Author Topic: Support - You're Doing it Wrong  (Read 41471 times)

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #160 on: April 9, 2012, 04:58:50 am »
Im not going to go on about this because i could rant all day but if im completely honest, as a 26 year old lad who has grown up never 'seeing' us lift a PL title, winning the PL is the bread and butter for me. I know im not alone. I would say that anyone who is 28 or younger can relate to what im about to say.

We have grown up watching us fall short year after year for ever since I can remember. We have come 'so close' on a number of occassions but never got there. We have done this whilst UTD win title after title, year after year. I cant even explain to you what going to school was like with loads of UTD fans in the class. It may as well have been 11 years of constant mickey taking and gloating from your mates as we yet again fail to live up to expectations.

Year on year we have the expectation that 'this will be our year. This year we'll do it'. Yet year after year we are left disappointed.

Now dont get me wrong, we've had some very good moments. Some VERY good moments. 2001 (at 16) i remember bunking out of my prom venue to get to the pub opposite to watch us beat Alaves in the Uefa Cup Final, 2005 Istanbul was probably the best night of my life, 2008 at Old trafford as we demolished UTD in their own back yard 4-1. They are all great memories, but they are not what I, and many people my age crave. We want the league. I just want to know what that feeling is win the League. Just once.

I've waited 22 years....well actually, probably 19-20 of them I can briefly remember. We have all waited, patiently. I am patient. I will wait even longer as long as I can see the end is getting closer and not getting further away.

Thats when frustration comes in. Jealousy of your friends that they know what it feels like to win it (not that they support them as i'd rather cut my leg off that support them), that then turns to anger and resentment. We look for reasons. Why?? Why can we not do it? Why has it been so long? Not just this year, not the last 5 years, but 22 years!

Like i've said, all we want (and i say 'we' as the support who have grown up like me) is to know that it will happen. We will win it, one day. We will have that day in May stood in the KOP watching us lift that title. Apart from the birth of my 2 girls, winning the PL will probably be the best day of my life.
That's the better way to express your feelings.

It's reasonable and heartfelt.

Not negative.

What can be the turn off is the vitriol expressed in posts.

I hope we have that day too. Yep we've been waiting long enough  :)
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #161 on: April 9, 2012, 06:28:42 am »
Outstanding post that. Sticky this thread, and whenever someone starts chatting fucking dung or posting "OMG Carragher over Coates LOLZ" they can be redirected here.
I'd prefer them to be sent to Room 101 though, or better a gulag, but you can't have everything.
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #162 on: April 9, 2012, 06:32:16 am »
One point though: can't agree with the Roy Hodgson thing.

My Grandad died October 2010. He'd been going the match since the 50's. He fucking hated the budgie-faced wanker. And I hate that that c*nt was the last Liverpool manager he ever experienced.
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Offline BobbyDavro

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #163 on: April 9, 2012, 07:03:15 am »
If you'll permit me the ultimate Internet no-no of quoting myself:
The owners will leave one day, sure as anything.
It might not be "mid July, heard it off a mate", but it will happen.
Purslow will go.
Hodgson will go.

We'll still be here, but if we turn against the manager now we'll have changed irevocably, and we'll not be able to go back.
There's all kinds of bollocks written about our fans, and I'm one of the first to laugh at the "best supporters in the weeeerrrllld" stuff.
But sometimes everyone collectively thinking something in a certain way helps to make it that way.
We think we're different.
We think we have a stronger bond with our manager than other clubs - we have a holy trinity.
We think we stick by the team through and through and for fucks sake we even have a much copied anthem which is totally based around that.

If we turn against our manager now we'll have lost our soul.
And some years down the line we'll have owners we like, a manage we love and a club we can be proud of again - but we'll have lost our soul, and there's no getting it back.
In some ways we are different, only a bit, but we are.
Get angry at a thoroughly decent - albeit uninspiring - man, and we're no different from the rest of them - and that really mean that G&H have killed the club.

