The Liverpool FC Forum > The Boozer

Jokes so bad they're punny

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Solomon Grundy:
I'll start you off :

There is an egg, tomato and a sausage sizzling away in a frying pan.

Sausage says to the tomato - "Bloody hell it's hot in here!"

Tomato turns to the egg and says - "Fuck me, a talking sausage!"

A man was shot dead with a starter pistol in Liverpool city centre today. Police believe it was race related.

Solomon Grundy:

--- Quote from: CHOPPERS on May  3, 2016, 07:11:54 pm ---A man was shot dead with a starter pistol in Liverpool city centre today. Police believe it was race related.

--- End quote ---

 Type of joke me auld fella would come out with that mate. ;D

I'm starting a career in window cleaning. It is just something I can see myself doing.

2 Elephants fell over a cliff.

Boom Boom


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