Author Topic: I saw a ghost tonight.  (Read 122462 times)

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #320 on: July 16, 2011, 01:00:03 am »
Never had too much what I believe to be ghostly or spiritly happen to me. I wouldn't want to, I believe in the stuff mostly, not the extreme extreme stuff.

The most legit I've probably got is that a couple of years ago in late May when my Great Grandmother died. The night she died, if I recall correctly it was about 3:20 in the morning, well anyway, all her close family were there. My Great Grandad, Grandma, Great Uncle, Auntie etc. So really my mum was the closest family member not to be there with her at that time. This was before my parents split up and so we all lived at home then, and in the morning my mum said that she'd been woken up at about 3:20, because she'd looked at her clock, the exact time that my Great Grandma died. She believes, or maybe my dad did, that it could have been her grandma saying bye to her, as she wasn't there with the others. I'd like to think so, a happy ending to a horrible time really.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #321 on: July 16, 2011, 02:06:33 am »
What if we're the ghosts?  :wave
I just watched my dog chase his tail for 10 minutes and thought, "Wow, dogs are easily entertained." Then I realized I just watched my dog chase his tail for 10 minutes...

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #322 on: July 16, 2011, 02:08:08 am »
What if we're the ghosts?  :wave

I feel sorry for the poor fucker who my brother's haunting then.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #323 on: July 16, 2011, 04:50:53 am »
I personally have no experiences, but I do have a good story involving friends.

Since I'm a male at university in the states I decided to join a fraternity. The national office of the fraternity is held in an old house called Laurel Hall. The hall was finished in 1916 by a banking professional for the amazing sum of $2.1m in 1916 money. I've been there many times, it's a beautiful house with a 4 story wrapping staircase. The family fell on hard times financially during the first World War then, to quote from the website...

Personal tragedy also struck the Fletchers that year. Stoughton's wife, May, had been afflicted with stomach problems and "nervous trouble." After a trip to New York brought no relief, she took her own life by ingesting Prussian Acid, a poison. Her mother, Mrs. Eva Henley, found her daughter's body and, in a fit of despair, drank the remaining acid and died minutes later. Stoughton was in Chicago on business, and immediately returned to Indianapolis. This tragedy was the banner headline of the Indianapolis News on March 23, 1921, a sad reminder of the enormous influence of the Fletchers on Indianapolis life.

The family soon left the house and it exchanged hands between schools, think tanks, and other organizations till my fraternity got it. They invested several million in a refurbishment, including living quarters for traveling consultants for the fraternity, a bar in the basement, and laundry facilities.

There are four stories from Laurel Hall that happened to good friends, working as consultants, within this past year.

One consultant came back late at night from a tour on the road to do some laundry in the basement. The laundry room door is a very heavy steel door, as he was doing his laundry this door slammed shut behind him and the room instantly got cold. He said "fuck it" and ran upstairs and finished his laundry the next day. This was the weakest of stories.

Another consultant also came back late one night to do some laundry. As he was walking down the hallway towards the laundry room and he started hearing music. As he walked more the music go louder. He was approaching the bar and thought someone left music on, but found it dark and shut down. He continued walking, and as the music was getting louder he started to hear people socializing too. He walked quicker to the laundry room, and the music got louder till he got to the room, and it all stopped. Again, he said "fuck it", ran out of the house, and went to his girl friends for the night.

One of my close friends and consultant was in the bar with his girl friend watching a movie in the bar and doing laundry. They both went to the laundry room and turned off the bar lights. As they were folding, she realized she forgot her coat in the bar. My buddy told her "Hey while you're there, take a few pictures when it's dark" because he heard of the stories. She left and came quickly back. She said she was freaked out in the room (he didn't tell her the stories yet) and she took photos. One of the photos has an outline of a man, standing at the bottom of a stairwell, looking up towards the camera. Unfortunately I don't have access to this photo right now, but I have seen it and it's freaky.

Last story is of a doll. In the basement there is a freaky doll that is in a glass, sealed case. This doll one day went missing and no one, from the staff to cleaners, knows where it went.

