Author Topic: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022  (Read 205342 times)

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3320 on: May 30, 2022, 02:27:56 am »
Tackled a local who jibbed in on the stairs outisde the staduim, broke me sunglasses the big twat. Got the cough your fucking lungs out treatment from macrons boys after the game. Then had me phone tried to be nicked by a fella who looked like he kidnapped tom hanks under that underpass from mordor. 500 quid to be treated like an animal, was not even arsed with the match so stressed ouf from the whole thing.
No time for caution.

Offline Jaska

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3321 on: May 30, 2022, 04:06:17 am »
This on the BBC, loads of other similar stories...

Took my 84 year old mum to the game last night. She's been a Liverpool supporter her whole life but this was her first European final. We got to the ground at 18.30 local time and she was in her wheelchair. We both had genuine tickets but were told they were fake and when she asked the police office to hand her ticket back she was pepper sprayed and rolled off behind a cage so she could "calm down". When she tried to leave one of the police officers put some sort of bike lock around her wheelchair and this wasn't released until the game was finished. The whole trip cost me £5000. I was in Madrid and it was organised so well but this was just an absolute disgrace.

Will, Liverpool (currently Paris)
Holy shit. Absolutely shocking.

Offline John C

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3322 on: May 30, 2022, 08:06:53 am »
Phil Scraton has started a thread in the main forum, it would be a good idea if all horror stories and informative evidence can be contained in there.

Loads of us only just got home yesterday so were a bit chocka.

Offline Roughie Scouse

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3323 on: May 30, 2022, 09:45:48 am »
couldnt agree more just spoke to my brother in law who went with my 14 yr old niece he’s on route home said the French police stewards and organisation an absolute joke but the behaviour of some of so called fans an absolute disgrace ticketless no marks with no respect or safety for fellow fans he said he hopes these scrotes get what their deserve for spoiling and embarrassing lfc and the 99% of magnificent supporters Yes he said the organisation and policing was rank but these no marks fuelled it he said if  some videos come out of their behaviour we’re in gig trouble

Exactly this.
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Offline tarkens

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3324 on: May 30, 2022, 10:43:10 am »
My experience was very similar to everything you've already read in here

Me and my mate arrived around 7:15pm and walked from the station to Stade de France, there were no signs or anything so we just followed the crowd, we walked underneath the tunnel (there were no checkpoints there at that point, edit: looking at the map now, it looks like a different tunnel, so I don't think we walked through the area where bottleneck was) and saw the LFC coach heading to the stadium. We continued to the stadium and since there were no signs telling you where your gate is we just joined other Liverpool fans queuing at the ramp leading to gate Y (my ticket was in B, my mate's in Y).
We assumed it's a queue to a ticket checkpoint but I still don't know if it was. 5 minutes in and police deployed tear gas for absolutely no reason, we said fuck it and tried to find another way, ended up in a narrow street leading up to gates B and C, there was a ticket checkpoint there, it was an absolute chocker, however at around 8:20pm we managed to get through.
I joined the massive queue at gate B and my mate went to gate Y.

I spent 1h10min in that queue, during that time I saw some locals and our fans jumping the gate from the side, but there weren't too many of them, 10 people max. The bahaviour of people in the queue was amazing, everyone was calm, just shouting occasional 'fuck UEFA' to camera crews, calling out rat behaviour of people trying to jump the fence or pushing from behind. They opened the gate at around 9:10-9:15 I think, there was a fan in a wheelchair we let through ahead of us, however turnstiles at gate B aren't wheelchair-friendly so they had to lift him from a wheelchair and through turnstiles, while his wheelchair was carried over turnstiles.

Got to my seat in B while Camila Cabello was on and texted my mate if he's in. Didn't get a reply until HT, unfortunately at around 9:55pm he decided to swerve it as he said it was getting increasingly dangerous at gate Y with riot police becoming more and more hostile and more local youths arriving from everywhere, he went back to the station to watch second half somewhere in town...
I felt not only for my mate but also for myself as I'm not gonna lie, I didn't fancy going back on my own after what I've just witnessed outside the stadium, so I was completely out of it second half. Sad to say but I'm glad we didn't equalise, I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
I legged it as soon as the ref blew for FT and sounds like I avoided further trouble. I sat on the train at 11:39pm, probably less than 10 minutes after FT, and it felt good.

