....Victim blaming
I've noticed several comments and articles being bandied around that seem to want to try to explain why these murdering bastards did what they did as if it's all the fault of the cartoonists for drawing the cartoons in the first place.
Now I wouldn't mind if these utterly deluded murdering bastards had wandered into the Charlie office and started throwing punches while shouting
'you insulted my sky fairy', that's fair enough, but to execute these cartoonists in cold blood with assault rifles is totally unforgiveable and their can be absolutely no excuse for what they did, none whatsoever, and I will gladly say 'fuck you' to anyone who says there is or uses weasel words to try to justify it in any way at all.
Those who do think there is ever some kind of excuse for this murderous rampage, and even offer one, no matter how small or subtely or with appeals to respect their sky fairy, should take a long cold look at themselves and their truly warped valuation of human life and ask themselves how they can possibly support a mindset that can ever justify murdering defenceless people for such a trivial thing.
Oh they disrepected us (and our beliefs!)... honestly it sounds like some 15 year old juvenile delinquent gang member trying to justify having stabbed some other kid because he laughed at his trainers.
Whatever happened to
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?
There's something gone very rotten somewhere in the State of mind of Islam.