The point of that indulgence is you can't pick when to have class.
Had we backed Hodgson - who I shouted loud and clear about before he took over as not being anywhere near good enough - to the hilt we wouldnt be having this crisis in conscience, we'd be guilt free and clear minded.
Liverpool fans don't get managers sacked. It's in the contract.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #164 on: April 9, 2012, 07:05:17 am »
He wasn't a Liverpool manager. He was an Uncle Tom, a patsy to cosy up to the media and to take the flak.

Fucking owl-face.
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #165 on: April 9, 2012, 07:23:52 am »
Rhi, while I emphathise with what you are saying, I am going to be an exception to the vast number of people who support this post, and disagree with it for the following reasons:-

1. This is not the stadium. I agree that in the stadium and during the game, not a smidgeon of doubt nor disagreement must be allowed to enter into the fans' minds. We must support the team 100% during the game. However your post does not distinguish between stadium support and forum discussion, and mixes the two together.

2. In football discussion forums like this one, we should be able to speak honestly and candidly about issues on the team that concern us. If you find it too depressing to read it, you can always turn to another thread. If you disagree with the opinions of other posters, you have the abilty to post to explain courteously why you disagree.

3. I disagree that the same forces at work to remove Benitez could remove Dalglish. The problem with what happened with Benitez was not that there was too much discussion over the issue, but that there was not enough careful and considered discussion.  Too many unexamined and simplistic ideas about "uniting" the fans etc. by getting rid of the supposedly divisive and overly political Benitez. Too many incorrect and unexamined conclusions that Benitez was overly defensive and not adventurous enough. I would argue that had we argued and discussed the issues there with greater rigour, it would have reduced the influence of those who wanted Benitez out for incorrect reasons.

4. I disagree that Hodgson was treated unfairly. He was rightly criticised. Unfortunately IMHO there were many here who disliked him because he was not Dalglish and never accepted him nor gave him a chance for that reason above all. However despite the less than pure motives, he was rightly slammed for bad decisions throughout his short reign.

5. The solution to emotive and prejudiced viewso n the managers is not to ban discussion nor to demonise people who criticise the manager's decisiions as not behaving as fans, nor to launch personal attacks on them, nor to turn the discussions here into sunny optimistic paeans to the team in spite of our own minds disagreeing with what we are typing down. It is to have more discussion and moree intelligent discussion and more objective discussion - not less. I do believe that the cream will rise to the surface and the truth wil become clearer to all as a result. Hence we wil avoid being hypocritical int he way we treated Hodgson and the way so many on this board abending over backwards to treat Dalgish.

« Last Edit: April 9, 2012, 07:26:05 am by subroc »

Offline BobbyDavro

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #166 on: April 9, 2012, 08:24:54 am »
Subroc, on point 1, it was exactly forums like this half turning against Rafa that gave Purslow and Broughton the environment in which they could sack Rafa.
The stadium never turned against him.
Places like this matter.

Agree on your other points though, I'm not for censorship, but there needs to be a general acknowledgment in posts that ditching the manager is simply not something we want.
The difference these days is there's a logical endpoint to people's posts of "we should get someone else in".

Offline Fat Scouser

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #167 on: April 9, 2012, 08:57:06 am »
Rhi, while I emphathise with what you are saying, I am going to be an exception to the vast number of people who support this post, and disagree with it for the following reasons:-

I can only speak for meself... I have no problem with people discussing anything about the club, good, bad or indifferent. I don't expect everyone to be all happy clappy right now. I think people have the right to discuss their opinions and even say they're pissed off. And you won't find anyone on here that thought more of Rafa than me, warned about what we were doing at the time and tried to hold back the increasing moans against the man. I'll also defend your right to have a moan, but here's the problem...

Rafa has gone. It's not the time to bring him back. It's not even the time to discuss him, except to use him as a warning of what can happen when our ridiculous demands turn us against a manager.