Third world country, shithole of a city, definitely not coming back
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 11:05:19 am by tarkens »

Offline DangerScouse

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3325 on: May 30, 2022, 11:09:46 am »
couldnt agree more just spoke to my brother in law who went with my 14 yr old niece he’s on route home said the French police stewards and organisation an absolute joke but the behaviour of some of so called fans an absolute disgrace ticketless no marks with no respect or safety for fellow fans he said he hopes these scrotes get what their deserve for spoiling and embarrassing lfc and the 99% of magnificent supporters Yes he said the organisation and policing was rank but these no marks fuelled it he said if  some videos come out of their behaviour we’re in gig trouble

Not my experience. Vast, vast majority was locals almost causing crushes at the gates trying to force their way in. It was left to us to police the c*nts.

Offline banksybanks

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3326 on: May 30, 2022, 12:01:42 pm »
Not my experience. Vast, vast majority was locals almost causing crushes at the gates trying to force their way in. It was left to us to police the c*nts.
Same here - there were some reds bunking in, but maybe 5-10 in the almost 2hrs we were queuing at Y.

If we hadn't been so calm, calling for everyone to go slowly etc it would've turned into something really unpleasant.

Offline TeddyTime33

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3327 on: May 30, 2022, 12:18:00 pm »
Not my experience. Vast, vast majority was locals almost causing crushes at the gates trying to force their way in. It was left to us to police the c*nts.
locals rushed the turnstiles and gates clearly organsied, a few bad reds trying to bunk (completely unacceptable and shouldn't have got near the stadium) did not cause the carnage outside

Offline Billy Elliot

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3328 on: May 30, 2022, 01:57:03 pm »
Five of my family went, so going by what they've told me - and the various posts - video's etc. I'll sum it up, and you can tell me if I'm wrong.

Around 40 French lads jumped the fence and around 20 of our lot seen the opportunity and went for it. The area was packed but they completely closed gates Y and Z.

There was a fault with Z and they couldn't re-open it. Gate Y was re-opened around 90 minutes later. There was no police or stewards outside giving any kind of communication. Just the riot police the other side of the iron bars.

Some were already irate before this after being dipped / assaulted by local youth. And now panic was setting in. As people were panicking and trying to get info, they were pepper sprayed. Some didn't get in until half time (including one family member).

At the end the police wasn't telling people the way to go, and if anybody went the wrong way they were pepper sprayed. Then some were either dipped / assaulted again by local youth on the way back, or at the metro.

Sounds horrific and there's lots in common with Heysel (referring here to policing and organisation) and Hillsborough.

Am I close? If so they shouldn't host another final again.

Offline R D Ender

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3329 on: May 30, 2022, 02:08:16 pm »

 Just watched Sky Sports News at 1300 today,
Isn't it strange that as they are showing the disgusting scenes from Paris on Saturday night, that the yellow news thread at the bottom of the screen appears
saying that

 "Rangers and Frankfurt are to jointly complain to UEFA regarding the organisation at their final also".

Now i'm no Miss Marple, but is there not a common denominator here......................................   

Offline Jaska

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3330 on: May 30, 2022, 02:21:35 pm »
I was thinking we should do a petition to UEFA on that Paris or France would never ever be given another European cup final. I'm currently at work so I could do this later if you agree but I also assume there'd be better writers than me so if anyone is ready to create the petition, please let me know.

Offline PaulKS

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3331 on: May 30, 2022, 03:30:37 pm »
Got back yesterday afternoon. I got to the ground at around 17:45, after getting the Metro from the Eiffel Tower (couldnt be arsed with the fanpark personally).

Turned out that's the route the Madrid fans were all taking, and ended up entering via the North entrance where all the Real Madrid fans were. That part was much bigger and got in no problem ( i took a video of it and sent it to Simon Hughes at The Athletic)

Got a pint and walked round to where our entrance was, and could not believe the bottleneck already at 6pm (CET) 3 hours before KO, and got really worried thinking how bad it could get closer to kick off, absolutely unbelievable. I went in via gate Z at around 18:15 and it was fine then

Everyone knows what happened after, but for me the worst was walking back to the Station after the game. Never witnessed anything like it in my life with the gangs of immigrant scruffs running riot, picking off fans (saw a 60+ year old man in a replica shirt get chinned for no reason at all as he was walking).

Not sure if anyone else saw on the platforms when reds started rightly retaliating and some of the gangs got absolutely filled in? They fucking deserved it, it was horrific. Felt so sorry for people there with kids who had witness everything during a horrible evening all round. Reports of absolutely loads of people being mugged, Saint Denis is an absolute shit hole ghetto and should never host a major final again

Not sure what Tony Evans is banging on about on Twitter by the way, saying its "racist undertones: to be blaming local immigrant communities... but im sorry thats just reality, they were terrifying and there was hundreds of them, they were a huge part of the problem all evening. At Half Time I saw them trying to break into the ground again, being chased by french riot police, not sure if anyone else saw that too?

A word on some of the fucking dickheads in our support by the way - we can't deny that there wasn't a few that did try it on and tried climbing the fence etc to get in. Fucking have a word, after everything the clubs been through they think that's acceptable, absolute disgrace and should be banned for life. But there was nowhere near 30-40k without tickets like the Police are claiming, and I never saw LFC fans 'storming the turnstiles' either, just saw idiots trying to climb over but probably 20-30 maximum.

Proper ticket checks and adequate space make sure minority twats like that are dealt with too - which is what happened in Basel, Kyiv and Madrid. I guarantee if this final would've been in Germany for example, none of this would've happened.

Full respect to Real Madrid and their fans also, they were all absolutely sound and treated us with respect too. Out of all clubs in Europe to lose a CL final to, i'd pick RM. Aside from how the clubs run, they're a proper club and I thought their fans were a credit.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 03:33:39 pm by PaulKS »

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3332 on: May 30, 2022, 03:50:36 pm »
something happened before the majority of us got there, between 18:00-19:30, that's prompted them to close the gates, they clearly meant to check tickets in that underpass as they had barriers in place but very quickly they've started letting anyone through and up to the ground that's where all the locals came from, there's videos of them rushing the gates but I'm not sure what time, a lot of Liverpool fans I spoke to after seemed to have less problems at neutral ends, was specifically the Liverpool allocation which the gates were closed

We were there when they were still checking tix on the ramp after the underpass. But they only had 1 or 2 people actually doing the checks. Created a massive bottle neck and a crush below the ramp. Then there were a few whose tickets were given back to them as fakes and told to go back, but how can you go back when there is a solid crowd behind you? This narrowed the space going up the ramp even further. Police did nothing but stand there taking up space. It was really uncomfortable and bordering on dangerous. There were kids and Real Madrid supporters in there too. When we finally got through, UEFA suits on the other side laughing and joking. Nearly lost my shit with them the pricks, but just wanted to get in.
Liverpool ist Rad!

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3333 on: May 30, 2022, 04:31:23 pm »
The club now have a feedback form so we can pass this all onto then

Offline Billy Elliot

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3334 on: May 30, 2022, 04:59:23 pm »

Not sure what Tony Evans is banging on about on Twitter by the way, saying its "racist undertones: to be blaming local immigrant communities... but im sorry thats just reality, they were terrifying and there was hundreds of them, they were a huge part of the problem all evening. At Half Time I saw them trying to break into the ground again, being chased by french riot police, not sure if anyone else saw that too?

I get it mate and sound a bit like 84. But think Tony means it's enough to say there were local youth causing problems, no need to comment on their background. Otherwise it can come across like we're being racist, and I know you're not.

A word on some of the fucking dickheads in our support by the way - we can't deny that there wasn't a few that did try it on and tried climbing the fence etc to get in. Fucking have a word, after everything the clubs been through they think that's acceptable, absolute disgrace and should be banned for life. But there was nowhere near 30-40k without tickets like the Police are claiming, and I never saw LFC fans 'storming the turnstiles' either, just saw idiots trying to climb over but probably 20-30 maximum.

