Qualify in the sale tomorrow, can try and get someone 2 if they need. PM if so! Cheers
It was poodle. She was rocking a fucking poodle to sleep.
A guaranteed sale is sold out 🤔🤔🤔
Sold out as in refresh and you might get one?
I was 14,000 odd A lad in the group chat was 34th and it was still sold out! More dodgy goings on, first Newcastle now this
i watched the chelsea game at my sisters. her 12 year old son is severly autistic and i forgot myself and jumped up screaming at the goal and he went nuts. screaming and shouting. scared the fuck out of me. apologised to my sister as i thought id upset him, turns out he was joining in.
Tried refreshing and got booted back to queue again......with a queue number of 782682, ha ! Does that actually equate to number of people in queue ?!
No, that's not the number in the queue
What’s the script with this blocking? Will it have sorted itself out by the next sale or are the blocked devices blocked for good?
It can take anything up to 36 hours to be unblocked which is a bit longer then the advice that I was given from LFCnoHelp a few weeks ago, ''try again in 20 mins''
I’ve been refreshing over an hour now. It’s still letting you in so there are obviously still some basketed tickets not completed.
or they just can't be arsed to take it down
But it happens automatically? Hopefully done by Bournemouth on Monday.
Anyone got any news on tickets in the home end. Doesn’t seem to be any selling details on their website yet
Yes it 'should do' but if there is 1 thing that I have learnt from dealing with the TO for 20+ years, is to expect the unexpected although since the start of last season, they have got far far worse then they have ever been.God I miss Joan
Yep.....and the other one, was it Sheila ?