What is the problem with atheists proselytizing what they think?
You tube and the Internet. Heaven forfend! The bastards will be writing books next. How dare they!
They will be sending hate mail to religious people and threatening to kill them now.
I'm an atheist. I don't think there are any gods.
I'm only one notch up from Christians, Jews, Muslims and Zoroastrians though, because they don't have any belief in all other gods apart from their own.
What is worrying about this, is that atheists have nothing to do with the killings in Paris. Nothing at all. I sense a whiff of trying to shift the blame.
These killings are down to Muslims. Fundamentalist Muslims who were so infatuated, so obsessed with themselves and how they were going to go to heaven and live for eternity that they never for one moment questioned whether it was the right thing to do.
I really don't want to read your apologetics speil for Atheism. I've heard and heard it before - from my experience you boys and girls seem to say the same thing (almost like you have Atheist leaders who you parrot). Please don't tell me about it. I'm not interested in converting to Atheism.
Nobody said Atheism has anything to do with the murders in France. Well, I didn't anyway. But maybe Atheism has something to do with David Cameron's extremist gang who kill lots of brown kids and women in places like Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq etc.. Perhaps we need to start speaking to more of the extremists in that gang.
I have actually spoken to one of them, he served in Iraq. He was crying and telling me about the remorse he feels at such murders. He was an Atheist. I just listened and I cried with him. I didn't try to blame his Atheism for it, I simply cried with him.
All humans, regardless of belief, are capable of the most vile of crimes against human life and dignity.