Author Topic: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa  (Read 46521 times)

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #80 on: October 3, 2010, 06:38:07 pm »
I know you're angry and all but you don't even know who to direct your fury at which makes this thread kinda pointless.

Given that Carragher has been named as one culprit and Gerrard another...
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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #81 on: October 3, 2010, 06:38:14 pm »
Hi Jamie
You know what it could actually be Jamie, the account was created just recently. That'd be amusing.
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I'd rather endure a night of sheep sex than have that clueless twat run our club into the ground any longer. You hear that NESV? I'd rather have sheep sex.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #83 on: October 3, 2010, 06:39:58 pm »
"Boss, he hasn't beaten you."

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #84 on: October 3, 2010, 06:40:17 pm »
I know you're angry and all but you don't even know who to direct your fury at which makes this thread kinda pointless.

If you're reading, can you stop punting the ball?  :wave
Liverpool don't turn up against shit teams so Wenger picks the shittest line up possible.
The man is a genius!

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #85 on: October 3, 2010, 06:42:54 pm »
Lads, seriously, save your anger for the main targets and we'll discuss the rest later.
......and could he play!


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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #86 on: October 3, 2010, 06:43:59 pm »
I know you're angry and all but you don't even know who to direct your fury at which makes this thread kinda pointless.

It's an interesting point given the o.p. spent half the transfer window complaining about the 'doom mongers'.

Glad you've drunken from the well and you're frothing at the gash like the rest of us now LITBM. ;)

Stein, Michels, Clough, Capello, Sacchi, Mourinho - all managers who, in their careers, were at some stage on the wrong end of 'player power'. It's the context behind the scenes that allows that kind of thing to happen. Fishes rot from the head etc etc.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #87 on: October 3, 2010, 06:44:56 pm »
clearly gerrard and carra in particular, have both been elevated to legend largely simply because they're local lads.
I don't see how just because they're local means that they're opinions are worth more than others or that they should have even
the slightest say in matters regarding who manages the club.
they're a name and number on a shirt, nothing more, nothing less.
all this crap about their little applause to the protesting fans the other day and people making a big deal of it.

I can totally understand the importance of having local lads at the club to the local supporters, and I respect that.
I can see how they earn the tag 'local legends', but legends? debatable.
granted stevie's earned the tag because he can be such a fantastic player but no way would I ever put carra in the same league
as Hansen, Neal, Thommo, Lawrenson etc.
he's been a solid enough defender for us over the years but his local status has him treated with kid gloves by some fans and the media who like to make a big thing of it.
even Rafa often spoke of the importance of this 'Liverpool spine' in the team.
well I haven't seem much spine in the past 12 months or so.

and this is where it gets us...putting the pressure on for the removal of a manager.
not acceptable, I don't care if he was born in bootle and eats scouse for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Kyrgiakos has scored as many goals for us in 20 appearances than carra has in 15 years.
if he wasn't from Liverpool he'd have been shipped out years ago.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #88 on: October 3, 2010, 06:46:22 pm »
I want to know exactly what and Gerrard have done. What are the specifics? These stories are probably the same as Gerrard shagging Ronnie Whelan's daughter, Fowler snorting coke, Pat Van Den Hauwe having his feet cut for gambling debts, Mark Lawrenson bumming boys etc.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #89 on: October 3, 2010, 06:47:21 pm »
"Boss, he hasn't beaten you."

This is what gets me. That was obviously Gerrard and if it's true and he seriously believes that he's deluded.
In Leicester?
if city win the CL or the prem league in the next 3 years, I'll eat my own poo.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #90 on: October 3, 2010, 06:47:34 pm »
If the obvious two had a hand in Benitez's sacking, a couple of seasons on the reserve bench would do them good. Carragher has fuck all resale value, and Gerrard's contract doesn't run out for a while. Couple of utter c*nts if the rumours are true, regardless of what they've done for us in the past.

No. They shouldn't play for Liverpool anymore. The damage they've caused on the pitch is not too far from what G+H have done off it.
With all respect to Jamie Carragher&co and what they've done for us in the past.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #91 on: October 3, 2010, 06:50:34 pm »
No. They shouldn't play for Liverpool anymore. The damage they've caused on the pitch is not too far from what G+H have done off it.
With all respect to Jamie Carragher&co and what they've done for us in the past.
Wow. I hope you aren't serious.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #92 on: October 3, 2010, 06:53:17 pm »
Wow. I hope you aren't serious.

i dont think he is the only one who thinks along the same lines
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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #93 on: October 3, 2010, 06:54:24 pm »
Just my opinion but I cant use rumour and speculation from people who havent always been truthful as a way to hang 2 of the best servants we've had for this club.