Combine this all with reports of screams at night, shadowy figures at the end of beds, pictures of the house with no one inside yet there is smoke coming out of chimneys, and so forth. While I STILL don't believe in ghosts, when your close friends come up to you and talk about their experiences like this, it does raise doubts in your mind.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #324 on: July 16, 2011, 07:55:13 pm »
Don't believe in this at all but must say horror films about hauntings or possession are the ones that scare me the most.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #325 on: July 16, 2011, 08:04:01 pm »
“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #326 on: July 16, 2011, 08:18:00 pm »
One thing about school reminds me of ghosts. Now in my senior school, there was a stairway connecting two different blocks - maths and the humanities block. For the whole duration of the 5 years I had there, they never opened the door to let anybody through. We wondered why, and often asked. The teachers said it was health and safety or such bollocks. But eventually it came out that a nun who worked there had hung herself off this stairway. Teachers confirmed this, even high up teachers in the school. A couple of them told us in year 11 that many cleaners early mornings and late nights had seen the ghost of her, and would not clean up there at all. Some people even said some students had seen her and been forced to leave, but I'm not sure on the credibility behind that. All the other stuff is true though.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 08:19:34 pm by Fiasco »

Offline Marty 85

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #327 on: July 19, 2011, 01:58:54 pm »
Strange thing happened the other day and i immediatley thought of this thread.

I'll start by telling you that my girlfriend doesn't smoke. We agreed i was allowed to smoke only in the bathroom and kitchen only. After a few parties though, when she was out, i would always allow people to smoke in the living room. So after this we had abit of barney before she outlawed it all over the house. Which is fair enough as i had taken the piss on several occasions.
Anyway, she was up at her mums last Sunday and I was just lazing about watching the golf, but, instead of going downstairs and outside I lit up in the bedroom. Now, as I’ve said, I don't believe in "ghosts" but my girls Dad died when she was just 6 and it’s not so much her 4 elder brothers that put the frighteners on me but rather the fact her old man might be watching over and looking out for her.

So, just a few moments after I'd lit up and taken a couple of puffs I heard a downstairs hallway door click and open, so I jumped up, extinguished the cigarette and whilst wafting away the smoke, shouted curiously downstairs, thinking the missus had arrived home but no reply came. I hesitated for a bit after realising there was nobody downstairs and went down to check. The hallway door leading into the living room was wide open. The way the door is it either locks closed or swings opens so it was definitely unusual, I rationalised the situation told myself it was the wind but to be honest I was a little bit freaked. Just to be safe though, I looked above, nodded, apologised and went outside to finish my smoke.   

Offline BRdispatch05

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #328 on: July 19, 2011, 10:40:24 pm »
Is it possible the door wasn't shut completely?

I don't believe in ghosts, but I went on a "ghost hunting" adventure with my buddy a couple weeks ago.

Let me explain
 He had been watching a ghost hunting show (Ghost adventures, I watched an episode and found it laughable, almost exactly like the South Park spoof of it),  and never has time to hang out anymore, but asked if I wanted to go ghost hunting one night, so I accepted. He didn't have any equipment, but I happened to have a nice camcorder with infrared, an audio recorder, and just a point and shoot camera so I grabbed all of them and headed out. There wasn't much of a plan other than head to a few spots that we have heard were "haunted".

 First we went to a bridge where supposedly a bride killed herself quite a while back... So we walk underneath, he's too embarrassed to talk or say anything while it was recording, so I just start asking questions, and slowly he joins in. It wasn't scary at all and I had more fun with it than anything (funny side story: Three other ghost hunters ran into us looking for the same lady  ;D , and asked for advice??). I figure if we had ANYTHING slightly out of the ordinary he would automatically assume it was a ghost, but we went back to the car and watched and listened. Nothing too weird, he thought he saw a shadow but I disagreed, and the only time he mentioned her name ("Bride of the Bridge" I think) the audio recorder became really static, I didn't think too much of it but thought it was strange that it happened right then.

Turns out he only knew of one place, so decided to go to the local cemetery and walk around for a bit. We walk up to a random grave and started reading it off. The guy only had one name on the grave, Mack, but the full name of his wife, 1868-1923 or something like that. Right after we finished reading it off I assumed Mack was the guys last name so I said "What is your first name, Mack?" a few other questions, walked around a little bit more, and went back to review again. We watched the entire thing and didn't notice anything right away, but rewound to the reading off the grave. We listened and I said "wait...what was that?" ....Right after I had asked what his first name was, we heard a low grumble trying to say something it sounded like. He had the audio recorder going at the same time which had better sound, so we skipped to that part, absolutely nothing!

