Author Topic: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?  (Read 7980 times)

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Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« on: August 5, 2017, 02:19:38 pm »
Read it and weep.

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis.

Jasu Hu

One day last summer, around noon, I called Athena, a 13-year-old who lives in Houston, Texas. She answered her phone—she’s had an iPhone since she was 11—sounding as if she’d just woken up. We chatted about her favorite songs and TV shows, and I asked her what she likes to do with her friends. “We go to the mall,” she said. “Do your parents drop you off?,” I asked, recalling my own middle-school days, in the 1980s, when I’d enjoy a few parent-free hours shopping with my friends. “No—I go with my family,” she replied. “We’ll go with my mom and brothers and walk a little behind them. I just have to tell my mom where we’re going. I have to check in every hour or every 30 minutes.”

Those mall trips are infrequent—about once a month. More often, Athena and her friends spend time together on their phones, unchaperoned. Unlike the teens of my generation, who might have spent an evening tying up the family landline with gossip, they talk on Snapchat, the smartphone app that allows users to send pictures and videos that quickly disappear. They make sure to keep up their Snapstreaks, which show how many days in a row they have Snapchatted with each other. Sometimes they save screenshots of particularly ridiculous pictures of friends. “It’s good blackmail,” Athena said. (Because she’s a minor, I’m not using her real name.) She told me she’d spent most of the summer hanging out alone in her room with her phone. That’s just the way her generation is, she said. “We didn’t have a choice to know any life without iPads or iPhones. I think we like our phones more than we like actual people.”

I’ve been researching generational differences for 25 years, starting when I was a 22-year-old doctoral student in psychology. Typically, the characteristics that come to define a generation appear gradually, and along a continuum. Beliefs and behaviors that were already rising simply continue to do so. Millennials, for instance, are a highly individualistic generation, but individualism had been increasing since the Baby Boomers turned on, tuned in, and dropped out. I had grown accustomed to line graphs of trends that looked like modest hills and valleys. Then I began studying Athena’s generation.

Around 2012, I noticed abrupt shifts in teen behaviors and emotional states. The gentle slopes of the line graphs became steep mountains and sheer cliffs, and many of the distinctive characteristics of the Millennial generation began to disappear. In all my analyses of generational data—some reaching back to the 1930s—I had never seen anything like it.

The allure of independence, so powerful to previous generations, holds less sway over today’s teens.
At first I presumed these might be blips, but the trends persisted, across several years and a series of national surveys. The changes weren’t just in degree, but in kind. The biggest difference between the Millennials and their predecessors was in how they viewed the world; teens today differ from the Millennials not just in their views but in how they spend their time. The experiences they have every day are radically different from those of the generation that came of age just a few years before them.

What happened in 2012 to cause such dramatic shifts in behavior? It was after the Great Recession, which officially lasted from 2007 to 2009 and had a starker effect on Millennials trying to find a place in a sputtering economy. But it was exactly the moment when the proportion of Americans who owned a smartphone surpassed 50 percent.

The more I pored over yearly surveys of teen attitudes and behaviors, and the more I talked with young people like Athena, the clearer it became that theirs is a generation shaped by the smartphone and by the concomitant rise of social media. I call them iGen. Born between 1995 and 2012, members of this generation are growing up with smartphones, have an Instagram account before they start high school, and do not remember a time before the internet. The Millennials grew up with the web as well, but it wasn’t ever-present in their lives, at hand at all times, day and night. iGen’s oldest members were early adolescents when the iPhone was introduced, in 2007, and high-school students when the iPad entered the scene, in 2010. A 2017 survey of more than 5,000 American teens found that three out of four owned an iPhone.

The advent of the smartphone and its cousin the tablet was followed quickly by hand-wringing about the deleterious effects of “screen time.” But the impact of these devices has not been fully appreciated, and goes far beyond the usual concerns about curtailed attention spans. The arrival of the smartphone has radically changed every aspect of teenagers’ lives, from the nature of their social interactions to their mental health. These changes have affected young people in every corner of the nation and in every type of household. The trends appear among teens poor and rich; of every ethnic background; in cities, suburbs, and small towns. Where there are cell towers, there are teens living their lives on their smartphone.

To those of us who fondly recall a more analog adolescence, this may seem foreign and troubling. The aim of generational study, however, is not to succumb to nostalgia for the way things used to be; it’s to understand how they are now. Some generational changes are positive, some are negative, and many are both. More comfortable in their bedrooms than in a car or at a party, today’s teens are physically safer than teens have ever been. They’re markedly less likely to get into a car accident and, having less of a taste for alcohol than their predecessors, are less susceptible to drinking’s attendant ills.

Psychologically, however, they are more vulnerable than Millennials were: Rates of teen depression and suicide have skyrocketed since 2011. It’s not an exaggeration to describe iGen as being on the brink of the worst mental-health crisis in decades. Much of this deterioration can be traced to their phones.

Even when a seismic event—a war, a technological leap, a free concert in the mud—plays an outsize role in shaping a group of young people, no single factor ever defines a generation. Parenting styles continue to change, as do school curricula and culture, and these things matter. But the twin rise of the smartphone and social media has caused an earthquake of a magnitude we’ve not seen in a very long time, if ever. There is compelling evidence that the devices we’ve placed in young people’s hands are having profound effects on their lives—and making them seriously unhappy.

