Author Topic: Changes  (Read 1737 times)

Offline LFC_4_EVA

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« on: March 15, 2002, 12:07:52 am »
Right, the season's drawing to a close and we've all seen how we have done this season. Post any changes you would make to the squad (realistic changes) in terms of tactics and players you would like to see come in / leave the club.

Here are mine:

Bring in Stevie Warnock, Niel Mellor, Ritchie Partridge, maybee John Miles, and let them have a few first team games. Obviousley not make them permanent starters, too young for that, just gradually bring them in like what we done with stevie wright.

Sign Anelka, we have first dabs on him, and with the form he's in, if we don't snap him up i can see another premiership side signing him, and that can only be bad for us.

Buy overmars, he'd be good for right wing. Riise is doing great at left wing, it's right wing that is the problem. Murphy don't have enough good games for me. Don't sell him yet though, he's only young, 25 i think. Don't throw him out of the first team altogether, i just think he's too young to be playing right wing week in week out, but overmars proved that he can do it, also good attacking player is overmars.

Give Milan Barros a few games, he looked good when he came on against barca, few good runs.

Play 3 stirkers every game, probably between Heskey, Owen, Anelka (if we sign him), Litmanen, and Milan Barros when one of them is injured. But don't play like a solid 3 up front, play the formation like against newcastle the other night, with owen & anelka (or barros when one is injured) right up, and heskey or litmanen dropping back, sitting in, playing as a provider.

(Maybe) Buy a new striker to fit in with the above, with those 3 playing week in week out, their bound to get tired/injured.

Buy a new central midfielder. Gerrard is injured alot and hamman is banned alot, so someone to step in when either of them is out will be good. Preferably an attacking player too.

Sell redknapp, smicer, berger, Barmby.

Overall, that is Selling 4 players, Buying 4 players including the Striker which i am unsure about whether we need another or not, we need another consistent goalscorer like owen, if anelka can provide that, then fine, but if not, another striker.

At home, when teams come to defend, just be patient and attack, and it'll come, but don't sit back too much.

Away, play the way we play best, defending and then counter attacking. Most teams don't defend as much at home, so we'll have more success.

Keep priority ticket system, Cause it's really the only chance out of towners like me have to get tickets. Someone who buys a PTS is looking to go to quite a lot of games, and there is no problem with that, thats what i do. The problem is, the locals are being kept out by people who go up for one game a season. PTS members aint at fault, because they wouldn't buy a PTS membership if they were only going to one game.

Keep a set number of tickets for PTS members, a set number for credit card/postal, and a set number for Ticket office collections (where oyou have to go to the ground and buy them). Preferably equal numbers for each. This way, locals won't be locked out, but Out of towners who regularly go to games won't be either.

Lastly, start drawing up plans to expand anfield. This would let more people in, but it would also be better than moving to a new ground. Anfield has a history, and that should be kept, a bigger capacity = expanding anfield, not moving to a new ground.

« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

Offline Aidan_B

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Re: Changes
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2002, 01:30:55 am »
I agree with phasing in the youth players, as gaps arise that need to be filled, and as the players progress.  But bar seeing a few of them in the Worthington Cup I can't judge whether/when they are good enough to do it.  I'll leave that to those who are on the training field with them everyday.

Ged has a great transfer history, and as said in previous posts, he is willing to wait for the right players to come available at the right price, so as for speculation I trust that he will recognise any areas we are deficient in.

As for getting rid of players I wouldn't sell Barmby.  I would see how Berger comes back from his string of injuries, and also see what sort of offers we get, but if you sell Berger, you risk disrupting Smicer (his best mate) and probably Baros, so I think we need more info than we have.  Redknapp has been a great servant of the club, and is the last of the spice boys, but if he wants regular first team football I wouldn't be surprised to see him move on (but would be sad).  We have seen that Ged refuses to go by reputation in the past.  I haven't decided where I stand on Smicer ...... I just don't know ..... I want to like him, and for him to play well every game.  When he is in the team I think he does contribute, but if someone better is brought in (ala Dudek), then roll on the constant squad improvement, but if we don't, he does well enough.

Play the system we have been playing.  The team is used to it, play well under it, and can play brilliantly under in.  But we do need attacking full-backs when we use it at home.  Maybe use Carra-Riise away and Riise-Smicer/Heskey away down the left, and Babbel(hope)-Spud/Barmby down the right.  Seems good enough to me as our spine is so so strong.

As for tickets .... So hard to get at the moment for everyone, but is the price of success I suppose.  I would like to see Anfield become a 55,000 stadium.  That would be a lot better.  I guess if work started in May, it wold be finished by Feb 2003 ?  Guess ?  But in the mean time the capacity would undoubtedly fall to the mid-thirties ?

If we do make it bigger, I would like to see ticket office collection sales, so local can go if they want, and some reduced price tickets for local kids (£12-15 maybe) so that the Scouse roots of the club are maintained.


btw im an OOT
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

Offline laddo

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Re: Changes
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2002, 01:37:54 am »
most of these I have already expressed my opinion on, as have most people on these boards im sure, the one thing i strongly disagree with you is:


Sell redknapp, smicer, berger, Barmby.  

dont agree at all, if redknapp can prove his fitness then he is perfect back up for didi and stevie g, or alternating the 3 to rest them (spec stevie g). with them 3 we also have the option of playing a kind of 4-3-1-2 if need be - not my preferred formation but maybe if a match requires it.
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

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Re: Changes
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2002, 10:32:22 am »
great post,but i disagree with some things.Okay lets bring mellor,miles sjolund,welsh,warnock,partridge  up but we have to be careful and play them in pre-season and friendlies cos we can't risk our season now.
As for buying and selling i think we don't really need any more in defence,s.h,s.h,babbel(likes to attack),riise(likes to attack),xavier(likes to attack),wright(likes to attack),carra,vignal is a great selection and remember traore is only young and is rated one of frances best up and coming defenders.As for our midfield i think a couple of changes are needed keep redders,murphy,berger,smicer all as squad players then buy overmars,dunn and have Barmby,Gerrad,Riise,Heskey(left wing),Hamann and overmars and dunn as our main players.Then in our strikeforce we should play Litmanen a lot more in a 4-1-2-3 at home or a 4-1-3-1-1 away to create things. Then have Baros,Owen,Heskey and Anelka up front banging them in and i'm unsure over a new strike but Gomes on a free would be a good investment and then that would put us in good stead for a  second consecutive League and Champions league trophy.
Then on to tactics I believe at home we should go for it and Have two men upfront with Heskey or Litmanen in support,have Hamann in his usual position and Gerrard in the centre with Overmars or whoever running up and down either side.Away i would stick with what we play usually i just think we need to pass and move a lot faster and use our width the way Arsenal do and a lot more midfield runs will bring a lot more midfield goals.
Then onto the tickets issue i think we should get goning on the Main Stand and Anfield road asap but preferably starting in the summer.I have been on the waiting list for 6 years but i go off my mates who has been living abroad for 2 years and is comin back next year so i need to get my'n sorted,i belive in giving out a lot more season tickets out and just leaving 5000 left for general sale,half to oot's and th rest to Scousers
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

Offline LFC_4_EVA

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Re: Changes
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2002, 10:02:03 pm »
but we have to be careful and play them in pre-season and friendlies cos we can't risk our season now.

Yes, sorry, i meant to put what changes would you make in the coming closed season, i didn't mean right now,
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »