Cheers, I will work on seducing a woman and then marry her and sacrifice to the Draftilluminati.
There is definitely some stereotyping and group think that goes on in these drafts but its nothing malicious. Its just people using it to gain an advantage. For example, you hear "Player X never played in Y position before" or "I have never heard of player Y before so he must be shit".
I admit after doing some reading on him the Bonneti pick by Samie and Prof was quite good. He was very well regarded in his time and was a true midfield general. But it was convenient for some to mock it to discredit their team. Guillit at CB was still madness though.
I'm not saying group think is purposeful, malicious or targeted at all.
What I am saying about this residue of group think builds up over time like artery plaque, and the question becomes is this a useful way to spend my time (funny people aside)?
Have loved the new ideas by draft creators - with some wonderful ideas (drafting clubs, teams, numbers like a lottery or player caps) --- but somewhere between the beginning of the draft and the end of voting -- something happens causing tiny strokes of reminders - wasted time.
I love that Prof believes Gullit could play CB for him --- reminds me of Milner playing left back for many supporters who were bitching about that....
The truth is very few people know, understand, and are successful with squad construction. This group should be looking for the best in each other rather than take advantage of opportunity to get theirs... something I learned in one of my first drafts with Viva....