Author Topic: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV  (Read 40482 times)

Offline ALPH1217

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #120 on: September 8, 2005, 01:13:09 pm »
I'm not necessarily a big fan of Mr Bush but this guy is taking way too much shit for this disaster which of course isn't surprising. The primary responsibility for this nightmare actually lies with that thug mayor of New Orleans, the Louisiana governor and other local officials. They'll all get a free pass though as leading democrats and their allies are using the disaster for their own political agenda (surprise, surprise). In America state and local governments have primary responsibility in dealing with local disasters.

Last year 4 major hurricanes slammed into Florida. The Governor led the disaster response and did a great job, with nothing like we're seeing in NO.

First responders and the manpower come from local communities. These local departments answer to local authorities, not Washington DC. State National Guards answer first to the Governor of each state, not Bush. Bush himself acknowledged that the federal response wasn't as fast as it could have been. These people had over 2 days warning that a disaster was imminent but IMO local officials didn't do enough to prepare. The Governor didn't effectively deploy her state's National Guard and none of the cities leaders did enough to evacuate the portion of the population with no transportation. Christ, they didn't follow their own evacuation plan.

Again, I just feel as if local leadership aren't taking enough of the blame here with Bush an easy target as usual.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #121 on: September 8, 2005, 02:38:24 pm »
They knew about the Hurricane one full week in advance and knew New Orleans would take a direct hit. 

blacks can't catch a cab in NYC, and etc.  There are many examples of institutionalized racism in the US.

During the 2000 election, where Florida was the deciding state, people in Dade county (predominantly black) were not allowed to vote because somehow they ended up on a list of people that were convicted felons and therefore not allowed to vote.  Who is the Govener of Florida?  Jeb Bush.   

The US is a white society.

So some people are taking some electronics, that's the least they should get after being abandoned by thier government.  These are people that have been systematically enslaved to never be able to advance

Those being looted have insurance.  Insurance companies and big business are the real thieves.

Geez, there's so much bullshit in that post!  I'm a Bush hater but you're guilty of gross exaggeration.

The path of a hurricane is never known a week in advance, it fluctuates.

Blacks can catch cabs in NY, perhaps not thugged out young men, but it's far from the stereotype that's circulated.

Only a few thousand votes were not counted in Florida, and probably not enough to swing the election.  There were some irregularities but unfortunately Kerry did not sway enough of the people.

The US is becoming more Latino than white.  If you want to say a white government, you'd be more correct.

Taking food and survival gear - blankets, tents; gas stoves isn't looting.  Taking electronics and other shit is.

Systematic enslavement is another copout.  How can you blame big business for all the ills in the world?  Insurance companies have their faults, but they provide a much needed service although not for 'acts of God'.

You must be a Marxist student.
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #122 on: September 8, 2005, 05:27:39 pm »
Geez, there's so much bullshit in that post!  I'm a Bush hater but you're guilty of gross exaggeration.

The path of a hurricane is never known a week in advance, it fluctuates.

Blacks can catch cabs in NY, perhaps not thugged out young men, but it's far from the stereotype that's circulated.

Only a few thousand votes were not counted in Florida, and probably not enough to swing the election.  There were some irregularities but unfortunately Kerry did not sway enough of the people.

The US is becoming more Latino than white.  If you want to say a white government, you'd be more correct.

Taking food and survival gear - blankets, tents; gas stoves isn't looting.  Taking electronics and other shit is.

Systematic enslavement is another copout.  How can you blame big business for all the ills in the world?  Insurance companies have their faults, but they provide a much needed service although not for 'acts of God'.

You must be a Marxist student.

If the Hurricane begins to gain speed (as this did) in the Gulf of Mexico, you can be sure by the time it hits land that it won't dissapate completely or stand still.  It was a Category 5, at the most it would have been was Category 3 by the time it hit land.  The Levee's were only able to withstand Category 2 thanks to GB who sent funding for a new levee system to Iraq (this is the first sign of racism). 

Kerry wasn't involved in the 2000 election mate.  Bush won Florida by 500 some odd votes after disenfrachishing about 10K blacks.  90%+ of voting blacks vote Democrat. Supreme Court did not want to step on Bush's constitutional rights and did no recount.  If one vote is not counted then the system is flawed.