In the early 1970s, the photographer Bill Yates shot a series of portraits at the Sweetheart Roller Skating Rink in Tampa, Florida. In one, a shirtless teen stands with a large bottle of peppermint schnapps stuck in the waistband of his jeans. In another, a boy who looks no older than 12 poses with a cigarette in his mouth. The rink was a place where kids could get away from their parents and inhabit a world of their own, a world where they could drink, smoke, and make out in the backs of their cars. In stark black-and-white, the adolescent Boomers gaze at Yates’s camera with the self-confidence born of making your own choices—even if, perhaps especially if, your parents wouldn’t think they were the right ones.

Fifteen years later, during my own teenage years as a member of Generation X, smoking had lost some of its romance, but independence was definitely still in. My friends and I plotted to get our driver’s license as soon as we could, making DMV appointments for the day we turned 16 and using our newfound freedom to escape the confines of our suburban neighborhood. Asked by our parents, “When will you be home?,” we replied, “When do I have to be?”

But the allure of independence, so powerful to previous generations, holds less sway over today’s teens, who are less likely to leave the house without their parents. The shift is stunning: 12th-graders in 2015 were going out less often than eighth-graders did as recently as 2009.

Today’s teens are also less likely to date. The initial stage of courtship, which Gen Xers called “liking” (as in “Ooh, he likes you!”), kids now call “talking”—an ironic choice for a generation that prefers texting to actual conversation. After two teens have “talked” for a while, they might start dating. But only about 56 percent of high-school seniors in 2015 went out on dates; for Boomers and Gen Xers, the number was about 85 percent.

The decline in dating tracks with a decline in sexual activity. The drop is the sharpest for ninth-graders, among whom the number of sexually active teens has been cut by almost 40 percent since 1991. The average teen now has had sex for the first time by the spring of 11th grade, a full year later than the average Gen Xer. Fewer teens having sex has contributed to what many see as one of the most positive youth trends in recent years: The teen birth rate hit an all-time low in 2016, down 67 percent since its modern peak, in 1991.

Even driving, a symbol of adolescent freedom inscribed in American popular culture, from Rebel Without a Cause to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, has lost its appeal for today’s teens. Nearly all Boomer high-school students had their driver’s license by the spring of their senior year; more than one in four teens today still lack one at the end of high school. For some, Mom and Dad are such good chauffeurs that there’s no urgent need to drive. “My parents drove me everywhere and never complained, so I always had rides,” a 21-year-old student in San Diego told me. “I didn’t get my license until my mom told me I had to because she could not keep driving me to school.” She finally got her license six months after her 18th birthday. In conversation after conversation, teens described getting their license as something to be nagged into by their parents—a notion that would have been unthinkable to previous generations.

Independence isn’t free—you need some money in your pocket to pay for gas, or for that bottle of schnapps. In earlier eras, kids worked in great numbers, eager to finance their freedom or prodded by their parents to learn the value of a dollar. But iGen teens aren’t working (or managing their own money) as much. In the late 1970s, 77 percent of high-school seniors worked for pay during the school year; by the mid-2010s, only 55 percent did. The number of eighth-graders who work for pay has been cut in half. These declines accelerated during the Great Recession, but teen employment has not bounced back, even though job availability has.

Of course, putting off the responsibilities of adulthood is not an iGen innovation. Gen Xers, in the 1990s, were the first to postpone the traditional markers of adulthood. Young Gen Xers were just about as likely to drive, drink alcohol, and date as young Boomers had been, and more likely to have sex and get pregnant as teens. But as they left their teenage years behind, Gen Xers married and started careers later than their Boomer predecessors had.

Gen X managed to stretch adolescence beyond all previous limits: Its members started becoming adults earlier and finished becoming adults later. Beginning with Millennials and continuing with iGen, adolescence is contracting again—but only because its onset is being delayed. Across a range of behaviors—drinking, dating, spending time unsupervised— 18-year-olds now act more like 15-year-olds used to, and 15-year-olds more like 13-year-olds. Childhood now stretches well into high school.

Why are today’s teens waiting longer to take on both the responsibilities and the pleasures of adulthood? Shifts in the economy, and parenting, certainly play a role. In an information economy that rewards higher education more than early work history, parents may be inclined to encourage their kids to stay home and study rather than to get a part-time job. Teens, in turn, seem to be content with this homebody arrangement—not because they’re so studious, but because their social life is lived on their phone. They don’t need to leave home to spend time with their friends.

If today’s teens were a generation of grinds, we’d see that in the data. But eighth-, 10th-, and 12th-graders in the 2010s actually spend less time on homework than Gen X teens did in the early 1990s. (High-school seniors headed for four-year colleges spend about the same amount of time on homework as their predecessors did.) The time that seniors spend on activities such as student clubs and sports and exercise has changed little in recent years. Combined with the decline in working for pay, this means iGen teens have more leisure time than Gen X teens did, not less.

So what are they doing with all that time? They are on their phone, in their room, alone and often distressed.

Jasu Hu
One of the ironies of iGen life is that despite spending far more time under the same roof as their parents, today’s teens can hardly be said to be closer to their mothers and fathers than their predecessors were. “I’ve seen my friends with their families—they don’t talk to them,” Athena told me. “They just say ‘Okay, okay, whatever’ while they’re on their phones. They don’t pay attention to their family.” Like her peers, Athena is an expert at tuning out her parents so she can focus on her phone. She spent much of her summer keeping up with friends, but nearly all of it was over text or Snapchat. “I’ve been on my phone more than I’ve been with actual people,” she said. “My bed has, like, an imprint of my body.”

