. I wasn't there at night so I cannot comment on why they were tear gassed, but if it was anything like the stadium, then it was all pre planned and it felt like the police 'had' to do it. As if they were under instruction 'no matter what, use tear gas'.

Personally, I am still dealing with what happened and what I saw. I will never in my life return to France, and would seriously doubt any game outside of England again.

With regards to our 'fans', I have absolutely nothing but good words. I tear up thinking how proud I am of us and how we handled that situation. You can count on one hand the amount of incidents we caused - and that is more than understandable after being treated that way. We are one huge family, there is nothing like us, and there never will be. When we come together we are fucking amazing and an immovable force of nature. They all want what we have. 

A lot of rambling, I know, I am sorry, but that without doubt was a huge scale disaster avoided by pure luck, and how nobody was killed by the 'locals', I have no idea. Now, clearly I have an amount of respect for Hillsborough victims, the families, the survivors and anyone associated with that day on levels that I do not have words to express, but after being in that mini crush, fora. small amount of time, I have no idea how the survivors have battled the establishment for all that time to uncover the truth. It is truly awe inspiring and they are the very, very, very best of humanity.

Offline Kennys from heaven

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Re: Paris
« Reply #72 on: May 30, 2022, 11:24:41 am »
The most important people at Liverpool Football Club are the people who want to be here

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Re: Paris
« Reply #73 on: May 30, 2022, 11:30:00 am »
A view from a Madrid fan, need to translate it, but same story.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #74 on: May 30, 2022, 11:30:46 am »
Make absolutely no mistake about it, only the good behaviour of thousands of Liverpool fans averted disaster. According to a lot of reports iv'e read and video footage it seemed like the french police and UEFA did everything possible to ruin the event for Liverpool fans. When you see footage of grown men crying who witnessed Hillsborough and then had to experience that you know something has gone horribly wrong.

For UEFA then to blame it on the very fans they put through that is unforgivable for me and the club owners must move heaven and earth to hold those responsible accountable.

Im absolutely livid reading some of the stuff.  Honestly the club should boycott the Champions League next season until the fans and the club receive a full public apology from UEFA and then the French police.
People will say we are punishing ourselves but fuck that some things are more important than money or glory.   
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 11:40:25 am by Mister Flip Flop »
Soccer - let's face it, its not really about a game of ball anymore is it?

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Re: Paris
« Reply #75 on: May 30, 2022, 11:37:26 am »
A view from a Madrid fan, need to translate it, but same story.

For some reason can only translate the first tweet

Edit.   Worked out how to do it

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Re: Paris
« Reply #76 on: May 30, 2022, 11:39:30 am »
Lying politicians and police leaders is something we are well used to and come to expect regardless of country. Important that the truth be told and these people responsible for the chaos are held to account. Lies will always be found out. But we should also be doubling down on UEFA which profits directly from our support of the game. They care not a jot for us and will continue as if nothing happened. They don't want real fans at games like this, much rather have their friends and acquaintances attend their private party. Happy for us to spend money on their product when it suits. English administrators not much different when it comes to cup finals. If only there was an alternative to these fan hating administrators eh? Something has to change.

France will be another country I never set foot in again. How dare they blame Liverpool fans. How dare they. We showed what we're all about in the city yesterday. Might never set foot in a ground other than Anfield again.

Offline Kitch83

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Re: Paris
« Reply #77 on: May 30, 2022, 11:39:59 am »
Make absolutely no mistake about it, only the good behaviour of thousands of Liverpool fans averted disaster. According to a lot of reports iv'e read and video footage it seemed like the french police and UEFA did everything possible to ruin the event for Liverpool fans. When you see footage of grown men crying who witnessed Hillsborough and then had to experience that you know something has gone horribly wrong.

For UEFA then to blame it on the very fans they put through that is unforgivable for me and the club owners must move heaven and earth to hold those responsible accountable.