We would never here about it if it didn't happened.  Why would anyone make this up?  I have nothing to gain by saying this, it's a fact that if 2 people in NYC are trying to catch a cab, the driver 9/10 will get the non black.  As most cab drivers in NYC are non white and immigrant, they tend to assimilate the popular view in society.  They wouldn't do this if they were not constantly told that blacks are criminals.

The people taking electronics are people that would never have this opportunity again.  They don't know better because thier schools are drastically underfunded (racism pt 2).  I don't condone stealing, but businesses build stuff to break on purpose.  Besides there is a small minority of people stealing electronics, not as many as the media portrays (racism pt 3).

Slavery was government sponsored in the US.  400 years of slavery cannot be wiped out in 200 years.  They are still affected today.

I never said that big business is responsible for all the ills of the world, just thieves.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #123 on: September 8, 2005, 07:18:41 pm »
Eric, I don't agree with most of your post but I feel the need to comment on alleged taxi cab discrimination in New York City. A couple of years ago famed black actor and notorious crybaby Danny Glover had trouble hailing a cab in downtown Manhattan claiming he was overlooked in favour of white customers. The press loves a story like this and in no time at all it was the front page story on most NYC newspapers. Here's the thing: I spend a hell of a lot of time in NYC, believe me. Try and find a white cab driver in Manhattan, they're practically non existent. New York is arguably the easiest city in the world to find your way around in as opposed to London for instance. People come to NY from places like Bangladesh and in three short weeks they're put to work driving taxis which obviously wouldn't happen back home. These people all rely on tips for their respective livelihoods and the biggest complaint drivers have regarding black fares is that they're shitty tippers. Is this racism on the part of the drivers? Probably so, but put yourself in the shoes of a hard working cabbie trying to earn a crust of bread who continuously gets stiffed by African Americans. Word gets around, mate.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #124 on: September 8, 2005, 07:47:09 pm »
Eric, I don't agree with most of your post but I feel the need to comment on alleged taxi cab discrimination in New York City. A couple of years ago famed black actor and notorious crybaby Danny Glover had trouble hailing a cab in downtown Manhattan claiming he was overlooked in favour of white customers. The press loves a story like this and in no time at all it was the front page story on most NYC newspapers. Here's the thing: I spend a hell of a lot of time in NYC, believe me. Try and find a white cab driver in Manhattan, they're practically non existent. New York is arguably the easiest city in the world to find your way around in as opposed to London for instance. People come to NY from places like Bangladesh and in three short weeks they're put to work driving taxis which obviously wouldn't happen back home. These people all rely on tips for their respective livelihoods and the biggest complaint drivers have regarding black fares is that they're shitty tippers. Is this racism on the part of the drivers? Probably so, but put yourself in the shoes of a hard working cabbie trying to earn a crust of bread who continuously gets stiffed by African Americans. Word gets around, mate.

I've got in a cab in Dubai with a driver who'd been in the country for 6 hours.

No joke.
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #125 on: September 8, 2005, 09:11:45 pm »
Eric, I don't agree with most of your post but I feel the need to comment on alleged taxi cab discrimination in New York City. A couple of years ago famed black actor and notorious crybaby Danny Glover had trouble hailing a cab in downtown Manhattan claiming he was overlooked in favour of white customers. The press loves a story like this and in no time at all it was the front page story on most NYC newspapers. Here's the thing: I spend a hell of a lot of time in NYC, believe me. Try and find a white cab driver in Manhattan, they're practically non existent. New York is arguably the easiest city in the world to find your way around in as opposed to London for instance. People come to NY from places like Bangladesh and in three short weeks they're put to work driving taxis which obviously wouldn't happen back home. These people all rely on tips for their respective livelihoods and the biggest complaint drivers have regarding black fares is that they're shitty tippers. Is this racism on the part of the drivers? Probably so, but put yourself in the shoes of a hard working cabbie trying to earn a crust of bread who continuously gets stiffed by African Americans. Word gets around, mate.

At first I thought this story was a lie.