In this, too, she is typical. The number of teens who get together with their friends nearly every day dropped by more than 40 percent from 2000 to 2015; the decline has been especially steep recently. It’s not only a matter of fewer kids partying; fewer kids are spending time simply hanging out. That’s something most teens used to do: nerds and jocks, poor kids and rich kids, C students and A students. The roller rink, the basketball court, the town pool, the local necking spot—they’ve all been replaced by virtual spaces accessed through apps and the web.

You might expect that teens spend so much time in these new spaces because it makes them happy, but most data suggest that it does not. The Monitoring the Future survey, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and designed to be nationally representative, has asked 12th-graders more than 1,000 questions every year since 1975 and queried eighth- and 10th-graders since 1991. The survey asks teens how happy they are and also how much of their leisure time they spend on various activities, including nonscreen activities such as in-person social interaction and exercise, and, in recent years, screen activities such as using social media, texting, and browsing the web. The results could not be clearer: Teens who spend more time than average on screen activities are more likely to be unhappy, and those who spend more time than average on nonscreen activities are more likely to be happy.

There’s not a single exception. All screen activities are linked to less happiness, and all nonscreen activities are linked to more happiness. Eighth-graders who spend 10 or more hours a week on social media are 56 percent more likely to say they’re unhappy than those who devote less time to social media. Admittedly, 10 hours a week is a lot. But those who spend six to nine hours a week on social media are still 47 percent more likely to say they are unhappy than those who use social media even less. The opposite is true of in-person interactions. Those who spend an above-average amount of time with their friends in person are 20 percent less likely to say they’re unhappy than those who hang out for a below-average amount of time.

The more time teens spend looking at screens, the more likely they are to report symptoms of depression.
If you were going to give advice for a happy adolescence based on this survey, it would be straightforward: Put down the phone, turn off the laptop, and do something—anything—that does not involve a screen. Of course, these analyses don’t unequivocally prove that screen time causes unhappiness; it’s possible that unhappy teens spend more time online. But recent research suggests that screen time, in particular social-media use, does indeed cause unhappiness. One study asked college students with a Facebook page to complete short surveys on their phone over the course of two weeks. They’d get a text message with a link five times a day, and report on their mood and how much they’d used Facebook. The more they’d used Facebook, the unhappier they felt, but feeling unhappy did not subsequently lead to more Facebook use.

Social-networking sites like Facebook promise to connect us to friends. But the portrait of iGen teens emerging from the data is one of a lonely, dislocated generation. Teens who visit social-networking sites every day but see their friends in person less frequently are the most likely to agree with the statements “A lot of times I feel lonely,” “I often feel left out of things,” and “I often wish I had more good friends.” Teens’ feelings of loneliness spiked in 2013 and have remained high since.

This doesn’t always mean that, on an individual level, kids who spend more time online are lonelier than kids who spend less time online. Teens who spend more time on social media also spend more time with their friends in person, on average—highly social teens are more social in both venues, and less social teens are less so. But at the generational level, when teens spend more time on smartphones and less time on in-person social interactions, loneliness is more common.

So is depression. Once again, the effect of screen activities is unmistakable: The more time teens spend looking at screens, the more likely they are to report symptoms of depression. Eighth-graders who are heavy users of social media increase their risk of depression by 27 percent, while those who play sports, go to religious services, or even do homework more than the average teen cut their risk significantly.

Teens who spend three hours a day or more on electronic devices are 35 percent more likely to have a risk factor for suicide, such as making a suicide plan. (That’s much more than the risk related to, say, watching TV.) One piece of data that indirectly but stunningly captures kids’ growing isolation, for good and for bad: Since 2007, the homicide rate among teens has declined, but the suicide rate has increased. As teens have started spending less time together, they have become less likely to kill one another, and more likely to kill themselves. In 2011, for the first time in 24 years, the teen suicide rate was higher than the teen homicide rate.

Depression and suicide have many causes; too much technology is clearly not the only one. And the teen suicide rate was even higher in the 1990s, long before smartphones existed. Then again, about four times as many Americans now take antidepressants, which are often effective in treating severe depression, the type most strongly linked to suicide.

What’s the connection between smartphones and the apparent psychological distress this generation is experiencing? For all their power to link kids day and night, social media also exacerbate the age-old teen concern about being left out. Today’s teens may go to fewer parties and spend less time together in person, but when they do congregate, they document their hangouts relentlessly—on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook. Those not invited to come along are keenly aware of it. Accordingly, the number of teens who feel left out has reached all-time highs across age groups. Like the increase in loneliness, the upswing in feeling left out has been swift and significant.

This trend has been especially steep among girls. Forty-eight percent more girls said they often felt left out in 2015 than in 2010, compared with 27 percent more boys. Girls use social media more often, giving them additional opportunities to feel excluded and lonely when they see their friends or classmates getting together without them. Social media levy a psychic tax on the teen doing the posting as well, as she anxiously awaits the affirmation of comments and likes. When Athena posts pictures to Instagram, she told me, “I’m nervous about what people think and are going to say. It sometimes bugs me when I don’t get a certain amount of likes on a picture.”

Girls have also borne the brunt of the rise in depressive symptoms among today’s teens. Boys’ depressive symptoms increased by 21 percent from 2012 to 2015, while girls’ increased by 50 percent—more than twice as much. The rise in suicide, too, is more pronounced among girls. Although the rate increased for both sexes, three times as many 12-to-14-year-old girls killed themselves in 2015 as in 2007, compared with twice as many boys. The suicide rate is still higher for boys, in part because they use more-lethal methods, but girls are beginning to close the gap.

These more dire consequences for teenage girls could also be rooted in the fact that they’re more likely to experience cyberbullying. Boys tend to bully one another physically, while girls are more likely to do so by undermining a victim’s social status or relationships. Social media give middle- and high-school girls a platform on which to carry out the style of aggression they favor, ostracizing and excluding other girls around the clock.

