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Media and Arts / Re: Doctor Who **USE SPOILER TAGS PLEASE**
« Last post by SP on Today at 06:46:59 pm »
Thought tonight’s was ok, then the end was pretty powerful

I did understand that right, they wouldn’t let the doctor save them because he’s black?

But what are they spending the Disney money on, as it’s not the monsters. That’s the second this series that wouldn’t have looked out of place in the 80s

There was also references to colonialism earlier in the episode.
Musk has said they have no real answer to the loss of thermal protection tiles on starship.

This seems a hugely limiting factor in its future to me! A single point of failure that you have no answer to is bad!

So he is running into the same problems that did for the shuttle.

Makes me feel happy and warm inside.
MND is an absolute fucker.

RIP Rob.
Incredibly sad. A wonderful player and a likeable guy. Truly horrifying to see what MND can do to person. What he lacked in stature he made up for with the heart of a warrior. RIP
Liverpool FC Forum / Re: New Kit thread
« Last post by Samie on Today at 06:37:35 pm »

𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚: Liverpool and Nike to to Launch Huge Air Max Collection in 2025.

Sad news. RIP Rob
Rest In Peace Rob. An inspirational and courageous warrior to the very end.
Just so sad. Hard to put into words what an awful disease it is, stripping away someone so tough and strong. What he and Kevin Sinfirld did to raise awareness and more importantly money was incredible.

And he should be remembered most for the onfield stuff. Making a huge mark in a game of giants. RIP Rob.
General Football and Sport / Re: The GAA Thread
« Last post by naka on Today at 06:35:45 pm »
surprising result to say the least. Im probably in the minority but I like the group stages
Some performance from the orchard today
If we beat Galway then everything to play for.
News and Current Affairs / Re: Labour Thread * No Gaza *
« Last post by oldfordie on Today at 06:34:45 pm »
Wrote a mediocure novel 30 years ago and has been dining out on it ever since I think?
I enjoyed it. dated now though, how the establishment would never allow a far left government to take power, ermm. that's exactly what he was calling for back in 1983. the other extreme is Liz Truss. if people think it's wrong for a few far right nutters to have the power to put Liz in power then why do they think it's ok for a few far left to have the same power, fact is as said back in the 80s, the Tory and Labour members don't represent the views of the average Tory/Labour voters.
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