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Just installed it and figured it out. Press and hold down on an image in Imgur once you have uploaded it and it should come up with Shareoptioons. Click Imgur Copy URL.

Then go to RAWK, and in your reply post, click the Image button, and paste in between the [ img] and [ /img] tags.

Like this:

Kenny's Jacket:
Are you just showing off Elmo ? ;D


--- Quote from: Kenny's Jacket on October 23, 2023, 10:21:40 am ---Are you just showing off Elmo ? ;D

--- End quote ---

I would never do it from my phone, I just installed it because I'm bored while working, and thought I could probablny help (and show off a bit  ;D)

Kenny's Jacket:

--- Quote from: reddebs on October 23, 2023, 09:41:51 am ---I have managed to do it once but I've no idea how so I'm glad I'm not the only one 😂

--- End quote ---

Yes you have to upload them.  For privacy I deleted them after posting on RAWK. If its a new account you wongt have any followers, so privacy shouldn't be a problem.

I cant do gifs off my phone.  Using RAWK on your phone is a pain.


--- Quote from: Kenny's Jacket on October 23, 2023, 10:26:56 am ---Using RAWK on your phone is a pain.
--- End quote ---

RAWK is way behind other forums with stuff like that, but I expect it takes a lot of time and a chunk of money to upgrade.


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