Yeah, they have to do this and more. I think my point is this is not the Tory party of the past, they've been hijacked by radicals. am sure many Tory voters of the past know the difference and refuse to support them but there are still plenty of gullible d/heads who still look at them as the good old Tory party. that Tory party has gone now, the ones who did put the country first etc have been purged from the party, it's not as if this was done in secret, dear old Boris and the far right kicked most out, the rest made no secret over why they left the Tory party, they had been hijacked by far right fanatics.
We see things dally that would have brought pages of outrage on here for days but it's just another day under the Torys. did anyone mention the news of Lake Windemere flooded with s,,,, yesterday am sure the majority knew but this is normal under this Tory government.
Yes I agree .the Tory party is quite the different beast it was then to now but they still heartless,nasty and down right evil whatever incantation or form it takes to suit itself.
I want labour to hammer home what they’ve done over the last 14 years and who’s been names ,remind the public the scams and tricks they’ve pulled .remind them of Ian Duncan smith and how he cheered from the rooftops about the latest wave of cuts they got through parliament.
Tell the public all about Thames water, the literal shit show it is ,shame them all the shareholders .name all the people involved in the PPE scandal ,the contracts handed out to their mates instead of contacting firms who specialised in that area .
Tell the whole world about Johnson’s disastrous handling of the Covid crisis ,the lives that could have been saved .hancocks part in it as well ,let’s see how much all these tories gained financially.
It’s payback time for the tories,labour always let them off the hook unlike the tories do with labour.if the tories are to spend the ne xt few years out of power and fighting a war within their party aperson that I find irritating themselves then let’s pile on the misery and so much shit on them that they’ll be finished.
We can’t afford the tories anymore,they’ve destroyed the country,it’s time they were destroyed.