Personally, I haven't got anything against them if they were young lads who've been to most matches and have been hard done by a shit allocation. If I'd have been there and I was 25 years younger I might have had a go myself. You can never foresee shit like this happening due to 30 of our fans trying their luck. And saying "after everything the clubs been through", none of that was caused by a few people trying to bunk in.

Even if 200 tried to bunk in, it's no excuse for UEFA or the French. It's shit and UEFA should be held to account, but they'll wash their hands of it like usual.

If there was promotion / relegation system to the ESL, I'd be all up for fucking them off altogether.

And didn't mean to pick apart your post mate, I can relate to it.

Offline ScubaSteve

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3335 on: May 30, 2022, 05:22:07 pm »
The club now have a feedback form so we can pass this all onto then

Just got an email from the club. Everyone needs to complete this

Offline UntouchableLuis

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3336 on: May 30, 2022, 05:38:55 pm »
I get it mate and sound a bit like 84. But think Tony means it's enough to say there were local youth causing problems, no need to comment on their background. Otherwise it can come across like we're being racist, and I know you're not.

Personally, I haven't got anything against them if they were young lads who've been to most matches and have been hard done by a shit allocation. If I'd have been there and I was 25 years younger I might have had a go myself. You can never foresee shit like this happening due to 30 of our fans trying their luck. And saying "after everything the clubs been through", none of that was caused by a few people trying to bunk in.

Even if 200 tried to bunk in, it's no excuse for UEFA or the French. It's shit and UEFA should be held to account, but they'll wash their hands of it like usual.

If there was promotion / relegation system to the ESL, I'd be all up for fucking them off altogether.

And didn't mean to pick apart your post mate, I can relate to it.

I have to disagree with you. The allocation is terrible. Everyone knows that. Sometimes you'll get lucky and sometimes you won't. There's nothing fair about it- it's pot luck. But to bunk in and potentially jeopardise it for those who genuinely got tickets is unacceptable. It also gives ammunition to those looking to blame fans.

UEFA need to be properly challenged on their allocations but they won't be.

But if you miss out unfortunately you've got to accept it. I missed out on Madrid but was lucky to get Kiev and Paris (or unlucky!). That's the way it is.

Offline PaulKS

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3337 on: May 30, 2022, 05:39:33 pm »
I get it mate and sound a bit like 84. But think Tony means it's enough to say there were local youth causing problems, no need to comment on their background. Otherwise it can come across like we're being racist, and I know you're not.

Personally, I haven't got anything against them if they were young lads who've been to most matches and have been hard done by a shit allocation. If I'd have been there and I was 25 years younger I might have had a go myself. You can never foresee shit like this happening due to 30 of our fans trying their luck. And saying "after everything the clubs been through", none of that was caused by a few people trying to bunk in.

Even if 200 tried to bunk in, it's no excuse for UEFA or the French. It's shit and UEFA should be held to account, but they'll wash their hands of it like usual.

If there was promotion / relegation system to the ESL, I'd be all up for fucking them off altogether.

And didn't mean to pick apart your post mate, I can relate to it.

Yeah totally agree mate, just meant in terms of if any images/videos of that kind of thing getting out on social media etc. fans of other clubs/some media would be on it straight away and try to tarnish our reputation, and would get all of the focus rather than the disgraceful organisation by UEFA and the French Police

French Interior Minister has come out and said 30-40k tried entering without tickets, absolute bollocks and hopefully that is squashed as soon as possible.