I know people are angry with where we are as a club right now but I dont think that venting that anger at these 2 players in question is the way to go. They dont sign the cheques, assign the roles and they dont ask for the loans. They shouldnt be blamed for the decisions of a few people that are currently at the head of our football club.

Regardless of how either of them may or may not have felt. Their opinions dont mean for much at all and if certain people did allow them to, then they are the people who the anger should be targetted at...IMO.

They deserve criticism because of their performances on the pitch. We don't know exactly what happened on behind the scenes, but we know what happened on the pitch.
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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #94 on: October 3, 2010, 06:54:35 pm »
I don't care if you are steven gerrard, carragher, liverpool football club is the only thing that matters, Fk those players who are so selfish

I am going to check what players say when Rafa left to find the clues and evidences

You just have to search for Al555 posts though and what Carra stated at the time of his testimonial...

But at the end of the day it´s important what happens on the pitch.

We have to bring in a top manager again NOW.
« Last Edit: October 3, 2010, 06:56:56 pm by steveeastend »
One thing does need to be said: in the post-Benitez era, there was media-led clamour (but also some politicking going on at the club) to make the club more English; the idea being that the club had lost the very essence of what it means to be ‘Liverpool’. Guillem Ballague 18/11/10

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #95 on: October 3, 2010, 06:59:22 pm »
Absolute fucking c*nts if true but i'll reserve judgement until i i get something more concrete.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #96 on: October 3, 2010, 07:00:10 pm »
You got the contract, the training and the position on the field you wanted - I hope you are fucking happy, and that goes for any gobshites who wanted him gone last season as well.

Its very sad what has happened. Players are great at playing, but you need someone who can distance themself from the game and make crucial decisions on what needs to be done.

This is something Rafa could do and did well, he may not have been the players mate, he may not have pandered to the desires of certain players or told them what they needed to hear, but he did his job and because of the distance he created, he could make decisions he felt best for the club not any individual.

The thing is, you are always going to have problems when you have massive egos, and highly arrogant individuals. Its also wrong to expect such individuals not to be arrogant and selfish. They have fans screaming their name, dressing their kids in the shirt with your name on the back, paying sums of money to watch you play and adore you. You have man up and down the country dreaming to be in your position, you have women desperate to be wit h you, and you are surrounded by people who agree with every word you say, bar your best friends and family, and sometimes even they become yes men.

Players think they are the big man, they think that their opinion matters more than anyones, and when they speak people listen. If you then get into a situation where a paper prints your thoughts and your musings and backs them up, whether they believe them, or just to continue to get you to talk to them, the player believes what he says, and continues it.

Whether a comment is made in the heat of the moment, by reading it in the papers tomorrow and having a desperate journalist back it up, with nothing more than opinion dressed as fact, you start to believe it. Then everyone round you says it to you, either because they believe it, or because they want to be in common, and think the same as the big player.

Its a viscous circle and if you dont have the ability to step back and analyse it with a cool head it can escalate to an irreparable situation.

This is what happened, and when you have Broughton admit the press played a role in a managers dismissal you can assume that the press were fed by the certain player.

This certain player was coming to the end of his career, a top career where he has constantly played beyond his ability, and with up and coming top players in the position you battle for, Agger, Skrtel, Kelly, Ayala.... you realise that you have to do all you can to maintain your position.

These things can all happen and because of the place, clubs, media and fans put a player in, it can not be said that the player does not have the clubs best interest at heart, just that their thoughts on whats best for the club may not be necessarily right.

The club is now in the balance, it has been on the brink financially now for well over 18 months, but now the playing side of the club is in a similar precarious position.

Whats certain is if some of the players want out, and try to engineer moves in the Summer, or in January, there are few clubs that will be interested in the odd one or two of our players, but a lot more will struggle to command a fee with other teams questioning their ability.

Right now, I feel the only players who want to play for the club, whatever happens, are Lucas, Agger, Skrtel, Pepe and Kuyt.

Others seemingly have more on their mind than on the pitch performances and it is really showing.

Our club is in a turmoil very similar to the one we all laughed at when it was happening to newcastle, players far more talented than their teams position suggests, but with such inherent problems that they could suffer the same fate, though only the relegation side. Currently there is no fight, no passion.

Football is a matter of opinion, we all have one and we all can vent our own and give it credence, however the best managers opinions are right more often than not.

Rafa may not have been everyones cup of tea, but no one can question whether he did what he thought was best for the collective.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #97 on: October 3, 2010, 07:01:55 pm »
Is there any actual evidence that what is being alleged in here happened?  Or has this thread exploded based on rumours originating with a specific poster?

