Author Topic: Us and them. The Exiles.  (Read 11587 times)

Offline parkingthebus

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Us and them. The Exiles.
« on: June 16, 2011, 05:34:57 pm »
Can any detractor of ours say honestly with a straight face that any ex-Liverpool player has upon leaving the club, gone onto greener pastures and played for superior footballing outfits? Now before you open your yapper, I know what you're going to say. You'll say Javier Mascherano, you'll say Steve McManaman, Michael Owen. You'll say Xabi Alonso, Ian Rush and Alvaro Arbeloa. You'll probably say Fernando Torres, Yossi Benayoun and Jerzy Dudek. Hell, you might even say our Steve wanted to go to Chelsea. The point I'm making is, if you ignore all those players you've listed, who quite frankly don't count for this exercise, then who can you say has upon leaving us has played for better sides? What's that, I can't hear anything, son? That settles it then. Nobody. Playing for Liverpool is the pinnacle of any mans career. Liverpool 1-0 Haters.

What's more remarkable is how the players yearn for this club, even after their transfer on. And my heart bleeds for them, it truly does. While they're laying on the sunny beaches in sunny Spain, rolling around in £150k of dough or whether they're playing against Europes finest in a Champions League final, they will always take time out of their busy schedule to say a few kind words about our terrific club. Words of how they dream of hearing "Liverpool, Liverpool. Liverpool, Liverpool. Liverpool, Liverpool. Liverpool, Liverpool." sweep around the cauldron of noise that is a half-full Anfield on a European night against a mighty Romanian outfit. Oh how they would love to return and get a piece of that action.

But they can't. What's in the past, stays there. There is no use in being overwhelmed by past glories, and living off memories of days gone by. Our ex-players, they need to be like us. They need to be strong and they need to move on. It isn't healthy. There is a saying at this club, I forget what it is, but I think it is something along the lines of "No man is bigger than Rafa." You see, even though the pro-ManU media might of painted the whole affair as disharmony at the club and a case of players falling out with the management, it wasn't like that at all. Royal Rafa, despite contrary popular opinion, was actually a very good man motivator. He spoke English, Spanish and more importantly the language of football. When he would say "Eeeh, Xabi.. Barree, vary good player, no?", Alonso knew that a superior footballing specimen was about to be brought in and it was about time he packed his bags. When our Rafa would speak to Mr. Ferguson about these "fahkts", Mr. Ferguson would know his ass had been royally handed to him. When Rafa spoke, everybody paid attention.

Rafa was a tactical genius, way ahead of his time. When Inter Milan won the Treble, they knew that there was only one man to take them to the next level. Step forward, Rafa Benitez. The task was formidable, he had to take a team of winners and win a trophy Mourinho felt un-attainable. The FIFA Club World Cup. Rafa beat the formidable and reknowned TP Mazembe in the final and Inter were crowned champions. But such success was not enough for those fickle Italians and they sacked our Rafa unjustly. Alas, such is modern day football. You can pour your heart and soul into a side, you can face derision for playing a holding midfield of Mascherano/Lucas against the likes of Stoke, but you can never satisfy the insatiable. The boardroom.

But friends, I end this entry on a happier note. Over the past few years we've come to realise that we can't "beat" ManU at their own game, we are unable to win trophies and challenge them. We live our lives through the expressed support of other teams who can challenge them -- the likes of Barcelona. Which is why I'm proud to announce, friends, I'm thinking about mailing Mr. Henry and running by him the idea of making Liverpool FC -THE- Official Barcelona supporters group. Why spend £17m on Aquailani, or £35m on Carroll, when we can funnel our transfer funds to them directly? Seeing as all our best players are heading to Spain, why not make it official that we're Barca/Real's feeder club and send our Kelly on a season long loan? It's a win-win situation. We can laugh at the Mancs when they lose to the best side of all time, and we get to become Barca's official sponsor. Anybody else interested in this exciting proposition?

The musings of an average RAWKite.

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2011, 05:35:38 pm »
Been all over the world but Anfield is still my home.

Offline Chakan

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2011, 05:35:55 pm »
Are you still here?

Offline Red James

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2011, 05:37:42 pm »
Very interesting

Offline JovaJova

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2011, 05:40:31 pm »
Going for the long term approach to Rawk membership I see
You said, I think I'm like Tennessee Williams, I wait for the click, I wait but it doesn't kick in

Offline Drippy Dick

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2011, 05:41:51 pm »
Fuck off and die ya thundercunting fucktron
I live my life for the stars that shine

Offline Red Genius

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2011, 05:43:31 pm »
Fuck off and die ya thundercunting fucktron

"I have been privileged and lucky to wear the legendary red shirt. No one can take it away from me. YNWA, I don't have to walk alone because Liverpool FC will always be in my heart."

