So, Breath of the Wild...
This is undoubtedly the most beautiful game I've ever played, and it may yet end up my favourite game, period. The most important part of an open world game is, of course, the world itself. I often have to resist the urge to simply explore every corner of the map and do missions instead. My favourite part so far has been the simple joy of making my way from A to B, with all the strange and wonderful encounters this game throws up. The designs are just stunning, again my favourite character art of any game I've played. The music is either infectiously charming or minimally atmospheric, again just beautiful.
As you can tell, I'm a fan. I do have two complaints though. The first is probably an error on my part. There are just an insane amount of ways of approaching things that I sometimes become clumsily inefficient in gameplay. Compared to other Zelda games this is incredibly complex to control. I often do something completely different to what I intend simply because I can't remember all the controls. Did anyone else have this problem?
The second issue is the one I'd heard about before. The weapon system, in particular the wearing down and breaking of your items. For me it's a regular frustration and one of the few new directions in the series that I don't agree with. Hopefully the Master Sword makes an appearance pretty soon.