You'll see them on here.... "Oh I'm sorry. I was wrong. I should have backed Rafa, blah-blah-blah." Then they'll try to get off the hook by saying, "it's only a forum. What I said, had no effect...." Bollocks.
The fact is, the unrest that grew on the forums and phone ins eventually gave Purslow the chance to do for Rafa and bring in the last fella. In his little Napoleon complex, he actually thought he knew better than the great man, and thought he was doing the right thing for the club.

This growing discontent could just as easily result in the same mistake again. I've watched my club constantly shoot itself in the foot now since Dalglish left the first time round. The next shot might prove fatal. FSG aren't football people. Who's to say, they won't bring in another duffer?

The fact is, to make a succesful dominant football club you need stability. What a pity our neighbours managed to win the FA Cup, after going how many seasons with nothing under our favourite tramp? HAd he been sacked then things might have gone a bit better for us. But they got the break just in time.

Well, we have one pot in the bag. We have 2 games to secure another one. That's in Kenny's first season. It was never going to be easy. It's called transition. We used to accept it. It's how maintained the stability that seen us dominate English and European football. It's what turned us into the club we are. We can kiss all that goodbye if we turn on Kenny now.

The question is much bigger than one man's job. It's about the club and how it goes in these times. What we should be doing is giving Kenny the time he needs to turn round this mess he inherited. If he can't, we thank him and move on with a bit of dignity. That doesn't mean you can't discuss problems at the club. And you shouldn't be bollocked for doing so, but let's get it right...
The majority of posters who are turning on Dalglish don't discuss the situation with any sense. The say things like Shit, Get Rid, etc. And these are the geniuses that could turn LFC into the next ruderless Chelsea without the money.

So, while I'm sure you're tired of certain posters defending Dalglish to the hilt and using a few expletives to do so, I think you should grow a thicker skin and a bit of patience. Getting shut of Dalglish now would be a monumental step into turning this club into just another bit of plastic, a comodity for the consumer. But it's not just sentiment that makes me angry when I see idiots posting as if they know more about football than Dalglish. The fact is, he needs time. There's no room for sentiment, but there's no magic wand either. We sack Dalglish, we (to use Stussy's words) become unmanagable.
So, have a moan, discuss the problems by all means, but, tell you what... try doing a bit of defending yourself instead of taking every opportunity to have a go at the current manager and yearn for Rafa. When bringing back Rafa would only end in tears anyway.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.


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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #168 on: April 9, 2012, 08:57:35 am »
I only got two warnings in my pm.

Edit - No it was only one!
Jon is correct it's 5.

Offline Always_A_Red

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #169 on: April 9, 2012, 08:57:40 am »
Rhi, while I emphathise with what you are saying, I am going to be an exception to the vast number of people who support this post, and disagree with it for the following reasons:-

1. This is not the stadium. I agree that in the stadium and during the game, not a smidgeon of doubt nor disagreement must be allowed to enter into the fans' minds. We must support the team 100% during the game. However your post does not distinguish between stadium support and forum discussion, and mixes the two together.

2. In football discussion forums like this one, we should be able to speak honestly and candidly about issues on the team that concern us. If you find it too depressing to read it, you can always turn to another thread. If you disagree with the opinions of other posters, you have the abilty to post to explain courteously why you disagree.

3. I disagree that the same forces at work to remove Benitez could remove Dalglish. The problem with what happened with Benitez was not that there was too much discussion over the issue, but that there was not enough careful and considered discussion.  Too many unexamined and simplistic ideas about "uniting" the fans etc. by getting rid of the supposedly divisive and overly political Benitez. Too many incorrect and unexamined conclusions that Benitez was overly defensive and not adventurous enough. I would argue that had we argued and discussed the issues there with greater rigour, it would have reduced the influence of those who wanted Benitez out for incorrect reasons.