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Offline Finn Solomon

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2011, 05:44:44 pm »
This lad is entertaining. If he's the best the Mancs can come up with I feel sorry for them, I really do. ;D
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Rafa made it so that you didn't give a shit which fucking ball emerged from Platini's jar.

Offline Ultimate Bromance

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2011, 05:45:14 pm »
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose.

Offline Mirra

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2011, 05:46:21 pm »
Fuck off and die ya thundercunting fucktron

If I ever meet you in a pub anytime let me know who you are mate so i can buy you a pint, fucking amazing response that :D
Mirra, 7777 wake up the thread needs you!

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2011, 06:06:31 pm »
the bus has been parked. In the bin. twat.

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2011, 06:08:58 pm »
Fuck off and die ya thundercunting fucktron

:lmao That is supreme

Offline El_Pistolero

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2011, 06:09:36 pm »
Fuck off and die ya thundercunting fucktron


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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2011, 06:12:25 pm »
What a sad acid filled fuck bucket.

Offline Golden_Child

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2011, 06:13:48 pm »
Fuck off and die ya thundercunting fucktron

You owe Dr Manhattan royalties for using his word, tut tut  :)

OP was clearly written by a 3rd old mentally challenged badger.

Offline danthemanlfc

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2011, 06:16:45 pm »
And I bet you were one of those many United fans "who backed us cos we were the English team" back in 05 and 07?

I salute you good sir, a piece of literary genius...

Now go back and resume sucking on Dementos shriveled purple cucumber on RedCafe

Fuck off and die ya thundercunting fucktron

Offline Gobias Industries

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2011, 06:27:33 pm »
This is fantastic :lmao

This twit is probably Redcafe's answer to L6 Red :lmao

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2011, 06:28:57 pm »

Offline Juan Loco

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2011, 06:31:14 pm »
Top redmen know this  :scarf
"It's the football philosophy that counts, not the system."

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2011, 06:35:26 pm »
I thought it was funny!...until the last paragraph really, that was shite.

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2011, 06:40:59 pm »

Offline medley

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2011, 06:42:05 pm »
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 06:43:44 pm by medley »
My mate is Sarah Harding's cousin from girls aloud, he looks a fair but like her which is a bit weird when i'm cracking one off over MTV like

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2011, 06:42:19 pm »
Redcafé's answer to Baldrick.

Offline Broken Accidental Stars

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2011, 06:42:48 pm »
"Inspirational quote on perseverance, unfinished business, and fighting the good fight."
- Gérard Houllier

The ship has been steadied, le retour du Roi est bientôt arrivé.
Hic iacet Gérard Houllier, rex quondam, rexque futurus.

Offline Chakan

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2011, 06:43:55 pm »
I wonder if he goes back to redcafe and tries to get a virtual high five from everyone?

Offline 1892tillforever

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2011, 06:44:24 pm »
Why is this Manc allowed to keep posting? He has all the satirical wit of Piers Moron. Piss off Manc :wanker

Offline 1892tillforever

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2011, 06:45:57 pm »
Hey I didn't know RAWK autocorrects Piers Mo  rg  an into Moron  :D

Offline Redman0151

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2011, 06:53:37 pm »
 What a sad obsessed bastard! Actually went out of his way to photoshop a picture for the thread too!
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Offline Broken Accidental Stars

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #29 on: June 16, 2011, 06:56:35 pm »
Welcome back to RAWK BigSpruceyGob. By the way this guy's not from Redcafe, he's most likely magic_cantona from Utd Forum, which is full of much bigger c*nts. Redcafe has RAWK Goes Into Meltdown, pretty much just a harmless piss-take. Utd Forum has tons of Hillsborough jokes/"Steve Cohen and the S*n were right" threads, which this piece of work (if it is who I suspect it is) regularly posts in.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 08:03:30 pm by Broken Accidental Stars »
"Inspirational quote on perseverance, unfinished business, and fighting the good fight."
- Gérard Houllier

The ship has been steadied, le retour du Roi est bientôt arrivé.
Hic iacet Gérard Houllier, rex quondam, rexque futurus.

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2011, 07:01:17 pm »
If their obsession wasn't so hilarious, i think i'd feel sorry for them.

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2011, 07:05:45 pm »
Redcafé's answer to Baldrick.

Really. Who the fuck is Baldrick? ;)
Would sacrifice Fordy in a sacred Mayan ritual to have him (Jurgen Klopp) as the next Liverpool manager

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2011, 07:08:43 pm »
Thought that was quite funny myself, must be in the minority.
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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2011, 07:09:58 pm »
Ban him before my head explodes

Offline thegoodfella

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2011, 07:10:36 pm »
How many 'us and them' threads have he started? 3 I think.