Social-media companies are of course aware of these problems, and to one degree or another have endeavored to prevent cyberbullying. But their various motivations are, to say the least, complex. A recently leaked Facebook document indicated that the company had been touting to advertisers its ability to determine teens’ emotional state based on their on-site behavior, and even to pinpoint “moments when young people need a confidence boost.” Facebook acknowledged that the document was real, but denied that it offers “tools to target people based on their emotional state.”

In july 2014, a 13-year-old girl in North Texas woke to the smell of something burning. Her phone had overheated and melted into the sheets. National news outlets picked up the story, stoking readers’ fears that their cellphone might spontaneously combust. To me, however, the flaming cellphone wasn’t the only surprising aspect of the story. Why, I wondered, would anyone sleep with her phone beside her in bed? It’s not as though you can surf the web while you’re sleeping. And who could slumber deeply inches from a buzzing phone?

Curious, I asked my undergraduate students at San Diego State University what they do with their phone while they sleep. Their answers were a profile in obsession. Nearly all slept with their phone, putting it under their pillow, on the mattress, or at the very least within arm’s reach of the bed. They checked social media right before they went to sleep, and reached for their phone as soon as they woke up in the morning (they had to—all of them used it as their alarm clock). Their phone was the last thing they saw before they went to sleep and the first thing they saw when they woke up. If they woke in the middle of the night, they often ended up looking at their phone. Some used the language of addiction. “I know I shouldn’t, but I just can’t help it,” one said about looking at her phone while in bed. Others saw their phone as an extension of their body—or even like a lover: “Having my phone closer to me while I’m sleeping is a comfort.”

It may be a comfort, but the smartphone is cutting into teens’ sleep: Many now sleep less than seven hours most nights. Sleep experts say that teens should get about nine hours of sleep a night; a teen who is getting less than seven hours a night is significantly sleep deprived. Fifty-seven percent more teens were sleep deprived in 2015 than in 1991. In just the four years from 2012 to 2015, 22 percent more teens failed to get seven hours of sleep.

The increase is suspiciously timed, once again starting around when most teens got a smartphone. Two national surveys show that teens who spend three or more hours a day on electronic devices are 28 percent more likely to get less than seven hours of sleep than those who spend fewer than three hours, and teens who visit social-media sites every day are 19 percent more likely to be sleep deprived. A meta-analysis of studies on electronic-device use among children found similar results: Children who use a media device right before bed are more likely to sleep less than they should, more likely to sleep poorly, and more than twice as likely to be sleepy during the day.

I’ve observed my toddler, barely old enough to walk, confidently swiping her way through an iPad.
Electronic devices and social media seem to have an especially strong ability to disrupt sleep. Teens who read books and magazines more often than the average are actually slightly less likely to be sleep deprived—either reading lulls them to sleep, or they can put the book down at bedtime. Watching TV for several hours a day is only weakly linked to sleeping less. But the allure of the smartphone is often too much to resist.

Sleep deprivation is linked to myriad issues, including compromised thinking and reasoning, susceptibility to illness, weight gain, and high blood pressure. It also affects mood: People who don’t sleep enough are prone to depression and anxiety. Again, it’s difficult to trace the precise paths of causation. Smartphones could be causing lack of sleep, which leads to depression, or the phones could be causing depression, which leads to lack of sleep. Or some other factor could be causing both depression and sleep deprivation to rise. But the smartphone, its blue light glowing in the dark, is likely playing a nefarious role.

The correlations between depression and smartphone use are strong enough to suggest that more parents should be telling their kids to put down their phone. As the technology writer Nick Bilton has reported, it’s a policy some Silicon Valley executives follow. Even Steve Jobs limited his kids’ use of the devices he brought into the world.

What’s at stake isn’t just how kids experience adolescence. The constant presence of smartphones is likely to affect them well into adulthood. Among people who suffer an episode of depression, at least half become depressed again later in life. Adolescence is a key time for developing social skills; as teens spend less time with their friends face-to-face, they have fewer opportunities to practice them. In the next decade, we may see more adults who know just the right emoji for a situation, but not the right facial expression.

I realize that restricting technology might be an unrealistic demand to impose on a generation of kids so accustomed to being wired at all times. My three daughters were born in 2006, 2009, and 2012. They’re not yet old enough to display the traits of iGen teens, but I have already witnessed firsthand just how ingrained new media are in their young lives. I’ve observed my toddler, barely old enough to walk, confidently swiping her way through an iPad. I’ve experienced my 6-year-old asking for her own cellphone. I’ve overheard my 9-year-old discussing the latest app to sweep the fourth grade. Prying the phone out of our kids’ hands will be difficult, even more so than the quixotic efforts of my parents’ generation to get their kids to turn off MTV and get some fresh air. But more seems to be at stake in urging teens to use their phone responsibly, and there are benefits to be gained even if all we instill in our children is the importance of moderation. Significant effects on both mental health and sleep time appear after two or more hours a day on electronic devices. The average teen spends about two and a half hours a day on electronic devices. Some mild boundary-setting could keep kids from falling into harmful habits.

In my conversations with teens, I saw hopeful signs that kids themselves are beginning to link some of their troubles to their ever-present phone. Athena told me that when she does spend time with her friends in person, they are often looking at their device instead of at her. “I’m trying to talk to them about something, and they don’t actually look at my face,” she said. “They’re looking at their phone, or they’re looking at their Apple Watch.” “What does that feel like, when you’re trying to talk to somebody face-to-face and they’re not looking at you?,” I asked. “It kind of hurts,” she said. “It hurts. I know my parents’ generation didn’t do that. I could be talking about something super important to me, and they wouldn’t even be listening.”