4. I disagree that Hodgson was treated unfairly. He was rightly criticised. Unfortunately IMHO there were many here who disliked him because he was not Dalglish and never accepted him nor gave him a chance for that reason above all. However despite the less than pure motives, he was rightly slammed for bad decisions throughout his short reign.

5. The solution to emotive and prejudiced viewso n the managers is not to ban discussion nor to demonise people who criticise the manager's decisiions as not behaving as fans, nor to launch personal attacks on them, nor to turn the discussions here into sunny optimistic paeans to the team in spite of our own minds disagreeing with what we are typing down. It is to have more discussion and moree intelligent discussion and more objective discussion - not less. I do believe that the cream will rise to the surface and the truth wil become clearer to all as a result. Hence we wil avoid being hypocritical int he way we treated Hodgson and the way so many on this board abending over backwards to treat Dalgish.

1. Just because we are not in the stadium doesnt mean that we shouldnt act like we do when we are in it. You think that people in the club dont read what is on these sites? The media read these forums and use this as a monitor to determine what the feeling is around the fanbase. Nobody at anfield chanted to get Rafa out but its idiots who come on here slagging him off 2 mins after the game (even though they havent seen the game, just Charlie Nicholas on Sky sports news do some biased half ared commentary). Example of this is on Saturday where,according to him, Shelvey was our worst player on the pitch and will never be a Liverpool player!  :o  As a result though, people go into the 'Shelvey thread' and bash the lad. Internet forums have more influence than you think mate.

2. Yes, people should be able to use the forum to speak how they feel, however some of the absolute dross aimed at some players without 'discussion' is what is concerning. Coming into a thread and posting a cconstructive argument (like you have done here) is fine, but coming onto the site after the final whistle and going into the post match thread saying one liners like 'Kenny should f*ck off, he's had his chance, he should be sacked' or 'Andy Carroll is sh*te' is neither constructive or helpful. It just gives the media more ammunition to throw at us.

3. I guarentee that if things do not go well for us this week at Blackburn because we're focussing on the weekend and then we go on to lose on Saturday there will be the same bunch of 'fans' that called for Rafa to go who will be calling for Kenny's head too. Its already simmering in the background. The owners have taken notice of it and thats why they have arranged a meeting at the end of the season to find out whats gone wrong. When Benitez was under pressure there was so many threads on her trying to educate people on what had gone wrong and why he deserved patience but they had made up their 'sky washed' minds. They didnt want to listen. It the same now.It has to stop!

4. I agree with you that Hodgson was not treated unfairly. Im not gonna spend much time on this but I will say....he's a full blown bell end and the stick he got was fully deserved.

We’ll still finish in top four - and they won’t. You can quote me on this in May.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #170 on: April 9, 2012, 09:09:45 am »
So weve got hodgson and kenny, now hodgson was  hated quickly an given no time, which smartarse decides wether its worth giving  x manager x amount of time?
According to most hodgson  deserved no time but kenny deserves a  lot longer?
what  do we want time wise for kenny?
2 more seasons?   give him another 100  million?
just curious?
Well why not take your curiosity, look at a bit of history, do a comparison between a man who's earned all our respect and an infiltrator that didn't like us, didn't want to be here, and was more than happy to fuck off with as much money as he could get his hands on.
YNWA, eh
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #171 on: April 9, 2012, 09:11:24 am »
Another genius. Thanks for the information. Send your CV or recomendations to John Henry care of Anfield.

Would love to have a crack at it, just because  he was wonderful player doesn't automatically make him a wonderful manager.

I agree about transition but transition into what , we have no idea what style he's trying to achieve on the pitch , he's playing individuals who are past their best , defending players when in my opinion they are not defend able and just in general going round  and round in circles.

We are now 16 points off of 4th spot how many more millions are required to close that gap another 100 million. Given what was spent on the 1st 100 can't see us improving from the position we are currently in.