So is it time to completely turn against the players?

The real prob at this club is the owners and board.  Focus ffs.

Offline StiffieGee

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #98 on: October 3, 2010, 07:03:14 pm »
torres said it was probably best he went because of the ownership situation
A strong owner could've backed up his manager and tossed out any malcontents.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #99 on: October 3, 2010, 07:03:16 pm »
Is there any actual evidence that what is being alleged in here happened?  Or has this thread exploded based on rumours originating with a specific poster?

So is it time to completely turn against the players?

The real prob at this club is the owners and board.  Focus ffs.

I think Rafa confirmed as much in the Independent article, that there were some misgivings by a couple of players and that was leaked to the media.
Liverpool don't turn up against shit teams so Wenger picks the shittest line up possible.
The man is a genius!

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #100 on: October 3, 2010, 07:04:27 pm »
My anger is all on Carra. We definately knows that he loves to talk like we have seen recently in his countless interviews. He likes to be the leader which we have seen on the pitch. And he loves football that he wants to play it forever. So it has to be Carra who is the main culprit.

Regarding Gerrard, at least he does not give unnecessarily interviews and contributes well on the pitch.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #101 on: October 3, 2010, 07:04:54 pm »
I believe in Dave666. Read his posts. He's not just an internet nerd who knows fuck all. He knows, he does, cos he's got contacts.

He said that Rafa didn't send Carragher a Christmas card so they had a fall out. Carra was well miffed cos Daniel Agger got a card, a pressie and some lip action under some misteltoe. Carra went ballistic when he heard.

So, using his superior intelligence, Carragher masterminded Benitez's demise in what has become known as the night of the long knives. The c*nt. Sack Carragher. He's a political genius who has the entire club dancing to his tune. Apparently, he sits in his house in kirkby with a white cat on his lap stroking it. The cat, that is.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #102 on: October 3, 2010, 07:06:07 pm »
I think Rafa confirmed as much in the Independent article, that there were some misgivings by a couple of players and that was leaked to the media.

Just sounds a load of unsubstantiated rumour at the mo.  Anyway, at every club there will be players who don't get on with the boss.  Most fans don't get the pitchforks out.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #103 on: October 3, 2010, 07:06:12 pm »
Sigh, can you lot get over this whole fucking "i told you so" bollocks.

He's gone, get over it.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #104 on: October 3, 2010, 07:07:09 pm »
I believe in Dave666. Read his posts. He's not just an internet nerd who knows fuck all. He knows, he does, cos he's got contacts.

He said that Rafa didn't send Carragher a Christmas card so they had a fall out. Carra was well miffed cos Daniel Agger got a card, a pressie and some lip action under some misteltoe. Carra went ballistic when he heard.

So, using his superior intelligence, Carragher masterminded Benitez's demise in what has become known as the night of the long knives. The c*nt. Sack Carragher. He's a political genius who has the entire club dancing to his tune. Apparently, he sits in his house in kirkby with a white cat on his lap stroking it. The cat, that is.

Ha ha.  Worth a chuckle

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #105 on: October 3, 2010, 07:08:13 pm »
Are you enjoying the fruits of your labour? gonna get your agent to try and find you a better situation in january or the summer? Shithouses

Rafa was well able to sort a few mopey footballers, it was the ownership which did for him. If he had walked last summer ( as he should have done) this would have happened a year earlier.
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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #106 on: October 3, 2010, 07:09:26 pm »
I want to hold my hands up and apologise to Rafa. I thought it was just about the football but only now can I see the full extent of what he was up against. He gave everything to a dying club and had it thrown back in his face by people not fit to smell his piss. He's a legend for sticking with us as long as he did.

This is not even about Roy v Rafa, both of them are good people who are taking the fall for those crooks at the top.
If you can't trust Kenny, you need to find another club, seriously.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #107 on: October 3, 2010, 07:09:56 pm »
Just sounds a load of unsubstantiated rumour at the mo.  Anyway, at every club there will be players who don't get on with the boss.  Most fans don't get the pitchforks out.

Player getting rid of a manager is nothing new or uncommon. It happens all over the football world all the time. Normally the situation gets better with a new one, but here we got the problem that the new one is far below the first one and made the situation worse. It´s clear as fuck that questions will arise then, they have to be answered.

