People who walk really slowly down the middle of a small pavement so you can't overtake them. Selfish twats.
And even worse, people who overtake you whilst walking and THEN slow down in the middle of the pavement. These are the absolute worst kind of depraved pedestrian EVER.
Had one the other day whilst walking into work, Mr. Knobhead overtook me when I was going along at a decent rate and then slowed right down. Thought fuck you, started walking a lot quicker and positioned myself about 2 inches behind his outside shoulder so he was trapped between carrying on at my pace or losing face and stopping. Force-walked the fucker at powerwalk speed all the way down stokes croft in bristol (if you know it) because he had too much of an ego to pull up. I took pity and let him go at a set of traffic lights because it looked like his shins were hurting.
Last time Mr. Knobhead will pull that stunt.
People who carry umbrellas who don't have the self awareness to appreciate that they have to give everything 2 feet more space because they're carrying a huge sheet of plastic above their heads.