they'll either repeal the voter ID bill or at least widen what can be used as ID. I mean the ability not to be able to use a Young Person's Railcard but you can use a Senior citizens one is discriminatory for starters.
Can you imagine the outcry if it was the other way around
I think it would be a massive mistake to put in anything about voter ID etc in the Manifesto, the Torys are already trying to scare voters over Labour having a supermajority, how they will rig the system to stay in power and Labour voluntary give them ammo like this. we all know the purpose of voter ID, Frottage argued for it after Trump argued election fraud but this is not about getting into arguments that have big downsides with little gain. lets face it if your not outraged by voter ID already then your not seeing it as a threat. these people may well swallow the Torys scares of a Labour having the power to rig elections with a supermajority.
Same with workers rights, Labour are saying they will outlaw zero hour contracts, fire and rehire etc but why make it a election issue, fire and rehire arguments from some employees will bring attack of companys not taking chances to offer people jobs, Labour changed their views on zero hour contracts after speaking to people on these contracts and this could cast doubt in some voters minds.
Same with Nationalisation, Energy and rail are on the cards but why argue for anything else right now if they aren't in a position to defend all the many questions this will bring only to be called liars when they don't deliver.
Labour don't need to turn these issues into policys going into a election, they can just pass these into law when they have a majority in power, doubt if many will even notice the change to workers rights when Labour are in power but they will notice it if Labour make it a election issue. all the other hopes on Nationalisation can be made when Labour are in power in sensible debates rather than the shit election farce debates. change voter ID without any fanfare, hardly anyone will notice.
I have my doubts on Starmer and am sure they will become apparent when he goes from being the opposition leader on the attack to the PM in power having to defend himself but ive no doubts when it comes to his tactics. I don't think these tactics have just come to him since he became leader either, he's probably spent years frustrated at watching Labour make unnecessary mistakes.