 I'm still thinking it might have been a frog or something, but we didn't hear the noise at the time of recording (or we would have said something), and if it was a frog the audio recorder should have picked it up.

I'm contemplating posting the video, but feel weird about it

The grunt sounds like he is saying "Mack"  :D

"Mack, what is your first name?"
"It's Mack you twat"

« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 03:22:24 pm by BRDispatch05 »
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #329 on: July 19, 2011, 11:09:26 pm »
Haha. Banished to the bog for a fag... either grow a pair or quit.  ;D  ;)
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #330 on: July 20, 2011, 08:52:33 am »
Well, I've been a sceptic for a long time, but these last couple of contributions have really made me stop and think.  ???

Offline Marty 85

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #331 on: July 20, 2011, 09:07:21 am »
Haha. Banished to the bog for a fag... either grow a pair or quit.  ;D  ;)

I'm seriously considering it. Having to get up during the night and go downstairs and out the back for smoke isn't good.

Is it possible the door wasn't shut completely?

It's the most likely explanation but it was just very strange how it happened.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #332 on: July 20, 2011, 10:59:39 am »
I'm sure you're a nice person, but this is some of the most unutterable rubbish ever written on RAWK.

People making stuff up doesn't make it true and I can't believe an intelligent person could regurgitate such rubbish

i've seen worse...

but to the point i dont see how something that i have experienced and something that i believe can be dismissed as "making stuff up", i'm not religious, i'm a backer of science and would love for someone to prove the existance of ghosts using scientific method, the rise of EVP Capture on Digital Recorders  and sights on IR Cameras as well as Heat Vision camera's makes me believe that someday soon, possibly in the next 5 years, someone will capture proof.

Just because you have never experienced something doesnt mean it doesnt exsist

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #333 on: July 20, 2011, 11:05:55 am »
There are numerous accounts of animal hauntings RG, from cats and dogs to monkeys, horses (with or without riders or a coach to pull) and anything inbetween.

A coach has a ghost? Not human, not animal but an inanimate object like a carriage/coach? That wasn't even alive in the first place?

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #334 on: July 20, 2011, 11:11:15 am »
there have been sightings of ghost cars/crashes on motorways, usually in the states thoh

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #335 on: July 20, 2011, 11:13:18 am »
there have been sightings of ghost cars/crashes on motorways, usually in the states thoh

There's supposed to be a ghostly double decker bus on the M6 junction with the A666.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #336 on: July 20, 2011, 11:19:33 am »
thats a ride i dont wanna pay the fare for

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #337 on: July 20, 2011, 11:34:15 am »
There's a ghost story from the town where my college is. The story goes that a guy and a girl used to date, and the girls parents didnt approve. She would sneak out at night and go to the bottom of his street and flash her brights in her car. He would see it from the top of the street,and drive down on his motorcycle to meet up with her. There are three rather large hills on the street, and one night, while going down to meet up with the girl, the boyfriend went down one of the hills and hit a kid riding his bike, killing them both. Now, if you go to the street and flash your brights at the bottom of the street, you can see the boyfriend and his one single light from the motorcycle coming towards you.

Plenty of people I know have attempted it and have seen the lights. Here's a video evidence of someone who recorded it:

Here's some more:

« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 11:41:54 am by Silent Violet »

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #338 on: July 20, 2011, 11:53:04 am »
If you ever wondered why intelligent design, astrology, clairvoyance and all those other things crop up, you only have to read some of the claims in these threads. Bonkers the lot of you. Harmless mind you but bonkers none the less. Ghosts? my arse! Pissed more like or just plain thick. I suspect the latter with a hint of the former.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #339 on: July 20, 2011, 12:21:57 pm »
i have a reasonably high IQ and have never been drunk when i have seen a ghost... i await your next throwaway comment on the matter with interest

Offline Marty 85

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #340 on: July 20, 2011, 12:30:06 pm »
If you ever wondered why intelligent design, astrology, clairvoyance and all those other things crop up, you only have to read some of the claims in these threads. Bonkers the lot of you. Harmless mind you but bonkers none the less. Ghosts? my arse! Pissed more like or just plain thick. I suspect the latter with a hint of the former.

