Author Topic: I saw a ghost tonight.  (Read 122467 times)

Offline jooneyisdagod

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #480 on: March 28, 2012, 02:32:43 pm »
Surrounded by fools....


You probably deserve some sort of a prize for rationality !
Quote from: Dion Fanning

The chants for Kenny Dalglish that were heard again on Wednesday do not necessarily mean that the fans see him as the saviour. This is not Newcastle, longing for the return of Kevin Keegan. Simply, Dalglish represents everything Hodgson is not and, in fairness, everything Hodgson could or would not hope to be.

Offline jooneyisdagod

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #481 on: March 28, 2012, 02:44:04 pm »
My Ma told me a story when her uncle got married.

In India , many yrs back. Dads bro got married and when his wife come into the house she got possessed by my ma's grandad. My Ma saw a women speak in a mans voice, her grandads voice because respect wasn't shown to him. I believe her 100%

Heard many possession stories from India. Nothing we ever contemplate over her in the uk.

I went to dads village yrs back. Not a ghost story but something that the west would dismiss. I've seen something which sucks snake poison out of people and saves lives and no one in the world has documented this thing. It's older than my dad and he's 70 yrs old. He's seen people saved by this thing and when I see it 10 yrs back it looked like a stone. Exactly the same as it did when I went 10 yrs previous to that.

Seen ''possessions'' quite a few times.  They stay burping a lot and speaking in a different voice and demand stuff sometimes.  One of my aunties is prone to these ''possessions'' actually.  The last time I saw it happen must have been 5-6 years ago when another auntie of mine had purchased a new house and there was a house warming event.  The aunt that is prone to possessions was apparently possessed by my late grandma who complained that her kids have forgotten her and demanded that offerings be made to our family temple on her behalf every time there was an important occasion in the family.  Now I'm very skeptical and I don't think it was a ghost that possessed her but all the same I don't think my aunt was faking it.  Very weird these things.  Got very scared as a child when I witnessed ''possession'' for the first time.  It was a random lady who was apparently possessed by a goddess herself and her eyes were bulging and her tongue was half out her mouth and she seemed furious for some reason.  Then she fell unconscious and woke up and was extremely sheepish and didn't remember a thing !
Quote from: Dion Fanning

The chants for Kenny Dalglish that were heard again on Wednesday do not necessarily mean that the fans see him as the saviour. This is not Newcastle, longing for the return of Kevin Keegan. Simply, Dalglish represents everything Hodgson is not and, in fairness, everything Hodgson could or would not hope to be.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #482 on: March 28, 2012, 02:51:29 pm »
When doing ouiji boards as a youngster I was the c*nt moving the thing around.
In a thread we so much uncertainty, I know this to be true ;)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 03:00:18 pm by zero zero »

Offline Beav

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #483 on: March 28, 2012, 02:56:45 pm »
With all the advancements in diagnosing and understanding mental disorders, I'm amazed that "possessions" are something people still believe in seriously.

Ah. Another Manchester United fan crashes out from the woodwork like a bemused koala that has taken three hits of crystal meth.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #484 on: March 28, 2012, 03:13:55 pm »
With all the advancements in diagnosing and understanding mental disorders, I'm amazed that "possessions" are something people still believe in seriously.

Yes, claimed possessions by spirits or whatever seem to me to be variation of Narcissistic personality disorder, just an attention seeking behaviour to gain positive reinforcement.
It seems to be more likely about the 'look at me' and the 'I'm special'.

I don't do polite so fuck yoursalf with your stupid accusations...

Right you fuckwit I will show you why you are talking out of your fat arse...

Mutton Geoff (Obviously a real nice guy)

Offline Brian Blessed

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #485 on: March 28, 2012, 03:33:22 pm »
And a good excuse to tell people what you really think of them.
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #486 on: March 28, 2012, 04:52:12 pm »
Or a combination of that and some kind of epileptic seizure.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #487 on: March 28, 2012, 05:05:44 pm »
A lot of scientists are buying into the idea of multi-universes/dimensions. Ours is one of an infinite number of realities and occasionally these cross over and merge. What we believe to be ghosts are actually brief glimpses into these other realities. Also, when we read historic texts of visions of angels and demons we are just reading the accounts of people who have eaten shrooms.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #488 on: March 28, 2012, 05:13:59 pm »
How do we explain the women talking in the voice of men in a language they don't actually speak?
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Offline Beav

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #489 on: March 28, 2012, 06:21:50 pm »
A lot of scientists are buying into the idea of multi-universes/dimensions. Ours is one of an infinite number of realities and occasionally these cross over and merge. What we believe to be ghosts are actually brief glimpses into these other realities. Also, when we read historic texts of visions of angels and demons we are just reading the accounts of people who have eaten shrooms.