But Ive heard it so many times fom different people and most recently a close mate that it must be true.
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #126 on: September 8, 2005, 09:30:15 pm »
Eric, I don't agree with most of your post but I feel the need to comment on alleged taxi cab discrimination in New York City. A couple of years ago famed black actor and notorious crybaby Danny Glover had trouble hailing a cab in downtown Manhattan claiming he was overlooked in favour of white customers. The press loves a story like this and in no time at all it was the front page story on most NYC newspapers. Here's the thing: I spend a hell of a lot of time in NYC, believe me. Try and find a white cab driver in Manhattan, they're practically non existent. New York is arguably the easiest city in the world to find your way around in as opposed to London for instance. People come to NY from places like Bangladesh and in three short weeks they're put to work driving taxis which obviously wouldn't happen back home. These people all rely on tips for their respective livelihoods and the biggest complaint drivers have regarding black fares is that they're shitty tippers. Is this racism on the part of the drivers? Probably so, but put yourself in the shoes of a hard working cabbie trying to earn a crust of bread who continuously gets stiffed by African Americans. Word gets around, mate.

Not enough people agree with me, and that's why the world is a crazy place. 

Tipping shitty ain't racist though, lumping an entire race of people shitty tippers is.  If you were constantly overlooked for white passangers would you tip better to get more opportunities to get picked up?  Not likely.

Why is Glover labeled a "crybaby"?  Because he wants a better world for his children?

What don't you agree with?  The US is a white society, big businesses are thieves, or something else?

I'm not trying to antagonize, I'm trying to work things out so we have a better understanding of what others have to go through so that stereotypes don't lead to racism.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #127 on: September 8, 2005, 10:28:57 pm »
KANYE WEST has shot to the top of the US BILLBOARD album charts, outselling his nearest rival by more than 600,000 copies.

Despite his controversial appearance at a charity telethon last Friday (September 2) in which he declared that “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” and that America is set up “to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off as slowly as possible”, West’s second album ’Late Registration’ sold more than 860,000 copies during its first week.

The rapper’s debut ’The College Dropout’, released in early 2004, shifted 441,000 during its first seven days on shelves and debuted at Number Two.

’Late Registration’ outsold the Number Two record Stateside this week - G-Unit member Tony Yayo’s ’Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon’ - by over half a million copies, while ’Hillbilly Deluxe’ from Brooks & Dunn went in at Three with 111,000 units scanned.

’The College Dropout’ has also seen sales boom this week – a 69 per cent boost - with it climbing 50 chart positions to number 57.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #128 on: September 8, 2005, 11:14:46 pm »
Now he can make an even bigger donation.

When your Mum used to pick you up from school and you'd run out and be like 'Mummy I got 9/10 in the spelling test today', would she go 'phenomenal, son'.

Cos if she did she's a stupid fuck.

Offline ALPH1217

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #129 on: September 8, 2005, 11:18:47 pm »
I don't care for rap music one bit and thus will not be purchasing this guy's latest CD. Golly, I hope I don't get labeled as a racist for my musical preferences.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #130 on: September 8, 2005, 11:19:40 pm »
for fucks sake . there is only one reason these people come out with this stuff, and that reason is personal gain, it raises their profile.
harry connick jr has been at it as well, if you are going to missippi to help the people,why take a fucking camera crew. they all make me want to puke.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #131 on: September 8, 2005, 11:30:53 pm »
Kanye West....

fuckin prick anyway...
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #132 on: September 9, 2005, 12:02:26 am »
I'm not necessarily a big fan of Mr Bush but this guy is taking way too much shit for this disaster which of course isn't surprising. The primary responsibility for this nightmare actually lies with that thug mayor of New Orleans, the Louisiana governor and other local officials. They'll all get a free pass though as leading democrats and their allies are using the disaster for their own political agenda (surprise, surprise). In America state and local governments have primary responsibility in dealing with local disasters.

Last year 4 major hurricanes slammed into Florida. The Governor led the disaster response and did a great job, with nothing like we're seeing in NO.

First responders and the manpower come from local communities. These local departments answer to local authorities, not Washington DC. State National Guards answer first to the Governor of each state, not Bush. Bush himself acknowledged that the federal response wasn't as fast as it could have been. These people had over 2 days warning that a disaster was imminent but IMO local officials didn't do enough to prepare. The Governor didn't effectively deploy her state's National Guard and none of the cities leaders did enough to evacuate the portion of the population with no transportation. Christ, they didn't follow their own evacuation plan.