Please tell me i'm wrong 

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #172 on: April 9, 2012, 09:12:06 am »
Totally agree with your thoughts, but some current Players will not run through brick walls for the club and people will get on to it. Can i remind you good people at present we are 36 points behind the shite from down the m62 so cup runs aside people are hurting like mad at the thought of them winning a 20th title. Its hard to remain calm in the face of that! Loved your point on Hodgson thought he was treated disgustingly! Players should take more blame.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #173 on: April 9, 2012, 09:14:50 am »
So weve got hodgson and kenny, now hodgson was  hated quickly an given no time, which smartarse decides wether its worth giving  x manager x amount of time?
According to most hodgson  deserved no time but kenny deserves a  lot longer?
what  do we want time wise for kenny?
2 more seasons?   give him another 100  million?
just curious?
There isnt a formulae and why do we need to try to second guess? He needs time and some investment and support and thats all we need to worry about right now.
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #174 on: April 9, 2012, 09:22:33 am »
Would love to have a crack at it, just because  he was wonderful player doesn't automatically make him a wonderful manager.

I agree about transition but transition into what , we have no idea what style he's trying to achieve on the pitch , he's playing individuals who are past their best , defending players when in my opinion they are not defend able and just in general going round  and round in circles.

We are now 16 points off of 4th spot how many more millions are required to close that gap another 100 million. Given what was spent on the 1st 100 can't see us improving from the position we are currently in.

Please tell me i'm wrong 
You are wrong.

In Rafa's first season we failed to make the top 4 but he happened to pick up the Champions League along the way. Kenny has already won a cup and could win another in his first season. A couple of years later Rafa almost did it again and by 2009 he built a team that finished 2nd, pushed United to their highest Premier League points total ever in order to finish above us and arguably, we should have won the league that season. He then had a poor season by the previous standards and we sacked him even though he had given us Champions League football in all but one season of his time in charge. How much we'd like that right now eh? He got 6 seasons during which time he put us back on the map and made us one of the most feared teams in Europe, possibly THE most feared team.

Do you see the benefits of giving someone time after a dissapointing start?
« Last Edit: April 9, 2012, 09:24:05 am by Shanks1965 »
Seen more titles than he can remember...

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #175 on: April 9, 2012, 09:23:57 am »
Totally agree with your thoughts, but some current Players will not run through brick walls for the club and people will get on to it. Can i remind you good people at present we are 36 points behind the shite from down the m62 so cup runs aside people are hurting like mad at the thought of them winning a 20th title. Its hard to remain calm in the face of that! Loved your point on Hodgson thought he was treated disgustingly! Players should take more blame.

Those players will be sold in the summer and we will get ones that will run through walls for us. Kenny wont stand for it. I can guarantee that.We are all hurting, but I also know that there is one man that will be hurting the most.
We’ll still finish in top four - and they won’t. You can quote me on this in May.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #176 on: April 9, 2012, 09:28:16 am »
Anyone who even thinks Hodgson deserves the same respect as Kenny, does not understand this club and never will, yes it felt wrong to call for a managers head first time in fifty years I had done that but he wasnt the manager to me!  He was some patsy brought in after a bloodless  Purslow coup and foisted on our club.

 If then he had earned my respect fair enough I might have mellowed to him but he was everything a Liverpool manager isn't, he didn't defend the young lads he picked for a game we lost he fed them to the media with his comments, he attacked the fans us for not knowing how to support this club and him, he was mates with the media so even when he fucked up with the transfers and tactics he came up in the press as that poor guy trying his best with everyone against him here.

Quite simply the difference between Roy and Kenny can be summed up as Roy was me, me, me and never us, Kenny is us, us , us, and never me. Kenny will spill blood for this club and the ones who want him out, Roy would not !

One final point and people will jump on this out of context but here goes, if you are on the internet say down in OZ and you type what goes on in here never affects anything at the ground can you tell me how you can you know this?
Mellowing and Retired, and stayed around long enough to watch the Tories implode

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #177 on: April 9, 2012, 09:29:30 am »

 So that was with a team he built was it?