I'm tolerant of many things but hate these fraudsters. So much so that i have a go at anyone who believes or mentions going to one. My uncle inlaws neices all practice this voodoo shit. They advertise in the local papers, have websites and sucker all sorts of people into their "palm reading/furture tellling" sessions. It started off with just the eldest girl then she's taught the younger ones the technique of "cold reading". I would imagine it's esspecially easy now with things like Facebook. I just let them do their thing as i never see them but once we ended up back at their house for a party after a club. I left the missus talking to one of the sisters (who'd never met before) while i was in the next room talking. Next minute, Leeanne flew past me in tears, and took off without knowing where she was. I don't know where she got her information from but she told my missus a man that fitted the description of her dead father was standing near her. She maybe had good intentions but it's creepy as fuck and visibly upset Leeanne and pissed me off no end and i completley lost the rag with her. Some people may appreciate this and see it as comofrting to hear but others are very sensitive and you don't know how people are going to react, esspecially when you're chilling out, having a few drinks a party with your guard down.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #341 on: July 20, 2011, 12:36:26 pm »
i agree and have a dislike about clairvoyants and even some mediums, dereck acorah is a prime example of a faking tosser who gives those who do see spirits and ghosts a bad name.

Most clairvoyants give basic nthing answers that could apply to almost every tom dick or rachel

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #342 on: July 20, 2011, 12:36:40 pm »
If you ever wondered why intelligent design, astrology, clairvoyance and all those other things crop up, you only have to read some of the claims in these threads. Bonkers the lot of you. Harmless mind you but bonkers none the less. Ghosts? my arse! Pissed more like or just plain thick. I suspect the latter with a hint of the former.

I used to think the same until I started working in an old bar/nightclub in my town.

Needless to say, I've experienced shit that I just can't explain or rationalise.

I think loads of people go way over the top and pad out their stories/experiences but until you've experienced something that you just can't explain no matter how many times you go through it, it'll certainly make you think twice before labelling people thick.

That said, I used to consume copious amount of marijuana at the time so I might have been a bit 'sensitive'.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #343 on: July 20, 2011, 12:43:47 pm »
That said, I used to consume copious amount of marijuana at the time so I might have been a bit 'sensitive'.

That actually makes the brain and senses of the human body more receptive to information. The human brain can only process 5k bits of information per second, compared to the million bits available since it cuts down on the information needed by the mind based on past experiences. So when you take drugs, you actually have your guard down and receive more bits of information and tend to see things that are there to see, but you usually don't because your brain eliminates them.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #344 on: July 20, 2011, 01:25:50 pm »
leading on from the excellent post above, also we only see in a % of the light spectrum, many paranormal investigators use IR cameras and Multi-Spectrum cameras because of the long held belief that spirits are visible under a different part of the spectrum, one our eyes cannot see

(unless they want us too >.>   <.<   >.>)

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #345 on: July 20, 2011, 01:39:23 pm »
I used to think the same until I started working in an old bar/nightclub in my town.

Needless to say, I've experienced shit that I just can't explain or rationalise.

I think loads of people go way over the top and pad out their stories/experiences but until you've experienced something that you just can't explain no matter how many times you go through it, it'll certainly make you think twice before labelling people thick.

That said, I used to consume copious amount of marijuana at the time so I might have been a bit 'sensitive'.[/b[

lol there you go

leading on from the excellent post above, also we only see in a % of the light spectrum, many paranormal investigators use IR cameras and Multi-Spectrum cameras because of the long held belief that spirits are visible under a different part of the spectrum, one our eyes cannot see

(unless they want us too >.>   <.<   >.>)

Where does this come from? This is just something someone has made up! A slight bit of hope to cling on to and explain why they're not visible. If there are such things as ghosts why do people think we will be able to record them on various high tech devices? Is it to make them look professional, scientific perhaps or to lend abit of credibility to the rediculousness of what they're doing? I would think our own laws of physics and understanding of things wouldn't apply to them. It's like aliens, why do scientists look for habitable conditions on other planets? They're aliens, they wouldn't be anything like us and what are sustainable conditions for us may not be for them. They could breathe in fire through their arses or may not even breathe at all. It is in our nature to try to make sense and comprehend things that we don't understand. The only way we can do this is to apply the knowledge and experiences we've lived so far, but, there is noway to do this with something like "the beyond" and "spirit world" (ffs) as we've never been there.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 02:04:14 pm by Magin85 »

