What’s your opinion on seasies deciding to take a whole season off then coming back the following season to carry on exactly where they left off without any repercussions whatsoever?
All the ways that people get a credit for a game they didn't attend are wrong. In my opinion, there should be no distribution for 13+, they have the opportunity to buy all 19 games so, why do they need free distribution. They can buy 19, forward 6 and still be 13+. There should be a rule that season ticket holders that don't attend 13+ games lose the season ticket, that levels things up. There should be no facility on the away ladders to buy tickets for a different attendee and retain the credit. The credit should go to the attendee. Just because you got on the ladder years ago , shouldn't mean you can pass on every away and keep the credits to pick and choose when you'll attend, including potential finals.