Ah. Another Manchester United fan crashes out from the woodwork like a bemused koala that has taken three hits of crystal meth.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #490 on: March 28, 2012, 06:21:54 pm »
Although I havent seen a ghost as such, I can recall a particularly unusual event a few years back. Are we sitting comfortably, then I shall begin;  :)

My mum has insisted our family home in Huyton is haunted. She, and at least two other people have claimed to have seen the ghost of a little girl over a period of say 20 years. Needless to say I didnt take much notice whatsover, but short of laughing out loud I just nodded and went, "oh right" everytime the subject is brought up.

A few years ago my cousin owned a dog - a beautiful white English Bull Terrier called Ellie. My Cousin treated this dog like a child, it dined on better food than me, was overweight, bone-idle, it had a liking for biscuits and most of all, it hardly ever, ever barked. It would often just lie on the floor farting or sleeping.
Now my cousin and the dog were frequent visitors to our house and previously the dog had shown no unusual actions or anything ontoward.

One particular evening a few years ago I had come home from work to find my cousin and the dog in attendance, after an hour or so my cousin and my mum both disappear out for an hour, and ask me to keep an eye on the dog. Not a problem and soon enough I was lying back on the couch watching the box with the mutt lying on the floor beside me.
Then for no good reason the dog jumps up and turns its head towards a corner of the living room and stares. Its heckles go up and it begins growling, all the time staring intently into the corner of our living room. There was no window in the corner, no door, nothing whatsover.
The dog begins barking and growling, looking into the same corner, the hairs on its back on end. I'll be honest, I was starting to shit myself a bit and was shouting at the dog, "sit down, get over here, SIT!" the bloody thing ignores me and will not stop staring into the corner.

At this point its 8pm on a weeknight, its dark outside and there is nobody else in the house, but for some reason I was geniunely scared/apprehensive. So much so I put its dog lead on and thought it a good a time as any to walk down the chippy and get my supper!

The dog had never acted like that before or since, it has now sadly died, but they do say that dogs, cats and children are more prone to seeing things like that than adults.

Some people I told laughed in my face, others were intrigued. I am not saying I experienced a ghostly encounter, but whatever wasnt good for me old ticker!
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Offline macca888

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #491 on: March 28, 2012, 06:30:42 pm »
Yes, claimed possessions by spirits or whatever seem to me to be variation of Narcissistic personality disorder, just an attention seeking behaviour to gain positive reinforcement.
It seems to be more likely about the 'look at me' and the 'I'm special'.

Or epilepsy Gulley. But most probably demonic possession, you philistine!  ;)
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Offline macca888

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #492 on: March 28, 2012, 06:31:57 pm »
How do we explain the women talking in the voice of men in a language they don't actually speak?

40 Woodbines and a bottle of Jack Daniels my good man.  :wave
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #493 on: March 28, 2012, 07:30:24 pm »
How do we explain the women talking in the voice of men in a language they don't actually speak?

We don't have to, as they can't and don't.

People lie about it, and exaggerate, and there's also a probably fair dose of wishful thinking if not outright fraud sometimes involved too.

Think about it. If this was indeed true, that someone with absolutely no prior knowledge of a foreign language could suddenly be fluent and jabbering in it, why is it that the worlds brain scientists and linguists aren't seriously investigating it?

Imagine it, no need to learn foreign languages before going abroad, just have a bit of benign possession instead. No need for those language courses ever again...

Perhaps we could even move on from instant languages and find the devil of particle physics or advanced maths to get possessed by. Move over Mr Hawking.

So no, sorry, but I never believe any of those sort of stories. They are all and without exception fanciful bollocks by either self deluded fools or shucksters and aimed at suckers or the media for either fame and prestige or a quick buck.

I don't do polite so fuck yoursalf with your stupid accusations...

Right you fuckwit I will show you why you are talking out of your fat arse...