Didnt realise Aldridge was there when he arrived? Forgot he brought Rush back from Juve.  ::) Yes it was his team. So was the winning PL team he built at Blackburn. Obviously you have made your narrow mind up so I wont waste anymore time with you. Crack on
We’ll still finish in top four - and they won’t. You can quote me on this in May.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #178 on: April 9, 2012, 09:30:33 am »
Quite simply the difference between Roy and Kenny can be summed up as Roy was me, me, me and never us, Kenny is us, us , us, and never me. Kenny will spill blood for this club and the ones who want him out, Roy would not !
Sums it up well.
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #179 on: April 9, 2012, 09:31:26 am »
forgot to mention one day he'd had enough and walked out.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #180 on: April 9, 2012, 09:38:39 am »
So weve got hodgson and kenny, now hodgson was  hated quickly an given no time, which smartarse decides wether its worth giving  x manager x amount of time?
According to most hodgson  deserved no time but kenny deserves a  lot longer?
what  do we want time wise for kenny?
2 more seasons?   give him another 100  million?
just curious?
This is nothing like when Hodgson was here. You just want it to be probably in the hope that Rafa can be bundled in so you can wake up and it was all just a bad dream. Well you are awake and this is Liverpool not Chelsea.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #181 on: April 9, 2012, 09:40:33 am »
FS, I'm on your side, but to be fair to dds, replying him thise way does not educate him in any way.

I apologise to you Fat Scouser. Apparently some people simply could not be educated. Just found this out.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #182 on: April 9, 2012, 09:43:37 am »
FS, I'm on your side, but to be fair to dds, replying him thise way does not educate him in any way.
Firstly, it's not my job to educate anyone. Secondly, if he thinks he can do a better job than the current manager and "would like a crack at it" he's beyond mental. Thirdly, some people are beyond all hope. I've spent an awful lot of the last few years trying to get through to geniuses' like him. Sometimes, John Mac does it so much better in just 2 little words.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #183 on: April 9, 2012, 09:45:44 am »
Firstly, it's not my job to educate anyone. Secondly, if he thinks he can do a better job than the current manager and "would like a crack at it" he's beyond mental. Thirdly, some people are beyond all hope. I've spent an awful lot of the last few years trying to get through to geniuses' like him. Sometimes, John Mac does it so much better in just 2 little words.

Sorry but I will apologise again. missed some of his disgraceful posts previously. And right, its not any of our job to try the impossible.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #184 on: April 9, 2012, 09:46:38 am »
Sorry but I will apologise again. missed some of his disgraceful posts previously. And right, its not any of our job to try the impossible.
No problem, mate.
Seems like this thread has descended into the normal Roy/Rafa/Kenny argument but great OP.  Agree with every word.
Yep. But aren't you surprised it took this long. I am. HAve a look at me first comment in here. Sadly it's just the way it is now.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #185 on: April 9, 2012, 09:52:17 am »
I'm desperate for Kenny to succeed. I am desperate to look back with a satisfied smile on my face when we think about these time and how instead of asking for the manager's head, we backed him. How we did it the Liverpool way, our way. When all the other clubs lost their heads, we kept ours and backed our belief in the philosophy of Shankly.

 We all do our bit, the match going fans should back the side for 90 minutes. The tele watchers should stop posting on Twitter, RAWK in between the game. Even if they do, it should be positive. Every little helps. We have a big role to play. That's what Shankly's philosophy of it all was. If I am a tele watching Liverpool fan,  be the best tele watching Liverpool fan. Everyone has a role to play. Instead of booing Henderson, if we clap the guy, he will come good sooner. If he doesn't Kenny and co. will take a decision on him. It is as simple as that. If you don't like him, keep it to yourselves. Kenny has said it time and again in his own subtle way how we should all back the side in these times. Because 3-4 years down the line, you'd remember if you backed us or you bailed out.