Once, she told me, she was hanging out with a friend who was texting her boyfriend. “I was trying to talk to her about my family, and what was going on, and she was like, ‘Uh-huh, yeah, whatever.’ So I took her phone out of her hands and I threw it at my wall.”

I couldn’t help laughing. “You play volleyball,” I said. “Do you have a pretty good arm?” “Yep,” she replied.

This article has been adapted from Jean M. Twenge's forthcoming book, iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy—and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood—and What That Means for the Rest of Us.
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #1 on: August 5, 2017, 03:14:04 pm »
I do often wonder how this young generation are going to turn out as adults. I know every few decades something comes along which makes older generations worry about their kids' futures (e.g. television, rock'n'roll), but this time it really does feel like high-speed internet and smartphones will have a seismic effect on them.

The article doesn't really touch on two major side effects of this that are often touted as impending big issues. Access to overwhelming amounts of porn at a very young age will likely have a massive effect on sexual habits for this young generation, with many young adults apparently already lacking interest in actual sex because they've been so numbed by exposure to porn growing up.

Also the effects of constantly being exposed to the 'perfect lives' of friends and celebrities through carefully curated social media posts are making people feel inadequate in themselves and their lives.

The internet is fucking great but I'm so so grateful that I was a kid in the 80s & 90s before it penetrated the mainstream. 

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #2 on: August 5, 2017, 03:32:12 pm »
If this continues, humans may look like this in a few hundred years

Kill the humourless

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #3 on: August 5, 2017, 03:36:18 pm »
“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
“Generosity always pays off. Generosity in your effort, in your work, in your kindness, in the way you look after people and take care of people. In the long run, if you are generous with a heart, and with humanity, it always pays off.”

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #4 on: August 5, 2017, 04:25:29 pm »
'Stand in the mirror and wait for the feedback'

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #5 on: August 5, 2017, 04:35:10 pm »

Offline McrRed

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #6 on: August 5, 2017, 08:59:29 pm »
If this continues, humans may look like this in a few hundred years


There's no phone...

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #7 on: August 6, 2017, 12:18:37 am »
'Stand in the mirror and wait for the feedback'

The Everything Now Generation.

And all the world is football shaped, It's just for me to kick in space. And I can see, hear, smell, touch, taste.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #8 on: August 6, 2017, 01:34:22 am »
They will be totally fine.

Its like comics, video nasties and Tom and Jerry would destroy us.

If anything they are better off they have a world of knowledge at their finger tips and a way to talk about it with millions of other people.

It will destroy governments not generations.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

“I carry them with me: what they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world they’re never gone from me.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #9 on: August 6, 2017, 01:42:11 am »
what was it? when I was young if you watch the TV too long you'll lose your eyesight. It didn't happen.

Smart people will generally be smart, the opposite for not so smart people and then some will be unlucky while others are not - that's it, its just life :)

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #10 on: August 6, 2017, 03:58:25 am »
They will be totally fine.

Its like comics, video nasties and Tom and Jerry would destroy us.

If anything they are better off they have a world of knowledge at their finger tips and a way to talk about it with millions of other people.

It will destroy governments not generations.

They have a world of information at their fingers, not knowledge. People don't learn anymore they just know stuff.

A perfect example would be people using Shazam. They hear a song, open the app, make note of the song and move on. Before we knew songs because we heard them and then went out of our way to find out what it was.

I was at an LCD Soundsystem gig the other week and I kid you not but someone was using Shazam while they were playing.

The one thing I can definitely say about smart phones is that they ruin your eyesight. I had laser surgery done 15 years ago. My eyes have deteriorated quite rapidly since I've used my iPhone as my mobile office.
« Last Edit: August 6, 2017, 05:00:40 am by BarryCrocker »
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #11 on: August 6, 2017, 09:05:29 am »
They will be totally fine.

Its like comics, video nasties and Tom and Jerry would destroy us.

If anything they are better off they have a world of knowledge at their finger tips and a way to talk about it with millions of other people.

It will destroy governments not generations.

Maybe, maybe not. Just one example for me. I worked at a international development consulting firm which involved working with lots of customers and clients and my employers would frequently complain about wanting to hire younger people but found increasingly that their people skills were lacking more and more. Instead of picking up the phone or inviting clients out to lunch, the young graduates would send e-mails only and assume that the job was done. The relationship part of the work has been reduced enormously and in my field this is probably the key to acquiring any new work or projects.
« Last Edit: August 6, 2017, 09:07:32 am by Seebab »
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #12 on: August 6, 2017, 09:09:58 am »
They will be totally fine.

Its like comics, video nasties and Tom and Jerry would destroy us.

If anything they are better off they have a world of knowledge at their finger tips and a way to talk about it with millions of other people.

It will destroy governments not generations.
Totally correct... although I'm not sure they will destroy governments any more than the printing press did.
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #13 on: August 6, 2017, 03:59:24 pm »
People have friends they will never meet, people troll for fun, Voyarism is rife,  people these days stay at home instead of socialising in pubs, clubs, coffee bars, kids would rather play a game on the phone rather than go out and try somethingelse,  people dont speak to each other i have been in homes where people text each other if they want to pass a message like your dinner is ready.