Mutton Geoff (Obviously a real nice guy)

Offline Beav

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #494 on: March 28, 2012, 07:51:12 pm »
How do we explain the women talking in the voice of men in a language they don't actually speak?

They dont, they were either speaking a jumble of words that they heard in another language, bits they have previously learnt or something that sounds like another language. For example, they can "forget" their native language because of damage to the brain, but have a section of the brain that remembered words of a foreign language thats intact. When the brain cannot access the area it usually does, it borrows from the other section, leading to them speaking effectively a foreign language.

Ive learnt bits of french and spanish and couldnt put a sentence together right now if you held a gun to my head, but im sure if i was in the same sort of accident as others have been, id probably be able to speak quite well. Your brain stores things you dont even realize you still remember, it just needs you (or itself under special circumstances) to remember the pathway to it so to speak.

Ah. Another Manchester United fan crashes out from the woodwork like a bemused koala that has taken three hits of crystal meth.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #495 on: March 28, 2012, 08:17:14 pm »
Ive learnt bits of french and spanish and couldnt put a sentence together right now if you held a gun to my head, but im sure if i was in the same sort of accident as others have been, id probably be able to speak quite well.

Sorry, but what the fuck?
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Offline Brian Blessed

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #496 on: March 28, 2012, 08:27:46 pm »
Sorry, but what the fuck?
Parlez vous francais?
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #497 on: March 28, 2012, 08:32:30 pm »
Sorry, but what the fuck?

I didnt explain myself very well. The stuff i learnt is still in there, but i cant access it. Sometimes, like in the situation i mentioned, the brain recalls it because the original place where your speech is stored has been damaged. It basically digs out all those bits of french you picked up through school and uses it because where it used to take words from is broken.

If my brain had to basically find a new way to speak for me, it would bring back all those bits of french so I could talk.

Ah. Another Manchester United fan crashes out from the woodwork like a bemused koala that has taken three hits of crystal meth.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #498 on: March 28, 2012, 08:39:58 pm »
What I will say is your brain is more powerful and amazing than you realize. It will distort and fuck around with you if you believe in these things.

All sorts of things can make you think you saw something, heard something, felt a chill, a sudden feeling of terror. Humans naturally see faces in things, we find patterns, hear sounds and things where there is nothing there. At night, in an old house or a strange place, with moonlight and noises through the heating system, wood expanding and contracting, wind whistling its no wonder people put that all together and "see" something they put down to ghosts.

You also have to remember that your brain often remembers things wrong. You don't do it on purpose, but it does. You can be convinced that you saw an old lady, but you might have seen a ray of light that under a spooky moment your mind cobbled into a ghostly figure. We've all had moments where you think there's a person there until you look again and realize its just how the light fell on a curtain or wardrobe.

There is no evidence to suggest they exist. None. I've got friends who have had bizarre experiences and I agree they are odd, but they are often easily explainable. Sorry, I just have no belief in them because there is nothing there to say they exist and the anecdotal evidence is flimsy and something you can't use to judge whether they are real.

Having seen the stuff that Derren Brown does, its easy it is to fuck with the mind and a lot of stuff can be explained.

What I do find weird is stuff like I posted on the first page (8 years ago  :o) about my (now ex) girlfriend seeing the ghost where I used to live. Although my brother had briefly mentioned it to me years after he moved out,I'd never ever mentioned it to her and she brought it up one night while we were watching Most Haunted. I got her to describe exactly how the ghost looked (middle aged woman, hair tied back, etc) and then text out kid. His description was identical.

I asked my stepdad had he ever seen anything (he'd lived in the house simce he was born in 1941 and he said no). I brought it up with him again after some strange shit happened in the house the day of my Mums funeral and he said he'd never seen a ghost. He then told me when he was a kid, his parents had taken in lodgers (he'd never mentioned this before), a middle aged couple and that the woman had died in that room.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #499 on: March 28, 2012, 08:46:10 pm »
Don't really believe in ghosts or anything like that but a few years ago I had a weird experience which scared the bejaysus out of me.

Alright here we go, my granny used to stay in my house 3 times or so a year back when she was still with us - not scheduled or anything, just medical reasons, Christmas, etc. Anyway, she used to stay in my room while I had to sleep in the attic, which is a kip full of old shit and is really cramped with one ancient bed. Starting about 2005 she used to claim of some mysterious woman coming to visit her during the night and she'd often make excuses not to go to bed or I'd be heading up myself around 11 and find her standing outside her room for no reason.