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2011, 07:16:57 pm »

Offline xavidub

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #36 on: June 16, 2011, 07:23:55 pm »
Some decent reds have been banned from this site and still this shit is allowed to continue...
You have to try very hard to see what's going on in front of your face

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2011, 07:27:18 pm »
Can any detractor of ours say honestly with a straight face that any ex-Liverpool player has upon leaving the club, gone onto greener pastures and played for superior footballing outfits? Now before you open your yapper, I know what you're going to say. You'll say Javier Mascherano, you'll say Steve McManaman, Michael Owen. You'll say Xabi Alonso, Ian Rush and Alvaro Arbeloa. You'll probably say Fernando Torres, Yossi Benayoun and Jerzy Dudek. Hell, you might even say our Steve wanted to go to Chelsea. The point I'm making is, if you ignore all those players you've listed, who quite frankly don't count for this exercise, then who can you say has upon leaving us has played for better sides? What's that, I can't hear anything, son? That settles it then. Nobody. Playing for Liverpool is the pinnacle of any mans career. Liverpool 1-0 Haters.

What's more remarkable is how the players yearn for this club, even after their transfer on. And my heart bleeds for them, it truly does. While they're laying on the sunny beaches in sunny Spain, rolling around in £150k of dough or whether they're playing against Europes finest in a Champions League final, they will always take time out of their busy schedule to say a few kind words about our terrific club. Words of how they dream of hearing "Liverpool, Liverpool. Liverpool, Liverpool. Liverpool, Liverpool. Liverpool, Liverpool." sweep around the cauldron of noise that is a half-full Anfield on a European night against a mighty Romanian outfit. Oh how they would love to return and get a piece of that action.

But they can't. What's in the past, stays there. There is no use in being overwhelmed by past glories, and living off memories of days gone by. Our ex-players, they need to be like us. They need to be strong and they need to move on. It isn't healthy. There is a saying at this club, I forget what it is, but I think it is something along the lines of "No man is bigger than Rafa." You see, even though the pro-ManU media might of painted the whole affair as disharmony at the club and a case of players falling out with the management, it wasn't like that at all. Royal Rafa, despite contrary popular opinion, was actually a very good man motivator. He spoke English, Spanish and more importantly the language of football. When he would say "Eeeh, Xabi.. Barree, vary good player, no?", Alonso knew that a superior footballing specimen was about to be brought in and it was about time he packed his bags. When our Rafa would speak to Mr. Ferguson about these "fahkts", Mr. Ferguson would know his ass had been royally handed to him. When Rafa spoke, everybody paid attention.

Rafa was a tactical genius, way ahead of his time. When Inter Milan won the Treble, they knew that there was only one man to take them to the next level. Step forward, Rafa Benitez. The task was formidable, he had to take a team of winners and win a trophy Mourinho felt un-attainable. The FIFA Club World Cup. Rafa beat the formidable and reknowned TP Mazembe in the final and Inter were crowned champions. But such success was not enough for those fickle Italians and they sacked our Rafa unjustly. Alas, such is modern day football. You can pour your heart and soul into a side, you can face derision for playing a holding midfield of Mascherano/Lucas against the likes of Stoke, but you can never satisfy the insatiable. The boardroom.

But friends, I end this entry on a happier note. Over the past few years we've come to realise that we can't "beat" ManU at their own game, we are unable to win trophies and challenge them. We live our lives through the expressed support of other teams who can challenge them -- the likes of Barcelona. Which is why I'm proud to announce, friends, I'm thinking about mailing Mr. Henry and running by him the idea of making Liverpool FC -THE- Official Barcelona supporters group. Why spend £17m on Aquailani, or £35m on Carroll, when we can funnel our transfer funds to them directly? Seeing as all our best players are heading to Spain, why not make it official that we're Barca/Real's feeder club and send our Kelly on a season long loan? It's a win-win situation. We can laugh at the Mancs when they lose to the best side of all time, and we get to become Barca's official sponsor. Anybody else interested in this exciting proposition?


I bet you struggle to attract attention from the opposite sex?

"Parkingthebus" because there's fuck all of our homecoming to drive it through!

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2011, 07:31:34 pm »
I bet you struggle to attract attention from the opposite sex?

"Parkingthebus" because there's fuck all of our homecoming to drive it through!

You've clearly overlooked his sister.

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Re: Us and them. The Exiles.
« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2011, 07:56:52 pm »
Some decent reds have been banned from this site and still this shit is allowed to continue...

the bus has been parked. In the bin. twat.

Um......the thread was originally locked, presumably in order to carry out the action that has been taken, and then unlocked for some good old-fashioned, ritual humiliation. You might want to consider that. People aren't banned from here on a whim you know, they're banned for a reason.