I see where you are coming from Billy and i totally understand your viewpoint. What i dont get is why, just one small little person like me or Andy etc , can buck the stats you use and maybe have a happier relationship with drinking. There is no certainty in all this. Total abstinence is your thing, that works for you and thats great. No matter what i say you will just keep saying we will crash and burn in a pit of fire of our own making.
Its not all about alcohol, its all the little things that made you turn to alcohol. The things i am working hard on so that i can in turn work on other aspects of my life. Ive said it before in here that i have to be happy with myself to start on other areas of my life.
Thing is, if i was abstinent , there would be a queue of people waiting for me to do a barrel roll off the wagon and jump in a fire. That day MAY never come but it MAY do. Damned if i do, damned if i dont. Always one drink away from a fuck up, tee-total or not. You can talk about what it does to peoples lives and ive seen it also so i know, i also know that i tread a very fine line, but its just as fine as an abstinent one. Just my opinion and you can drop every stat onto the page to ' prove ' me wrong but i am determined to try.
Im not destined to failure mate , i am in charge of my destiny and ive come to realise that im not the person i was, im still a twat but im a happy twat that is trying to lead a more ' normal ' exsistence with alcohol.
There is nothing to say i will succeed, there is also nothing to say i wont, and stats mean nothing. I am the stat that matters , my stats are what are important to my struggles. No one elses.