Again, I just feel as if local leadership aren't taking enough of the blame here with Bush an easy target as usual.
Isn't most of the National guard in Iraq?

Considering the BILLIONS of damage caused (and known by virtually everyone before Katrina hit) you'd think the actual Government of the good old USofA would evacuate ALL its people.

Yes of course your no fan of Bush.....pull the other one ::)
« Last Edit: September 9, 2005, 12:05:52 am by hide5seek »

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #133 on: September 9, 2005, 12:06:43 am »
Isn't most of the National guard in Iraq

Yes, the Louisiana State National Guard is currently in Iraq trying to safeguard America's cities from disaster. Cue Ms Morissette.
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #134 on: September 9, 2005, 12:16:05 am »
I can not believe people on here coming out with this "Don't blame bush shite"


Imagine if tony blair had been on vacation during the London Tube Bombings. Then spend another week to come home, and when he finally got there did nothing but cracked jokes about the good ole days when He used to catch the tube to college.

When the shit hits the fan, bush sticks his head in the ground for a few days while his people pour coffee down his gullet and try to sober him up.

What has he achieved in the years he's been in power?

I'm not Pro Bush or Anti Bush
If the yank want to go the way off the dinosaur then thats their choice

« Last Edit: September 9, 2005, 12:21:58 am by Bluto »
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Offline Acaustiq

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #135 on: September 9, 2005, 12:30:27 am »
I can not believe people on here coming out with this "Don't blame bush shite"


Imagine if tony blair had been on vacation during the London Tube Bombings. Then spend another week to come home, and when he finally got there did nothing but cracked jokes about the good ole days when He used to catch the tube to college.

When the shit hits the fan, bush sticks his head in the ground for a few days while his people pour coffee down his gullet and try to sober him up.

What has he achieved in the years he's been in power?

I'm not Pro Bush or Anti Bush
If the yank want to go the way off the dinosaur then thats their choice

As I said on the first page of the hurricane thread, US politics isnt about right and wrong or facts or logic, it never has been, never will be, its about sides, if anything he'll come out of this with more support, the republicans that were slipping away due to his day to day incompetence will rally round him in the knowledge that the democrats will go after him bigtime.
When your Mum used to pick you up from school and you'd run out and be like 'Mummy I got 9/10 in the spelling test today', would she go 'phenomenal, son'.

Cos if she did she's a stupid fuck.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #136 on: September 9, 2005, 12:33:42 am »
As I said on the first page of the hurricane thread, US politics isnt about right and wrong or facts or logic, it never has been, never will be, its about sides, if anything he'll come out of this with more support, the republicans that were slipping away due to his day to day incompetence will rally round him in the knowledge that the democrats will go after him bigtime.

Yeah but the Dems are shite too.

Agree with Bluto on this.  I hate all of the press conferences saying this is not the time to place blame.

You know it's not that hard to do two things at once.  It's George Bush's fault. 

See not too hard.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #137 on: September 9, 2005, 12:34:22 am »
I know, the more he fucks up, the more people rally around him.
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Offline Bluto-clause

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #138 on: September 9, 2005, 12:38:31 am »
Imagine what Geogre Bush would say if a Nuclear Bomb was detenated on a plane flying over Mississippi.

He'd come on the news a week later, I'm gonna find out who the baggage handlers where on this flight and string them up by their bollocks, mississippi will rise again!

If A president or Prime Minister comes out and deflects blame during a time of crisis, what they are effectivly saying is
"I'm not really in charge, I don't really know what is going on. It not my job"

I might try that in work the next time there a fuck up, just to see how many people rally around me.
« Last Edit: September 9, 2005, 12:41:26 am by Bluto »
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #139 on: September 9, 2005, 12:46:30 am »
Imagine what Geogre Bush would say if a Nuclear Bomb was detenated on a plane flying over Mississippi.

He'd come on the news a week later, I'm gonna find out who the baggage handlers where on this flight and string them up by their bollocks, mississippi will rise again!

