The Liverpool FC Forum > The Boozer

Fundraising for Spinal Surgery for Cerebral Palsy

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It's been a really long time since I've posted on here. Some of you may know that I have cerebral palsy and that I'm trying to raise funds for spinal surgery that'll hugely benefit me. Not always the easiest thing to ask but I need all the help I can get. If you are able to donate anything or even just by sharing the fundraiser with others as much as possible. I would be immensely grate for any support.

Below is a link to the fundraiser which has a lot more information regarding most of the struggles I'm facing and the type of surgery it's going to be and where I have to get the surgery done as well as the Neurosurgeon performing the surgery. (A friend of mine helped me set up the fundraiser)

Also a short video showing some of the struggles I'm facing (difficult to show it all).

If anyone has any other questions I'd be happy to answer anything.

Feel free to remove the post if I'm breaching any forum rules.

Thank you.

Good luck, hope you reach your goal. I know some people who've had this surgery and it's made a dramatic difference to their lives. Think it might even be the same surgeon.


--- Quote from: redgriffin73 on March 28, 2022, 04:24:58 pm ---Good luck, hope you reach your goal. I know some people who've had this surgery and it's made a dramatic difference to their lives. Think it might even be the same surgeon.

--- End quote ---

Thanks so much. Surgery is SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy). It's definitely changed a lot of peoples lives for the better. I hope I'll be able to reach the target.

Giving this a bump.

Thought maybe I could use my artwork to help promote the fundraiser as well.

I really do need all the help I can get.

I posted on this in the Anfield Wrap thread earlier, but just giving it a bump here as well. Hope you get a good response Kamal 👍🏻


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