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3338 on: May 30, 2022, 05:49:51 pm »
There are the odd blags and people who jib into every game, irrespective of club - especially finals… anyone who goes to the game knows that. It has nothing to do with the complete shit show from the French authorities, who would have instigated a disaster either way.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 05:53:11 pm by bornandbRED »

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3339 on: May 30, 2022, 05:50:14 pm »
Yeah totally agree mate, just meant in terms of if any images/videos of that kind of thing getting out on social media etc. fans of other clubs/some media would be on it straight away and try to tarnish our reputation, and would get all of the focus rather than the disgraceful organisation by UEFA and the French Police

French Interior Minister has come out and said 30-40k tried entering without tickets, absolute bollocks and hopefully that is squashed as soon as possible.
it wouldn't be the first time, as we as a club know, that the authorities implement Operation Cover Our Arses, I genuinely can't believe they are trying this shit again.

Utterly disgraceful that the season's showpiece is proving that UEFA couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.

We are fortunate that we didn't witness another Hillsborough
However if something serious happens to them I will eat my own cock.

If anyone is going to put a few fingers deep into my arse it's going to be me.

Offline PaulKS

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3340 on: May 30, 2022, 05:59:25 pm »

We are fortunate that we didn't witness another Hillsborough

Absolutely, closing the fucking turnstiles was absolutely unbelievable, I went out for a piss about an hour before the game and saw it, couldn't believe what I was seeing. Hope everyone that was caught up in that was OK, must've been terrifying

The atmosphere in our end behind the goal was horrible during the delay, the feeling that something seriously wrong was happening was awful

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3341 on: May 30, 2022, 06:12:54 pm »
I get it mate and sound a bit like 84. But think Tony means it's enough to say there were local youth causing problems, no need to comment on their background. Otherwise it can come across like we're being racist, and I know you're not.

Personally, I haven't got anything against them if they were young lads who've been to most matches and have been hard done by a shit allocation. If I'd have been there and I was 25 years younger I might have had a go myself. You can never foresee shit like this happening due to 30 of our fans trying their luck. And saying "after everything the clubs been through", none of that was caused by a few people trying to bunk in.

Even if 200 tried to bunk in, it's no excuse for UEFA or the French. It's shit and UEFA should be held to account, but they'll wash their hands of it like usual.

If there was promotion / relegation system to the ESL, I'd be all up for fucking them off altogether.

And didn't mean to pick apart your post mate, I can relate to it.

Its not racist. Its a description of who was there.

We as a fan base also need to pack this bunking in shit in.

It stinks and it absolutely doesn't help. Saturday was easily the worst football experience of my life.

The police did nothing to help, the stewards were a shambles and the (insert what explanation of locals you like) were a massive part of the problem.

The actions of parts of our fan base didn't help. I must have seen three or four fights breaking out between Liverpool fans and when the "bunk" started in gate A. It wasn't solely locals.

We all want to get into the game. But it's not on, and it needs to stop

Offline Alan_X

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3342 on: May 30, 2022, 06:27:08 pm »
Same story as most others on here:

Left fanzone in plenty of time, but the closest metro was shut, so had to walk back to Nation. Easy enough getting back to the ground; got there just before 18:20, to hoardes of Madrid blocking the paths.

No signs or direction, so ended up queuing for what turned put to be the security check by the underpass - mostly Madrid. Bemused locals wandering through with bikes, and at one point, our bit of the queue veered off to the left and we ended up by the canal, so had to go back and do it again. Dangerously packed round there.

Walked pretty much straight round to Y where a lad was pinned down by police for trying to snatch a woman's ticket. Everyone pretty calm at this point, and the queue was moving. Then there was a bit of pushing and shoving at the front, so they shut the gates, but they closed inwards, so had to try and push everyone back to get them closed, with lots either trying to stop them, or unable to get out the way. Gates stayed closed 20 minutes without a y communication.

Same thing happened about half an hour later, but they were closed for around 45 minutes. Kick off was approaching, people were get wound up / upset as we weren't told anything.

Few somehow climbed the fence and some turned up from X and tried to jump to the front. Quite a few locals in amongst all that, so arguments started.

At the same time, loads seem to form a second queue to the front, so it was bedlam. Some at the front pulled a gate open, when we were about 5 metres away, and that's when the tear gas came out. Kids, women, old folk caught up in it, but we couldn't get out or in. People were in tears, couple had panic attacks, one lad taken by on a stretcher, unconscious.