You know when a relative gets old, you dismiss all the missed birthdays and the forgetfulness and just try and give them the best quality of life they can have. So we ignored her stories and would laugh over dinner about it but she never saw the funny side and always insisted on the truthfulness of her experiences.

And i didn't believe it either until one night when she was over i woke up around 2am and found the door leading out to the small attic landing hanging wide open. My cat of the time used to go round headbutting doors for no reason and he was sitting on the bed so i thought it was him and got up to go and close the door but suddenly had this urge to take a piss. So I headed down the stairs with my eyes half shut. Got to the bottom of the stairs and I still remember looking over at the toilet door and seeing this woman standing there with her arms like spread-eagled like she didn't want me to get in. She was sheet-white and looked like your stereotypical ghost woman with her white gown and jet black hair and fuck ugly face. Rubbed my eyes because I thought I was seeing it wrong and she was still there just clearer. She like slightly raised her head and I absolutely shit my pants and legged it up the stairs ... And the door was closed shut (dun dun DUN!!). haha it sounds like a shite horror film but the door had somehow shut in the 15 or so seconds i spent away from it and let me tell you I was absolutely fucking bricking it. I yelled but no one came so I just opened the door and sat upright in me bed with the bedside light on until I had to go to school. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs every now and then and by the morn me nails were stubs.

Looking back the door closing could have probably been explained and the footsteps were defo my own imagination as the stairs aren't even creaky, but still don't know what the 'ghost' was. Was probably in my imagination cos my cat was still sleeping on his fat arse farting away to himself while his all happened and cats are supposed to be sensitive to this stuff haha.

Never had an experience like that since though and shortly after my granny died so I couldn't really talk fully to her about it. I guess I'll never know

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #500 on: March 28, 2012, 08:47:56 pm »
I didnt explain myself very well. The stuff i learnt is still in there, but i cant access it. Sometimes, like in the situation i mentioned, the brain recalls it because the original place where your speech is stored has been damaged. It basically digs out all those bits of french you picked up through school and uses it because where it used to take words from is broken.

If my brain had to basically find a new way to speak for me, it would bring back all those bits of french so I could talk.

ce n'est sûrement beaucoup de dogturd?
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #501 on: March 28, 2012, 08:48:48 pm »
Parlez vous francais?

Au contraire: M. Brian Blessed - Gordon vivant!
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #502 on: March 28, 2012, 09:01:41 pm »
The thing for me is those who are adamant ghosts exist, is that it asks more questions than it answers.

Say they exist.

Why do they turn up in dodgy houses at night or dusk, usually in a room with just a single person in, usually do nothing, usually wearing wispy clothing, then disappear.

Why not in a lab, or at a nobel ceremony, or in the middle of the LHC just to fuck around? Why dont they turn up in jeans or a bikini? Why dont pets come back as ghosts? Why doesnt everyone come back as ghosts? Do they live forever as ghosts? Why dont they fall through the floor if they can move through walls? Why dont they say "Hey Geoff, im on the other side, weve got hoverboards like in Back To The Future"? What are they made of? Why are they black and white? Why dont they come and answer all these questions to me right now?

People who believe in ghosts will "see" them far more than those who flat out say its bullshit. Some will see a spooky event they cant explain in the moment and probably call themselves unsure but on the whole if you are open or believe in them you will have these experiences more than someone who doesnt.

Also, @Rob: ghosts are usually middle to elderly women, with either dark or light hair, its not surprising your ex saw the "same" person due to probability, id put it down to coincidence.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #503 on: March 28, 2012, 09:03:58 pm »
Au contraire: M. Brian Blessed - Gordon vivant!

Quick, someone get me a young priest and an old priest.
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #504 on: March 28, 2012, 09:05:26 pm »
ce n'est sûrement beaucoup de dogturd?

this n' is surely much of dogturd?

Haha, no mate its a real thing. Hold on.

After 24 hours in a coma, a Croatian girl woke up speaking only German, according to reports that spread across the Internet last week. The 13-year-old had been studying German in school and watching German television shows on her own, according to various versions of the story, but she was not fluent until after the incident. Meanwhile, she lost the ability to speak her native language.

