The Liverpool FC Forum > Hillsborough Memorial Board

* Implications of Attorney General's Advice re; Inquests *

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--- Quote from: uwinsa on March 11, 2014, 10:36:00 am ---Never been able to for some reason and now I've forgotten my password (this computer stays logged in)

--- End quote ---
Are you sure it's not your browser or virus protection that remembers your pass words unwinsa. easy enough to find out.

Think its fair enough

Better to be safe and not give anyone an excuse. Its such a delicate time and I agree that its better not to take any chances. Let the truth speak for itself in a proper legal environment.

I will hold back from adding anything new to the Hillsborough AV archive until the inquests have concluded to be on the safe side.

I guess it would be ok to put a message in that thread asking posters not to post any new links in there, but instead to pm them to me so I can post a record of proceedings afterwards ?


--- Quote from: That Kennedy moment on March 11, 2014, 09:28:57 am ---I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean there, Al...

--- End quote ---

Phil referred to recent "debates about crowd safety, crowd management and policing etc... "

Discussions about the reintroduction of safe standing are bound to touch on Hillsborough and posts in the threads on the Duggan inquest, the Plebgate affair and Stephen Lawrence drew comments about the behaviour of the police that could be seen as prejudicial. Are those off limits or is it just discussion of those issues as they relate directly to Hillsborough?

Sorry if the question seems pedantic but I just want to be sure.

That Kennedy moment:
Ah, got you...

Who's to know, mate? It seems the safest option - given the extraordinary dragnet the attorney general has deployed - is to refrain from any comment about Hillsborough from now on, however seemingly innocuous.


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