No-one gave us any info about the delayed kick off, so people were getting wound up, but when they finally opened one gate, everyone pretty much self policed. Got in just in time for KO, but loads of seats were empty for the whole game. Quite a somber atmosphere, with loads just sitting, dazed.

Similar after, with poor lighting and signage, and to get back to our carpark near the metro, we had to walk to the Madrid end. There were loads of locals climbing the fences, few scraps, few knives, and hundreds of others running towards the ground. Through the underpass and to the metro was awful, with very aggressive locals lining either side of the narrow path, intimidating for the old folk, kids and everyone really.

Also a few charges with everyone running off in panic. No sign of police until we got to the metro, and they were just stood around watching. Woman at the carpark described it as being like The Purge.

It was a proper horrid experience from start to finish. No interest in another like that, and glad i didnt bring my daughter. Hope everyone got out alright.

What Metro station did you go to? The canal is at the Madrid end. 
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
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Offline Alan_X

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3343 on: May 30, 2022, 06:35:40 pm »
Its not racist. Its a description of who was there.

We as a fan base also need to pack this bunking in shit in.

It stinks and it absolutely doesn't help. Saturday was easily the worst football experience of my life.

The police did nothing to help, the stewards were a shambles and the (insert what explanation of locals you like) were a massive part of the problem.

The actions of parts of our fan base didn't help. I must have seen three or four fights breaking out between Liverpool fans and when the "bunk" started in gate A. It wasn't solely locals.

We all want to get into the game. But it's not on, and it needs to stop

I agree that it should stop but it's the same at every game but not every game descends into the chaos we saw on Saturday. The excuses at Hillsborough were the same that are being used by the French authorities and they are as irrelevant now as they were then.

If the response to Saturday is that everyone should behave and there shouldn't be fake tickets that's cloud cuckoo land. Forged tickets and bunking in have been around for decades - that's why there are turnstiles. It's the job of the authorities and the police to make it safe for the rest of us. There were people trying to bunk in around me at the FA Cup final but it was handled properly and it didn't affect the rest of us.

The responsibility for safety at the match is with the organisers.
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
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Its all about winning shiny things.

Offline red_Mark1980

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3345 on: May 30, 2022, 06:47:55 pm »
I'm not saying we can eradicate it. We have to stop romanticising it.

Its not big and it's not clever. Whether you are 16 or 66 it shouldn't be something we as a fan base praise

Offline TeddyTime33

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3346 on: May 30, 2022, 07:27:24 pm »
I'm not saying we can eradicate it. We have to stop romanticising it.

Its not big and it's not clever. Whether you are 16 or 66 it shouldn't be something we as a fan base praise
agreed but it can be properly managed by the authorities too so that people without tickets can't get anywhere near the turnstiles

Offline DangerScouse

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3347 on: May 30, 2022, 08:03:18 pm »
I'm not saying we can eradicate it. We have to stop romanticising it.

Its not big and it's not clever. Whether you are 16 or 66 it shouldn't be something we as a fan base praise

Couldn't agree more, it's shithouse behaviour.

Offline DangerScouse

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3348 on: May 30, 2022, 08:26:11 pm »
Who could forget the c*nts doing it in Athens and the shit they caused for the rest of us.

Offline Bill Lacey

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3349 on: May 30, 2022, 08:51:01 pm »
I never saw any LFC fans trying to bunk in or climb gates. It was all those French local lads who were hanging around in gangs everywhere blocking the entrances and getting into congested situations trying to nick phones or tickets.

Offline UntouchableLuis

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3350 on: May 30, 2022, 08:53:37 pm »
I never saw any LFC fans trying to bunk in or climb gates. It was all those French local lads who were hanging around in gangs everywhere blocking the entrances and getting into congested situations trying to nick phones or tickets.

It was predominantly locals from what I saw.

But there were definitely scousers in the ground who didn't have tickets. We saw them.

It doesn't excuse the sheer piss poor and dangerous organisation from UEFA and the French but one day you might get lucky in a ballot, pay a shit load for your ticket and travel, turn up at your seat and be denied entry as someone else is already in It. It's as simple as that. If you don't get a ticket you have to accept it and watch it from home or come along and watch in a local bar.