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #346 on: July 20, 2011, 02:19:25 pm »
i have a reasonably high IQ and have never been drunk when i have seen a ghost... i await your next throwaway comment on the matter with interest

Reasonably high compared to what? Even I have an enormous IQ compared to some of the posters in here. If you quantify your IQ based on this lot, i'd believe you.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #347 on: July 20, 2011, 03:18:40 pm »
i'll quantify my IQ on the score rather than comparatively thanks   ::) although insulting most of RAWK was a nice touch i'll give you that  ;)

The only way we can do this is to apply the knowledge and experiences we've lived so far, but, there is noway to do this with something like "the beyond" and "spirit world" (ffs) as we've never been there. unless you have seen a ghost or experienced paranormal activity that you cannot de-bunk or have captured compelling evidence on an investigation fixed that sentance for you  :P

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #348 on: July 20, 2011, 03:35:27 pm »
A coach has a ghost? Not human, not animal but an inanimate object like a carriage/coach? That wasn't even alive in the first place?

So they say.

Lyme Park down the road from Tatton Park is meant to have a ghostly funeral cortege and one of the stories I was told about Poulton Road on the Wirral (meant to be one of the most haunted roads in the country) was of a coach and horses after a coach driver fell off his coach and onto the spiked railings that run round the back of the big house at the top end of the road.

I think one theory about ghosts is that rather than a person's (or animal's) soul, it's a 'recording' of a moment in time therefore an inanimate object can be seen. If you believe in ghosts, obviously.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #349 on: July 20, 2011, 04:07:41 pm »
i'll quantify my IQ on the score rather than comparatively thanks   ::) although insulting most of RAWK was a nice touch i'll give you that  ;)

The only way we can do this is to apply the knowledge and experiences we've lived so far, but, there is noway to do this with something like "the beyond" and "spirit world" (ffs) as we've never been there. unless you have seen a ghost or experienced paranormal activity that you cannot de-bunk or have captured compelling evidence on an investigation fixed that sentance for you  :P

But nobody has ever seen a ghost or rather no such evidence exists. There is no solid proof of ghosts and the majority of cases can be rationally explained. From Rednich above being stoned off his tits and letting his imagination get the better of him to BRdispatches recording of white noise. If this is an area you want to believe in then you will find the smallest of things and immediatley label them as paranormnal. More often than not, simply excusing the most likely explanation, just because it doesn't suit your beliefs. Derren Brown made a very good, profession and open minded documentary on the subject, following one investigator over a period of months.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #350 on: July 20, 2011, 04:14:40 pm »
i'll quantify my IQ on the score rather than comparatively thanks   ::) although insulting most of RAWK was a nice touch i'll give you that  ;)

The only way we can do this is to apply the knowledge and experiences we've lived so far, but, there is noway to do this with something like "the beyond" and "spirit world" (ffs) as we've never been there. unless you have seen a ghost or experienced paranormal activity that you cannot de-bunk or have captured compelling evidence on an investigation fixed that sentance for you  :P

You have to get the insults in a bit quick round here. Basically get the first punch in before you get your head kicked in by the clever witted peeps on here.  ;)

I have never seen a vampire or a werewolf or a pixey. Yet I know they do not exist. I have seen some weird stuff in my life but i do not automatically think ghosts or other fabled phenomena. I think to myself "that was weird" and move on. Just because i cannot explain something doesn't mean its paranormal. I cannot explain the mind of a woman, yet i know there may be some hidden logic beyond the grasp of man that explains it. Hmmm...actually...
Typing with my finger on my computer. Other appendages are available.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #351 on: July 20, 2011, 04:32:38 pm »

but to the point i dont see how something that i have experienced and something that i believe can be dismissed as "making stuff up",

I don't think people are making it up. I think they are jumping to conclusions and attributing supernatural causes to natural events.

i'm not religious, i'm a backer of science and would love for someone to prove the existance of ghosts using scientific method,

Probably never going to happen. You'd have to revise some of the most fundamental laws of physics to begin with. Why would you "love" it? Sounds like you've already made up your mind and are now awaiting proof. Why not look at the proof and make up your mind?

the rise of EVP Capture on Digital Recorders  and sights on IR Cameras as well as Heat Vision camera's makes me believe that someday soon, possibly in the next 5 years, someone will capture proof.

