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Job interview - Tips

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I'm going go on my first job later today and I've googled frequenetly asked question and come up with good answers except one;

They often ask about what kind of salary you're expecting, and I just don't have a good answer. I've googled it, asked people but I really don't have any idea on what salary I should demand. I don't want to go to low and look foolish, but not to high and look greedy. So what's the best way to kind of, talk yourself out of the quesiton? How would you answer it in the best possible way?

Any other general tips for the interview?


I always hated the salary expectation question espeically when I moved abroad and had no idea of what the current salary is.

I as a rule generally try not to talk about salaries in an interview, but one technique I use if I have to know is ask them about the company.

Do they have a high staff turnover? Is there the chance for you to further yourself with them through mentoring/ training courses?

How do they feel they do compared to other companies in terms of salary and benefits? That's usally where you will get your answer as they will try to big up the salary if they are keen on you.

Aside from the salary, just ask them lots of questions and show them that if they take you on that you are willing to stay around provided they can give you the platform to better yourself and grow professionally with them that you're in it for the long haul.

If you feel it hasn't gone well jsut remember there's an extraordinary amount of stationary and valuable things that can be found in and around the reception or open office space. Nothing scream maverick more than someone who'll nick stationary when they've barely got a foot in the door!

Good luck mate :)

Sir Afghan:
Best thing to do is go loaded with questions of your own. People love talking about their work and it makes you look interested. Turn it into a conversation and not just them asking you questions. Other than that just hope for the best really.

Make sure you know about the company.... What they make, what they do.

They will want to know that you have made an effort to find out and been bothered.

things me dad told me about interviews.


all the best mate.  :wave


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