Spider-Man 2 - brilliant. Story is great so far but I’m also enjoying a lot of the side missions. General quality is superb and the load times are crazy as you zip around NYC.
Venba - finished it in one sitting, via Gamepass, this afternoon. Very relaxing but a lovely story and the simple mechanics that have you preparing various Indian dishes, playing as an Indian who has moved to Canada, are great fun. Recommend for how well it portrays how people moving to a foreign country must feel. I can’t relate directly but thought it was really well done.
Jusant - an hour or so into this climbing focussed game which looks simple and has one of those brilliant game loops where it’s generally simple but has layers of complexity that build as you go. Also on Gamepass and would recommend if you’ve got it.
Over Christmas I’m hoping to finish Spider-Man and get stuck into Dave the Diver and Cyberpunk!