Here, here, finally some sense, when will people learn it's a business and not the Liverpool Football Club we all knew and loved years ago, Hicks and Gillette will no doubt be replaced eventually by guess what another business that wants exactly the same things that George and Tom want and that's to tap into the lucrative gravy chain that is English Football and they will replace them. I have got to the point that am not really bothered who's in charge now simply because lets face it were gonna get screwed either way, S.O.S. is very commendable whose hearts and intentions are in the right place but seriously are they going to really make any difference in standing in the way of massive multi, multi million pound corporate business's who are fighting each other to milk the golden cash cow that is Liverpool Football Club.
See when I read posts like this it suggests to me that you are weak; you are cowardly; you know you haven't got the stomach or the passion to do anything to fight for your club so you come out with rationales like this to 'explain it away' to yourself; to convince yourself that there's nothing you can do, no difference you can make; that it will always be the same no matter what so might as well put up with what we've got.
Those are the actions of a spineless, passionless fan, the kind we don't particularly need. The rest of us know that there ARE other ways; that things don't have to be like this. Look around at the rest of the football world and you'll see that most clubs AREN'T run in the way G&H are proposing; most don't have huge levels of debt which threaten to curtail team development year on year; most aren't run by footballing ignoramuses who can't keep their gobs shut. Just because Man U are also in debt means nothing; Man U's case is happenstance. If the Glazers had never appeared they'd be perfectly fine; it wasn't necessary for them to end up the way they are, just as it isn't necessary for us to be run this way.
There's something rotten in the state of Anfield at the moment and we we work together and are committed we can change it because we know other ways are possible.
So are you a coward? A quisling who would rather put up with a substandard situation at the club he loves rather than fight to change it? Or do you have some Scouse metal in you?
We're not slaves; we don't HAVE to put up with this