Honestly im absolutely livid reading some of the stuff.

I pretty much just wrote the same, if we didn't behave how we did, I really don't know what the best case outcome at that point would be, but it would be horrendous.

Offline Kennys from heaven

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Re: Paris
« Reply #78 on: May 30, 2022, 11:40:26 am »
I just got back, what is being reported is maybe 20% of what went on.

The crushing side of things... it is a miracle that nobody died, an absolute miracle. I got caught up in the crush at Gate Y, luckily a security guard for the media area pretty much dragged me through a gap in the fence. From there I was on the safety of the LFC TV studio/gantry - let me just say EVERYONE in that are was superb. Hillsborough survivors were in there with me (they were in fits of tears), 6 year old kids, old people, and they calmed everyone down and looked after everyone including sprays to remove tear gas, water etc.

The policing aspect of Saturday - credit where credit's due - is being reported fairly accurately by our media, for once. They have avoided a massive disaster on a huge scale, purely by luck. I saw countless people, myself included, climbing over a wall maybe 6ft tall to get out of the crunch, if that wall was 3/4 feet higher there is no way that masses of people don't die. I have a video stood on the LFC TV studio, behind the metal fence, and a cop walks up and pepper sprays a journalist in the face who was doing nothing other than watching the events going on. He was on his own (not sure if its relevant, but he was black), and they calmly walked up to him (he was wearing his press credentials) and sprayed him full in the face. When we were asking them why the gates were closed? Why are they tear gassing kids? They all just laughed.

One question that remains unanswered is if they were so worried about the amount of people in there with fake tickets/climbed the fence, then why let us all in? If there was 'thousands' inside the stadium that shouldn't have been, then why let the rest of us in? It is all a load of bullshit.

However, what is being massively underreported is the 'locals'. There was 100's of 'Locals', let's be honest though. African gangs. They were more organised than the police. What I saw from my position makes it very hard to avoid the thought that this was somehow pre-planned with the police. I saw people slashed with knives 6 feet in front of cops, they laughed. I saw people mugged 6 feet in front of cops, they laughed. I saw one guy knocked unconscious (the sound of his head hitting the concrete will stay with me forever), they laughed. Every now and then they would 'charge' at the 'Locals', charge is barely a word I would use, slowly walk towards them is more accurate. They would then disperse, the cops would then leave the area, and the 'locals' would return. I saw around 5 people knocked unconscious, 2 slashed and countless robbed, literally nothing was done. Nothing.

All of this was happening whilst we could hear the opening ceremony taking place inside.

Around 10pm the police then formed a cordon outside from Gate Y down to the corner of the stadium and people were getting in easier. Then the 'locals' returned. LFC TV said they would escort me and a few others to the Gate to get get in. At that point there was no police outside the stadium and 100s of 'Locals'. The media area was only protected by a thin metal fence so at that point it felt safer to be in the stadium.

We were frogmarched by security to the gate and pretty much dragged in by the stewards, I am covered in grazes from being dragged through a group of 'Locals' at the gate. A 6 year old girl and her dad was with me and I have never in my life seen fear in someones eyes like that kid. It was genuinely terrifying.

Once inside I didn't care about the game, I didn't sing, I didn't shout, I wanted to be out of there, a lot felt like that and the atmosphere was flat at best, it 100% contributed. Approaching full time we got a huge group of riot please stand in front of us. Real Madrid end, not one. Literally, not one.

After the game, it was just as bad. ALL sent down one dark underpass where police vans were parked forcing everyone down a maybe 10ft wide space towards the metro. Once past that space, all hell broke loose. 'Locals' were ready. Without exaggerating I maybe saw 10 people slashed and robbed, 20 people smashed in the face, saw one elderly woman screaming because her husband who looked about 80 was pinned down and was having his watch ripped off. If anyone tried to intervene you were met with a blade(s). All of this while the police were watching.