Discovery News did not confirm the report with the girl's doctors or parents, but experts say the story is plausible -- to some extent.

In a condition called bilingual aphasia, people often lose one of their two languages because different parts of the brain are involved in remembering each one, explained Michel Paradis, a neurolinguist at McGill University in Montreal.

Even if a brain injury affected the Croatian teenager's memory of her native language, the brain areas that were learning German could have remained untouched.

"This has been observed thousands of times," Paradis said. "It's not surprising at all. I'd like to know all the facts, but it's quite possible that after a coma, you'd have problems which might be located in such a way in the brain that they affect one language but not another."

What can't be true, though, is the claim that the coma gave the girl fluency that she didn't have before.

"I looked on the web and saw comments that she recovered perfect German," Paradis said. "This cannot be the case. If she recovered German to the point that she could communicate well, that's fine. That's the kind of thing you would expect."

Bilingual aphasia is possible because different types of memory are involved in learning first and second languages. As toddlers start to talk, their brains treat language like walking, jumping or any other motor skill. Those abilities belong to a realm called procedural memory; we do them without consciously thinking about them.

When an adult or older child learns a new language, on the other hand, something called declarative memory takes charge. As if the language were history, geography or math, the brain learns rules and memorizes facts. After years or decades of developing fluency, some of that knowledge gets transferred into the subconscious procedural memory. However, declarative, or conscious, memory will always hang on to it in some way. (Children who grow up multilingual can store more than one language within the subconscious memory system.)

Multiple areas of the brain intersect to encode both types of memory, but the two systems are generally distinct from each other. That makes it possible for a localized lesion, tumor or traumatic injury to wipe out one language but not another.

Paradis suspects that the Croatian teenager suffered from edema, or swelling, that interfered with her ability to speak Croatian but not German. In cases like hers, he said, the native language usually returns when swelling goes down after a few weeks or months.

Whether true or not, the case points out how much scientists still don't know about language and the brain.

"The bilingual neuroimaging literature is quite messy, and we're really only beginning to understand how the brain is capable of sustaining multiple languages," said Matt Leonard, a doctoral student in cognitive science at the University of California, San Diego.

Along with neuroscientist Eric Halgren and colleagues, his group is using new, magnetic field-based technology to zero in -- in more detail than ever -- on which parts of the brain process language and in what order.

"Second-language learning is a controversial field," Halgren added, with ongoing debate about which brain areas are involved. "The amount we don't know is far greater than the amount we know. That is going to be true for a long time."

Ah. Another Manchester United fan crashes out from the woodwork like a bemused koala that has taken three hits of crystal meth.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #505 on: March 28, 2012, 09:35:06 pm »
this n' is surely much of dogturd?

Haha, no mate its a real thing. Hold on.

That's fuck all. After a priest put a gold ring on Mrs Macca's finger, she went overnight from speaking only the language of love to being fluent in talking absolute shite.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #506 on: March 28, 2012, 10:59:50 pm »
That's fuck all. After a priest put a gold ring on Mrs Macca's finger, she went overnight from speaking only the language of love to being fluent in talking absolute shite.
she picked it up subconsciously from you.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #507 on: March 28, 2012, 11:04:33 pm »
Quick, someone get me a young priest and an old priest.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #508 on: March 29, 2012, 08:45:33 am »
cheers dudes, gully loves killing these conspiracies :D
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #509 on: March 29, 2012, 09:08:54 am »
usually in a room with just a single person in

Can't answer the rest but here's one for you which I think I've already posted in here before.

There was me and 4 mates (3 girls and a lad, different to those who'd done the Ouija board a few years after) who all went to Formby Beach a few years back, on the way home, was still quite light and we'd got lost because my mate decided to go a different way, we turned down a narrow country road, only an old farm in sight with bordered up windows, half of it old and missing ect, no one could have lived there.

Anyway, as we get onto the road, we all see this kid, dressed in old clothes, clear as day, never saw his face but was on one of those old toy scooters that you used to get made out of a wooden box with a piece of wood for something to stand on and old wheels. We thought nothing of it when we saw him and we all said to my mate to watch out for the kid whilst he was turning the car.