If A president or Prime Minister comes out and deflects blame during a time of crisis, what they are effectivly saying is
"I'm not really in charge, I don't really know what is going on. It not my job"

I might try that in work the next time there a fuck up, just to see how many people rally around me.
Those in power will never give that power away, it needs to be taken.  The rallying around the pres is in fear of losing the majority vote in the Senate and house.  They'll support anyone if it means keeping their power.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #140 on: September 9, 2005, 12:47:53 am »
I know, the more he fucks up, the more people rally around him.

HERE Fucking Here mate!!  That man is a joke, how the fuck he become the President of the most powerful nation on Earth is beyond me, and quite frankly, worries me too..

Offline Bluto-clause

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #141 on: September 9, 2005, 01:05:04 am »
The George Bush Blame Deflection Plan

I'll try it in work, the next time the press is stopped and there's a correction that was not done or a colour thats not printing properly, I'll take a week to get to the printing press, when I get there I'll barely glance at the problem, then turn to the customers and my co workers and say:

Well I can empathise with your concern, I believe that one day, maybe two weeks after the print deadline, but one day this job will be printed and delivered with out any mistakes, it may take three or four goes and It may bankrupt the company but rest assured it will happen. Personally I know it is my job to see that these things are taken care of before they become a problem, but I say to you in my defense. Who could have predicted such a tragedy, who amongst us could have foreseen the clearly marked instructions that would have guarantee a successful operation if merely glanced at by myself. I shall now launch a full enquiry to find out the name of the courier that delivered this job and the name of the supplier of the fax paper the instructions were sent to me on. I shall now find someone else to blame.

Rally around me co workers for now is my darkest hour, we must show a strength of unity the likes of which has never been seen before, we can not let the facts win, we must stand up against the truth. Our resolved must remain like the clients questions, unresolved

God Bless Stupidity.

« Last Edit: September 9, 2005, 01:11:17 am by Bluto »
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #142 on: September 9, 2005, 01:11:00 am »
Then add "Now's not the time to place blame" then your set.

Offline ALPH1217

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #143 on: September 9, 2005, 01:22:01 am »
I always get a laugh out of guys like Mr Bluto who earlier claimed he isn't pro or anti Bush! Oh really? In another thread you're asking posters who it is in England that fits the George Bush mold. The categories are failure, thick as shit, a financial joke, foot in mouth disease and of course  .  .  racist! Sure seems to me you probably don't have a poster of this guy up on your wall! By the way, any Americans you do admire? Just curious.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #144 on: September 9, 2005, 01:57:29 am »
I always get a laugh out of guys like Mr Bluto who earlier claimed he isn't pro or anti Bush! Oh really? In another thread you're asking posters who it is in England that fits the George Bush mold. The categories are failure, thick as shit, a financial joke, foot in mouth disease and of course  .  .  racist! Sure seems to me you probably don't have a poster of this guy up on your wall! By the way, any Americans you do admire? Just curious.

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« Last Edit: September 9, 2005, 02:47:36 am by Terry DeNiro »

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #145 on: September 9, 2005, 02:13:10 am »
HERE Fucking Here mate!!  That man is a joke, how the fuck he become the President of the most powerful nation on Earth is beyond me, and quite frankly, worries me too..

In a Chris Rock show (I think it was Never Scared), he says that a white C student can become president, yet the black C student cannot even run a burger king. How true does that sound now!

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #146 on: September 9, 2005, 02:16:02 am »
By the way, any Americans you do admire? Just curious.

Only my wife and son! (although technically he is British as he was born in England but has dual nationality)
That ginger haired twat looks like a proper manc c*nt!

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #147 on: September 9, 2005, 02:42:49 am »
Only my wife and son! (although technically he is British as he was born in England but has dual nationality)
You must be keen to get back home!

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #148 on: September 9, 2005, 02:50:54 am »
I always get a laugh out of guys like Mr Bluto who earlier claimed he isn't pro or anti Bush! Oh really? In another thread you're asking posters who it is in England that fits the George Bush mold. The categories are failure, thick as shit, a financial joke, foot in mouth disease and of course  .  .  racist! Sure seems to me you probably don't have a poster of this guy up on your wall! By the way, any Americans you do admire? Just curious.