The board should get aware of its responsibility and sack Roy as soon as possible. Then bring in the best possible manager available, Pellegrini f.e. and give him all the power and backing possible.
« Last Edit: October 3, 2010, 07:12:11 pm by steveeastend »
One thing does need to be said: in the post-Benitez era, there was media-led clamour (but also some politicking going on at the club) to make the club more English; the idea being that the club had lost the very essence of what it means to be ‘Liverpool’. Guillem Ballague 18/11/10

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #108 on: October 3, 2010, 07:10:53 pm »
This club needs a clearout when we finally get rid of the owners.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #109 on: October 3, 2010, 07:10:55 pm »
Sigh, can you lot get over this whole fucking "i told you so" bollocks.
He's gone, get over it.
Fuck that, get over it. Look at the fucking state of us. How the fuck am I supposed to get over paying one of Europe best managers to leave and getting THIS. No, I fucking won't get over it.
If you can speak Klingon just take your own life. It's too late for you. You can't unlearn that shit.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #110 on: October 3, 2010, 07:12:13 pm »
It's like Coronation Street in here.
By the way, I should tell you that I haven’t had a chance to shower while making my way up here, my balls are extra vinegary.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #111 on: October 3, 2010, 07:13:59 pm »
If anyone seriously thinks G+C didn't have something to do with it they're off their heads.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #112 on: October 3, 2010, 07:14:04 pm »
Follow up question to the same players;
Will you please fuck off so we can get Rafa back without him being undermined by spoiled, overpaid pricks?

If Carragher is one of the players in question, I'd take Rafa over him at this stage in his career. If Gerrard is, I might also accept that trade-off. In fact, I'd let Rafa come here and build up from a squad of Reina, Johnson, Agger, Skrtel, Kelly, Lucas, Aquilani, Kuyt, Ngog and Torres. I'm sure he'd be able to stay clear of the relegation zone with those players as the core of our team, if he'd be allowed to sell off the rest and reinvest the money.

Again, I refer to the article linked in my signature. It didn't even take three.

Torres will be gone in January, and Kuyt, Johnson and Gerrard might also not be here after the end of this season.
Is it just me or does anyone else feel Kuyt could pull a Forest Gump once he retires from football. Just run for years without stopping

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #113 on: October 3, 2010, 07:14:41 pm »
Sigh, can you lot get over this whole fucking "i told you so" bollocks.

He's gone, get over it.

Get over it. Get over the state we are in now because the things said on this forum are too much for your precious eyes. Why dont YOU fuck off?

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #114 on: October 3, 2010, 07:16:17 pm »
Torres will be gone in January, and Kuyt, Johnson and Gerrard might also not be here after the end of this season.

to be honest i reckon nando will stick it out for the season and then go unless he's forced out

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #115 on: October 3, 2010, 07:17:48 pm »
Fuck that, get over it. Look at the fucking state of us. How the fuck am I supposed to get over paying one of Europe best managers to leave and getting THIS. No, I fucking won't get over it.

Exactly. The events of July were nothing short of idiocy on an unprecedented scale.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #116 on: October 3, 2010, 07:18:23 pm »
I want to hold my hands up and apologise to Rafa. I thought it was just about the football but only now can I see the full extent of what he was up against. He gave everything to a dying club and had it thrown back in his face by people not fit to smell his piss. He's a legend for sticking with us as long as he did.

This is not even about Roy v Rafa, both of them are good people who are taking the fall for those crooks at the top.
Here you go. Some of you are so busy bickering that you miss good posts.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #117 on: October 3, 2010, 07:18:27 pm »
Is right.
To be fair, Houllier shipped out Ince after one season because he was a disruptive influence. I suspect Rafa would have taken action if it was down to him, but he was prevented from doing so because of the 'negative impact on commercial revenues'. i.e. shirt sales

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #118 on: October 3, 2010, 07:20:03 pm »
One could say that player power ruined Liverpool's chance at winning the Premier League in 2009.  Let us recall Middlesborough Away, one of only TWO games we lost that season.  Jamie Carragher decided that his own selfish desires were important than the team's aspirations, and he refused to play at Right Back.  Skrtel was deputized there, and Stewart Downing ripped him apart, contributing to our loss.  Only weeks later, Carragher had no choice but to play RB against Manchester United away, due to injuries.  We won that game 4-1. 
What amazes me about this story is why Rafa, famed for being a ballbreaker who takes no shit from anyone, didn't say play where I tell you or don't play at all.

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Re: A question to the players still at liverpool who got rid of Rafa
« Reply #119 on: October 3, 2010, 07:22:29 pm »
Just sounds a load of unsubstantiated rumour at the mo.  Anyway, at every club there will be players who don't get on with the boss.  Most fans don't get the pitchforks out.
On the other hand, can you imagine a scenario where the board moves to sack the manager without consulting with the senior players/cash cows?