Also, Kenny Dalglish deserves to find out if he can get us where he wants us to be. He has done so much for this club that the last thing we should do is to leave him short changed. I don't want Kenny to come to Anfield and think 'what if?'. I want him to come back one day, and to know that he gave it his best and he failed/succeded. He deserves that. When we gave him the job, we knew who he was. Right now, we shouldn't forget that and back him to the hilt. Lets see if the old values can still survive in this modern world.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #186 on: April 9, 2012, 09:57:17 am »
We all do our bit, the match going fans should back the side for 90 minutes. The tele watchers should stop posting on Twitter, RAWK in between the game. Even if they do, it should be positive.

Talk about that! I received a message, during the 60th minute when we were playing Villa, from a friend who claimed he has been supporting LFC for 20 years, saying in exact words: "Kenny should be sacked the next morning. My final prediction: 0-1 to Villa". If a manc fan is doing this to me, I have to take it as this is part and parcel of rivalry. If you are been inflicted by a so-called "LFC fan of 20 yrs", oh the agony!

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #187 on: April 9, 2012, 09:57:56 am »
If you want people to stop "moaning" just go out and give them good results. n. Is that too much to ask? I you don't believe me then visit this very same platform after a win. Moaning has always been there and has got nothing to do with different generations. If you have kids and are trying your best to give them a proper "up bringing" remember they think you are out of step with what youths are expected to do. This is exactly what you used to think. The difference between now and during "your day" is that today media is no longer toys of the rich and educated even my 5 year old son can contribute to what we consume as he has access to the internet. Again in your day how much were team owners contributing to the running of their teams? My friend compared to now they were contributing ZERO. Owners and "fans" want the results and FSG by now do know if they made the right appointment in Kenny and even the 1960s, 70s, 80s "supporters" know if Kenny is the right man for the job. If people pays 40+ pounds to watch us lose - think they have earned the right to moan. In my case I deserve that right to moan because I bought the shirt (it might not have any ones name at the back because no one currently moves me). I wish Kenny could give us a good signing like Suarez that can change things in the new season but history is not encouraging.
The weakest link in the team is our main man BR.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #188 on: April 9, 2012, 09:58:14 am »
See, the way this thread has gone is the way it is these days.
Broadbrush, keep the end in sight.  There's no discussion anymore, there's only headlines.

I read somewhere this morning that we've spent (total - not net) more money than any team in the world in 2011.
That's some claim.  Galactico spending with a Swansea result in the league.
It's worth discussing how we've got it so's worth discussing whether it's Dalglish whose mostly cuplable or Commolli - and regardless, wonder whether they'll learn from the mistake.
What it's not worth discussing is the manager's job.
He's our manager, it's not worth expending the time and it's embarassing to see people think a quick fix like that would work.

Offline Alan_X

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #189 on: April 9, 2012, 09:58:34 am »
Seems like this thread has descended into the normal Roy/Rafa/Kenny argument but great OP.  Agree with every word.

We'll clean it up. Excellent thread with some great posts. If it's going off track use the report to mod button.
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #190 on: April 9, 2012, 10:01:54 am »
The 21st century history in case you want to take me to the 70s. I mean history founded in 3 points for the winner and 1 point for "drawer". Not the 2 and 1 from the old past.
The weakest link in the team is our main man BR.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #191 on: April 9, 2012, 10:05:05 am »
Rhi's post is spot on about things happening off the pitch, disagree about the football.
« Last Edit: April 9, 2012, 10:06:51 am by Finn Solomon »
Twitter - FinnSolomon
Rafa made it so that you didn't give a shit which fucking ball emerged from Platini's jar.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #192 on: April 9, 2012, 10:06:25 am »
Blind faith is what got Dalglish thro the horror of Hillsborough.

For that he is a LEGEND.

Yours is the type of response that makes trouble.