Yes, there are Americans I admire, Thomas Jefferson for one, I'm reading a book about the great man at the moment

Maybe you should read some of the things he said, then you might realise how far George Bush is taking America away form the original vision of the country set out by your founding forefathers.
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #149 on: September 9, 2005, 02:58:28 am »
Yes, there are Americans I admire, Thomas Jefferson for one, I'm reading a book about the great man at the moment

Maybe you should read some of the things he said, then you might realise how far George Bush is taking America away form the original vision of the country set out by your founding forefathers.
First of all I'm not an American. I was born, raised and conceived in a city in the northwest of England called Liverpool, perhaps you've heard of it.

I hope I don't spoil it for you but I hope you don't get horrified when you find out that Mr Jefferson was a notorious slave owner. His impregnation of one of his slaves is well documented.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #150 on: September 9, 2005, 03:51:07 am »
First of all I'm not an American. I was born, raised and conceived in a city in the northwest of England called Liverpool, perhaps you've heard of it.

I hope I don't spoil it for you but I hope you don't get horrified when you find out that Mr Jefferson was a notorious slave owner. His impregnation of one of his slaves is well documented.

When I did I say you were and American? When did I say I hate all Americans?

I love the rhetoric of the current "regime" in charge of America. Freedom of speech. But, if you question our methods
or speak out against us running the place into the ground, your unpatriotic and a threat to national security.

As For Jefferson this is from Wilkpedia

Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) was the third (1801–1809) President of the United States, second (1797)–1801) Vice President of the United States, and an American statesman, ambassador to France, political philosopher, revolutionary, agriculturalist, horticulturist, land owner, architect, archaeologist, slaveowner, author, inventor, and founder of the University of Virginia.

Many people consider Jefferson to be among the most brilliant men ever to occupy the Presidency. President John F. Kennedy welcomed 49 Nobel Prize winners to the White House in 1962, saying, "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." Achievements of his presidency include the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Jefferson's personal records show he owned 187 slaves, some of which were inherited at the death of his wife. Some find it hypocritical that he both owned slaves and yet was publicly outspoken in his belief that slavery was immoral. Many of his slaves were considered property that was held as a lien for his many accumulated debts.

His ambivalence can be seen for example, in the first draft of the Declaration of Independence, which Jefferson wrote, in which he condemned the British crown for sponsoring the importation of slavery to the colonies, charging that the crown "has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere..." This language was dropped from the Declaration at the request of delegates from South Carolina and Georgia. In 1769, as a member of the state legislature, Jefferson proposed for that body to emancipate slaves in Virginia, but he was unsuccessful. In 1778, the legislature passed a bill he proposed to ban further importation of slaves into Virginia; although this did not bring complete emancipation, in his words, it "stopped the increase of the evil by importation, leaving to future efforts its final eradication".

« Last Edit: September 9, 2005, 05:39:57 am by Bluto »
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #151 on: September 9, 2005, 01:07:38 pm »
What I found most incredible is that GW Bush himself is now leading an investigation in why help got off so slowly. How the hell can someone investigate himself and come out looking like shit ?

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #152 on: September 9, 2005, 01:17:26 pm »
What I found most incredible is that GW Bush himself is now leading an investigation in why help got off so slowly. How the hell can someone investigate himself and come out looking like shit ?

There no better man for the job, everything he touches turns to poo
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #153 on: September 9, 2005, 02:33:25 pm »
An awful lot of blame has to be placed upon the local officials in Lousiana and Mississippi.  The evacuation order was simply given too late, and the plans that had been drawn up were ignored.

The response was also clearly slow from the central Govt., particularly surprising given the areas importance in oil refining.

It's all very well trying to blame the central Govt. for allowing the destruction of the wetlands on the Gulf coast, but, a majority of people would not have been in favour of spending the twenty-five Billion dollars required to restore the wetlands. 

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #154 on: September 9, 2005, 02:40:48 pm »
"I'd rather die' than go"

NEW ORLEANS - Seventy-five-year-old Toney Almeda stood in the doorway of her hurricane ravaged apartment yesterday and swore she'd kill herself before letting rescuers take her to safety.
"I'd rather be dead than in a shelter. The thought of it makes me sick," Almeda spat at Norrie Edgar, 34, a special investigator with the state Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control. He was one of three people trying to convince the feisty woman to leave her stiflingly hot ninth-floor apartment at the Nazareth Inn home for the elderly.