 In the end though Iphones just like any modern tech is only as good as the people using it
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #14 on: August 6, 2017, 04:26:36 pm »
People have friends they will never meet, people troll for fun, Voyarism is rife,  people these days stay at home instead of socialising in pubs, clubs, coffee bars, kids would rather play a game on the phone rather than go out and try somethingelse,  people dont speak to each other i have been in homes where people text each other if they want to pass a message like your dinner is ready.

 In the end though Iphones just like any modern tech is only as good as the people using it

The problem sounds like it comes down to money. Nobody has any.

Pubs and clubs cost. Online gaming (besides the initial outlay) does not.

Games on the phone are free. 'Trying something else' usually is not.

Everyone's broke. Jobs are shite and hard to come by. Hours are irregular and unsociable. Of course people aren't outgoing. I'd be outgoing if I didn't have to worry about how each and every non-essential spend eats into my food budget for the month.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #15 on: August 6, 2017, 04:34:10 pm »
FOMO (fear of missing out), fearing uninformidity(????) seems the norm for kids (and many young adults) today.

Physical social interaction and casual informal conversation (a learned trait) has been eliminated from the skill set of most young phone addicts that I observe.

The little fuckers almost never respond to a call because they don't want to respond until they're ready (if ever).

If you don't have kids yet, just wait.
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #16 on: August 6, 2017, 07:47:47 pm »
They will be totally fine.

Its like comics, video nasties and Tom and Jerry would destroy us.

If anything they are better off they have a world of knowledge at their finger tips and a way to talk about it with millions of other people.

It will destroy governments not generations.

Agree with this.

Each generation will have its own battles. The world is different and people adapt. Nothing new there. Previous generations won't understand and will think the new is bad. It will always be the case. That said, the one concern I'd have is not the number of hours spent on screen, it's the lack of physical movement.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #17 on: August 6, 2017, 07:56:38 pm »

It will destroy governments not generations.
Hopefully it will just change governments
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #18 on: August 6, 2017, 09:01:43 pm »
That said, the one concern I'd have is not the number of hours spent on screen, it's the lack of physical movement.

That's what Strava is for ;D
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #19 on: August 6, 2017, 10:30:12 pm »
This is a  good read jambutty, thanks. I have a 10 yr old son, to whom I gave my old iphone, and this is a concern. Thing is, he always wants to hang out with his friends in person - but in this day and age, we don't let 10 yr-olds ride their bike half a mile to their mate's house.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #20 on: August 6, 2017, 11:37:41 pm »
The youth of today certainly seem much less interested in drinking, smoking, casual sex and drugs than back in the 90s and early 2000s when if you were, or were attempting to be, one of the cool kids these were all pretty much essential activities.  As a parent now, this is a good thing, although part of me thinks they are a bunch of boring bastards nowadays.  And I think it is more than just a perception as half the nightclubs are shutting down, teenage pregnancies are much lower, and sales of booze and fags falling significantly.

But if I could have pulled online via tinder, etc (or even just watched limitless porn) and accessed literally any music I fancied at the tap of a button in the comfort of my own home, would I have still bothered sneaking into grotty nightclubs, or lying to the parents to hang out in the middle of the night taking cheap speed or drinking cider?  Maybe not.  Especially not when I needed to look good at all times when all your mates are carrying cameras with them every moment, never mind the need to post your own selfies on social media.  Teenagers these days go to the gym to look as good as they can - we played sports, but if you'd have told your mates you were going to a gym in the 90s they'd have thought you were a right weirdo.

Lots has changed, as it should.  Is it for the better?  Overall it probably is.
« Last Edit: August 6, 2017, 11:54:56 pm by armchair-fan »

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #21 on: August 6, 2017, 11:52:24 pm »
This is a  good read jambutty, thanks. I have a 10 yr old son, to whom I gave my old iphone, and this is a concern. Thing is, he always wants to hang out with his friends in person - but in this day and age, we don't let 10 yr-olds ride their bike half a mile to their mate's house.

It's mad isn't it, I have a child the same age, and wouldn't dream of letting her go off with her friends on their bikes without adult supervision, and yet when I was 10 every spare moment was spent playing football or generally larking about with my friends from school, and I'd have been mortified if my parents had hung around to keep an eye on us - and it's not like my parents were reckless people who didn't give a fuck, quite the opposite.  The 10 year old doesn't even walk to school by herself, although the plan is to introduce this come September.  It's not as if there weren't busy roads to get run over on, or paedophiles to lure you away back in the 80s and 90s, but, at least in my fairly middle class world, you'd been seen as a very bad parent if you let your Primary school age child play out by themselves.  Besides which, given a choice of running around in the park or watching endless Ryan Higa or anime videos on youtube on the tablet, the tablet would win every time.

God, I sound like an old man.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #22 on: August 7, 2017, 12:09:59 am »
If anything they are better off they have a world of knowledge at their finger tips and a way to talk about it with millions of other people.

They certainly have access to information, but do they know how to process it, how to discern truth from falsehood?

....It will destroy governments not generations.

But perhaps not just right wing ones, quite possibly democratic left wing ones too...

And anarchy will possibly prevail. Are you sure you really want that?
I don't do polite so fuck yoursalf with your stupid accusations...

Right you fuckwit I will show you why you are talking out of your fat arse...

Mutton Geoff (Obviously a real nice guy)

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #23 on: August 7, 2017, 12:21:38 am »
Bookmarking to read tomorrow.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #24 on: August 7, 2017, 01:01:07 am »
They have a world of information at their fingers, not knowledge. People don't learn anymore they just know stuff.

People don't just wake up in the morning and know things, of course they learn things. What a daft thing to say.

