I think that’s what it will take to get to the government target, they have to do what about another 11-12 million people in the next 31 days, plus they might be some slowdown on the weekends so will need to hit 500,000 most days to reach their target of about 14 million people by 14/02/21.
These government targets are arbitrary and fairly pointless to be honest.
We need to be told 3 daily (or somewhat regularly) figures:
1) how many doses are in the UK, in vials, waiting for regulatory checks
2) how many doses are ready for use and currently in storage
3) how many doses have been given
The success or failure of this vaccination program isn't really down to hitting a target number - it's making sure that there is no bottleneck in the above. That large amounts of vaccine isn't waiting for long at the regulatory stage and isn't sitting in storage when it's ready for use.
If the government keep the dose numbers moving from 1 to 3 above at a steady pace, it's successful. If they keep the flow of doses from 1 to 3 without very little time at any of those points, then all should be rightly applauded as it would be a level above successful. If there is a growing significant number of doses in the 1 and 2 category above that isn't filtering through to 3 then they've failed - regardless of if they've hit or missed any target they set.
Just my opinion anyway.