In one incident, I saw 4 'Locals' attack a Red with a knife, took his bag, took his watch and bottled him 3 feet away from police, when a fellow fan punched one of the 'locals' doing it, he got arrested.

What felt like maybe a 15 minute walk of dodging attacks, we got to the Metro station where the police were laughing and saying 'Bye, Bye... Nice to meet you'. I am 38 and have never witnessed distain for human life as much as Saturday. They literally didn't care about any of us.

Earlier in the day, we arrived at the fan park maybe 1pm and stayed until it finished (5pm?), I have never seen that amount of people in one place before, lots of people were drunk, some way to drunk yet there was literally zero issues. No scuffles, no fights, no nothing. I wasn't there at night so I cannot comment on why they were tear gassed, but if it was anything like the stadium, then it was all pre planned and it felt like the police 'had' to do it. As if they were under instruction 'no matter what, use tear gas'.

Personally, I am still dealing with what happened and what I saw. I will never in my life return to France, and would seriously doubt any game outside of England again.

With regards to our 'fans', I have absolutely nothing but good words. I tear up thinking how proud I am of us and how we handled that situation. You can count on one hand the amount of incidents we caused - and that is more than understandable after being treated that way. We are one huge family, there is nothing like us, and there never will be. When we come together we are fucking amazing and an immovable force of nature. They all want what we have. 

A lot of rambling, I know, I am sorry, but that without doubt was a huge scale disaster avoided by pure luck, and how nobody was killed by the 'locals', I have no idea. Now, clearly I have an amount of respect for Hillsborough victims, the families, the survivors and anyone associated with that day on levels that I do not have words to express, but after being in that mini crush, fora. small amount of time, I have no idea how the survivors have battled the establishment for all that time to uncover the truth. It is truly awe inspiring and they are the very, very, very best of humanity.
Im literally shaking reading this as it’s exactly the same for me.

I have been trying to process what I saw, but I can’t. Part of me is thinking “am I making it up? Am I embellishing it”? But I’m not. I can’t believe that I was actually not bothered at all about a Champions League final result and more interested in myself and everyone else getting home safely.

I’m 51 and never have I been so scared… but like you, the massive plus was the awes, respect and love I have for everyone around me on Saturday and the utter dignity and restraint shown in disgusting circumstances. After all that’s gone on, there is absolutely no doubt at all that this club and it’s fans are without equal.

Will never go to that place again for anything sports related. Had some plans to go to the Rugby World Cup next year, but they can fuck off. I’m not setting foot in the place,  ut sadly I have to go there for work, but will only go when I have to. Am part of the Paris ‘24 Olympic team for my company as well, but even that can fuck off as well - I’ll only do the minimum needed. From a work perspective there is a further irony that I won’t reveal, but it is very related to what happened and that shithole of a stadium and locale. Make no bones about it, I will be very vocal when the time comes for this particular project about what went on. Shambolic
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 11:42:32 am by Kennys from heaven »
The most important people at Liverpool Football Club are the people who want to be here

Offline Kitch83

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Re: Paris
« Reply #79 on: May 30, 2022, 11:41:01 am »
Mate - I was at block “A” and I can tell you you are exactly right.

I have never been so proud of how we dealt with it under that provocation. Saw it happening on gate B and Z as well. All those who were there were absolutely amazing. We stopped it from descending into oblivion - and that’s what it would have been as well.

What’s worse is that if we’d won, I’m absolutely certain things would have tipped. Ashamed as I am to say this, I’m actually glad we didn’t in many ways. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but seeing how things were so poised on a knife edge, they would have suppressed us in a way I can’t begin to imagine.

That should have been the pinnacle. The crowning evening. Special. Incidentally it was. It just around the actual stadium, but with the public transport strikes thrown in, the city was in utter chaos all day.

Appalling, barbaric and nauseating. I’ve never been so glad to be home again.

My exact thoughts. If we won, the scenes would have been beyond description.