"You can die a couple of years down the road. But not today," Edgar shot back coolly. "We've seen enough dead people. Don't you be one of them."

Almeda and the dozen or more other residents still left inside the Nazareth Inn home in the New Orleans East district had survived 11 days without electricity or running water. A son of one of the residents had brought them generators, bottled water and other supplies.

They said they had been abandoned at the 150-unit retirement facility, owned by the Archdiocese of New Orleans, the day after the storm. A manager told them to leave but provided no transportation, they said.

But instead of welcoming their rescuers - a military-led team of National Guardsmen, firefighters and New Orleans police officers - survivors like Almeda resisted as much as they could.

While one crew worked on convincing Almeda, three dozen other rescuers banged on doors throughout the complex. In four hours, they found seven people, but suspected that many others were hiding behind their doors, waiting for the rescuers to leave.

Only five agreed, reluctantly, to leave - including an elderly blind man, a 72-year-old woman with Alzheimer's, and a woman who had begun urinating blood after falling three times in the dark.

Outside, as Almeda stepped into a light armored vehicle - a massive camouflage-colored tank that can navigate on land and in water - she got her first glimpse of the 12-foot-deep floodwaters just a few miles from her dry street. She realized she was wrong to resist.

"I wasn't myself this morning. I was just so scared," she said quietly, her thin arms braced against the vehicle's walls.

Her silver, braided hair was tucked into a black Oakland A's cap. She clutched a small bag filled with two pairs of shorts, two pairs of blue jeans, a T-shirt, and a carton of Salem Ultra Lights cigarettes. All the money she had was tucked into her back pocket - three folded $5 bills.

With no mandatory evacuation order to back the use of force, rescuers have had to rely on their wits and charm to get out thousands since the storm hit.

But even if they were authorized to use force, many of the rescuers would be reluctant to do so, they said.

"You want to do what's right. But at the same time, you don't want to hurt anybody," said Sjon Shavers, senior special agent with the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which has been aiding the rescue effort.

But their patience generally pays off as the survivors finally come to terms with the reality of their situation and make the choice to leave.

"If it wasn't for the two kind men and the one young soldier, I wouldn't have come down," said Almeda, as she watched her rescuers crack open a couple of Army-issued meals ready to eat, or MREs. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make so much work for you."
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #155 on: September 9, 2005, 02:46:57 pm »
New Orleans, New York. 8)

NYPD cops move into rough nabe

NEW ORLEANS - After leaving the relative calm and comfort of patrolling suburban Jefferson Parish, dozens of NYPD cops have moved into New Orleans' Ninth ward - the city's roughest and hardest-hit neighborhood.
Wearing their familiar blue uniforms and driving vehicles normally seen on the streets of the five boroughs, the cops yesterday were keeping rescuers and relief workers safe and getting to know the local holdouts who have refused to leave in Hurricane Katrina's wake.

"The devastation is brutal," said Mike Weiss, a 43rd Precinct cop who patrols the South Bronx back home. "But everyone's been really good to us and they're treating us like gold."

Though they heard reports of snipers and late-night gunfights, these cops have yet to draw their weapons or even rush to a volatile scene. Most of their time has been spent maintaining the much-improved security situation.

Like the dozens of other law enforcement agencies here, the NYPD stops its patrols at sundown. Only the Army stays out through the night.
But unlike their lawmen colleagues, New York's Finest only carry their service pistols. Other police forces here are heavily armed, with officers carrying at least two firearms - one typically a high-powered rifle carried across their backs or chests.

"We're here to reassure people that we'll keep them safe, and that gives them some relief," said Bobby, 28, a Queens housing cop who declined to give his last name.

But some showed jitters, knowing that they were in the toughest part of the city. "This isn't our home turf," said one 34-year-old Queens cop who asked not to be identified. "We don't know exactly what we're stepping into."
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #156 on: September 9, 2005, 02:54:38 pm »
Powell criticises storm response

Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell has added his voice to criticism of the hurricane rescue effort.
Mr Powell said he could not understand why more preparations had not been made, in an interview to be broadcast on US television on Friday.

