The Liverpool FC Forum > European Away forum

Venice to Ljub - Again!!!


Buck Pete:

Seen lots of posts about car spaces but its got a bit confusing

Anyone got any spaces left? Cheers

Other than that its train to tieste then trieste to Ljub on matchday. Should be a buffet car!!!

Lee J:
Would be helpful to know your flight times  ;D

Buck Pete:
yeah soz mate

Looking at Easjet flight from stanstead on either matchday or day before that gets in Venice at 10.25.


If you don't mind hanging around Venice for a few hours we have room on the coach leaving the day before the game at 14:30pm from Treviso Airport...

Returning the day after the match leaving Ljubljana at 10:00am.

£40 all in.....only a handful of spaces now left!!


Buck Pete:
Major = cheers

That sounds pretty damn good but the trouble is im ina  wheelchair so may prove difficult getting on thats why i was looking to get in a car (much easier).

Let me know what you think cheers.


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