So he pulls into the farm yard, turns around and here's the weird part. When we got back onto the road, the kid had completely gone, no sign of him, no one else had come onto the farm as we were all looking around making sure it was ok for the car to turn around ect and there was no were else this kid could have gone as it was high hedges on each side of the road. The farm was all that was there yet the kid had completely disappeared.

Still spooks me out to this day because we all saw him, we all told my mate to watch out for him when reversing the car and yet when the car was turned, he was gone with no where to go.

I think I'm the one that's haunted! Two ghostly experiences now when I've been around mates, however I'm not the only one that's seen them.

As for the scientific argument, I hate it to be honest, there will be something out there that hasn't been proven with Science yet we know exists, however, I can't be bothered looking to be perfectly honest! ;D

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #510 on: March 29, 2012, 10:11:02 am »
As for the scientific argument, I hate it to be honest, there will be something out there that hasn't been proven with Science yet we know exists, however, I can't be bothered looking to be perfectly honest! ;D

Yeah, but it will be things like dark matter and subatomic particles that we cant generate the power to discover yet. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Something that can take the form of a deceased human, move, talk, disappear into thin air is beyond extraordinary. There is no evidence for it. I personally love the scientific argument because it has brought us out from the world of alchemy and astrology and fire gods into a world we can grasp and understand.

Are there things we cant yet explain? Yes, there are an absolute shit load of things we cant yet explain, but that doesnt mean that people can fill in the gaps with supernatural mumbo jumbo. The problem with the anecdotal evidence and stories like yours is while spooky and unusual, they cannot be objectively analysed, there may be a perfectly logical explanation that someone who could look at it in detail would spot. Im not trying to knock you or anything, but stories are not evidence for anything, just like peoples out of body experiences do not prove "souls", or that talking to jesus doesnt prove a God. They are interesting stories, but thats all they are.

There is no evidence that ghosts exist, and until there is we have to say they dont exist, otherwise the door is open to literally everything. Imps, faries, dragons, the Loch Ness monster, unicorns, a three headed dog, I'm sorry I seem to have lost the ability to think for myself etc etc.

Ah. Another Manchester United fan crashes out from the woodwork like a bemused koala that has taken three hits of crystal meth.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #511 on: March 29, 2012, 11:20:38 pm »
A lot of scientists are buying into the idea of multi-universes/dimensions. Ours is one of an infinite number of realities and occasionally these cross over and merge. What we believe to be ghosts are actually brief glimpses into these other realities.

Err, no they aren't
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #512 on: March 29, 2012, 11:22:36 pm »
Err, no they aren't
Ahhhhhh, but you don't know that

( thats always the response when someone posts a perfectly reasonable supposition based on the available science, so I thought I'd get in first :))
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #513 on: March 29, 2012, 11:29:04 pm »
Err, no they aren't
Oh yes they are, just not the ones in our universe.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #514 on: March 29, 2012, 11:38:56 pm »
Err, no they aren't
Either he is in another dimension or you've been whoosed for the 2nd time this year Alan :)

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #515 on: March 30, 2012, 12:25:35 am »
Beav is winning this thread.

I'd go further than him though. Not only do ghosts not exist, they can't exist.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #516 on: March 30, 2012, 12:28:20 am »
These Ouija boards.

People manufacture these, so do spirits say "Oh look, Pat, another one has been manufactured, go take care of business?"

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #517 on: March 30, 2012, 12:22:31 pm »
Err, no they aren't

Yes they are. Haven´t you seen Fringe?
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #518 on: March 30, 2012, 01:32:17 pm »
Ahhhhhh, but you don't know that

( thats always the response when someone posts a perfectly reasonable supposition based on the available science, so I thought I'd get in first :))

I do know that while there may be other universes, the science shows that it would not be possible to contact them. There was a good discussion on the Skeptics Guide to the Universe a while back, discussing just this issue. So if you someone's going to quote science to prove that there are multiple universes they have to go with the science that says they can't be contacted.

They should really also go with the science that says ghosts are a load of old bollocks.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #519 on: March 30, 2012, 01:35:54 pm »
These Ouija boards.

People manufacture these, so do spirits say "Oh look, Pat, another one has been manufactured, go take care of business?"

Also makes you wonder what the ghosts did before 1891 when the Ouija board was invented.
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
Give a man a mask and he will tell the truth, Give a man a user name and he will act like a total twat.
Its all about winning shiny things.