A new opinion poll by the Pew Research Center suggests two-thirds of Americans think President George Bush could have done more in the disaster aftermath.
When your Mum used to pick you up from school and you'd run out and be like 'Mummy I got 9/10 in the spelling test today', would she go 'phenomenal, son'.

Cos if she did she's a stupid fuck.

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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #157 on: September 9, 2005, 03:08:28 pm »
;D It just goes to show the mentality toward celebs though doesn't it. I don't give two hoots for them in the main, most have the money and the profile to bring things to the attention of people who would maybe otherwise not bother listening, but most do not. The ones who do use their celebrity status are accused of cashing in on the misfortune.

When i see a celeb say something on live TV he's reaching an audience, when i see a celeb knee deep in water - for whatever reason - (i don't remember seeing Sean Penn with a boat though), he seems to be helping, but he's accused of being arrogant or over-estimating his own self importance. What the fuck? Are we really that bitchy that we can slate people who are doing something about it when they could be sitting up in the hills with ample young ladies buzzing round their ding-a-lings. They are loaded after all, they therefore have everything and are complete.

Fucking hell.  :butt

What he said.

How would we react if Sean Penn said "Oh I would help out but I've thrown some cash at it...I can't help personally because it is not something the likes of me and others like me should be doing...we'll save that for the 'normal' people." Society would go ape shit at his over-estimated self importance and arrogance!

Having done my shitty media degree this is something I feel very strongly about. Why the hell shouldn't Kanye West, Sean Penn, Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey et cetera make their feelings known, why shouldn't they do what they can to help? After all, it's fine for you and I to sit here and make our opinions known. If it happened in my part of the world, I don't think there's anyway on this earth I could just sit here and do nothing.

The fact of the matter is this. Many of the celebrities helping may not have even taken their own camera crews et cetera with them. The sheer number of news crews out there now is huge, so there is a chance that many have come across one another. But if Sean Penn and whoever HAVE taken camera crews with them, bloody good on them. Thanks to that, people are seeing a bit more of a situation that should not be ignored.

The most important point is this. We do not know the full extent of what the celebrities have done to help, we do not know what else they have said to the news crews interviewing them. On ITV1 the other night, they did a montage of all the celebrities who had been helping out, making it look like some sort of competition, a spectacle we shouls all look at and go "Wow, I never thought SHE would do something like that!" You could SEE Sean Penn was saying something, but not hear it. THAT is what the sceptics should be directing their criticism towards, the news crews who heavily edit the footage and the way that the footage is presented to us. Criticise the news editors who decide that Sean Penn wading through the water is a story in the first place and present it in a way that suggests he is somehow going out of his way by doing what many of us would.

And while I'm here, I'm with Rushian when he says it's more accurate to say that George Bush doesn't care about poor people.
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #158 on: September 9, 2005, 03:13:35 pm »
Spot on Monty.

Sean Penn = role model (imvho).
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Re: Kanye West "GB doesnt care about Black People" LIVE on TV
« Reply #159 on: September 9, 2005, 04:07:23 pm »
I'm not necessarily a big fan of Mr Bush but this guy is taking way too much shit for this disaster which of course isn't surprising. The primary responsibility for this nightmare actually lies with that thug mayor of New Orleans, the Louisiana governor and other local officials. They'll all get a free pass though as leading democrats and their allies are using the disaster for their own political agenda (surprise, surprise). In America state and local governments have primary responsibility in dealing with local disasters.

Last year 4 major hurricanes slammed into Florida. The Governor led the disaster response and did a great job, with nothing like we're seeing in NO.

But the difference between those two is the fact that Florida has always been battered with hurricanes and has these disaster plans in place because that state is susceptible to those disasters.  Neither New Orleans or any other American City has been affected by such a flood.

When a disaster is so large that you have to evacuate an entire city, then of course it should become the Presdent's responsibility.  The Mayor and Officials of NO cannot call in troops from active duty or raise resources from outside their own State - that is the call of the President.

Bush is 'in charge' and he f*cked up. 
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