I'm sure they will. They'd have to exist first though. So, maybe not.

Just because you have never experienced something doesnt mean it doesnt exsist

Of course not. But it doesn't mean it does either.

On a personal note, the one about the door closing frightened the shit outta me. Can't sleep now and am refusing to leave the room because I have to go through a door. I've been here for two days now. What to do??  ::) 

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #352 on: July 20, 2011, 04:45:26 pm »
i'm not a believer in ghosts, i do respect people who tell their "real life stories" though as some of them are funny, but there is one thing that i have came accross but just though it was bullsh!t...

me and 3 of my friend went into a "hunted" house in carrickfergus called prospect house, it used to be a boarding house.. we were smoking a couple of doobies and having a laugh, creeping eachother out etc. but my friend had recently bought a ghostbuster ghost detection thingy ma bob just for a laugh so we were walking around the house and decided to go into the locker room/bathroom... we went into the first cubicle with the ghost detection doo hicky and did nothing, 2nd cubicle, nothing, 3rd cubicle went of the scale then the 4th and 5th, nothing... we went out to talk to our mates who were exploring somewere and told them about it, didnt believe me and so i went in with the ghost detecting thing and the exact same thing happened... we made jokes about it blah blah blah, then we left and got into my friends car, as we were driving away me and my friend were in the back seat and both looked back at the house and saw something both of our faces went white and we explained the same thing to our friends, now it was wierd but after conversating with my mates we all decided it was group paranoia, one person says something and the others sub concious believes it... good times
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #353 on: July 20, 2011, 04:52:02 pm »
Was it a giant marshmallow man in a sailor hat? Or something more subtle?
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #354 on: July 20, 2011, 04:53:06 pm »
That actually makes the brain and senses of the human body more receptive to information. The human brain can only process 5k bits of information per second, compared to the million bits available since it cuts down on the information needed by the mind based on past experiences. So when you take drugs, you actually have your guard down and receive more bits of information and tend to see things that are there to see, but you usually don't because your brain eliminates them.

I'm not sure this is right. It affects the frontal cortex which is responsible for motor function, problem solving,  memory and judgement amongst others. In other words you start to see things that aren't there because the brains judgement centres are affected. I've never heard of it your way.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #355 on: July 20, 2011, 04:55:38 pm »
leading on from the excellent post above, also we only see in a % of the light spectrum, many paranormal investigators use IR cameras and Multi-Spectrum cameras because of the long held belief that spirits are visible under a different part of the spectrum, one our eyes cannot see

What? If it was that easy, we'd be able to measure, and therefore prove, their existence.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #356 on: July 21, 2011, 09:28:25 am »
why would i "love" it, mainly because then science would back up my beliefs, i think thats a given, if science proved the exsistance of god wouldnt christians/muslims/whatever be pleased that their beliefs had been validated?

i am well aware that the science behind the study of the paranormal is flaky at best, but because i Know (subjective) that ghosts exist i believe that there is the science out there to prove it.

everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the matter but it just bugs me that people dismiss the idea as quickly as they do

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #357 on: July 21, 2011, 01:49:23 pm »
Fair enough Lostpet. It's just I'm always confused by people who put the belief first and want science to explain second. Never understood why they don't want to do it the other way round.  :-\

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #358 on: July 21, 2011, 01:53:11 pm »
"it is different to believe than to know" - Constantine (the movie) (quote managled due to bad memory)

i'm interested in the tech thats coming out at the moment, like spirit boxes at the like...

i kind of want one, mainly because i rarely see ghosts/spirits but can "feel" their presence (as lame as that sounds)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 01:57:43 pm by lostpet. »

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #359 on: July 21, 2011, 01:54:26 pm »
Fair enough Lostpet. It's just I'm always confused by people who put the belief first and want science to explain second. Never understood why they don't want to do it the other way round.  :-\

im the same never understood it myself, Science H. Logic catch a grip! (sorry south park joke)

i can never understand how people can denounce fact for belief.. just never clicked with me, however i do have the utmost respect for people with faith.
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