Can we stop quoting that prick. We've deleted most of his posts - a few have been left in quotes as an example of the utter fucking bellendery that exists these days. Hopefully he was a manc wum and not a Liverpool supporter.
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #193 on: April 9, 2012, 10:08:00 am »
Can we stop quoting that prick. We've deleted most of his posts - a few have been left in quotes as an example of the utter fucking bellendery that exists these days. Hopefully he was a manc wum and not a Liverpool supporter.

i will nip back and delete mine if they have quotes suggest others do the same, lets keep this one free from buffoonery.
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #194 on: April 9, 2012, 10:08:49 am »
Can we stop quoting that prick. We've deleted most of his posts - a few have been left in quotes as an example of the utter fucking bellendery that exists these days. Hopefully he was a manc wum and not a Liverpool supporter.

I posted that as you all were tidying up. I had not read his subsquent drivel

Happy to delete my post since you took action.
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Offline Alan_X

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #195 on: April 9, 2012, 10:09:15 am »
i will nip back and delete mine if they have quotes suggest others do the same, lets keep this one free from buffoonery.

No need mate, I've left a few to remind us all of the depths of stupidity that exist.
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #196 on: April 9, 2012, 10:09:36 am »
The 21st century history in case you want to take me to the 70s. I mean history founded in 3 points for the winner and 1 point for "drawer". Not the 2 and 1 from the old past.
I suggest you read some posts about the 70's by people who were actually there at the time. But then that's the internet, eh... see one thing, grab it, run off with it in completely the wrong direction.

This is not the 70's. This is not a few aul fellas grumbling in the stands, or an alehouse full of people moaning after a defeat. This is a place, where people such as Purslow or any reporter/hack you care to name, can come in, much like yourself, take a post out of all context and turn it into whatever they want, towards whatever ends they want.
It gave Purslow the bottle to do for Rafa. We all seen what that quick fix lead to. Kenny's still trying to dig us out of it. We mightn't recover from the next debacle. So, behave yerself now, eh.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #197 on: April 9, 2012, 10:15:02 am »
I deserve that right to moan because I bought the shirt

Someone made a good point about 'moaning' in here. Even if your only moaning and negativity is on a forum, it's very public. The media pick it up, and conclude that Liverpool fans are unhappy with their manager, so they (the media) take it upon themselves to amplify that feeling and 'help' us getting the manager out. Because that's a headline, and in this country the media don't report the news, they make them.

Internet post are public, and unlike something said in the pub among mates, they stay public for ever. (Which is also why we've seen a couple of court cases over twitter comments recently.) What you say on here can influence the team, not directly, but via the massive amplifier that is the media. So keep your moaning in check.

The other thing that people don't seem to understand is tribalism. You don't slag off your own in public. Even if you think they've done wrong. You sort it in-house. Kenny does that all the time, he'll tell the media any old shite and it doesn't reflect what he's going to tell the players. And then our 'fans' jump on him for not grassing his players up to the media...

Support your team, even if that means to bite your tongue now and then.
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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #198 on: April 9, 2012, 10:16:14 am »
How do you propose we sort it in-house without a forum discussion? It's as in-house as you can get.
Twitter - FinnSolomon
Rafa made it so that you didn't give a shit which fucking ball emerged from Platini's jar.

Offline Alan_X

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Re: Support - You're Doing it Wrong
« Reply #199 on: April 9, 2012, 10:18:05 am »
The 21st century history in case you want to take me to the 70s. I mean history founded in 3 points for the winner and 1 point for "drawer". Not the 2 and 1 from the old past.

What the fuck are you on about? Three points for a win was introduced in 1981. That's over twenty years and stretches back to Bob Paisley. All of Kenny's title wins as manager were under three points for a win.

And its 'draw' not 'drawer'.

It's all very well having a go at us old 'uns but for fucks sake - do your homework.
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
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Its all about winning shiny things.