A perfect example would be people using Shazam. They hear a song, open the app, make note of the song and move on. Before we knew songs because we heard them and then went out of our way to find out what it was.

I was at an LCD Soundsystem gig the other week and I kid you not but someone was using Shazam while they were playing.

You went out of your way to find out what it was because you had to. Someone going to Shazam is going out of their way. Maybe not in the same way your generation had to, but they still have to take steps to find out the name of the song they are listening to. Should they not use something that is available to them just because it wasn't available 20 years ago?

The one thing I can definitely say about smart phones is that they ruin your eyesight. I had laser surgery done 15 years ago. My eyes have deteriorated quite rapidly since I've used my iPhone as my mobile office.

Even after laser eye surgery, your eyesight will naturally deteriorate somewhat 
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #25 on: August 7, 2017, 01:50:52 am »
Hopefully it will just change governments
I think the i Gen will be alright they'll adapt, they're resilient, they'll assimilate, they are like the Borg and resistance is futile now they have 4G. 
I worry more for the Millenialls  ( the I'll take Generation )  Who spend just as much time at home swiping screens and texting with the added problems of too much Skunk and E's at far too young an age to add to there future woe's .
 The Lucky few and early boomers got acid weed and a Summer of love The younger Boomers got speed, barbs and Cold War paranoia.
Generation X got acid E's, pot and a summer of love...Millenialls got every summer since and 9/11 on a comedown.
  The i Gen are too young to of been shocked on  9/11 but they've grown up through it's aftermath, this sh*t is normal to them but they do know its broken and that it need fixing.
Generation X told everyone the world is a f*cked up place and when Obama asked the millenialls "Can we fix it " ? they said "Yes we can"... But it'll be the i Gen that will get the job done.   
This Bob the Builder Generation will either be the Greatest Generation 2.0 or they'll be known in small pockets of civilization scattered around the globe as Generation Z  the last generation .
It depends how much damage the green eyed Boomers leave behind...and how the millenialls respond to it.     
« Last Edit: August 7, 2017, 01:17:38 pm by bigbonedrawky »

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #26 on: August 7, 2017, 04:02:06 am »
Some interesting points made here on things like music and sex. I think it comes down to how the internet and smartphone technology has taken the mystery out of things. Like when I was a kid, I used to program the VCR to record late-night movies, then hide the tape and wait until I had the house to myself and watch the utter tripe within just because the TV guide had an "N" for "Nudity" and I knew I'd be rewarded by the sight of a naked female breast or - on some truly memorable occasions - a bit of bush. And when it came to music, someone would tell me about an amazing Polish band called Rzywzckszczny Wlznyschczny and then one day months later I would spot one of their CDs on the shelf at some dingy underground record store, and the excitement of buying it sight unseen and taking it home on the train, reading the liner notes and wondering what I was in for, was all terribly exciting for me. These days you can just get all the boobs you want at the click of a button, and you can type any band/album - no matter how obscure - into youtube and be rewarded with the whole lot of it for free. And because you haven't learned the value of any of these things, it's all in one ear/eye and out the other.

And then there's the effect on conversation. Remember the time when someone would pose a question like "what was that movie where Bruce Willis nailed some guy's nuts to a telegraph pole with an ice pick?" and everyone would scratch their heads and someone would say "oh it was Stone Cold Killers 3" and someone would say "no you muppet, that's the one where he went ten pin bowling with a terrorist's severed head and got his finger stuck in the eye socket and went flying down the lane, so funny" and an animated and hilarious debate would ensue that threw up all sorts of brilliant movie moments? These days you ask the same question and someone immediately reaches for their smartphone and says "it was Killed By Death IV" and you go "oh yeah", and then everyone falls silent again as they scan their friends' instagram updates. It's a massive bugbear of mine. Why does everything have to be black and white and factual, why not enjoy a bit of argument and ideological kickabout?

Lots to consider as my boy (and hopefully a future sibling) grow up... right now he's amazed by everything around him in this wonderful world, it would be a shame to see him shut it out in favour of a tiny blue screen.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #27 on: August 7, 2017, 11:42:20 am »
People don't just wake up in the morning and know things, of course they learn things. What a daft thing to say.

It's not really a daft observation, it does have some merit in the context of those the article is referring to.

Their are undoubtedly many these days who simply react to whatever's on their latest data feed and too often without verifying either the source or the veracity of the message.

And when it then gets repeated and amplified and distorted in the great hall of mirrors of the web and social media, such things too often become an unassailable fact to even more people who also lack any critical nouse.

That's not learning, ie wanting to know the accurate truth about stuff.
I don't do polite so fuck yoursalf with your stupid accusations...

Right you fuckwit I will show you why you are talking out of your fat arse...

Mutton Geoff (Obviously a real nice guy)

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #28 on: August 7, 2017, 12:15:03 pm »
One of my son in laws is 40 and on it all the time.

Can tell you the jock size, weight and height of every player in every Yank sport there is.  Current and up to date on every piece of news, gossip and development.

And doesn't have a fucking word of conversation to say.
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #29 on: August 7, 2017, 01:13:25 pm »
it will only make dumb people, dumber and the rest will become either intellectually or financially richer
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #30 on: August 7, 2017, 01:38:00 pm »
Older people talking about how it wasn't like this in their day and how the new generation are the end of us all / will never survive / are going to be fucked up by video games or smartphones / etc.

'twas ever thus.
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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #31 on: August 7, 2017, 02:01:06 pm »
My lad has a iPhone but would much rather be outside with mates riding his bike or scooter, they have freedom like we did but at least I can get hold of him if needed, that's if he bloody answers.