Offline red_Mark1980

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3351 on: May 30, 2022, 09:16:58 pm »
I never saw any LFC fans trying to bunk in or climb gates. It was all those French local lads who were hanging around in gangs everywhere blocking the entrances and getting into congested situations trying to nick phones or tickets.

I'm not denying what anyone saw. But the shit show at Gate A wasn't solely locals.

Offline bornandbRED

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3352 on: May 30, 2022, 09:33:15 pm »
If there’s one thing we can ascertain from that weekend… it’s that France is seriously fucked. Hard to believe it’s only a 2 hour train from London. There are bits which you would find more reminiscent of Mogadishu than a European capital. 
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 09:34:50 pm by bornandbRED »

Offline red_Mark1980

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3353 on: May 30, 2022, 09:35:54 pm »
If there’s one thing we can ascertain from that weekend… it’s that France is seriously fucked. Hard to believe it’s only a 2 hour train from London. There are bits which you would find more reminiscent of Mogadishu. 

Paris has long had it's issues. Feels like the stadium is in a fucked up place.

Was moody as soon as we got off the train after having basically no issues (aside from the ridiculous way the police organised entry and exit from the fan zone)

Offline Luke 17

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3354 on: May 30, 2022, 09:39:19 pm »
I went to PSG away few seasons ago an felt very safe. It was an enjoyable trip. This was the polar opposite.

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3355 on: May 31, 2022, 07:45:38 am »
I went to PSG away few seasons ago an felt very safe. It was an enjoyable trip. This was the polar opposite.

Agree, same police and always looking for a reason but with less supporters no problems getting in or out.  Thinking about whether I want to do a final again as too many of our ‘supporters’ think they have a right to get into the ground.  Fakes were being sold for €50 beforehand and that just means you are on edge going in.  Might just go all the matches to the final in future as good atmosphere and less hassle.

Offline BigRed07

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3356 on: May 31, 2022, 09:33:41 am »
I never saw any LFC fans trying to bunk in or climb gates. It was all those French local lads who were hanging around in gangs everywhere blocking the entrances and getting into congested situations trying to nick phones or tickets.
For what it’s worth I saw local French lads bunking in over the fence and Liverpool fans bunking in. A group of Liverpool fans in front of me in the stadium were openly bragging about some of them bunking in. These people add to the problem. Doesn’t change the fact that the organization from uefa/police and local authority was inadequate.

Offline TeddyTime33

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3357 on: May 31, 2022, 09:35:43 am »
For what it’s worth I saw local French lads bunking in over the fence and Liverpool fans bunking in. A group of Liverpool fans in front of me in the stadium were openly bragging about some of them bunking in. These people add to the problem. Doesn’t change the fact that the organization from uefa/police and local authority was inadequate.
of course there was red trying to bunk but we are talking very small groups of people who wouldn't be rushing turnstiles in big groups like the locals did

Offline pl_kop_1969

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3358 on: May 31, 2022, 09:59:16 am »
I'm not saying we can eradicate it. We have to stop romanticising it.

Its not big and it's not clever. Whether you are 16 or 66 it shouldn't be something we as a fan base praise

Exactly, the fake tickets and Liverpool fans bunking in didn't happen in large enough numbers to be the cause of the problems, that's solely down to horrific mismanagement by authorities. What the posts on Twitter etc of people selling fakes, stating they were going to try and bunk in do is let those same authorities set the narrative. They were woefully inefficient at the match but they are expert at getting their story out quick and you only have to see the number of people posting screenshots of a few people bragging they bunked in as evidence it was all Liverpool fan's fault to see it's effective.

Offline PaulKS

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Re: Champions League Final in Paris 28.5.2022
« Reply #3359 on: May 31, 2022, 10:01:29 am »
Encourage everyone to read this thread on Twitter, of an experience from a RM fan:

Very similar to what we experienced, and actually even looks worse at the turnstiles with all the "locals" climbing the gates

But there was no issues at the Madrid end was there...  ::)