I can understand the pitch with all the motion control stuff, in context to what the console actually is, but they sold it poorly. Showing a couple of dickheads milk a cow and playing showdown at high noon? What the absolute fuck was that? The initial trailer sold you on the idea of a portable console where mini controllers with motion sensors made sense. They showed it being put to use in all different kinds of scenarios, like at parties, back seats of cars, etc. The manner of the presentation made them look desperate to recapture some of the stuff that sold the Wii, when instead a technical demo with someone just standing there and explaining what the functionality of the controllers actually were with a slideshow would have been sufficient. No cheesy, cringeworthy nonsense required.
Regardless, all of that could have been laughed off but for the fact they rolled out their pricing policies on their hardware and peripherals. They might even have gotten away with all of that too if not for the lack of launch titles and their ridiculous subscription based online. Unless that actually costs about a 10'r, which it won't, then they can fuck off with that. OK, the price of the system came in a bit over what was expected. That's OK. For what it actually is, that's fine, but to slap 60 quid prices back on games, charge for shite like 1,2 Switch, and ask extortionate prices for peripherals, even if they are technically state of the art and expensive to make, well...not very consumer friendly, is it? Reminds me of the N64 and the Wii U for different reasons.
Having said all of this, they can still pull this thing out of a hole - if it's even in one, that is, going off of pre-orders. Drop the games down to acceptable pricing, open up the virtual console for their online model, bundle a game with it free of cost, and drop 20% off the costs of controllers.