It's the porn thing which frightens me , they are going to be disappointed if they think it's going to be like porn.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #32 on: August 7, 2017, 04:37:09 pm »
I think the smartphone could be deemed at least partially responsible for the following:

1) Limited attention span
2) Constant need for users to check the phone for Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
3) An increase in oline bullying and harassment, including increasing trolling, which leads to deep mental health issues
4) Eroding sense of appropriate interactions with people
5) An inflated sense of expertise due to a) increased access to information coupled with b) limited understanding of how to correctly interpret/read information

It's not really a daft observation, it does have some merit in the context of those the article is referring to.

Their are undoubtedly many these days who simply react to whatever's on their latest data feed and too often without verifying either the source or the veracity of the message.

And when it then gets repeated and amplified and distorted in the great hall of mirrors of the web and social media, such things too often become an unassailable fact to even more people who also lack any critical nouse.

That's not learning, ie wanting to know the accurate truth about stuff.

This. It's all about getting there first, rather getting it right nowadays. As a librarian, this has always been of my big personal pet peeves. The volume of information at our disposal is so great, but nobody has been taught to effectively discern as to what is accurate, reliable and viable. As a result, people then take that information and form their own truths or alternative facts. You even see it here in the transfer forums in the way rumour from social media becomes fact. Additionally, it allows people to form hard and firm opinions, which coupled with poor communication skills results in some of the utterly debased trolling and bullying that goes on in social media, since now everyone can be deem themselves to an expert if they want. For those people, it's not what you necessarily know, but what you feel and have been able to piece together from gathering information from your favoured sources. You only need to look at the recent bullshit Mary Beard has had to face over a fucking cartoon.

It's the porn thing which frightens me , they are going to be disappointed if they think it's going to be like porn.

And there is also the effect it has on women. Mrs RTG works in the mental health sector and the amount of stories she hears of young students who have shared intimate photographs with their significant others after a few weeks is fucking disturbing. There's also zero sense among many students of how sharing and saying things will affect them ten years down the road, when they go into the workforce.
« Last Edit: August 7, 2017, 04:39:57 pm by rafathegaffa83 »

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #33 on: August 7, 2017, 05:16:35 pm »
My lad has a iPhone but would much rather be outside with mates riding his bike or scooter, they have freedom like we did but at least I can get hold of him if needed, that's if he bloody answers.

It's the porn thing which frightens me , they are going to be disappointed if they think it's going to be like porn.

What? Porn is not porn anymore?

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #34 on: August 7, 2017, 06:01:50 pm »
It's mad isn't it, I have a child the same age, and wouldn't dream of letting her go off with her friends on their bikes without adult supervision, and yet when I was 10 every spare moment was spent playing football or generally larking about with my friends from school, and I'd have been mortified if my parents had hung around to keep an eye on us - and it's not like my parents were reckless people who didn't give a fuck, quite the opposite.  The 10 year old doesn't even walk to school by herself, although the plan is to introduce this come September.  It's not as if there weren't busy roads to get run over on, or paedophiles to lure you away back in the 80s and 90s, but, at least in my fairly middle class world, you'd been seen as a very bad parent if you let your Primary school age child play out by themselves.  Besides which, given a choice of running around in the park or watching endless Ryan Higa or anime videos on youtube on the tablet, the tablet would win every time.

God, I sound like an old man.

Ironically these days, the person running them over would probably be looking at his phone

Agree though, I'm in a very safe neighbourhood in Chicago, and everyone keeps their 10-12 year olds on a very tight leash. I think things start loosening up around the 13 yr old age, but there's just this pervasive fear that wasn't around when I was a kid. Fear of getting mugged, run over, abducted or whatever. All these things have been around forever and we are statistically safer than we have ever been.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #35 on: August 7, 2017, 06:21:37 pm »
Ironically these days, the person running them over would probably be looking at his phone

Agree though, I'm in a very safe neighbourhood in Chicago, and everyone keeps their 10-12 year olds on a very tight leash. I think things start loosening up around the 13 yr old age, but there's just this pervasive fear that wasn't around when I was a kid. Fear of getting mugged, run over, abducted or whatever. All these things have been around forever and we are statistically safer than we have ever been.
Genuine question here, why do you think this is? Both you and armchair fan mentioned that parents are not letting their kids have a bit of freedom compared to when you were kids, so what's changed?
At last the TRUTH 26th April 2016

Still don't buy the s*n.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #36 on: August 7, 2017, 06:48:00 pm »
Genuine question here, why do you think this is? Both you and armchair fan mentioned that parents are not letting their kids have a bit of freedom compared to when you were kids, so what's changed?

I'm not overly scared of something bad happening - I don't think so anyway - but society would definitely frown on me letting my kids play out, in a half-mile radius of my house, unattended. In fact, I find myself 'tutting' at the odd parent that does allow it. I don't know, it just became socially unacceptable somehow.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #37 on: August 7, 2017, 06:51:13 pm »
Constant barrage of mostly negative news. Sadly bad news captures peoples attention more often.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #38 on: August 7, 2017, 07:43:33 pm »
What? Porn is not porn anymore?

No , porn isn't normal sex, if it is I am one boring bastard.

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Re: Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
« Reply #39 on: August 7, 2017, 07:44:24 pm »
Constant barrage of mostly negative news. Sadly bad news captures peoples attention more often.
The kids dont watch the news, they're on Instagram, Snapchat, FB.  They watch fluff, games, shows, their friends cat, hamster or jackass video that must be shared, mindless claptrap, or clickbait.  Just boredom relief shit.

And they deffo don't want to be disturbed.

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