I've been at my job for years (decades) so now I'm the weird old slighltly loser-ish guy who knows a lot of stuff. As such I get a lot of questions.
What hannoys me is when people put a meeting on my calendar to ask me a question. Just ask, we have Teams, you can send me a message or give me a call. If I have time, I'll try to help you out. If I'm busy, I'll get to it when I can.
You think you're being polite and respectful of my time by booking a time slot for the question, but you're not - you're planning out my day for me and I don't like that. You're also making me wonder, until the meeting happens, what is this question about? Is there a problem I'm going to have get involved with? Have I made a mistake somewhere?
Just fkn ask me the question!!